



Oh my... at the rate you all are going, Kim won't be needing my "services" anymore when it comes to Apolo pics...

Okay Kim, I redid the smilie, minor changes but it looks a bit different. Does it look any better now???
OMG....that baby picture!!! Isn't that the sweetest thing!?! Well, he was just a cutie from day one wasn't he!?! Soooo CUTE! Dont'cha just want to pinch those little cheeks!! Look at picture #2 and #4.......Oh, but look at what just a few short years can do!
Well, this settles it... Teri, you're on my favorite people list now!! Heck, I might just put you at the top of my Christmas list!!!! :p Picture #1...*Kim hands her sweetie a towel*... picture #2...*Kim is reduced to jelly and only able to utter sounds...shall I go on? I better not. I may end up in intensive care. :rolleyes: Don't stop the pictures though, because by the time the next batch rolls around, I should be sufficiently recovered. :bounce:

The smilie is perfect Elaine!
Thank you!!! I'm going to save him right now. ;) Hee hee! I know, I know... I'm sick, kinked, warped, you name it, I'm it.

Inlaws are here...I came sneaking up here for a little Dis peek, and boy am I glad I did!!!! I suppose I better head back downstairs, before they come up here looking for me and see these pictures! :earseek: LOL! You can bet I'll be sneaking back up here just as soon as I get the chance. ;)

*Kama heads downstairs secretly hoping that this thread never dies!* ;)

By the way Elaine, I will ALWAYS need you to post pictures for me...after all you were the first to save me from the evil Dan with his cruel and unusual picture posting escapades. Those itty bitty things were sheer torture!!!
Originally posted by Kama89
The smilie is perfect Elaine!
Thank you!!! I'm going to save him right now. ;) Hee hee! I know, I know... I'm sick, kinked, warped, you name it, I'm it.
No argument here :D Glad this one was sufficient for you... you'd think someone getting something like that would accept such hard work graciously instead of complaining :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Kama89
By the way Elaine, I will ALWAYS need you to post pictures for me...after all you were the first to save me from the evil Dan with his cruel and unusual picture posting escapades. Those itty bitty things were sheer torture!!!
Oh yeah... I almost forgot about that. Dan Murphy's a mean guy sometimes isn't he?
you'd think someone getting something like that would accept such hard work graciously instead of complaining

Oh, now you stop!! That wasn't complaining... that was simply a casual "conversational type" observance...nothing more...sheesh woman! ;) :rolleyes: ;)

Maggie, You are a dear!! ;) Where's Beth...that's her scrolling and swallowing picture. ;)

Ok, now ya'll realize this thread can never die, don't you? Either that, or we all have to make a pact that one of us will always come along and start a new one as soon as the old one dies. :cool:
I do know of a way this thread could possibly die... a moderator could lock it :bounce: :p
HELENABEAR SHHHH those moderators are pretty smart ya know, they may catch on to our plan!! ;)
Now what's with the little green bouncy dude?! What, you like the idea of a mod. coming along to lock our precious thread? What about now.... do we have your support in helping us to keep it going now?

Here's where all moderators need to look away for a second....

Ok, shhhh....here's what we'll do. Every 3rd or 4th picture/drool post fest, we'll talk about something different, maybe something serious for one or two posts... maybe that would at least buy us a little time.

Hi mods! :wave:
Glad you enjoyed the pix, Kim... Of course, DH whose computer is right next to mine keeps looking strangely as I pull up site after site looking for the ultimate Apolo picture....hahahaha

I will only whisper now, so as not to alert any ummmm........
Oh you sure have my support now!!!! He's just... well he makes for good eye candy there :D

I like your idea too! Substance than drool... right!
Of course, DH whose computer is right next to mine keeps looking strangely as I pull up site after site looking for the ultimate Apolo picture....hahahaha
Oh, just tell them they're for a sick friend... no wait...say an "ailing friend" (that sounds better than sick...he might think I'm weird or something if you say sick :rolleyes: ) who just so happens to need a little something to cheer her up.

Is it almost time for substance now? Anybody have any? I'm fresh out.
Oh my!! Hey Antonio! ;) :wave: :)

sorry....no substance from me after seeing that yummy pic!
You wouldn't do that would you?! Ack! Wait! I have some picture saving to do!!

If you delete this kejoda, I'll have to start my own Apolo thread... how embarrassing.
Begging my help!;)

nah can't make you do that. I certainly won't take this away from you.


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