Any adult Dis'ers into Hardcore Metal?

Kerri- that is so great that you have a job you love! Not many people can say that- well, I can't anyway.:worried: I say I would like to be an actress or a stunt woman:rotfl2:

Speaking of Zakk- that made me think, you know, I can remember when Randy Rhoads died! We knew Ozzy was going to be in Philly soon and all ears were on the radio to keep up with the concert news!

Remember when Dime Bag was shot? Our company almost shut down because of that. In the end we went on because that's what Dime would have wanted, my 2 bosses (my direct boss and the company VP, son of the founder) went to the funeral. Jimi was gone for days, it was very sad, it really hit Jimi and Scott hard as they were very close to Dime. We have pics of him (and Zakk and Kerry) all over our offices. I should try to find the picture of Jimi and Dime, you guys would love it.

What is your job Mad? If you don't like it can you find something else? I got really lucky, this job just fell into my lap. :)
A big :thumbsup2 for this thread!!!

I grew up a HUGE metal/prog child during the 80's / 90's, and also happen to play guitar and bass, ie I worship at the altar of Vai, Satch, Zakk, Randy, Petrucci etc..

I LOVE that today's gen of music is an incredible amalgm of my influences such as: Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Pantera, Yes, Rush, Queen, Phish, Zappa, Santana, etc ...

You've got genius bands like Dream Theater, Muse, Porcupine Tree, Umphrey's McGee, Opeth, System of a Down, Between the Buried and Me, that are fusing some of the greatest sounds around

I'm not huge 'Black' metal fan though, as Cookie Monster vocals aren't my thing. Yet I Frakin love Opeth, so go figure.

I don't know if I have a point other than: there are true adult music fan reading DIS that dig more than pop music, and I guess I'm among them :cool1:
I don't know if I have a point other than: there are true adult music fan reading DIS that dig more than pop music, and I guess I'm among them :cool1:

You don't need to have a point!!! It is just nice to converse with people who have the same interests!

I am not into reading about how everyone's child deserves a medal so they do not get their feelings hurt, or to be bashed for having other opinions on religion and politics:(

I always wondering of there were any other Dis'ers beside me and Mayhem that we into banging our heads!

You know- I was never really a black metal fan either- I was so not into the growling etc- I have Sirius and was listening to the hard rock station, Octane maybe? and thought- this just is NOT cutting it! This is some wimpy stuff! Sure- I love Rob Zombie,, Godsmack, Manson Deftones of course Pantera!!- but I needed something heavier! So I moved to Hard Attack and heard some Down, Throwdown, Cavalera Conspiracy, (Soulfly, Sepultura)- and thrown into the mix were some other black metal bands- And I thought- HEY I am likin' some of this. Never liked Lamb of God- but I am into them now.

I am not into all black metal- some of it is way to "growly";)

I would like to thank Mayhem for getting me into Dimmu! She told me to watch their video, wasn't it the Serpentine Offering May? And about a week later my brother asked me if I wanted to go see Dimmu and Behemoth! It all worked out and here I am- going deeper!

I know what you mean though Brock about the guitars- Of course, gotta love Jimi- but I also got into Mike Bloomfield and Al Kooper by listening to Live 365 Bandit Blues Radio.

I said to someone before, I think listening to a good blue guitarists is like seeing god! (if there was one!:laughing: ) but that would go for any guitarist.........

It is funny b/c music is like a journey- just hearing one song can lead you into a whole other direction of music! It is so fun!

People need to open their minds and are pretty much stuck when listening to Top 40 and American Idol...... :rolleyes1 That music is not taking you on any journey!:rotfl2:

Gotta go get the house ready for the family invasion- Father's Day dinner today-

But I have to tell you all later about my Type O experience last night- got the new CD Dead Again and I this close to spending the night on the moon- :smokin: after hearing Tripping a Blind Man!
It is funny b/c music is like a journey- just hearing one song can lead you into a whole other direction of music! It is so fun!

People need to open their minds and are pretty much stuck when listening to Top 40 and American Idol...... :rolleyes1 That music is not taking you on any journey!:rotfl2:

Yeah, it's kinda crazy if I ever look back into how I discovered the music I listen to.

I know 15+ years ago, Phish and the jamband scene was probably my introduction to opening my musical tastes. Somehow I moved into discovering Progressive music like YES, ELP, King Crimson etc. From there it went into Rush, Tool, Dream Theater and just kept going. I think I've got favorites in all sorts of genre's, although I still tend to favor prog, metal, and jazz-fusion/jamband type stuff.

While 'cookie monster' vocals aren't my thing, I think it fits well with certain bands. Opeth and Mastodon have quickly becomes faves. While they've got growling, they also mix in a lot of melody and jazz influences. I've also liked what I've heard from In Flames and Meshugga.

I've got XM Radio (which will merge sooner or later with Sirius), and they've probably got similar stations to Sirius. Squizz plays modern rock and nu metal. The Boneyard plays 80's metal and hairbands. XMLM plays lot of newer metal like Dimmu, Lamb of God, mixed classic Anthrax, Slayer, Pantera etc ...
What is your job Mad? If you don't like it can you find something else? I got really lucky, this job just fell into my lap. :)

I will give you life in a nutshell and how I ended up here...:rotfl2:

Raised spoiled rotten. Daddy owed his own business. Daddy gave me everything. Daddy passed in 1984- I JUST turned 20. Mom had to jump into his business and take it over (trash hauling, a nice femme business:rotfl2: ) Hung out for a while doing nothing- then jumped in to help mom. Felt like I had to. Sold business in 1994. DH wanted to move- so we took a vacay to St. John USVI, liked it, rented an Apt and went back a month later and moved in. I worked there for a Yacht Broker (DH did mecanical work on their sailboats) , a clothing boutique and a bookstore- yes, juggled all of them. On the island- they do not get a lot of responsible people, most are kids out of college who are looking to just hang out for a while until they move on, and once word gets out that you are a good worker, people want you. Finally got rid of the boutique job. Lasted 5 months in St John, got homesick.

Came home, needed a job. For some bizarre reason, wanted to try and get a job billing is a hospital- why would I want to do billing. Anyway, I was hired by a diagnostic testing facility w/ no experience. Worked there for 8 years and then my boss bought a MRI facility about 40 miles from where we worked. He closed up our office and set me up at home b/c I did not want to commute. Been working for him for 12 years now. We now have 2 facilities and I do all postings etc, anything money- that's me. I work together with our bookeeper.

So- as boring as my job may be, I love working alone, listening to my music all day long and right now I am set up on my porch outside and enjoying the beautiful weather-- so there is a good and bad about the job.

Imagine me giving my 2 weeks notice for the stunt woman job:lmao:

Yeah, it's kinda crazy if I ever look back into how I discovered the music I listen to.

I know 15+ years ago, Phish and the jamband scene was probably my introduction to opening my musical tastes. Somehow I moved into discovering Progressive music like YES, ELP, King Crimson etc. From there it went into Rush, Tool, Dream Theater and just kept going. I think I've got favorites in all sorts of genre's, although I still tend to favor prog, metal, and jazz-fusion/jamband type stuff.

While 'cookie monster' vocals aren't my thing, I think it fits well with certain bands. Opeth and Mastodon have quickly becomes faves. While they've got growling, they also mix in a lot of melody and jazz influences. I've also liked what I've heard from In Flames and Meshugga.

I've got XM Radio (which will merge sooner or later with Sirius), and they've probably got similar stations to Sirius. Squizz plays modern rock and nu metal. The Boneyard plays 80's metal and hairbands. XMLM plays lot of newer metal like Dimmu, Lamb of God, mixed classic Anthrax, Slayer, Pantera etc ...

So where in Philly do you live? I am right across the bridge in Marlton.

I am HOPING the darn merger goes through soon and the stick prices go up! As soon as Howard announced he was moving to Sirius and ran over and bought up a few hundred shares. Now I want them to split, go up, etc:rotfl2:

You know what- I have never been into Rush, ELP, Yes or Phish- I have listened but have never been a fan. Way back when I was more into Kiss, Pink Floyd, Ted Nugent, Aerosmith (old stuff not that new crap they now play that makes it to movie soundtracks!) Give me Draw the Line and Toys in the Attic any day! Love the song- Kings and Queens too!

I then went into the hair bands! Oh for the love of god- how embarrasing:rotfl2: I was obsessed with Motley Crue and Poison...and remember the local boys Cinderella!:rotfl2: But I also was listening to Black Sabbath at that time- I guess they kept me grounded.....:lmao:

Got sick of the hair junk and I started getting into Iron Maiden, Ozzy, Metallica, WASP, Megadeth, Death Angel, Exodus.........

I can't believe I some of the bands are still around! Like Exodus, Death Angel, Testament- and they are just as good as ever! And of course, gotta love Dave Mustaine- he is so c o c k y, you can't help but love 'em!:cool1:
Ummm, Cinderella is still around.....OMG, I loved them!!!! LOL And now I work with them. I was the phone today for hours with Chet, he's a tech for Slash and he's currently helping out with Staind. Talking and emailing with him I hardly got anything done! LOL

I wish I could work from home....that would be awesome!!!! That's really my goal, to be able to tele-commute a few days a week. It's totally doable, my company just has to set it up for me.
Ummm, Cinderella is still around.....OMG, I loved them!!!! LOL And now I work with them. I was the phone today for hours with Chet, he's a tech for Slash and he's currently helping out with Staind. Talking and emailing with him I hardly got anything done! LOL

I wish I could work from home....that would be awesome!!!! That's really my goal, to be able to tele-commute a few days a week. It's totally doable, my company just has to set it up for me.

Well let me tell ya- I would MUCH rather be on the phone, in an office, with CHET, than doing what I am doing at home:rotfl2: :lmao:

When you do get hooked up at home you will have the best of both worlds!:thumbsup2

I think the singer of Cinderella- OMG I forget his name, used to live in my town- Marlton, NJ- but you know how people say they know a friend of a friend who knows this one and that one- so who really knows if it is true. I hate when people do that! (OT- a few years ago my cousin said someone that she worked with was the cousin of then Phila Flyer Keith Primeau- I said HOW can he be his cousin when Keith was born in CANADA!) UGH- I like to call people out on that crap! Sorry for the rant:laughing:

Yeah- YEARS AGO! I was so psyched to see Cinderella at one of the small clubs, I forget the name (can you see a pattern forming here in my posts :rolleyes1 I forget everything:rotfl2: ) the club was in Somerdale NJ. And I saw them at the Convention Center in Wildwood NJ. And of course on the big stage- but I forget who they were touring with.....of course......:headache:
Yes, I will.......have the best of both worlds (singing with Sammy in my head LOL) I saw Cinderella open for....David Lee Roth!!!! LOL That was cool!!!!! :)
I would like to thank Mayhem for getting me into Dimmu! She told me to watch their video, wasn't it the Serpentine Offering May? And about a week later my brother asked me if I wanted to go see Dimmu and Behemoth! It all worked out and here I am- going deeper!

Oh yeah..the Serpentine Offering is a breakfast song around my house :rotfl2: I love that song and haven't been able to find the CD so it looks like I'm gonna have to order it off the net. I love to show people that starts out like something from Star Wars but give it a minute and it grabs ya and YANKS you in! :lmao: At least that's what happened to you Madd! Another one pulled into the evil..muwahahahahaha:dance3:
Remember Skid Row? LOL My first concert ever was Skid Row and Bon Jovi when "18 and Life" had just come out on the radio. And I think Bon Jovi's "I'll Be There For You" was a new song. Oh, those were the days.... :goodvibes
I saw Bon Jovi in concert, I think it was 2 years ago. It was the coolest show!!!! I remember Skid Row, I work with both of those bands now too. LOL Cracks me up sometimes, how I'm now working with the people I used to worship as a teenager. :) It's very cool though. :)
Oh yeah..the Serpentine Offering is a breakfast song around my house :rotfl2: I love that song and haven't been able to find the CD so it looks like I'm gonna have to order it off the net. I love to show people that starts out like something from Star Wars but give it a minute and it grabs ya and YANKS you in! :lmao: At least that's what happened to you Madd! Another one pulled into the evil..muwahahahahaha:dance3:


Remember?! I didn't really care for the video when you sent it to me!? I said I didn't like the way they "broke out in song" But OH! MY! GOD!!!!!!! When they did that song live, in concert.........OH MY GOD!!!! I thought I saw god when ICS Vortex (???) just BEEEEEEELLLLLTED out all of his parts of that song!

As a matter if fact- my jaw dropped everytime he came in and just did his thing!....that VOICE! :faint:

Remember Skid Row? LOL My first concert ever was Skid Row and Bon Jovi when "18 and Life" had just come out on the radio. And I think Bon Jovi's "I'll Be There For You" was a new song. Oh, those were the days.... :goodvibes

I saw them both in concert!::yes:: I used to love Sebastian Bach- but now he is lookin' PRET-TY bad.....:scared:

I was more of a Skid Row fan than Bon Jovi.
Oh yeah..the Serpentine Offering is a breakfast song around my house :rotfl2: I love that song and haven't been able to find the CD so it looks like I'm gonna have to order it off the net. I love to show people that starts out like something from Star Wars but give it a minute and it grabs ya and YANKS you in! :lmao: At least that's what happened to you Madd! Another one pulled into the evil..muwahahahahaha:dance3:

One more thing- have you ever been over to the Godless Heathens thread, here on the Dis??? Thought you might want to take a look-see;)

Lay low.................
So where in Philly do you live? I am right across the bridge in Marlton.

I live in Lower Bucks, north of Philly. Of course my job has me travelling all the time, so it kinda feels like I'm only ever visiting the area.

There's nothing wrong with the Skid Row love. 'Slave to the Grind' is one of my favorite CDs from the 90s. Kinda reminded me of lighter version of 'Cowboys' era Pantera.

I always thought a ton of bands got a raw deal in the early 90s. I don't know if it was the grunge revolution, or that they got stereo-typed due to 'More than Words', but Extreme was a killer band that never got the due they deserved. I really dug the funk meets Van Halen sound of bands like Living Colour, Extreme, and Mr. Big.

Nuno and Cherone have recenty reunited Extreme, and they're going to be touring with a new CD. Sounds strange, but I think that may be one of the most anticipated concerts I'm looking forward to.
I live in Lower Bucks, north of Philly. Of course my job has me travelling all the time, so it kinda feels like I'm only ever visiting the area.

There's nothing wrong with the Skid Row love. 'Slave to the Grind' is one of my favorite CDs from the 90s. Kinda reminded me of lighter version of 'Cowboys' era Pantera.

I always thought a ton of bands got a raw deal in the early 90s. I don't know if it was the grunge revolution, or that they got stereo-typed due to 'More than Words', but Extreme was a killer band that never got the due they deserved. I really dug the funk meets Van Halen sound of bands like Living Colour, Extreme, and Mr. Big.

Nuno and Cherone have recenty reunited Extreme, and they're going to be touring with a new CD. Sounds strange, but I think that may be one of the most anticipated concerts I'm looking forward to.

LOL That sounds like a Who's Who of my Monster Ballads CD. LOL

I am such a 80's and 90's cheese lover. lol
Well, Madd, you know me. Die hard Knot fan and lover all of all things metal.
Of course I'm trash so what do I know
There's got to be more of us on here! Come on, where are you people? What shows are you going to this summer? You can't all be into Hanna Montana and the Jonas Brothers!

ETA: love the new line in your sig....let's all sing "I Am Hated"!
Just tripped over this thread.I usaully post on the universal forum.
But we have a Dis'er overthere that you might find intresting.
He has a recording studio in PA,and its hardcore new stuff(which I love,depending on the talent level)The website is: Click on live recordings!!
I'm in my 40ish and still think Type O Negetive ROCKS!!
But check out the website:thumbsup2

Welcome to the darkside!!!!!!!!!!
Another Metal Fan(46) here though you would never know it.(look more like Jimmy Buffet than Dio) Good friends of/managed a band in PA that disbanded in the 80's and whose album went on to became a cult classic in Europe called Valhalla. The lead singer David Fefolt has recorded vocals with a number of the hardcore and mainstream metal folks out there. Even a top 10 MTV hit in the hair metal days with Alex Masi.
Latest project is the Forgotten Realm with a great shredder Matthew Mills. Debut album just went on sale. Check them out:
Highschool buddy went on to become sound manager for EighthDay Sound Usually meet up with him on tour in Vegas and Orlando and a few times overseas. The last few metal tours I met up with him were the US Unholy Alliance Tours with Slayer Wow. Children of Bodom really impressed the h*ll out of me. Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho. Wildchild is an understatement. Now Marty is on tour with Tom Petty. Meeting up next month. Somehow I think his PA setup will be a bit softer LOL. Give me "Loudness" or Give Me Death.
Well, Madd, you know me. Die hard Knot fan and lover all of all things metal.
Of course I'm trash so what do I know
There's got to be more of us on here! Come on, where are you people? What shows are you going to this summer? You can't all be into Hanna Montana and the Jonas Brothers!

ETA: love the new line in your sig....let's all sing "I Am Hated"!

????? Do I know you????


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