ABCs of Trip Reporting, Pt. 2-Life Can Be Crappy and Then You Move On (3/7)

Hey! I'm refined!
Me too!
Welcome back to the Dis!

Hoop de Doo looks like so much fun. I have had it booked for the last two years, but always end up canceling it for some reason. I have to make sure we get there next time.

AMEN! A relationship is never meant to be that much work, especially at the beginning. It's supposed to be all about the lovie dovie stuff and having moon eyes for one another. :goodvibes Bek deserves that, at the very least! :lovestruc

I totally agree. The giddiness and crazy feeling of having that person who loves you and cares for you is fabulous. Everyone should have that. :love:

Hey! I'm refined!

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Sure is getting deep over here.
Welcome back! I think it goes without saying that we have all missed you greatly, but also completely understand why an absence is sometimes completely necessary. Your daughter is just simply so blessed to have a mother she can be so close to and confide in, although I can barely imagine how you were feeling. I get upset when someone laughs at Max at pre-school.

You have accomplished so much in such a short period of time. :goodvibes

And onto the Disney-stuff...Hoop--De- Doo really looks like a good time!
Leisa, it sure is good to see you back! Prayers for you continue. Be good to yourself. :hug:

Now, have you seen my long lost friend Maroo??? I miss her! :sad1::sad1:

I'm so glad your back posting again. I'm so sorry family has been going through such a difficult time! But especially you. I know how hard it is to come out of a depression been there done that. Take one day at a time that's all you can do. Many prayers going out for your family. :hug: You are one special lady and we are all here for you.

As far a Bek good for her to realize early that this wasn't what she wanted in a relationship. Smart girl it may be hard right now but in the end I truely believe that God meant for this to happen. She may not see it now but may reflect back later in life and understand. I often see this in my life, you don't understand at the time and then one day it clicks as to why what happened happened. And you learn from it. I think this will make her know what she now wants and deserves to have in a relationship and make her a stronger person not just as a wife but as a mother too.

Loved the update! Looks like you had a really fun time. This would be right up my alley. :rotfl:
Liesa, welcome back! I'm so sorry to hear it's been such a rough time, but I'm happy to hear that you're on your way out of it. :hug:

I'm dying to go to the Hoop-de-do...It's been at least 25 years since I've been, and that's way too long, right? And funny you mention the horse...I was back a few weeks ago, and stayed at POFQ for a night, was watching the horse and buggy go by and wondering why I've never seen any horse poop, outside of FW, at Disney. How in the world do they control that???
Hey Liesa,

It's great to see you back on the DIS. I'm sorry life got so stressful for you and your family. I wish we could do more than sympathize and share in your stress and sufferings. I pray that things do get better, or at least more restful for you.

HDDR looks like it was a lot of fun. And make fun of the men's bathroom all you want, but they gave the women a bunch of horse's rear ends. :eek:
Geez and I thought my life has been crazy the past few months leading to my DIS hiatus! ((hugs)) to you and Bek! I'm never going to catch up with everyone so I am jumping back in feet first and going forward. Great update! We really enjoyed HDDR too! Hmmm. . . that men's room photo is interesting and I do recall your affinity for that place - LOL! Glad to see Tate picking up new items/outfits along the way.
Liesa ... SO awesome to have you back and posting ... I nearly p'd myself reading that update ... from the Brokeback:confused: photo to "Scoop-de-poo" ... what a CLASSIC!!

I haven't been to the "Revue" in years ... but the way you captured it makes me wonder if NOW isn't the right time to introduce my kids to this frolicsome good time ... at the early show of course ;)
Welcome back, my friend! :hug: I'm sorry to be so MIA, pretty much on FB, and alot here. Last week, I had a good excuse (I was on vacation) but I had a little inside info, and I have had all of you in my prayers. I am so proud of Bek for knowing that God is in control and understanding what she needs in a relationship, and not seeing it through the "eyes of love." Also, that she loved David enough to set him free. God will do big things in both of their lives.

ITA with Camille - you have done so much for so many - you need to take some time to take care of yourself. We don't want you to blow away!:rotfl: Rest in Him and remember the Joy of the Lord is your strength.

I was :rotfl2: with the Scoop De Poop - what a mental pic! :rotfl2: Looks like HDDR was a great choice for you gals! With you back reporting, all feels right with the DIS! :thumbsup2
hey girl! :)
Wow, what? Phew, big news. Here's to healing hearts.:grouphug:
You can be a supa model!. Now go eat.:mad:
Her loss.....nuff said.:sad2:
Great update. love me some hoop!:banana:

Can't wait for more.:thumbsup2
oh and lots of these for you and your fam ...:hug::hug::hug::hug:

Liesa, I am so sorry to just be getting around to catching up here! I have been keeping up with you mainly on FB, and like so many others had no idea the complete and total craziness that has been going on beyond what you have mentioned there. I am so sorry for all the turmoil with Bek and David, and with his mom! She sounds like quite a character......and not the good kind. You are right about the forgiveness part though. All you can do is what you can control, and that is to apologize and ask for forgiveness for anything you feel like you had a hand in, and then it is totally up to her! Sometimes it doesn't matter, there are some people out there who prefer to remain miserable and try to make you miserable no matter what you do! :sad2:

Glad you have this behind you and you're coming out of this finally! :hug: I don't think you could afford to lose any weight, so glad you have that back under control before it hit a danger point. You were probably getting extremely close to having your toes shrivel up, and quite possibly all of that toe hair falling out!!! :eek:

Or maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing........... ;)

Loved the latest update! Nice to see Tate making an appearance here again! Uh, and YOU too!!! Sounds like a lot of fun and laughter! Guess I need to work that show into the schedule soon. Now to decide on the earlier show with the boys, or wait until the later "more adult" version while they go elsewhere......... :rolleyes1

:love: you my Friend!

I totally agree. The giddiness and crazy feeling of having that person who loves you and cares for you is fabulous. Everyone should have that. :love:

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Sure is getting deep over here.
Hey, I never realized that smilie was a pooper scooper!!! :lmao:
At the very stroke of 30 minutes, my glass slipper turned into a leather sandal, and I had to bid a hasty farewell to Prince Charming. I told him that if we ever happened to meet again, I hoped we wouldn’t look quite so much like a “high school marching band meets Disney tourist”[SIZE]

Thanks for making all my co-workers in the adjoining cubicles wonder what in the WORLD I'm laughing at! :rotfl2:


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