Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

My DH was unintentionally rude. We had FP+ for MSEP. I was leading the way (me, DH, DD, DS). In crowds I keep track of DD and DH has DS. We got to the hub and I thought to myself, 'Where is the end of this line?'. I got to the end with DD and looked back for DH. Where was he? I saw him entering the FP+ area with DS. He didn't see the line and cut in front of everyone. As he was moving to a viewing spot, he saw me and DD. The look on his face went from confusion to 'oh, I see what I did'. Anyway, he held a great spot for me and DD.
I have also been that person that may have clipped your heels with my stroller, but in my defense, if you quickly try to get by me and succeed, but then walk slower than me and then weave in and out and stop in front of me, you may or may not have deserved it.

I am unapologeticly that person. When you try to skip in front of my stroller, I don't slow down. I can remember on a couple of occasions people having gotten so tripped up, they have ended up on their bottoms once they got by my stroller. Again, sorry I'm not sorry.

The first time that my husband came to WDW with our daughter and I, he was incredibly overwhelmed and didn't want to wait more than 5 minutes for anything, even though I told him umpteen thousand times before we left exactly what he was in for, and tried desperately to get him not to go. He was constantly nagging me to leave the parks, and nastily complaining when I refused. He was such a doo-doo head about it, that I finally snapped, which then caused him to snap, which led to a very nasty, very intense, very loud the middle of the dinner rush at Via Napoli. I think we scared the waiter. Every table around us was staring. We became "that family". Our daughter was mortified. this was the event from the Bad Dining Experience thread.
I'm sure I have been guilty of oblivion, but as PP stated I try hard to make up for it by generally being polite and consider and hope the balance comes out positive. But ...

If anyone was on the Frontierland Railroad station platform in August of 2013 around 9:45 and witnessed a woman telling her DH (and 3 children) in no uncertain terms, not quietly and in an aggravated voice that yes, it was hot, we'd come to WDW in August and not for the first time and therefore what the heck did they expect, and if they thought that arriving at MK going to Splash and leaving instantly they found out it wasn't running was a great idea they had another think coming and we had to stay in the park at least as long as it had taken for us to get there from our our lodging .... that was me.

Definitely not my proudest moment and I still cringe when I think of it, but the irony is that I am the only one -- the rest of my family later told me that I was right to make them stay because they had a great time, and 2 years later nobody but me from my family remembers it at all.

Just to be clear, it was DH who was like "not running, let's bail" ... if it had been the kids I would have been more sympathetic to possible overstimulation etc., but that's really not what was going on. I don't really know what was going on, but it wasn't a case of being parked out and just needing some down time.

We had just entered MK and were caught in the middle of a parade, poor planning on my part. My daughter 13 at the time totallly freaked, was too hot, it was too crowded, she needed to get out of there. Well after the 20th time she said it I snapped "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT IT?!?" We were literally stuck in the crowd. Couldn't go any where or do anything but stand there and bake. She burst into tears. I felt terrible. My husband quickly came to the rescue which for some reason made me even more mad? lol It made no sense at all. I am typically the one defusing these types of situations and here I was making it all worse for everyone. I ended up taking my youngest on something, him and my oldest went on a couple things, we took a break from each other and then all was well the next day.
I don't think it's rude to walk around people. As long as you can do it without crashing into them. I was having a bad day with rude people one day, wherever I was, there they were, ready to run into me or so I thought. Then I realized I was trying to walk too fast for the crowd levels (at MK of course). I was being the jerk! Since then I've slowed down and now I find other people way less annoying ;) Funny how that works!
I'm usually pretty good about keeping the crankies to myself (and know when to retreat for a nap), but I did get pissy with the CM's working the Sourcerers counter one trip. The portal I was set to in Adventure Land was blocked by construction scrims and when I got to the Firehouse I just wanted my pack of cards and to get out of there. The CM said I had to play at least one portal... I was indignant... "when did that start, it didn't used to be that way", but of course it's always been that way. She offered to reset me to a different portal, but my tired sweaty brain thought no way are you making me hike back to Adventure Land: I got my panties in a bunch and huffed out. I could hear what the CM's were thinking "geez lady, it's just a game in the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH". And I deserved every bit of it.
My Dad was once the grouch in Haunted Mansion, and I feel like I'm headed in that direction pretty soon. We were in the stretching room, and at the moment the hanging body was shown a bunch of teenaged girls starting screaming hysterically, in that faux horror sound. It was annoying, even to me as a then-teenaged boy. My Dad at that point, yelled, "For God's sake, quiet down!" Of course things had already quieted down before he finished his shout, so it was loudly heard by everyone in the confined space, and those same teenaged girls started giggling uncontrollably. Fortunately, the room was dark because my teenaged face was beet red with embarrassment all the way through the ride. As rude as it was for him to yell that, and as embarrassed as I was, it takes quite a bit of self-control for me not to say something similar on HM in those same circumstances. But now I try to imagine what my teenaged girls would face if I did erupt similarly. :)
I was snarky about a CM at 'Ohana last fall to my husband and the CM overheard. I felt terrible. We had eaten our appetizers and had been waiting quite a while for anyone to come around with meat skewers. A CM finally came to the table next to us, so I figured we would be next, instead, he skipped us and went to the table on the other side of us. I said something to my DH like "Helloooo - we would like some meat too" and the CM heard. He then came to our table and said something to the effect of he had to serve the tables in the order they were seated. I felt really bad because I only meant for DH to hear my rudeness.

Oh, I hate when that happens to me in a restaurant! It never fails that whenever I complain about a server, they walk up behind me at that exact moment. :scared:
I know I've been rude before. I think we all snap. We were in wall to wall people, no space, barely moving, the woman behind me with her huge double stroller kept hitting the back of my heals. After the third time, I snapped & screamed at her to stop hitting me. Not a great moment. But honestly, I don't feel that bad about it, she had to realize each time she had hit something. Another one I really felt bad about. I was obliviously walking across Epcot when apparently, there was CM trying to take a picture of a rather large family. I walked right behind them & got in their shot. I only realized when the CM said loudly, you'll have a great picture with a little blonde woman in it. Oops. They all laughed. I did apologize. And I'm sure there are other times that I've annoyed someone & never knew it. But I do try to be in the Disney spirit & be happy while there.
My one true fit was the second time the All Star Music downgraded me from preferred to standard. The first time, hey, stuff happens. The second time, I was not happy AT ALL. I had my 70+ dad with me, and I wanted that preferred location! To top it off, they were not even going to tell me I was downgraded, just pointed to a location in Broadway and said that is your room is. I was like, nope, I booked preferred. And then they argued about it with me! I had to haul out my travel papers and prove to them I had booked preferred. I knew I was loosing it, so I calmed myself down enough that I didn't sound like a total shrew. After telling me there was no preferred open at any of the All Stars I said fine, just give me my room. The guy at the window next to me looked at me and said that I had let them off too easy.

Still make me annoyed just thinking about it.
I can also honestly say that I am not that guest. I am a patient and optimistic person by nature and generally let things roll off my back.

99% of the time I'm that way too. People can bump into me, walk slowly in front of me (i'm a slow walker too) and I won't care.
I however remember finding it oddly pleasing to see parents melt down on their kids because then I realized my brother and SIL were not alone in the world with my nephews lol

I however did freak out on my Dad a little when we were there a few weeks ago. It was day 6 of our 7 day vacation of maybe long and hot days and my dad and some other family members had just finished the drink around the world at Epcot so he was a little tipsy and super obnoxious and I was driving us back to our resort and he was getting a little bossy.
I wish I could remember a time when I was that person but I really cant. The only thing I remember complaining about was our room when my girlfriend and I stayed at the Villas at WL. First off, if you've stayed at the WL Villas, you will know it is one long hallway for all of the rooms. We were put in very last room at the end of the block so we were little upset about that. When we entered the room, it smelled like cat pee. It was awful. We called the front desk, complained and they immediately put us in a new room. Thankfully it had no smell and was located very close to the lobby and buses. That was a coincidence since we only complained about the smell, not the walk. We got lucky there.
We put the little girls on our shoulders to see Celebrate the Magic. Apparently, this is rudeness on the same level as selfie sticks and pushing Grandma off her ECV. Yes, I did get there early and yes I thought we were in a spot where no one could push in front. I was wrong about the second part. Yes, I could have held little dd on my hip, but I'm 5'2" and I couldn't see either.

And worse still? I'd do it again.
Nope I agree with you-not rude. Many others on here disagree but at Parades/CTM I believe from the third row its your right. Front row should be sitting, 2nd row standing and if you are in the third row then your kid needs to go up. The rule seems to be accepted for the front row that I got here before you and staked out my space-same goes for further back.
When we had two kids we would hold them at eye height but frankly its not comfortable for anyone and now with three someone has to go on the shoulders so I can pick up another one.,
I can only think of once.
We had been having huge issues with our KTTW cards and it kept dropping off our room access and declining payments and park entrance etc, we had had to go to guest relations/hotel front desk at least twice a day the whole trip. On the last day we were gifted some golden FPs to use and we tried to use it to see Mickey at Town Hall.
The CM was refusing saying they were only for attractions not character meets and I got really angry pointing out that this is a character meet thay accepts FPs so why couldnt I use it there and pointing out that we had been given them because of how much of our holiday time had been wasted and the girls just want to say bye to Mickey before we leave. She did let us in in the end and I went back to apologise for taking my frustrations of the trip out on her. (although quietly I remain that her initial refusal was poor guest relations to begin with)
If I paid for a preferred room...I'm getting a preferred room. If it's not at the resort I booked, then find me one at another or refund me the money.
I will never, ever, understand people who stake out curbside for the parade and then STAND the whole time. To me that's one of the more rude, selfish things you can do. I understand (sort of) not letting kids in front of you, but then to stand, essentially blocking anyone behind you from seeing is crazy. If you want to stand then go back a few rows, or have a heart and let shorter people in front of you.
I have had to basically mother hen a group of girl scouts who wanted to sit on the curb for the parade at DL during the big 50th celebration, people kept trying to step on or move in front of them. I stood behind them (I'm barely 5 foot) and kept telling people to bug off and stop stepping on them.
Same trip I played interference on a pin shark trying to scam one of our girls. All the girl scouts had lanyards with pins, including a special 50th anniversary pin they got from the GS council. This guy was trying to get our girls to trade their limited edition pins for generic ones. After one of the girl's showed me I got a cast member and basically forced him to give the pins back....jerk.
My rude behavior hands down is my cursing. I drop F-bombs like an air raid, most of the time without thinking (except work...I never ever swear at work). Even worse, my dh is just as bad. This past weekend we were in Austin for the 4th and dh was talking about something, dropped the f-bomb and a lady next to us almost had a stroke.
Unfortunately "This is all the fudges I give" just doesn't have as much impact.
OK - the part of the intro to RnRC, where Aerosmith are in the recording studio and a CM (acting as a tour guide) is meant to shout "Hey Steven, what about some backstage passes?", but they don't....

That mildly irritates me. If I catch on quick enough that the CMs aren't going to do it, I have done it myself.

We've been riding the RnRC for years, usually multiple times per trip and I've never heard the CM shout out like that! Weird!
We've been riding the RnRC for years, usually multiple times per trip and I've never heard the CM shout out like that! Weird!

They did it the first few times, then after a while...nothing. There was just a pause between Aerosmith telling the manager about doing something for the fans, and Steven holding his hand up to his eyes and saying "wait a minute - I love that idea".

The first time they didn't do it, the CM then shouted something about "congratulations on those back stage passes" when the doors to the alleyway opened, and I thought "hmmmm....congratulations on the backstage passes?! No-one mentioned anything about backstage passes that time!" Odd.
I am overly sensitive to how I treat strangers at Disney. Seriously. The only heels I've ever clipped with our strollers have been because someone was jumping in front of me and I couldn't stop fast enough. And then I still apologize even though it's not my fault they jumped in front of a moving person.

Unfortunately that makes me stressed out so turn into a jerk towards my family...
In 2012 our day at HS started terribly. DHS decided he didnt want to be rushed to RD or follow my plan. And his mom was with us and I swear to you she moves twice as slow when I want to be somewhere at a certain time. So when we were in line at TSMM for 1.5 hours and they were complaining, I kept it bottled up. Long line at RnR, kept my cool. When they wanted to stay at TOT when ONLY DH wanted to ride instead of sit somewhere we could all enjoy something, I started to come unglued and very frustrated. The upset that ensued led to me forgetting to grab our borrowed infant carrier from the beach Id been nursing our baby on. And then we spent 45 minUtes retracing steps and contacting lost and found and me crying over a $100 carrier I would have to replace.

Dh is letting me do RD every day this time because he doesn't want to wait two hours for TSMM ever again. And he knows that if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Let me do my thing in the morning and we can be lazy in the afternoons


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