At Least We Are All Tall Enough For Barnstormer! A June 2017 PTR...updated 6/1

I read your post then excitedly ran off to book my H&V reservation, but alas, still not open for mine. I want a Fantasmic! package so that's probably why. Lol about Chad getting all up in your planning. He needs to just trust the master. ;) Actually I was the one who suggested skipping DS for our next trip in our house and was vetoed by my DH, who has also decided he wants to meddle even though he does none of the planning. I like the menu idea! I have tried doing that but DH just ends up saying he wants everything on the menu, which is no help. I usually do it when I'm trying to decide between two places. At this point I figure I will just pick myself and he'll get what he gets and won't throw a fit. That doesn't work as well when the point is budgeting though.

I'm totally with you on starting to think about clothes! I ordered a few new Disney shirts for everyone in my family but me yesterday, since the Disney Store is having their Twice Upon a Year Sale. That thing is dangerous. Just two more days until we can start referring to our trip as happening "this year"!
Hey! Thanks for reading and replying! Yeh, I think after more research it was determined that only breakfast ADRs were loaded. I suggested the touring plans ressie finder to those waiting for lunch and dinner be that's how I discovered the breakfast was available. Do you have one set up?

Yeh, with DH I should've known he would start asserting his opinion at some It's just who he is. And he does it more so if I'm unsure of something. In this situation, I'm not unsure because I don't know what I want - which is usually the case- but because I think it's best to be flexible on the travel/arrival day. But I guess I should just state very matter of factorly what I want to happen, which is what I outlined in my post. And leave no wiggle room for him to insert his opinion into....haha. I'll know in my mind that we may have to change stuff but I don't have to tell him, right??

I have definitely ordered a bunch of clothes for the boys...their stuff is so much cheaper it seems. DH is where I'm having the hardest time. He wants to wear polos at Disney! At first he wanted the dri-fit type but my goodness, those are like $60 to $120 EACH! So he decided to just wear regular ones. Even then they are around $30-$40 each new on the Disney site. I bought him two for Christmas but I think I'm going the eBay route from here on out. I can get them for like $15 a piece there. I did get him two t-shirts from Target before he mentioned the polo thing, so he currently has 4 shirts for the trip. I'm definitely going to have to do laundry!

I need to look at Disney again but I was on their site the other day when they had free shipping for a few hours (I hate paying shipping) and got distracted and missed the window. So in protest, I didn't order anything! The good thing is that Old Navy, Target, and sometimes Children's Place has Disney clothes even cheaper than Disney Store.

Well I hope your holidays have been wonderful! I've enjoyed the time off with my boys and I'm not trying to rush Break but, like you, I'm ready to say I'm going to Disney this year! :)
I do have a reservation request in, but not for H&V. I want to change a Be Our Guest time and, of course, it's already impossible to do.

And OMG, my DH asked for the Disney dri-fit polos too! I haven't gotten him a single one because they're so expensive. Fortunately, he's happy to wear t-shirts to the parks as long as they're Disney themed, so,I think we'll stick with that for the time being. I happened to catch the free shipping window, which is why I ordered. Paying shipping drives me nuts as well! I've been spoiled by Amazon.

This break has definitely flown by! I will be traveling a lot in January for internship interviews so I've been trying to treasure the down time.
I do have a reservation request in, but not for H&V. I want to change a Be Our Guest time and, of course, it's already impossible to do.

And OMG, my DH asked for the Disney dri-fit polos too! I haven't gotten him a single one because they're so expensive. Fortunately, he's happy to wear t-shirts to the parks as long as they're Disney themed, so,I think we'll stick with that for the time being. I happened to catch the free shipping window, which is why I ordered. Paying shipping drives me nuts as well! I've been spoiled by Amazon.

This break has definitely flown by! I will be traveling a lot in January for internship interviews so I've been trying to treasure the down time.
So you have all your tp ressie finders set for BOG? I currently have none set, so if you want me to set one for H&V for you, let me know and I will. Then I can send you a FB post or msg when it pops up, if you want.

What is it with the dri-fit polos? I'm so glad your hubs is ok with the t-shirts! Oh and good job on hitting the free shipping! I knew I'd get messed up and miss And yes, I love Amazon

Early good luck on your interviews and safe travels!
So you have all your tp ressie finders set for BOG? I currently have none set, so if you want me to set one for H&V for you, let me know and I will. Then I can send you a FB post or msg when it pops up, if you want.

What is it with the dri-fit polos? I'm so glad your hubs is ok with the t-shirts! Oh and good job on hitting the free shipping! I knew I'd get messed up and miss And yes, I love Amazon

Early good luck on your interviews and safe travels!

I appreciate the offer with the reservation. I've got free space - only have the one in. Was just feeling lazy lol. I'll add one for H&V. Thanks for the suggestion!

Also thanks for the early well-wishes!
Husbands are the best when it comes to saying they "don't want to be involved", aren't they :rolleyes: Steve never wants to know where we're going on a given day in Disney until the night before. But then a couple days into the trip he'll start with, "well when are we going here?" Or, "when are we going BACK there?" or, "Why no more time HERE?" :furious: Because you didn't say you wanted to do that!!!
Then for meals he'll usually only have one request yet wrinkle his nose at least twice at what I book. And that man has been to Disney enough times to be able to give decent input, so he should!!
Glad you got your H&V :) You ate there this past June, right? Breakfast? I remember seeing pictures but can't remember the meal. If memory is serving me correctly at all, you pretty much enjoyed it, right?
Good luck with arrival day meal plans :rotfl2: I do agree you should remain flexible, but maybe not let Chad in on that tidbit of info........
Husbands are the best when it comes to saying they "don't want to be involved", aren't they :rolleyes: Steve never wants to know where we're going on a given day in Disney until the night before. But then a couple days into the trip he'll start with, "well when are we going here?" Or, "when are we going BACK there?" or, "Why no more time HERE?" :furious: Because you didn't say you wanted to do that!!!
Then for meals he'll usually only have one request yet wrinkle his nose at least twice at what I book. And that man has been to Disney enough times to be able to give decent input, so he should!!
I can totally see Chad pulling this! My saving grace is he doesn't know too much to be able to have much I will give him an attractions list at some point to see what he's interested in seeing/doing.

Glad you got your H&V :) You ate there this past June, right? Breakfast? I remember seeing pictures but can't remember the meal. If memory is serving me correctly at all, you pretty much enjoyed it, right?
We did lunch and the Fantasmic package. It was fine but the real reason I'm doing it this trip is to get signed up for Jedi Training before the 8:15 ADR. I prefer to not stand in that rope drop line again!
Good luck with arrival day meal plans :rotfl2: I do agree you should remain flexible, but maybe not let Chad in on that tidbit of info........
Yes, I think this is mòst definitely the best plan!
Odds and Ends Part 2


Ok, now that that is out of the'm back again with more odds and ends! Unfortunately, our winter break is almost over and I go back to work on Wednesday, kids are back on Thursday, but then it may actually snow here on Friday so we'll see what happens because it has the potential to shut us down here in the South!

Anyway, I wanted to get an update out before we go back to work because it may be crazy the first few days.

First off I wanted to post my new clothes that I got for the trip (thus far):
wine tank.JPG
From etsy.

tangled tank.JPG

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These three are from Hot Topic. I'm not a huge Cheshire Cat fan, but my boys are, so I got that one for them. :)

elsa tank.JPG
This one is from the Disney Parks app. I'm more of an Anna fan, but it was on sale and free shipping!

castle shirt.JPG
AK tank.JPG
Both of these are from Redbubble. I have the top one and I just ordered the bottom one. They have one more I want (well several, but this one will probably be the next one I order):
tangled 2.JPG

As far as bottoms, I have 4 pairs of skorts that I wore last year but because doing laundry won't be as easy this year, I may need to see if they have any more I may want to order. I'll keep you up to date on that.

As far as the boys, I probably have tons for them in a box upstairs. Their clothes are so cheap that I just buy whenever I see a sale I like with free shipping! Chad informed me that he wanted to wear the dri-fit Disney polos but they are so expensive, so he said just regular polos then, so I ordered 2 from Disney and 2 from eBay, plus I do have him two t-shirts from Target. I'll probably buy him a few more as we go along but I will probably still not have enough (its so hot and humid, its best to change clothes during our midday break) so I am definitely going to need a laundry strategy. It will be free because we are staying on points but we won't have a washer/dryer in the room like last June.

Okay, so I made a Disney purchase when I bought the tank (not for the parks but for home):

For some reason, I don't have the photo of the other side of the glass on this computer, even though I thought I did. If it isn't obvious, though, it's Ariel on the other side.

And I have been trying for these forever and finally got them:
castle leggings.JPG
LuLaRoe castle leggings!! I wore these to see Rogue One the other day. I also have another color of these on the way!

And I got this as one of my Christmas presents (second year in a row and I will always ask for one):
It comes with stickers to mark ADR day and FP day and days for your trip. I love it and the photos are incredible!

Moving on from purchases, let's talk Welcome Show. Hmm...not sure how I feel about this one. I'm incredibly sad that I never saw the train station one and really I should have last year but my dad dragged *ss and we never once made it. I knew for certain we would make rope drop a few days, if not more, on this upcoming trip, so I wasn't that worried about it after the last trip. But now, I'm truly down I didn't push the issue somewhat last year. Oh well. I am intrigued how the new (well I guess it is actually something they used to do) set up is going to go. It sounds like it might work out okay. Fortunately we have several months to read about personal experiences, and set up a plan, before experiencing it ourselves.

Not to get ahead of myself, but after this trip, we will probably skip a year. But, I've started working on my parents for a trip to DLR! I really, really want to get my boys out there for Carsland! So the plan would be to rent an RV for a couple weeks, drive out and spend about 3-4 days at DLR, and also do some national parks on the way there or back. Dad seems very into the idea. He has always wanted to do the RV thing, I just brought up the idea of combining it with a trip to Disneyland and he seemed fine with that. However, the other night I mentioned 2018 and he seemed more inclined to wait longer than that. Also, Mom has to be convinced. So we'll see how that goes.

A funny boys really are all boy. They don't want to watch any princess movies or girl shows (AJ does make an exception for Doc McStuffins) but they are so funny when Elena of Avalor comes on. One, they love the song! Two, if I don't change it right away, they get so caught up in the show. I know Will would meet her, no problem, but AJ would totally protest, so we probably won't. Regardless, its funny how they act!

So far I've given my DH two menus. I meant to give him more today because he was off but I actually went and ran errands earlier so I could do it without children and then after I got back and we had dinner, he got called into work. Anyway, I mentioned giving him Roaring Fork first. I gave him Columbia Harbor House next. We decided we will both order a different entree and share: Friend Shrimp and the Lobster Roll. So, I think he is taking it seriously and seems to be into it. I'm going to continue with easy ones and leave the harder ones (Sanaa) for last.

I feel like I need to get started on the first draft of my touring plans. I have done a first draft of AK and I started one day of MK. But both of those aren't going to be anywhere near complete until probably mid-May once we get the (mostly) final hours posted. Obviously though, I can't wait that long because our Fast Pass day is Tuesday, April 4th, during Spring Break week. We are supposed to go to the beach and stay with friends a few days that week and I totally want to push it later in the week just for the FP reason. I want to be home where I have all my notes and resources! Again, we'll see how it goes.

Oh, and I'll be waiting on info about AK....not for ROL (I'm done waiting on that - if it happens, great, otherwise, whatever), but for Pandora. It will definitely effect our plans if part or all of it opens before our trip. I'm more inclined to think it won't be ready but honestly, anybody's guess is as good as mine!

I think that's it for now. Not sure when another update post will come...maybe once I have a few touring plans to post...but I'll be around. Just not much in the way of serious trip planning between ADR and FP day. Thanks for reading!

Up next: Initial Touring Plans: Sunday, June 4 - MK Day 1
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I'm so hoping Pandora opens in May before our trip on the 18th, but I pretty much know beyond a doubt that's not happening lol. Since they're saying "summer" I'm expecting.......nothing until it opens :rolleyes: I'm fairly positive we'll be going with the boys in late Aug. so *fingers crossed* it's open then! ROL? Whatever......
I really like the tanks from RedBubble, I've gotten t shirts there but have never even looked at the tanks. Going to do that now for May. I want to get to DLR too, but Steve wants to wait until Chris is older because he complains enough on the 2.5 hour flights to Orlando; forget the 6 hour to California. Unfortunately I don't think he'll ever stop being a complainer so that trip may have to wait until both boys are out of the house!
Also FYI, you're farther along with your June plans than I am with May :scared:
I'm so hoping Pandora opens in May before our trip on the 18th, but I pretty much know beyond a doubt that's not happening lol. Since they're saying "summer" I'm expecting.......nothing until it opens :rolleyes: I'm fairly positive we'll be going with the boys in late Aug. so *fingers crossed* it's open then! ROL? Whatever......
I really like the tanks from RedBubble, I've gotten t shirts there but have never even looked at the tanks. Going to do that now for May. I want to get to DLR too, but Steve wants to wait until Chris is older because he complains enough on the 2.5 hour flights to Orlando; forget the 6 hour to California. Unfortunately I don't think he'll ever stop being a complainer so that trip may have to wait until both boys are out of the house!
Also FYI, you're farther along with your June plans than I am with May :scared:
Be prepared for pages and pages of But there are some really nice ones. And yes I'm further along but I had a head start! I started planning on the car ride home from Disney....hahaha.

My DH is so not interested in the RV ride to DLR. he said, "I'll leave that to you!"
Husbands are the best when it comes to saying they "don't want to be involved", aren't they :rolleyes: Steve never wants to know where we're going on a given day in Disney until the night before. But then a couple days into the trip he'll start with, "well when are we going here?" Or, "when are we going BACK there?" or, "Why no more time HERE?" :furious: Because you didn't say you wanted to do that!!!
Then for meals he'll usually only have one request yet wrinkle his nose at least twice at what I book. And that man has been to Disney enough times to be able to give decent input, so he should!!
Glad you got your H&V :) You ate there this past June, right? Breakfast? I remember seeing pictures but can't remember the meal. If memory is serving me correctly at all, you pretty much enjoyed it, right?
Good luck with arrival day meal plans :rotfl2: I do agree you should remain flexible, but maybe not let Chad in on that tidbit of info........

Just saw this as I was scrolling down. Josh is like that too :rotfl: Doesn't want to be involved in the planning process, or will ask to pick some restaurants then always tell me I know best so I should pick but when we get there he'll ask why we didn't go to certain places. He also will not let me read him my itineraries ahead of time but asks what we're doing the night before each day. I don't really mind picking things though, and I run changes by him even if he doesn't understand what I'm talking about. He's usually fine with what I pick and trusts that it'll be good, but I do want his input if he wants to do something; and I would prefer it before we get there :laughing:

Both of these are from Redbubble. I have the top one and I just ordered the bottom one. They have one more I want (well several, but this one will probably be the next one I order):

Ooo I like the top one.
Just saw this as I was scrolling down. Josh is like that too :rotfl: Doesn't want to be involved in the planning process, or will ask to pick some restaurants then always tell me I know best so I should pick but when we get there he'll ask why we didn't go to certain places. He also will not let me read him my itineraries ahead of time but asks what we're doing the night before each day. I don't really mind picking things though, and I run changes by him even if he doesn't understand what I'm talking about. He's usually fine with what I pick and trusts that it'll be good, but I do want his input if he wants to do something; and I would prefer it before we get there :laughing:
Ok, so I know for sure now this is the I'm sure my DH will probably be even worse on the next trip when he actually has some experience! I'm glad I'm doing the menus and the attraction list (even though he's only been to MK and Epcot 35 years ago!), bc then he can't say I didn't ask!

Ooo I like the top one.
And the photo doesn't do it justice, it's really beautiful! But their tanks are $32 so I can't really justify too many from there. Mostly I get them from Hot Topic bc they usually have a sale.

Thanks for reading!
i love your tank tops and outfits! The castle leggings are super cute! My friend has a ton of lularoe. I'm gonna see if she can get the castle print too although I guess they are considered rare.

I agree in your last post about how I like the dining plan and all but I am a grazer and prefer to eat what I like and when. I also will make do with one meal a day and a bunch of snacks, or sometimes just have the dessert party for dinner, hehe, especially since they now serve some savories and it's not just all sweets.
i love your tank tops and outfits!
Thank you! I am in love with so many different ones and while I do wear two a day, I have to stop the spending at some point! :)

The castle leggings are super cute! My friend has a ton of lularoe. I'm gonna see if she can get the castle print too although I guess they are considered rare.
Yes, they are considered "unicorns" so people will buy them and flip them at higher prices or consultants will put then in outfits so you have to buy a top, as well. The black ones I have on I paid $45 for and at first I sworn I would never buy above retail ($25). My friend got me a blue pair at retail, though! Thank goodness. So they are still out there but most of them are above retail.

I agree in your last post about how I like the dining plan and all but I am a grazer and prefer to eat what I like and when. I also will make do with one meal a day and a bunch of snacks, or sometimes just have the dessert party for dinner, hehe, especially since they now serve some savories and it's not just all sweets.
Exactly this! I rarely sit down and eat heavy meals. All that does it make me sleepy, which doesn't fare well in Disney and in the heat of June. So even if I ordered a steak somewhere, I'm usually going to wrap up half to bring back to the room (or home) with me. And the snacks at Disney tend to be delicious and plentiful, so I love the opportunity to grab one every few hours. :)
So yes, there is a lot of rope drop mornings, and I truly want to try to hit them all

Same!! I'm super nervous that I won't make ours but that's not stopping me from trying!

One - I like that my DH is hands off on the planning but I don't like how I can't bounce things off him

Andrew is the same way! He wants no part of planning- but always has an opinion after the fact..drives me nuts!

The stand outs are a frozen run and coke (love frozen cokes) or an Island Cappucino (too hot?) from Isle of Java, a Tikiti Punch or Sugar Cane Mojito from Dawa Bar, a Pineapple Dole Whip with rum from Tamu Tamu (of course!), and a Himalayan Ghost from Thirsty River. Anybody have any input on these or others you really liked?

Those all sound amazing! I really like the Backscratcher @ Tambu Lounge (bonus: it comes with an actual back scratcher!) The Avocado Margarita @ La Cava is also amazing. I was super hesitant to try it, but it is life changing. Andrew had a jalapeño margarita from Dockside Margaritas @ Disney Springs last year that he really enjoyed, I'm not in to spice so I passed on it, but if that's your thing he swears by it!

Another thing I am starting is giving my DH menus to look at and pick what he thinks he may order.

This. Is. Genius. Totally stealing this!

I also LOVE your outfits! So adorable! I had no idea Hot Topic had such a selection of Disney stuff!
Same!! I'm super nervous that I won't make ours but that's not stopping me from trying!
It definitely won't be easy for us, but I will do my best to get them going!

Andrew is the same way! He wants no part of planning- but always has an opinion after the fact..drives me nuts!
From what I'm reading, many DH's and SO's are this way!

Those all sound amazing! I really like the Backscratcher @ Tambu Lounge (bonus: it comes with an actual back scratcher!) The Avocado Margarita @ La Cava is also amazing. I was super hesitant to try it, but it is life changing. Andrew had a jalapeño margarita from Dockside Margaritas @ Disney Springs last year that he really enjoyed, I'm not in to spice so I passed on it, but if that's your thing he swears by it!
So I've had several convos about the avocado marg. I love me a good margarita but I don't like avocado. But then I was told it doesn't taste like avocado! Score! But then it was mentioned that it has a banana taste. Back to nope. But I'm sure there are others I'll love! Oh and this drink list is only from AK! I still have to work on DHS, Epcot, and Disney Springs! Lol

This. Is. Genius. Totally stealing this!
Feel free!

I also LOVE your outfits! So adorable! I had no idea Hot Topic had such a selection of Disney stuff!
I never knew either until I asked for recommendations here on the Disboards before my trip last June!

Thanks for reading!
Initial Touring Plans: Sunday, June 4 - MK Day 1

Okay, so I am kind of bored with the planning process right now...not much going on. So I decided to start working on some initial touring plans knowing the hours and the plans will most likely change. But its all in good fun, right? Well since I started on them, I figured I might as well post them since I don't really have much anything else to post about. That way, you guys can critique what I have so far! :)

I'm skipping over arrival day because we aren't going to the parks. But I will give you a brief run down. I think I mentioned arrival between 1 and 3pm, get in the room, unpack, swim if time, eat before-during-after(?) swim (food from Roaring Fork), shower, change, Disney Springs. Planning Lego Store, Once Upon A Toy, World of Disney, Tren-D, Uniqlo, Amorette's Patisserie, Goofy's Candy Company, and maybe a few more if we have time. I don't want to be out really late as I want us to be rested up for our first day in the parks with a rope drop start (which might be at 8am...who knows at this point, right?).

So onto the Day 1 Touring Plan:
MK 6-4 FP.png
Ok, so just FYI...I am scheduling myself for 7DMT and everyone else for Pooh. I'd like to see if Will would ride it with me but I have no idea if he will be tall enough by then. He says he wants to ride it when he watches the video but the situation is so iffy, I'm just not sure I want to plan for it. In any case, in the plans, you'll see I have 7DMT, then Pooh. I would like to see if after I tap for 7D, I can add Pooh as an additional one for myself so we can all ride it together. I feel like maybe my chances will be better because I'll only be looking for one...but we'll see.
MK 6-4 part 1.png
So, my question here lies with opening time. Last year, MK opened at 8am on this Sunday. Actually it opened at 8am most of the week but then I guess the rest of the month it did not open very much at 8. Not sure if that was based on crowd predictions or what, but I really have no idea what to expect here. Also EMM looks like it is now being scheduled for the future on Sundays. However, they skipped our week so I'm not really sure if they will add it later or they deem it to busy do to it? So many questions...and I don't really expect any answers until mid-May. So we will go with what we have and if they give us an extra hour, we will figure it out then.
MK 6-4 part 2.png
So my boys specifically asked to meet Peter Pan awhile back - AJ now says no but too bad, so sad...its on the I used Kenny the Pirates current schedule to plan this meet but that could easily change so I'll have to check it closer to our dates to know for sure when we need to line up. Because we take a midday break though, we aren't as flexible with our time, so hopefully I won't have to adjust too much.

For our break, I had planned some swimming (30 minutes to an hour) and some resting. DH is resistant to the swimming part because he says that isn't restful. Whatevs. I had planned to let the boys play while I had a beverage from the Trout Pass Pool Bar and I thought that sounded fairly restful. :confused3 So we'll see how it all shakes out. It may end up being AJ and me for most of our swims, while Will and DH hang in the room. However, I think Will would have fun at the pool, too, so again, just a wait and see, be flexible kind of thing.

I'm thinking I'll need to do laundry on our breaks as well, but I'm fairly certain I can just load up the washer and then head out to the pool. I'm hoping I can move the clothes to the dryer after our pool time and then grab them after we have rested/showered/etc. If it's not enough drying time, I guess I can hang the clothes around the room??? LOL.

Oh and I figured we would buy a couple refillable mugs as it would be very easy to refill them if we hit the pool most days.

MK 6-4 part 3.png
Here is where I have 7D scheduled for me and then Pooh for everyone else right afterward. I'm also hoping maybe we can book some additional FPs after Pooh for any of these rides I have scheduled. None of them are really e-ticket so hopefully our chances will be good. None of them seem like long wait times but I'm not sure I trust any of that info right now. If we end up missing any of these bc of long waits or over scheduling, that's okay, too.

As far as dinner, my thoughts are either 5pm or 7pm....not too far off from our usual 6pm dinner however, hopefully enough to miss the dinner crowd. I am assuming we will have some sort of a light lunch in the room or snacks so with our later breakfast, we may be ok to wait til 7. 5 wouldn't be so bad bc we would be out of the heat, however, I don't think the boys will want to hit a food break, right after a swim/rest break. I figure they will be itching to hit some attractions before we take another break, so I ultimately chose 7pm. If I need to change it, I will, but I will book my FP based on thinking around 7pm for dinner. There is always snacks if we end up needing something to tide us over.
MK 6-4 part 4.png
Okay, so I really want to hit up Swiss Family Treehouse at night because I have heard the view from the top with all the MK lights is beautiful! Also, it might be easier to climb all those stairs once the sun starts going down.

Also, Wishes is scheduled for 9pm right now and I'm 99% sure that will change to 10pm, so I figure if we head over to grab a spot around 9/9:15 at the latest, we should be okay. Again, if we are running behind, we'll just push some attractions to our other MK days.

The one thing I just now realized is, I meant to set the walking time up to the slowest and I didn't. OOPS! So I will probably have to adjust that and that means we probably will have to push some of this. But since I have already typed all this out and it was mostly for fun anyway, we will go with it for now.

MK 6-4 map.png
It looks like a lot of walking that first day and it probably is. However, you'll notice there is an order to the madness. I'm not criss crossing the park really. And yes, I think this is probably a very ambitious plan, which will get scaled down when I change the walking and when we are executing it real time. But, there's nothing wrong with dreaming big, right??

In other news, I bought my Redbubble Tangled tank. I wasn't planning on getting it so soon but they had a 20% off sale, so I grabbed it and a Bork (Muppets) shirt for DH that he picked out. So if we are keeping count, I am overflowing on tanks for, and I have 3 t-shirts and 4 polos for DH.

Oh and even though I am sad about missing the train station welcome show, I'm fairly excited about the new procedure. It should be nice to do some shopping on Main Street - and have a cronut from Casey's - before the rope drops. Otherwise, I don't seem to ever make time for it in the schedule.

That's it for now. Feel free to let me know your thoughts!

Up next: My AK Plans Just Blew Up For the Second Year in a Row
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I love all your vest tops. Unfortunately I need to keep my shoulders covered or they just burn even with Factor 50!

Moving on from purchases, let's talk Welcome Show. Hmm...not sure how I feel about this one. I'm incredibly sad that I never saw the train station one and really I should have last year but my dad dragged *ss and we never once made it.

I am so sad about the welcome show. I just love the sound of the train coming and singing Casey Junior's coming down the track, Coming down the track
with a smoky stack. Then of course as a musical theatre gal I just love Good Morning! In fact I sing it most mornings (well the Good Morning song not the Casey Junior bit) but that's just me! Well maybe not, Hannah will join in!

Oh and I figured we would buy a couple refillable mugs as it would be very easy to refill them if we hit the pool most days.

Refillable mugs worked great at WL. The layout of WL works so well. At OKW and Yacht Club it was such a pain to refill the mugs. I love Wilderness Lodge. I'm excited for you.
I love all your vest tops. Unfortunately I need to keep my shoulders covered or they just burn even with Factor 50!

Me, too....but I just slather on the sunscreen!

I am so sad about the welcome show. I just love the sound of the train coming and singing Casey Junior's coming down the track, Coming down the track
with a smoky stack. Then of course as a musical theatre gal I just love Good Morning! In fact I sing it most mornings (well the Good Morning song not the Casey Junior bit) but that's just me! Well maybe not, Hannah will join in!
We watched the final Welcome show, Will and I....and yes I sing it all the time, too, even though I never saw it in person. I am excited about the new procedure though (even though the show itself seems very lacking).

Refillable mugs worked great at WL. The layout of WL works so well. At OKW and Yacht Club it was such a pain to refill the mugs. I love Wilderness Lodge. I'm excited for you.
Good to know! And thank you! I can barely stand waiting!


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