Another controversial Christmas topic: Love Actually

Do you like "Love Actually"?

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  • No

  • Other (because there always has to be an other)

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Seeing this thread a few months ago because that's how the site works now, many zombie threads...made me actually watch Love, Actually and The Holiday. I wouldn't say they were my favorite movies of all time, but they were fun enough to watch
I still love this movie. It's about time I watch it again lol
Seeing this thread a few months ago because that's how the site works now, many zombie threads...made me actually watch Love, Actually and The Holiday. I wouldn't say they were my favorite movies of all time, but they were fun enough to watch

OOOOO A zombie thread.

First, a new feature on the zombie poll, Cw4d's mail bag.
Dear Cw4D. Aren't you scared doing all these zombie polls? I mean you can't outrun a zombie. Your fan Tim.
Dear Tim. Fortunately I don't have to outrun the zombies. I only have to outrun my fellow poll takers. Thanks for reading. CW4D.

On to the poll.
3 out of 10 zombies after seeing Hugh Grant thought his brain would be delicious. I guess that means 4 out of 5 stars in Zombie ratings.
5 out of 10 zombies expressed the opinion that if it's not a movie with zombies, the entire cast should be eaten. I did mention that in zombie movies, most of the cast is eaten anyway. They said of course, that's why we like them. So I guess those are 1 out of 5 stars for this movie.
2 out of 10 asked us when we were going to star in a zombie movie. We ended the survey and left quickly.
I quite like the movie. It’s a little cheesy but in a feel good way.

A classic Christmas movie.
I don’t hate it but it’s not a favorite. I thought it was a tad tedious. And it’s only a “Christmas movie” because it was set at that time of year as a marketing ploy, IMHO. It could have been in August and been pretty much the same.
OK--we were able to keep it civil and discuss the pros and cons of Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmastime." ;)
For those that were not here in 2008 yes we were able to do that. But only because that song's only pro is it has more lyrics than Boomer Sooner. the rest were all cons.
OOOO A Zombie thread. You know what that means.

A zombie poll.
6 out of 10 zombies would actually love to have the cast of love actually for dinner.
3 out of 10 zombies said they'd like Paul McCartney but wings aren't their thing.
One Zombie stared at us drooling. We took it as a sign the survey was over and got the heck out of there.

And a pro zombiepocalypse tip. Do not use a gun except as a very last resort. The noise will just bring more zombies to you and it will likely be hard to find ammo at the sporting goods stores because that's what people will take first. Instead shoot the furthest one away from you with an arrow. The noise will draw them to the one hit while you make your getaway. But keep Melee weapons around just in case.
This thread is solid gold $ h I t maestro... Love that line and his facial expressions after his manager agreed with his sentiments about that crappy song.
I absolutely love this movie. I love that the storylines have some complexities and nuances.

And the nude scenes are not on the set of a porn movie - the characters are like stunt doubles for the sex scenes in a more Rated-R type movie. They do all the tedious filming with the lighting etc so the film's movies stars don't have be nude for such a long time.

It is definitely a movie with adult themes and geared toward adults (and real life, if you ask me).
A double zombie thread, and I still have yet to see the movie. Anyone know if/when it's airing this year?
Looks like the movie isn't on Netflix anymore, so I just pulled out my dvd to watch thanks to this thread. Definitely my favorite Christmas movie (yes, it is a Christmas movie) and one of my top all time favorite movies.
Still a must-see Christmas movie for me. I like to save it for when it's time to wrap the presents a couple of weeks before Christmas.
I haven't seen this in a while and this reminds me to put it on my list. I always loved Hugh Grant.


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