Any experts on Twins out there?

Three sets of twins for us. We had a set and each twin daughter had twins. All naturally conceived. We would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I had the best husband who was a world of help. We didn't raise them as "twins" because we wanted them to have their own identity. Didn't dress them alike. Didn't keep them in the same classes in school. Never referred to them as "twins". They KNEW they were twins we just didn't bill them as such.
Three sets of twins for us. We had a set and each twin daughter had twins. All naturally conceived. We would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I had the best husband who was a world of help. We didn't raise them as "twins" because we wanted them to have their own identity. Didn't dress them alike. Didn't keep them in the same classes in school. Never referred to them as "twins". They KNEW they were twins we just didn't bill them as such.
I hate when people refer to my kids as “the twins.”

My boys are 22 and look so different that people will argue with them that they are not twins. They are also completely different in likes an personality. They are best friends. Friday one of them was telling me about his YouTube channel and how his video got 2500 views. The two of them were finishing each other’s sentences to describe it to me. It made me so happy that even though the other twin really isn’t interested he still knew all about it because it is his brother’s thing.
So both of our boys along with their wife/girlfriend told us that they were expecting in November. How exciting!!! They're only 13 days apart between both due dates.

Anyhow, our youngest son and his girlfriend are having TWINS!!! We can't wait. We don't know the gender yet but the doctor has told them that they are identical. Here's where my question is.........people have been asking if they're having twin boys/twin girls or one of each. Is it even possible to have identical twins that are of different genders? I dont have the slightest clue when it comes to twins so I did some reading up on it and they say its VERY rare but identical twins CAN be two different genders.

How??? I'm sure it has to do with actual DNA and genetics and whatnot, but to me, identical means identical (meaning they both have the same "nether regions", no?)

Can someone with more brain cells explain it more? Thanks LOL

Our 4th/5th are identical twins. I know your question has been answered, but just be prepared for questions and comments that will utterly amaze you/the parents. It is amazing how much attention baby twins get and even more amazing at what people (even complete strangers will ask/say). Are they twins? Are they identical? Which one it the good one? My older kids were asked which was their favorite. Are the natural? (yes people that you don't even know will be ok with asking how the babies were conceived). My husband is a triplet, and we still weren't prepared. We are both social people so most of the time we had fun with it. Sometimes it was a bit much though. Twins are amazing though. I mean, EVERY baby is amazing. It's just the twin bond is indescribable and so cool.

Two of my favorite, jaw dropping stories...

(1) This lady said, "Oh. Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes."
Lady: "Are they your first?"
Me (kind of laughing): "No. They're our 4th and 5th."
Lady: "Yikes. I told my husband that if we tried for a 3rd, we'd probably get screwed and have twins too."
Me: "Sorry, but we prefer to use the word blessed!"

(2) Another lady: "Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes."
Lady: "Is there anything wrong with one of them?"
Me (honestly...blank stare with a look that must have said WTH?! I mean, how do you come back from that?
Lady: "Oh. It's just that every set of twins that I know has something wrong with one of them."
Me...still speechless. This was almost 13 years ago (our twins are turning 14 in a couple weeks) and I am still not sure what I could have said.

Best wishes and congrats!
Congratulations! Twins are so much fun! My twins will be turning 15-years-old next month. I had many long days with them - especially when they were little - but the years were short.

My best tip is to keep them on the same schedule, which someone already mentioned. I remember when the nurse at the hospital told me to wake a baby if the other baby was up and nursing and have that baby nurse, too. I thought she was crazy - wake a sleeping baby?! But, that was the best advice ever!

Our 4th/5th are identical twins. I know your question has been answered, but just be prepared for questions and comments that will utterly amaze you/the parents. It is amazing how much attention baby twins get and even more amazing at what people (even complete strangers will ask/say). Are they twins? Are they identical? Which one it the good one? My older kids were asked which was their favorite. Are the natural? (yes people that you don't even know will be ok with asking how the babies were conceived). My husband is a triplet, and we still weren't prepared. We are both social people so most of the time we had fun with it. Sometimes it was a bit much though. Twins are amazing though. I mean, EVERY baby is amazing. It's just the twin bond is indescribable and so cool.

Two of my favorite, jaw dropping stories...

(1) This lady said, "Oh. Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes."
Lady: "Are they your first?"
Me (kind of laughing): "No. They're our 4th and 5th."
Lady: "Yikes. I told my husband that if we tried for a 3rd, we'd probably get screwed and have twins too."
Me: "Sorry, but we prefer to use the word blessed!"

(2) Another lady: "Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes."
Lady: "Is there anything wrong with one of them?"
Me (honestly...blank stare with a look that must have said WTH?! I mean, how do you come back from that?
Lady: "Oh. It's just that every set of twins that I know has something wrong with one of them."
Me...still speechless. This was almost 13 years ago (our twins are turning 14 in a couple weeks) and I am still not sure what I could have said.

Best wishes and congrats!
It’s crazy isn’t it? To top it off, one of mine is a redhead so I’d get all the questions and stories about that too. My DH would stop for people but I learned to smile, nod and move on. Not only were the questions just -geesh what makes them think it’s okay to ask that- but it would literally add an hour to my Walmart run or whatever I was doing which would then mess with that carefully crafted schedule. People just don’t stop to think.
If the twins are born of different sexes, then it becomes obvious that twins are fraternal since there are no identical twins of different sexes. Therefore, you can choose gifts for newborns based on the fact that they will be of the same sex. When choosing gifts for my grandchildren, I used the website However, I probably bought all the toys and outfits in this online store for my granddaughters. I waited for my son to finally get married and decide to have children for a very long time.
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I'm a mom of 34 year old boy/girl twins....also a daughter of a twin mother, and she had an aunt who had triplets (did not survive). Lots of multiples in the family. My twin daughter just had identical twin girls 2 months ago. While not surprised she had twins, the identical part was a surprise as this type of twin is not hereditary. Just a total surprise.
(1) This lady said, "Oh. Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes."
Lady: "Are they your first?"
Me (kind of laughing): "No. They're our 4th and 5th."
Lady: "Yikes. I told my husband that if we tried for a 3rd, we'd probably get screwed and have twins too."
Me: "Sorry, but we prefer to use the word blessed!"

(2) Another lady: "Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes."
Lady: "Is there anything wrong with one of them?"
Me (honestly...blank stare with a look that must have said WTH?! I mean, how do you come back from that?
Lady: "Oh. It's just that every set of twins that I know has something wrong with one of them."
Me...still speechless. This was almost 13 years ago (our twins are turning 14 in a couple weeks) and I am still not sure what I could have said.

I know this is an old thread, but I had to reply. My sister has identical twin girls that are 10 months old. People ask her all the time if they are twins - I'm sure it is just a conversation starter because they are obviously twins - they look just alike with the same bright red hair. I told her she should start answering "No" when people ask if they are twins and have a very confused look on her face just to mess with them.
If the twins are born of different sexes, then it becomes obvious that twins are fraternal since there are no identical twins of different sexes.
You would think so… And yet not a month goes by that someone doesn’t ask if my boy/girl twins are identical or fraternal.
I'm a twin, my sister and I were born in the 1960s. Premature and C section. My mom claimed that we could communicate telepathically when we were little. We're mirror twins, I'm right handed and she's left handed and our hair parts on opposite sides.

When we're together and strangers ask if we're twins, we like to say "Actually, we're clones. We just can't remember which one is the copy." :)
Now that my two are older, sometimes when I see young kids out and about who look similar in age, I find myself wondering if they could be twins. If I’m not sure, I look at their foot sizes, which can be a pretty good (not perfect) indicator that they are, or aren’t. I don’t want to be one of those people who asks if they are twins and says “I had twins too”, although I still remember some pretty nice people I met through those spontaneous conversations (which never bothered me). When mine were babies I met a lot of people who had children in the ‘70s or before (prior to routine ultrasound screening) who told me they “knew there were two in there” but doctors “didn’t believe them” - until they hit the delivery room, lol. Most people don’t seem to want to be bothered to talk anymore so I leave it alone.
You know, I'm not even the type of guy to fawn over babies and all that, but I ahve to agree that the shirts are just too dang cute!
Thanks. It has been a rough year. Both boys and their sister got RSV in August and one of the boys ended up in the hospital, for a week to get his oxygen levels back up. The same one just got tubes in his ears. Both boys have had 8 ear infections. The other one is scheduled to get tubes in now. The whole family had Covid last November and we could not help for many reasons.

I will try to get an updated picture. The twins will be 16 months Sunday.


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