Adulting is Hard, So I'm Running Away! ~ An Oct 2016 PTR ~ Update 10/19: Peace Out, Yo!

I'm always happy for anyone going to WDW, but I do get quite jealous when someone gets to go to my absolute favorite WDW event, MNSSHP :maleficen:hmghost: Love it Love it Love it, and can't wait for that part of your TR!

I've never thought about it feeling strange to walk into Epcot and not see Spaceship Earth. Being that we've stayed at BWV 4x I'm kind of used to it, and the conveneince and awesomeness of staying in the BW area I guess makes me ok with it :) You'll see, you'll love how easy it is getting to/from Epcot even without seeing SE. And then in February when your not at an Epcot resort you can see that beautiful sight again when entering the park :thumbsup2
I know! I'm an industrious little thing, aren't I?!

Yep you are.

GREAT PLANNING! although i would be dead tired before i hit MNSSHP! that is some PRIME seating for the parade!!! I wonder if that scooterzilla moron we encountered at MVMCP knew about it!!! UGH people and their lack of planning!

Ohh I do hope you get a little pixi dust and get your OWN RIDE!
Big old chubby lazy mantees, just floatin' around nommin' their lettuce. They make me so happy!

I just love these guys too. Once when I was in the Florida keys, I saw a guy on the dock give a water hose to a manatee and he was drinking out of it!!! It was the coolest thing ever!!

I'll get to have a whole boat all to myself again on...

How the heck did you swing that??? So awesome!!!
After spending some time with them in May I finally understand. They're mesmerizing and beautiful to watch
They so are! I can totally lose myself watching them, and they make me smile so much!

At long last! Looking at the bright side though it will make it all the more special.
That's a nice way to look at it!

And I actually just listened this morning (my background music of choice when I need it at work is susually Disney) to the soundtracks to Boo to You and HalloWishes. LOVED it. Sooooo up my alley. Can't wait to actually see them in person someday.
Awww, yay! I listen to the music from Festival of Fantasy sometimes when I need a Magic Kingdom fix.

We're going to see this for the first time! I've seen enough on YouTube and read enough TRs that I'm excited for it. :rolleyes:
Yes! It's been a decade since I saw it. I remember going into it being really skeptical, and then watching it and just busting a gut laughing.

OMG that is SO great!!! :rotfl:
It was a pretty special boat ride!

It is A-MA-ZING at night!! I love it anytime, could just stay on and ride all day, but nighttime is just magical from the WEDway. :wizard:
Yes yes yes! I 100% agree!

I love your face painting! I may have to look into that this trip. :scratchin
You have to! It's super fun!

WOW! This looks like the best day of your trip so far! So many great things packed into one awesome day! I would love to go to a Halloween party some day!
It's gonna be a super busy day for sure!

Plans look great! Yeah it's gonna be weird to go to Epcot and not see SE first!
I know, right?!

I'm really jelly about your Garden Grill breakfast ADR as it was sooo good this past Feb. But I really wanted to do different meals than we did earlier this year, so I switched it to lunch instead.
I did dinner a couple years ago, and it was wonderful! I assume lunch is probably the same or at least similar.

WHAT you were going to miss Ohana? Blasphemy.
That's one meal I can do over and over again!
I know, it's one of my two "must do" restaurants, usually. But it just wasn't working in my schedule! Finally I decided to squeeze it in before MNSSHP instead of hitting the park at 4pm. Worthy sacrifice, I think!

I hope the Manatees are back, because they were strangely missing earlier this year. But I'm pretty sure they are back by now. :)
They are awesome and I missed seeing them!
WHAT! Oh they better be back... I will be so disappointed!

Wonderful, wonderful plans for your party day! I love that you're getting more facepainting too in a cool Halloween theme!
But of course! You know I love my silly facepaint!

If you head to Ohana trough Epcot, you will have to go through security. We headed to Trader Sam's from DHS in July. First, we stopped at Ample Hills on the Boardwalk for ice cream and then registered at the hotel for the Disunplugged Podcast Anniversary events. We walked over to Epcot and through the International gateway and had to do the metal detector:( Then we took the monorail to TTC and walked over to Trader Sam's. We went back through Epcot on our way back and had to do the metal detector again:( I would try to avoid going through a park for that reason only.
Ooooh, I hadn't even thought of the security lines. Thank you so much for the advice!

I haven't done it but the transportation wizard says bus to MK and then mono
Yep, that seems to be the consensus. So I guess that's settled!

Good - I'll want you all refreshed for our meet the next day! :laughing:
I can't say that I'm ever truly refreshed at Disney, given the way I tend to burn my candle at both ends! But I'll be present and alert, I promise!

Already on my Cupcake Mission checklist!
I might need to take a peek at this Cupcake checklist, lady. Sounds delicious!

Have you seen all the cute ones for the Halloween party??? I'm hoping we can get the majority of them without eating up too much party time.
I haven't! I actually stumbled across this one during the party 2 years ago. I thought I was getting in line for the ride, but it was actually for the PP photos. Happy accident!

I'm always happy for anyone going to WDW, but I do get quite jealous when someone gets to go to my absolute favorite WDW event, MNSSHP :maleficen:hmghost: Love it Love it Love it, and can't wait for that part of your TR!
Awww, yay! I hope you get to attend again soon!

I've never thought about it feeling strange to walk into Epcot and not see Spaceship Earth. Being that we've stayed at BWV 4x I'm kind of used to it, and the conveneince and awesomeness of staying in the BW area I guess makes me ok with it :) You'll see, you'll love how easy it is getting to/from Epcot even without seeing SE. And then in February when your not at an Epcot resort you can see that beautiful sight again when entering the park :thumbsup2
Yeah, I'm not upset about it or anything. It's just gonna be weird at first, that's all!

GREAT PLANNING! although i would be dead tired before i hit MNSSHP! that is some PRIME seating for the parade!!! I wonder if that scooterzilla moron we encountered at MVMCP knew about it!!! UGH people and their lack of planning!
That's why I scheduled the mid-day break! And yeah, I don't think anybody will ever accuse me of lack of planning. If they do, I'll break out the binder of spreadsheets and tell them to get eff'd.

Ohh I do hope you get a little pixi dust and get your OWN RIDE!
Me too! It was so fun last time!

I just love these guys too. Once when I was in the Florida keys, I saw a guy on the dock give a water hose to a manatee and he was drinking out of it!!! It was the coolest thing ever!!
Say whaaat! That sounds adorable!

How the heck did you swing that??? So awesome!!!
The moment HalloWishes ended, I turned tail on my scooter and bee-lined it straight to Splash Mountain, and beat everybody else there!
15 days until WDW! :hyper:

Hey, ya'll! :grouphug:

So a bit of a Real Life update, for those of you who don't already know: I live right on the coast here in South Carolina, and my town is part of a mandatory evacuation due to the approach of Hurricane Matthew. My family and I are getting out of dodge around 9am tomorrow morning. They're pulling their camper trailer, where me and my three cats in their carriers are going to have to hang out for the duration of the trip. At minimum 5 hours if traffic isn't insane. And it will be. With no A/C in the trailer. It's not gonna be much fun, to say the least. :sad2:

Once we arrive, my parents are parking said trailer and staying in it in my Aunt Debby and Uncle Mark's backyard. Meanwhile me and the kitties will be holed up in a pet-friendly budget hotel (Quality Inn) in the next town over. We'll probably be there for about 3 nights. I'm so stressed and nervous, not even for myself, but for my cats. The trip itself is going to be so hard on them, then 3 days in a hotel. I'm sure they'll adjust somewhat after the 1st night, and I'll be there with them. But cats get skittish and flighty when they're stressed or in unfamiliar places, and I am terrified one of them is going to bolt out the door and I'll never see them again. :scared: Pray for me, ya'll!

The kitties stuff is all packed and ready to go, and after I write this update, I will go start packing my own things. Because priorities. Side note: My next update is supposed to be on Saturday, and as long as the hotel's wi-fi holds out, I will be updating from my room there. Of course, I'll do another RL update then to let ya'll know how things are. If all goes according to plan, we should be on our way back home Sunday morning.

Okay, with all that said... On with the daily plans!


Another EMH morning, so up and at 'em! That's how I roll! (Literally. Because, you know, scooter. I'm so clever!)

This morning, it's back to finish up...


Animal Kingdom! I tend to spend a lot of time in the Africa section, so I saved it for it's own special half-day. But since I've allotted all my FP+ for that evening, then as soon as I get through the turnstiles I will be making a straight shot for...


Kilimanjaro Safaris! Hands down my favorite attraction in the entire park! Yes, even more than Everest! I just LOVE it! Can't you tell?


Just bouncin' around in this here jeep, lookin' for them animals!


Ooooh.. There they are!

After that, I'll have to make a quick pit stop. I mean, it's RIGHT THERE when you get off the ride...


How can I resist another Facepainting session?! Simple... I can't!

By then I'm quite certain I will be having a rumbly in my tumbly, so it's a very good thing that I have me a breakfast ADR lined up at...


Tucker House! Yum yum yum! And characters!


And super delicious noms!


Just looka them Mickey waffles. Good lord, I wish I was eating them RIGHT NOW.

If all goes according to plan, I'm hoping to catch the 11am showing of...


Festival of the Lion King! I love this show! Love love love it!

After that I'll go visit some d*** dirty apes on the Pangani Forest Expl... wait. What?


Huh. Well that's NEW. Whatever, long as they still have these cuties...


The photo is from my last trip, when we showed up just in time to see the keepers come out to feed them! It was AWESOME. And look closely, you can see that they feed the meerkats with CHOPSTICKS. So cool!

After that, if I'm feeling up to it, I'll catch the Harambe Express train up to...


I don't necessarily do this on every trip. But if I have time and energy, I love to head into and walk around. I always hope that I'm going to catch a veterinary procedure happening!

After wrapping up Animal Kingdom, it will be time to head back to my resort for a well-deserved rest and to freshen up before my DISmeet with @SnowWhiteOz at...


We're both planning to have a late lunch here, but the real star of the show will come after...


ICE CREAM! That's the Milky Way Sundae. I know people are always talking about the No Way Jose, but I'm waaaaay more into caramel than I am into peanut butter. And I mean, just look at that thing! YES, that is an actual freakin' Milky Way candy bar stuck in the whipped cream! Yeah, this is totally going in my belly.

Now that we're both happy and full of ice cream, @SnowWhiteOz and I will part ways, and I will take myself back to...


Magic Kingdom! For some more night time shenanigans! First stop? To check out the stand-by line for...


After that, it'll be off to Frontierland to use my first FP+ of the evening...


Splash Mountain. Of course. My favorite! Can't ever get enough!

After that I'll dip around the corner and use my second FP+ of the night to hang with some sea-fare scoundrels...



After that, if I have enough time on my hands, I might actual hop on the Jungle Cruise. I haven't done it in YEARS, and the one time I did, I wasn't impressed. So I've never been back. But I talk to so many people here who just love it that I'm willing now to give it a second chance. I'm not not gonna go out of my way to do so or anything!

Not to mention it should be gettin' on dinner time at this point, so I'll make my way back to Fantasyland and over to...


Friar's Nook! For what I decided on my last trip is one of my most favoritest counter service meals...


Pot Roast Mac & Cheese! Ya'll, I have seriously been dreaming about this stuff for the last 10 months. I can't wait! OM NOM NOM!

From there, I'll go use up my third and final FP+ for my first ever night time ride on...


Seven Dwarfs Mine Train! Hooray! I think it'll be neat to go it at night instead for once!

Normally this is about when I would go get in line for Main Street Electrical Parade... Or not. I think I was one of the few who was happy to see it go. It was just getting tired! Though my heart is yearning SO HARD for them to bring Paint the Night to WDW. Sigh... I wish...

Hey, speaking of WISHES! But first...


I'm such a nerd. This silly projection show brings tears to my eyes. I'm so dumb. I just LOVE it! But of course, the real show is up next...


Wishes Nighttime Spectacular! Everybody loves Wishes, and I'm no exception. I arranged my schedule the way I did because as much as I love HalloWishes, I have to see regular Wishes too. My trip wouldn't be complete without it!

However, my night IS complete, so now it will be time to make my way back to the Beach Club.
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First, hope you all get out of town ok and stay safe this weekend. Scary times I am sure. Keep us posted if you all need anything and of course tell Aunt Debby and Uncle Mark we say hi :-)

Looks like you have a great AK/MK day planned. If you get time (and you like them) be sure to stop for one of those delicious bloody marys at dawa bar. Oh so good!
Hope that you and your family including the kitties will be safe.

That B&C sundae looks so good! Not to mention massive. I don't think I'd be able to fit any dinner in after lunch and that sundae. But in no way do I dare underestimate your abilities ;)

And of course no Disney trip can ever be complete without Wishes.
When I heard today about the evacuation in SC, I immediately thought about you and your fur babies! I've only been through 1 hurricane and we didn't have to evacuate, but it was still pretty scary, and my cats were a little weirded out. Be safe and keep us updated when you can :grouphug:
Sending prayer and pixie dust your way for safe, quick and uneventful travels in the next few days.
ICE CREAM! That's the Milky Way Sundae. I know people are always talking about the No Way Jose, but I'm waaaaay more into caramel than I am into peanut butter. And I mean, just look at that thing! YES, that is an actual freakin' Milky Way candy bar stuck in the whipped cream! Yeah, this is totally going in my belly.

OMG! The Milky Way sundae from Beaches and Cream is my absolute favorite! Personally I think it's a lot better than the No Way Jose but then again my favorite candy on Earth are Milky Way's. And I really think it's quite a bargain for the size of thing!
Loving the plans (and I'm more convinced than ever about getting my face painted!)......

BUT BE SAFE THROUGH THIS STORM!!! This isn't one to mess with (and I know you know that). We'll be here whenever you can update. :grouphug:

PURPLE MAGICBAND!!!!!!!!!!! (I hope that was enough exclamation points)

Epcot plans look great :)

Once I head back out, the Polynesian will be my destination! I can't decide if I should (1) take a bus from the Beach Club to Magic Kingdom, then grab the resort monorail, or (2) scoot all the way through Epcot, then grab a bus directly to the Polynesian. Any advice from those who have had to do this before?

I've never done it, but I'd say bus from Epcot to Poly because it's fewer methods of transportation.
Although you'll probably be closer to Beach Club than you will be to the buses, so that might actually be faster.
I think either option should work ok...

At this point, I'm not really sure what to do! Maybe check out the character line situation? Maybe snag a ride on Under the Sea? Maybe finally, at 35 years old, take my very first flight with Dumbo? I'm just going to play all this by ear, I think!

How have you never been on Dumbo??? That needs to be rectified. Great views of the park from up there.
Playing it by ear sounds like a good plan.

So a bit of a Real Life update, for those of you who don't already know: I live right on the coast here in South Carolina, and my town is part of a mandatory evacuation due to the approach of Hurricane Matthew. My family and I are getting out of dodge around 9am tomorrow morning. They're pulling their camper trailer, where me and my three cats in their carriers are going to have to hang out for the duration of the trip. At minimum 5 hours if traffic isn't insane. And it will be. With no A/C in the trailer. It's not gonna be much fun, to say the least. :sad2:

Once we arrive, my parents are parking said trailer and staying in it in my Aunt Debby and Uncle Mark's backyard. Meanwhile me and the kitties will be holed up in a pet-friendly budget hotel (Quality Inn) in the next town over. We'll probably be there for about 3 nights. I'm so stressed and nervous, not even for myself, but for my cats. The trip itself is going to be so hard on them, then 3 days in a hotel. I'm sure they'll adjust somewhat after the 1st night, and I'll be there with them. But cats get skittish and flighty when they're stressed or in unfamiliar places, and I am terrified one of them is going to bolt out the door and I'll never see them again. :scared: Pray for me, ya'll!

I hope you guys get through this okay and can go back home soon!

Another EMH morning, so up and at 'em! That's how I roll! (Literally. Because, you know, scooter. I'm so clever!)

I'm looking forward to your comedy special on Netflix (I assume it will be called "How I Roll at Disney").

Animal Kingdom plans look awesome!

ICE CREAM! That's the Milky Way Sundae. I know people are always talking about the No Way Jose, but I'm waaaaay more into caramel than I am into peanut butter. And I mean, just look at that thing! YES, that is an actual freakin' Milky Way candy bar stuck in the whipped cream! Yeah, this is totally going in my belly.

Okay, I'm all for anything with an actual Milky Way candy bar in it. I mean, I am a peanut butter gal, but ... this definitely works too.

After that, if I have enough time on my hands, I might actual hop on the Jungle Cruise. I haven't done it in YEARS, and the one time I did, I wasn't impressed. So I've never been back. But I talk to so many people here who just love it that I'm willing now to give it a second chance. I'm not not gonna go out of my way to do so or anything!

I have to admit, I thought I was the only one who hadn't done Jungle Cruise in years. You'll have to tell me how it is so that I know if I should plan to do it on my next trip.

From there, I'll go use up my third and final FP+ for my first ever night time ride on...


Seven Dwarfs Mine Train! Hooray! I think it'll be neat to go it at night instead for once!

It's really cool at night. Different than during the day. We try to do it at night every trip. Definitely worth it.

Normally this is about when I would go get in line for Main Street Electrical Parade... Or not. I think I was one of the few who was happy to see it go. It was just getting tired! Though my heart is yearning SO HARD for them to bring Paint the Night to WDW. Sigh... I wish...

Um ... it's possible we can't be friends anymore. I love MSEP. (I mean, I also wanted to see Paint the Night, but ... I still love MSEP).

Wishes Nighttime Spectacular! Everybody loves Wishes, and I'm no exception. I arranged my schedule the way I did because as much as I love HalloWishes, I have to see regular Wishes too. My trip wouldn't be complete without it!

Definitely agree - no trip is complete without Wishes!!
(Confession: I'm usually okay at the parks, but if I hear the music from Wishes when I'm not at the park (like when I'm at the Disney Store at the mall), I start tearing up because I love it so dang much and I'm not there watching it)

I hope everything works out okay with the storm and you guys get through it okay without too much damage!
Loving your plans so far. Hoping you are safe and sound and everyone is ok at the hotel. Crossing fingers that the storm doesn't hit anyone as hard as predicted.
Hi Billie. I hope you have a safe evacuation.

I wanted to mention that you can't take a bus from Epcot to the Poly. You can only take the monorail. Now you can get the Poly bus by going over to Hollywood Studios from the Beach Club. You wouldn't have to go through security. But you will find that security at the International Gateway is super quick and easy. So don't worry about it. :)
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Just doing a quick drive by to add to the stay safe brigade. Hope you and the kitties have somewhere dry to ride out the storm!


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