"At Least The Disasters Are Magical!" A January TR (CRAZY SEAGULL ATTACK update 5/11)

Caught up and following along! I am from richmond originally, so i know how boring the drive to RIC can be so kudos for staying awake so early in the morning!

Looking forward to the rest of your trip- we were there the 3rd-11th so maybe we crossed paths! I'm only up to the 5th on my TR so we shall see :yay:

Thanks for following! I'll check out your TR!
Joining in! I love your pictures, they're beautiful. Can't wait to read more!
Hello everyone! Welcome back!

I’m sorry sorry it takes me a long time to put up posts. This semester of college is kicking my butt! Being in school makes me miss Disney World even more. Also, I am clearly late, but this new DIS layout is interesting!

So, picking up where I left off: Waking up on day 2! When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was pain in my legs. I was extremely confused, because even though I did walk a lot the day before, it definitely wasn’t enough to make them this sore. Because of this, I took the morning a bit more leisurely instead of trying to rush out the door. Grant was happy that I was allowing him to sleep in on a Disney vacation.;) I actually went outside to stretch a bit while taking in the views.



It was around 7:30am when we decided that we had to head out or we were going to be too late. Today we were headed to Universal Studios to check out the new Harry Potter section. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and I was so excited.

Even though we were at POFQ, we actually headed to POR for breakfast. We like vibe a bit more.



We are both loosely vegetarian (I think I already mentioned that) so we both eat eggs but that's the only breakfast "meat" we do. For breakfast, Grant got French toast, potatoes, and eggs. I always get the kid’s platter because I’m never super hungry at breakfast. I had eggs, strawberries, grapes and a mickey waffle. What I love about getting the kid’s meal is that it’s cheap! It’s about $5 and it fills me up. If you’re not a big eater, definitely check out the kid’s options.



Here is my hand for scale.​

After breakfast, we headed right out to Universal. The drive is actually about 25 minutes in good traffic. Since we’ve never taken that route before by personal vehicle and it took us a little extra time to figure out the parking. There was a bit of construction also, so it took us about 35 minutes.

At this point, we knew we weren’t going to make Rope Drop. It was 8:45 am when we got out of the parking garage, and we still had to get tickets.

So here’s a disclaimer: I actually didn’t plan a lot for this portion of the trip. Finding specific information about Universal was actually pretty difficult, especially the newer Harry Potter area. It was hard to find information on certain areas of the park and rides and all of that stuff. We had been to Islands of Adventure before, and only spent about 3 hours there so I knew about that, but in terms of the main Universal park, I was going into this pretty much clueless. Eventually, during the planning process, I just kind of realized that we were going to have to go and experience it first.

So the first thing we did was get coffee from the Starbucks at City Walk. Priorities, right? The line was very long but the baristas worked really fast! It only took me 10 minutes to get my drink and get moving.



I loved all this Captain America stuff, I thought it was so cute.


The Universal globe!​

It took us about 20 minutes or so to get tickets and into the actual park and we noticed that there were still Christmas decorations up here! Very festive.
Now it was time to head to the Harry Potter section! I had a vague idea of what to expect and was not sure how the day was going to be. Stay tuned!
The kids meals really can be a great deal - and tend to come with a lot of different things which is nice.

This Captain America dolls are pretty cute.

Hope your day went well. As an uber planner winging it that much would freak me out a bit.
The kids meals really can be a great deal - and tend to come with a lot of different things which is nice.

This Captain America dolls are pretty cute.

Hope your day went well. As an uber planner winging it that much would freak me out a bit.

I was definitely freaked out walking into this. The funny thing is that after this trip I found a lot of information about Universal that I could have used. Just gotta save it for next time :teeth:
Hello everyone! Welcome back to the show!

We left off in London. You know, the one in Orlando. We had basically just arrived, gotten coffee and were ready for some Harry Potter madness. This is where I’ll post a little disclaimer: Grant and I are huge Harry Potter nerds. If reading a bunch of stuff about the HP world is not your thing, then this section of the trip might confuse you a bit.

The first thing we saw in London, Orlando was the train station. This was King’s Cross Station that would take you from Hogsmeade to Diagon Alley. We were still early enough that the wait wasn’t too bad so we got on to explore.
The attention to detail was pretty crazy. I was so impressed! There were section in the line where it made it look like you were walking through the platform wall, just like in the movie. I felt like I was walking around on the movie set. When we finally got on the actual “platform” I’m pretty sure I started to squeal in excitement. I was on Platform 9 ¾! (It's ok, everyone was squealing with me)


First view of the train!​

The ride is a very convincing train (it even has the “chugga-chugga” and the steam) but since the line was so short so there was no stopping for photos. But it looks exactly like the inside of the train in the movie, with the sliding doors and everything. Each carriage would fit 6 people, so it was a little awkward to take photos. The window was actually a screen that would show the Harry Potter movie world. Hagrid, the flying car and dementors showed up as the train made its way to the other park. When we got to Hogsmeade in the other park, we turned around and rode the train again!

Back in London, we started to actually walk around and explore. We noticed the Knight Bus in the corner, and I took a couple pictures.


Check out that shrunken head :rotfl:The head could actually talk to you and the conductor. It was a fun time talking to him!​

It the middle of me taking pictures, Grant said, “Well, this is underwhelming.” I asked him what he meant and he said, “Well this is it! Just the train and the bus. I thought it was going to be a whole new thing.”

“You’re right,” I said. “But I know there is more stuff, I just don’t know where.” Then we noticed a suspicious looking walkway with people coming out of it with butterbeer and wizard candy. Hmmm, let’s investigate.


What’s this?



Ah, there we go.


That makes sense. It is supposed to be hidden from the non-magical world!


This place was so darn cool. It really was just like seeing my favorite childhood movies recreated in front of me. Everything was so true to the movie! I wanted around to take a couple pictures, but first things first. Snacks. Specifically: butterbeer.

Butterbeer is basically cream soda with butterscotch foam on top and it's delicious.


The left is the slushie version and the right is the liquid version. I prefer the slushie and Grant likes the liquid version. They were so delicious, but very, very rich. We actually had to struggle to finish them. While we were enjoying butterbeer, we walked around. The area is actually very large and there are a lot of things to look at. We stumbled into the “dark side” of the HP world, Knockturn Alley. I was pretty excited to see the Borgin and Burkes store from the book and the movie.



It was so cool seeing all these creepy props in recreated! I don’t know how many people will recognize some of these props. Where are the HP nerds? Hello wherever you are! :wave2:


More cool prop replicas!
We did a lot of shopping and walking around to take everything in and then we decided to attempt the new Gringotts ride. Grant was very excited, but I was not so much. The warning signs scared me and told me to avoid this ride at all costs if I had motion sickness. But since Grant seemed so excited, I wanted to try it anyway. We got in line and I started to get even more worried, especially after we picked up the 3D glasses. 3D does not work well with me. As we walked through the line I kept hearing people talk about what was on it. Rollercoaster, 3D, jerky movements....:eek: So in the line (we were halfway to the ride and had already waited 20 mintues) I asked a staffmember how bad it really was for someone with motion sickness. Was I going to survive this one?

Come back next time to find out what happens! :banana:
Oh no can I unread that...DD is the biggest Harry Potter fan and I have no plans to leave WDW but that's simply put...cool!
I enjoy a Harry Potter though not quite a fanatic, and my kids haven't gotten into it yet so we haven't made it over to Universal yet but it must be quite the experience for fans as big as you and Grant.

Grants comment of "that's it?" Reminds me of people who think all of EPCOT is all inside the giant ball.

Hogwarts Express just seems like a great concept and one that is well executed as well. Hope you enjoyed Bring its if you went on it
Oh no can I unread that...DD is the biggest Harry Potter fan and I have no plans to leave WDW but that's simply put...cool!

If I didn't like Harry Potter as much I would hate Universal. I would have to figure out a better Universal plan for future trips for sure!
Carla, Joining the fun!! I am loving your Harry Potter Pictures. We loved Diagon alley and Hogsmeade. Universal and IOA were highlights of the trip.
Hello everyone! Welcome back!

So I bet you're wondering if I ended up going on the ride or not. Well...I took the chicken exit. :sad:

I was pretty bummed out, mostly because Grant was really excited about it. I was just too scared and too tired. We decided the best thing to do at this point was to grab some lunch. We grabbed some food at the Leaky Cauldron (I forgot to take pictures of the food) and some actual beer and I started to feel a little better about everything.


You won't find this at MK! :drinking1

After lunch, it was time to leave Diagon Alley for a bit and go explore the rest of Universal! We bought park hoppers after all. As we were leaving, we noticed that they had a replica of Grimmauld Place with 3 of the houses next to each other. For those of you who don't know, one of the houses was a secret HQ location in the Harry Potter world. I was so happy to see that everyone recognized No. 12. And felt kind of bad for the people who didn’t understand the significance and sat on the steps to eat or relax. People would awkwardly wait for them to finish their food so they could take a picture! :rotfl2:I also managed to sneak a shot of the inside of the Knight Bus. Universal went full out on the decor!


Outside of Harry Potter, we realized that there was not a lot that interested us. Every ride seemed to involve a lot of 3D and screens and I knew I probably wasn’t going to be able to handle it. But walking around and enjoying the scenery was fun!


Eventually we made it over to the other Hogsmeade, the other Harry Potter section. We mostly came here for the snacks. Since we had been here twice before, we didn’t have to spend too much time here. After only an hour we ended up going back to Suess Land. We hadn’t actually been on any ride yet the entire time we had been here, but there was one ride I knew I could tolerate. In Suess Land, there is a ride that is basically like the People Mover. It’ pretty cute!


This is the view from the top of the ride.

On the way out of that ride I noticed their warning sign: apparently this ride was also extremely dangerous for those who had motion sickness. I was surprised. Really? That ride? That was nothing! We walked over to another Seuss ride that featured the Cat in the Hat. I thought this ride was pretty cute and it was slow enough so that I could take pictures. But right after I snapped a few photos, someone’s voice came over the intercom: Please put away all cameras and phones!

Whoops. My bad.

It was a cute ride though! After we walked out of this ride, I noticed the warning signs for that ride saying that it was extremely dangerous for those with motion sickness. Ok wait a minute. What exactly did “extremely dangerous” mean? At this point it was late in the afternoon, and we were gearing to leave but I told Grant that maybe we should go back to the other Universal park and try the Gringotts ride again. I was going to ask another staffmember more information about the ride.

When we got back to the Gringotts ride I found the least busy looking employee and told him I had specific motion sickness issues. I told him that the Escape From Hogwarts ride makes me pretty queasy. He was very understanding and explained the entire Gringotts ride to me. There whole ride is on the same level except for one small drop. There are only a couple sudden twists, but nothing worse than The Cat and The Hat ride and the ride stops completely when it’s in front of a screen (except for one part), kind of like a movie theater. Well, when you put it that way, it sounded tolerable!

The line was a 45 minute wait, which wasn’t bad considering what it had been earlier in the day. But I couldn’t tell you how the actual ride went because my eyes were closed and my head was down the entire time! Some of it was fun, though, and Grant was very excited. He loved that ride. Next time, I’ll be better prepared.

After the ride, we re-caffinated (thanks Starbucks!) and wandered around the rest of the park a bit more. In one word: underwhelming. It looked like a large Hollywood Studios but half of the fun. It’s really not our thing. Nothing really interested us. We wandered around until the park closed, taking pictures and feeling exhausted. We barely made it to the exit. We spent over 10 hours here! Our feet were really hurting! I was so happy to back on Disney property. There’s just something about Disney World that Universal just doesn’t have. Hmmm, maybe pixie dust?pixiedust:I'm also a huge baby when it comes to thrill rides, so that could be it. :upsidedow

We had quick service dinner at our resort and found an empty seat by the fireplace to order some drinks.


Can you guess who got what? It’s not what you would think! Yes, Grant got the chocolate martini. I was still trying to watch how much sugar I ate, but I might have taken a few sips of his :rolleyes1

This day was pretty crazy. I never want to experience an unplanned park day ever again! I'm a planner til the very end, that's for sure. After the drinks and some lovely conversation from other people in the lounge, we headed back to our room for some sleep! Next up: ANIMAL KINGDOM!

Thanks for reading! See you next time!
I enjoy a Harry Potter though not quite a fanatic, and my kids haven't gotten into it yet so we haven't made it over to Universal yet but it must be quite the experience for fans as big as you and Grant.

Grants comment of "that's it?" Reminds me of people who think all of EPCOT is all inside the giant ball.

Hogwarts Express just seems like a great concept and one that is well executed as well. Hope you enjoyed Bring its if you went on it

The problem is that only the HP part is fun for us. Still trying to decide if it's totally worth it. :scratchin

Do some people actually think that all of EPCOT is in the ball?? Oh dear! It must be quite a surprise to them to find out otherwise.
Carla, Joining the fun!! I am loving your Harry Potter Pictures. We loved Diagon alley and Hogsmeade. Universal and IOA were highlights of the trip.

Hello fellow HP fan! :cheer2: I loved the scenery and feeling like I was in the movies. All I have to do is plan better (or actually plan lol) to make the rest of Universal and IOA worth it to us. I need to get better at riding faster rides!
Do some people actually think that all of EPCOT is in the ball?? Oh dear! It must be quite a surprise to them to find out otherwise.

There are actually a few threads here on the DISboards about "funniest thing overheard at Disney World" - and yes, some people think all of EPCOT is in Spaceship Earth ... and some get to Disney World and had no idea there were 4 parks, or think Uniersal and Disney are the same thing and ask CMs in Magic Kingdom how to get to the Harry Potter area, etc. .... actually a pretty funny read


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