Are parents having their kids social distance in your area?

DS13 has gone on long bike rides with a friend a few times. The other day he walked over to the park to toss a lacrosse ball around with a friend, so that was at least six feet apart. Other than that he's doing online school and building his YouTube Minecraft empire.

DS17 has had a bit more online interaction with friends than my younger son. He's had a few Zoom class meetings, plays video games against a group of friends, and his high school soccer team has had a few meetings and workouts online. The team started up a Strava group and they have a weekly running competition going. The running takes place individually, but they are enjoying trying to outdo each other. He has also been to a friend's house for backyard, social distanced jam sessions three times with his guitar. He took a video at the first one and they were properly six feet apart. (At least for the video part. 🙄) He's also started driving over to his school to shoot the soccer ball. He goes by himself but my guess is there are probably others there too. On the way home he drives through Sonic for an Ocean Water, which puts some normalcy back in his life, so I'm ok with that as well.

I think many are now in the stage that we are - wondering when, exactly, the kids can get back together. At some point they'll have to, right?
My only child is still being kept away from kids. I feel bad for him - he had flu at the start of March so he has not played with another child since then, as his flu overlapped with the start of the lockdown here. Looking forward to him being allowed to play with other kids. We don’t have many cases here - maybe 30 active cases right now.

I have a similar situation. My daughter missed the last 2 days of school before the lockdown. She had a fever and sore throat. She is an only child, also. Luckily she can video chat with her friends.

We are in Louisiana and while we don't have many cases in our specific area, it's still hot around us.
The number of people in the Narraganset area this weekend wasn't even close to what it is when the beaches are open.

Maybe. I know they were closed because people were flocking there when they were open every time the sun came out. RI is a small state and we're not supposed to cross state lines right now, if the beaches were open most people would be flocking to the same spots. I can't really say what public spaces in RI look like right now, I haven't been out of my neighborhood in almost three weeks. I just know over the weekend there were a lot of people in the neighborhood that don't live here. Maybe if the one beach in town was open they would've all been there, but that wouldn't really have been any better.

I can see how that would be a problem in a small state with limited recreational spaces, especially if crossing state lines is prohibited (even if it isn't enforced). If there's only the one beach in town, it makes sense that it would be crowded enough on nice days that closure would be necessary.

Coming from a much larger state with a lot of recreational lands, most of the crowding that has happened here has been in places where city and county parks closed leaving only a small number of spaces still open - in places where most everything is open, there has been little crowding. My daughter said the same thing was playing out in California before she came home - when the parks started closing, unevenly, the places that remained open were suddenly packed because everyone was going to those same few places. Our aunt who lives out there has complained of the same; her local park is still open but she said they're not going because it is the busiest she's ever seen, and she's been hiking or biking there several days a week year-round for years. But it is open while the beaches and many other parks are closed, so people who would ordinarily go elsewhere are coming to the park in her community - if other places were open, the crowds would likely be the same or lower than normal.
Our neighbors on both sides of us had backyard parties here this weekend with at least 25 people, each. Both days. To give an idea how close all of our yards are- I can reach from my dining room window and just about touch theirs. :rotfl:

I said before, once it got warm here people were going to start the barbecues.

Luckily it's cold again this week. We would like to grill outside too, but will be just us two.
Our neighbors on both sides of us had backyard parties here this weekend with at least 25 people, each. Both days. To give an idea how close all of our yards are- I can reach from my dining room window and just about touch theirs. :rotfl:

I said before, once it got warm here people were going to start the barbecues.

Luckily it's cold again this week. We would like to grill outside too, but will be just us two.
Not to worry. Your mayor is having social media monitored now and will arrest them.
:) I actually love Mayor Lightfoot. We have a tough city to deal with, so split between neighborhoods it's quite startling.
I think she's trying her best to balance things, at least better than our other mayors!
Not new to Chicago politics so I'm not surprised by any of that.

And BTW, I'm not kidding. She said she'd have them arrested.
Not new to Chicago politics so I'm not surprised by any of that.

And BTW, I'm not kidding. She said she'd have them arrested.

They have a tip line set up! I think they were getting about 3,000 calls a weekend alerting police to parties and such.

I admit I didn't call on my neighbors, I wasn't really bothered. They were in their own yards, not really bothering anyone. Graduation parties. Secretly, it was nice to hear the sounds of people having fun!
They have a tip line set up! I think they were getting about 3,000 calls a weekend alerting police to parties and such.

I admit I didn't call on my neighbors, I wasn't really bothered. They were in their own yards, not really bothering anyone. Graduation parties. Secretly, it was nice to hear the sounds of people having fun!
Will all due respect didn't you create a thread on the DIS telling people to call the cops on people disobeying stay at home orders? You were upset about the 20+ people playing some game can't remember who weren't bothering people either (just violating stay at home orders) but weren't upset about the neighbors who also had 20+ people over (and assumingly also violating stay at home orders) and you are glad to hear people having fun again? I must admit I'm confused there :flower3: shouldn't you have called the cops on your neighbors?
Will all due respect didn't you create a thread on the DIS telling people to call the cops on people disobeying stay at home orders? You were upset about the 20+ people playing some game can't remember who weren't bothering people either (just violating stay at home orders) but weren't upset about the neighbors who also had 20+ people over (and assumingly also violating stay at home orders) and you are glad to hear people having fun again? I must admit I'm confused there :flower3:

Sure did (still stand by what I did) and was RIPPED APART on this board for doing so. It was the first weekend of the order and people were still gathered in public parks. I was pissed because I felt it meant the stay at home order would last longer than the 2 weeks they stated it would last.

It's now 6 weeks later, stay at home order extended again for another month and I've relaxed a bit and decided not worth it to call police on my neighbors for their backyard parties because I don't exactly agree with stay at home order anymore.

What's confusing about that? My opinion evolves as situations evolve.

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The stats for my area broken down using the same age brackets.
View attachment 492789

85% of the deaths have been people 60 and older.

To me it sure does seem to be much more of a problem the older you are.
Wonder why our numbers are so different. We had another death and 5 more cases so the Bible study she was going to have with her 2 friends was cancelled by one of the other parents. I'm relieved. In our area it is attacking younger people.
Wonder why our numbers are so different. We had another death and 5 more cases so the Bible study she was going to have with her 2 friends was cancelled by one of the other parents. I'm relieved. In our area it is attacking younger people.
It’s not that young ppl aren’t getting, but those 65+ are the ones dying more often. Nationwide that numbers seem to reflect that too so if you’re not seeing that in your area, I would say that’s the anomaly not the other way around. The OC task force even recommended employees 65 or older continue to stay home once parks are opened. There is a reason for that.
Sure did and was RIPPPED APART on this board for doing so. It was the first weekend of the order and people were still gathered in public parks. I was pissed because I felt it meant the stay at home order would last longer than the two weeks they stated.

It's now 6 weeks later, stay at home order extended again for another month and I've relaxed a bit and decided not worth it to call police on my neighbors because I don't exactly agree with stay at home order anymore.

What's confusing about that?

You answered it by saying your opinion changed :)

Up until now I hadn't known it changed and did a 180 from late March thus my confusion :flower3:
Personal experience: we are one of three families who were frequently socializing together right up to the point of our lockdown. We made a mutual decision to keep our social circle closed- kids and adults. My husband is the only one of us adults who is working outside the home- chiropractors are considered essential in our area, and he has strict control of who enters his office, plenty of ppe, and sanitizing. He does the grocery shopping for all three families since he is already outside the home (the rest of us are either laid off or working from home). He has been able to get a test twice- both negative. We have plenty of cases near us- three very close friends in our neighborhood were diagnosed with no clue how they got it other than grocery store, gas station, etc. because they were working from home. Our kids were doing very well only having each other for about a month, until the older ones had enough and started seeing boyfriends and other friends outside the circle. I got nervous at that point, but I don’t think it matters because I and all of the employees of the largest employer in our state have been called back to work starting next week. We have been told to bring our young children who are not in school with us to work. If we are uncomfortable with this, we are entitled to a fraction of our pay through the Families First CARES Act.
You answered it by saying your opinion changed :) Up until now I hadn't known it changed thus my confusion :flower3:

Well, I feel I've been pretty vocal about loosening restrictions in a careful manner, but also feeling that the goalposts have changed from what they told us in the beginning. I do not want to have that conversation again though. ;)

I will say one of the scariest things I'm finding about this whole thing is that if someone disagrees, even in the slightest, with the very conservative course that some states, etc. have chosen to take or if you are worried about your job/the economy - you are now painted as right-wing, MAGA supporter.

I find that disheartening, being a (somewhat) leftist Democrat for as long as it mattered.

edited only because you changed your post after I quoted - I did a 180? Well, did I do a 180 or did my government do a 180 from what they originally told us was the goal? Because we met that original goal and hospitals never came close to being overwhelmed.
Yet we are still ordered to stay at home until end of June.
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