A wish trip for a child with food allergies-#49 GKTW and Village Idol with PICS!!

I think I am suffering from wish trip report withdrawall!!! someone.....please .......update......soon.....:faint: :lmao: I also think I need a life. :sad2: :lmao:

WYM-I hope you are feeling better soon :sick: :hug:
LeeLee2-:hug: hope B's surgery is going well, can't wait to hear about you trip :wizard: princess:

and where is BillLin?????? I think he is MIA :scratchin
So, we are all waiting for the next installment. You got out of the driveway and....
got out of the driveway and......got onto the plane of course (I know that once we have pictures, the TR will go faster...promise) :lmao:

Day 1-Getting on the Plane

I look over excitedly at Black Ear Envy::MickeyMo , flashing a big “we’re going to Disneyworld” smile. He doesn’t return the excitement. “What’s the matter?” I inquire. “I am afraid we are going to miss our flight, we are so late”, He proclaims sourly. :eeyore: “I thought you were in charge of making sure we left for the flight on time?” I say, taken aback. “Well, I tried to say we needed to go and no one would listen to me, and you, you are in your own little world”. Ok, that I am, in my own little….ack! What’s that wetness I feel on my foot?:eek:

It’s coming from my purse…oh no! the water bottle….The envelope with our ticketless flight information, our confirmation numbers, my mom’s tickets to parks, some only on paper, and dd’s food allergy list of foods she can and can’t have (that no, I don’t have memorized) is in there. The envelope is soaked. The paper items may be destroyed. Even though the children have done a wonderful job of cleaning out the van, they have left a folded up bath towel on the floor in my footspace. What providence. I gently surround the envelope and press it between two sides of the towel. I set the envelope to the side and sop up the water and soak up the wetness out of my drenched purse.

Attempting to determine just how this happened, I retrace the events that led up to this moment. I set my purse down in the driveway before the driveway game of frogger with the water bottles (thanks to LeeLee2U this fiasco has it’s own name). In a CSI crime investigation mode :magnify: I deduct that I could not have left my lid loose and caused this kind of damage. The loose lid had exploded off of the bottle with incredible force. I reconstruct that a child must have stepped on my purse during frogger, because of the trajectory pattern of the water that has exploded inside of it. This is confirmed by the evidence of my very bent wire clipon sunglasses. I set the sunglasses to the side to work on later. As I very gently remove the contents of the envelope, the outside envelope disintegrates. It took the brunt of the water damage. I wonder to myself if the inside paperwork will survive? I carefully peel the wet paperwork apart with surgical skill and breathe a sigh of relief when I realize that we have lost no important pieces of paper. I lay each fragile wet piece out to dry on the dashboard of our van. This is kind of funny because on every single driving trip we take, we usually have wet laundry that is sitting on the dash, last trip it was bras and socks. The entire dashboard is covered with paperwork set out to dry now, and all this happens while we are driving. It kind of just feels like any other trip we’ve taken now, kind of like a Who’sYourMickey family vacation tradition. Black ear envy is just rolling his eyes.

“I think it can dry on the fourty five minute drive to the airport.” I say. “What time is it?” I ask.
“7:10”, responds Black Ear Envy, “We were supposed to be at the airport by now. I think now we will have to skip breakfast”, he says. “Oh we can’t skip breakfast!” I explain. “Our next time to eat will not be until 2 in the afternoon at Friendlies! If we do not eat on the way we will have to pay airport prices for food!” I do the math…”7:10 plus a 45 minute drive to the airport is 7:55, add 15 minutes to grab food is 8:10, that’s exactly an hour before the flight at 9:10, so we’ll be fine”, I say. Black Ear Envy say’s “You are supposed to be to the airport TWO hours before your flight because of the new security.”

Somehow, the car erupts with enough “But Daddy, I’m hungry” from whispy thin Aristcatgirl, and “You know I have to eat in the morning to function” from AAAT girl that it is off to Burger King we go, everyone order’s breakfast, and our gluten and corn free girl gets two chocolate milks off the menu, Burger King being one of the only fast food establishments that sells non corn sweetened chocolate milk. We do not need to purchase drinks for everyone because we have the waters and the seven bottles of martinelli’s apple juice. I forgot to mention in that frogger episode that it was eight bottles of water AND seven bottles of apple juice rolling down the driveway.

As we come up towards the airport entrance at 8:10, I carefully refold the mostly dry paperwork and place it back into my purse. We drive to economy parking and are let out with all the luggage at a bus stop. We wait for about 20 minutes at the bus stop. Bus arrives at 8:30. It is already pretty full of people, but we manage to get ourselves, eleven bags and eleven carry ons into the bus :crowded: Except for Grandma, dd, and me, everyone in the family is standing on the bus and holding onto a bar.

There is a long walk to where the bag check in is. We arrive at bag check in and separate the carry ons from the checked luggage. Dd has to go to the bathroom, so Grandma takes her just inside to use the airport restrooms, while Black ear Envy and the rest of us help label the checked baggage. It is 8:50. We get the bags all checked in and security will not let us pass because they need to see Grandmas ID. Just at the time they were enquiring about her ID and needing to see it, Grandma and dd return from their trip to the bathroom, and Grandma shows her ID. We now are waved into the airport and briskly begin walking to our gate, stopping nearby an airport trash can to swig the rest of our waters and throw away our empty bottles and two bottles of water that did not get used.

We arrive at the security checkpoint at the gate and an attendant checks us through to the x ray area. Here we take off our shoes, and put all of our things into little baskets to go through X-ray machines. In the crowd we become separated so that our family is not together. The person in front of me goes through beside the xray machine and not through it. Neither the huge security team or myself notices, but a passenger behind me shout’s out to the security guard “Excuse me, Sir, she didn’t go through” “Huh?” he grunts. The passenger repeats herself, pointing and exclaiming “she didn’t go through the metal detector, she went around”. The security team is oblivious. They compose and ask the woman to go through the metal detector and she apologized, thinking she had gone through but acting mistaken. No metal was detected. The security official also got confused with me and asked for my id three times. Then quizzed, “Did I already see your id?” “Yes”. “Oh, that’s right”….As AAAT girl always says to me. Wow…just Wow.

My mom’s excellent preparation has us all going through security without any contraband. Black Ear Envy noted that someone had left a lipstick and asked if it belonged to anyone, but no one claimed it and he gave it to security. As I collect my bags, security called out some code that got everyone rushing and bussing and brought a supervisor to approve dd’s special food in her cooler. I told the security personel that there were special rules for people with food allergies. He was familiar with the rules and stated that the issue was with the cod liver oil, and the liquid iron supplement because they were liquids and procedure was to call a supervisor.

As a gloved security guard asks me to hold the cod liver oil up in its dark amber blue bottle, I realize that the bottle that was almost full several days ago is almost gone now. Later we find out that when aristacat girl got sick, ds swigged half of the bottle in an effort to dodge her sickness. I can sure see how much ds was really excited about the trip. He later told me that he wanted to be sure not to ruin dd’s time by getting sick on her trip. I am always touting the virtues of cod liver oil, but 1 tablespoon at a time…not half a bottle.

The supervisor came over and approved dd’s special food. We put our shoes on and gathered our carry ons. It is here that ds loses his beloved roll of quarters and pre 1982 pennies for pressed pennies, forgetting to add it back to his carry on bag and leaving it in one of the little tubs at the x ray area. As we walk through to the next area the next thing we see is a large open ice filled cooler next to a man with a cash register who sells water, juice and pop. I select a water and a juice out of the cooler. I pull out my mostly dry ten dollar bill that was in a side pocket of my purse, pay $6.34 for the two drinks and jokingly comment on how this must be how the airport pays for its new security. The man at the counter shrugs, giving no notice to my damp method of payment and comments that he is paid by an independent contractor not associated with the airport. Did I hear him correctly??? Hmmm….someone has a nice little racket going on anyway.

I had begun to let my conspiracy theorist mind wander and realize, oh, where is Black Ear Envy and the children? They have all gone ahead while I was delayed at security, down this hallway that opens up into a seating area. We quickly find each other, and I give a relaxing exhale and sit down in the chair besides Black Ear Envy. “There”, I say “We’ve made it in plenty of”…”Flight now boarding for Midwest flight … ” calls over the audio system. I look at Black Ear Envy with very wide eyes. “See what I mean”, he said “That was cutting it kind of close”. We hand the woman at the boarding pass counter four adult id’s and AAAT girl adds her ID in there, and I wonder if this confused the boarding pass attendant. The attendant counted our boarding passes over three times, saying “No…Wait” as if befuttled in between counting people and passes. :confused: Maybe the enormity and pressure of the job makes it difficult to count. I’ve worked at a bank before and counted lots of money but the counting pressure for the boarding pass lady must be way more difficult. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!!!!! Eight! She hands everyone their boarding pass, but wait! popcorn::

We go to get on the plane and my Mom was first and finds that she is not allowed on the plane because the attendant didn’t give her a boarding pass. The desk is five feet from the boarding area so this is the conversation that ensued. The boarding pass attendant said “I didn’t have your ID” my Mom said “yes you did”. My mom shows the attendant her ID again. The attendant gives my mom her boarding pass and we all show our passes to the next attendant and are allowed on the plane. We get to our seats. Oh my. These are nice roomy seats. It’s like the entire plane is 1st class. They have us sitting two and two in two rows directly across from each other. RG with dd at the window, Dh with Aristacatgirl at the window, myself with ds at the window, and my Mom with AAAT girl at the window. AAATgirl got to have two windows! She was so excited. We stowed away our carry ons and prepare for the two hour and twenty minute flight. Things are going smoothly. They give the preflight instructions and we make our way out onto the tarmac but there is a problem. There is a passenger on the plane who discovered on their own that they had gotten on the wrong plane by mistake. What? A passenger got on the plane by……mistake????!!!!!????? With all this airport security it begs to question….how’d THAT happen?

I’ll keep my thought’s to myself on this or this not wanting to go too off topic.
This rogue person on our plane ends up causing quite a delay as the plane has to circle around the tarmac again, a set of stairs come up to the door and the passenger is let our onto the tarmac, then our plane waits it’s turn to take off at a later time. The plane must re do it’s safety checklist and informational training because if there is a disruption like this, FAA rules require them to go over all their preflight information again. The high position of the plane gives the children a view over tall orange fencing to see inside construction going on not 40 foot from the plane. Big heavy concrete mixers and backhoes have them enthralled to watch too much to give the delay of the unauthorized passenger any notice. :woohoo: With all of this our plane would now get to Orlando an hour later than planned, 2:20 instead of 1:20. Will we miss our airport greeter? Will we make it to the 3:00 orientation at GKTW for tickets? This is still the most wonderful trip ever and we are all having a lot of fun, the children expecially are amazed at every turn since going on a plane is new to them.:cloud9:
How the heck did someone get on the wrong flight?! Oh my goodness. What a start! I hope things get much better!
I can't wait to get to the next part where we get to GKTW. :dance3: Much less :eek: and much more :love: :yay: :santa: :woohoo: coming ahead when I get back from the MLG tournament in a week.
I am looking forward to reading the rest of your report. A group of 24 students from my college including myself are going to volunteer at GKTW over Spring Break. I am so excited!
Just checking in to see if ya'll made it back home yet!!!! I started my TR Last week, but we just now made it to our resort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Us and our getting to the airport episodes!!!
Can't wait for the rest!!
We interupt this trip report for a mini other trip report:

I know my bad for not completing my trip report yet, but I am photoshopping pics. I am a perfectionist yk. I can't abide red eye. Or didn't you know? OK. My goal is an installment every week or two. We used our GKTW world pass in Vegas last week. I am using possibly our last good weekend before frost comes to caulk and paint the exterior windows, and doors on our house. So I couldn't do this weekends installment.

I am still battleing with weekly episodes of salivary stones. I am writing thank you cards to GKTW and all of the sponsors too, so that takes precidence over my TR. Then, yearbook submissions for the homeschool yearbook were due on Oct 15th and I am submitting late by the 30th.

Here is my update on Vegas: We attended the MLG Halo 3 Lan and stayed with my cousin. We visited three of my favorite cousins i grew up with (like sisters and brothers to me) and an aunt I haven't seen in ten years. We saw amazing sites. The Vegas strip, the IMAX theater at the Luxor where we saw the 3D movie Seamonsters. On the way home through Kansas we stopped at the fike museum and saw some actual fossils found in Kansas of Seamonster/dinosoar type sea creatures which went along with the movie, I so love it when that happens. We saw the king tut museum. We did the motion ride at the LUXOR, a must do, very fun, didn't make anyone sick ride. We did the coney island arcade, they gave each of us ten dollars in quarters for the arcade! This give kids the world world pass is awesome. We are planning on using it as much as possible. My older children have decided to try to start competing in major league gaming tournaments all over the US and Canada next year. They are going to get sponsors. When we travel with them to tournaments, we will go to the places on the GKTW world pass. It is amazing that this is all coming together because I truely wanted my dd to see everything in the world. The world pass will allow us to do this and since I have family all over the US to stay with, the only limit for us is getting gas money. There is so much more than just amusement parks on the world pass, there are museums and science centers and educational places too. My heart is just welling up with so much gratitude for this opprotunity.
We'll be here whenever you get time to write! I'm so glad the GKTW pass is giving you all these opportunities. We just got back last Sun. from WDW, so I'm still playing catchup myself on reading new posts and other non-important things like laundry :laundy: and more laundry:laundy: . How do three people dirty up so many clothes on vacation? Oh, yeah, it was HOT last week in Orlando! Like sweaty yucky July hot the 6th-9th!

I'm jealous you had a flight with big comfy seats! We haven't had roomy seats in years and I will never fly Northwest again. The seats are made for 100 lb. supermodels with short legs....
:woohoo: YOU"RE BAACK!!!!!!:yay: :yay:
Girl you don't have to rush to finish your TR. Just finish it within the year please!!!!;) i am still on our first day on mine. We understand that as much as we would like to live in the Disney storybook land, that we are home now and Well Life is still going on, things happen. :goodvibes
So glad ya'll were able to have so much fun in Vegas.
We are still your loyal readers and will follow you as you get the time to write.
Oh yeah. How's Cindy?? Is the rice still working for her?? Give her and Aurora hugs from me.:hug:
Braeton had his surgery, is doing good and just wait till you see him now!!! With his ears fixed he looks like a mini Tyler!!!!
I'll check in later an d by the way I'm kinda glad you're slowing down on your TR cause now we might hit that "day" @ the same time!!!!!;) That'll get our readers to wondering!!!! :rotfl2:
LeeLee, it would be so great if we tackle that "day" on the same day. I just think about Braeton and his love of princesses and life, and your whole sweet family and it makes me smile!

Who's girls mom- Now I know why Midwest flights are more expensive....so worth it!!!!!! I'll think twice if I ever fly again about saving a few bucks because...it really was roomy and comfy nice on their planes.

on with the trip report....it rained today and we stopped painting at 3:30

Day 1-Arriving at GKTW

The plane ride was wonderful. The seats were comfortable, and the other travelers were very enjoyable to be around. The people sitting in front of us were disers on their way to Disneyworld too. The ladies in front of us had traveled all over the world. They made some comments about how smooth the flight was too. I sat by ds who was the most apprehensive about flying and he said after take off, “Hey, that wasn’t scary at all”. He was ear to ear smiles and looked out the plane window for most of the trip. The plane on the way up after takeoff, went directly over our small town of 17,000 where we live, and we got to see where we live from the air while we were still low enough to see the details of houses and yards and recognize landmarks. The children took turns taking pictures of the beautiful clouds with my camera. Some of them listened to books on tape, RG had his CD player with his music CD’s, and dd got to watch Cinderella 3 for the first time on Black Ear Envy’s laptop with headphones. This kept her occupied the majority of the flight. We gave everyone their own pack of gum that they could chew to help with the pressurizing of the plane. To tell the truth, we took a chance on giving dd one piece of sugar free extra gum, even though it was iffy with corn and I didn't pre check the 800 number for gluten on it. I think it didn't have an 800 number and I had no phone service on the plane. We gave some to dd when her ears started to bother her. If I had been well, I sure would have checked the gum ahead of time as I do 99% of the time before feeding her anything. For other food allergy parents, I would highly recommend checking and finding a safe gum ahead of time for the flight. She ended up being fine with the gum. The flight was incredibly smooth. The smoothest flight I’ve ever taken. It's like the plane was a high tech plane, not the older models or smaller models I've flown in before. We came out of the airplane and due to airport security, greeters from GKTW do not meet us directly off of the plane. We boarded the tram at the gate, just as the instructions GKTW sent us the week before the trip said to do upon arrival, and took it to the main airport terminal where a very nice man was holding a GKTW welcomes sign with dd’s name on it. I said that I suprized to see a greeter because our plane was delayed an hour, and he was so nice and said that he had gotten the message that there was a delay and it was no problem. He was there with a luggage cart and took some of the carry on’s onto the cart. I am sorry that I do not remember his name. I took some pictures of dd and him with her sign. Our luggage came out right away, except one bag. Then AAAT girls bag was the last one. For a second we thought it might be lost and I imagined shopping to replace all her things. We were all so relieved when her bag came through. The greeter gave us some friendly advise to spend two days at GKTW village. In hindsight, that would have been good advise, but as it was we planned one day at GKTW village, our first day. Our greeter leads us through a maze at the Orlando airport and directly to the National Rental Car place. Black Ear Envy goes in and then comes out and asks me for a credit card and says they are going to bill us $500 for the rental car. I say there must be a mistake and I will call our dream coordinator about it. The GKTW greeter not only helps us load up the van with the luggage, but he explains the directions on how to get to GKTW, which are also written on the back of dd’s welcome sign.
We head off toward the exit but get stuck behind a car for twenty minutes that has some kind of problem with their paperwork. After a while, the National Rental Car people move the van in front of us to the side so that we can pass.

We arrive at GKTW! The first thing we do is go to guest services where I find out that this particular day there is no orientation at 3:00, and I will do the 7:00. They tell us to go right away to Friendlies because they were still open for fifteen minutes, then ask us to come back and check in after we are done. By this time dd has just snacked on her food on the plane, and has drunk all of her milk.

A stock photo of friendlies

Friendlies had soup, sandwiches, and ice cream! The awesome thing is that GKTW knows that dd is coming and Nancy, the children with special food needs shopper has shopped for her and found new foods that we didn’t even know she could eat since rice is such a new food for us. Truthfully still, a month later, we have been unable to find in our town the kind of rice dream ice cream that Nancy found for DD to eat. The volunteer at Friendlies says they know all about dd and would I like to come back with them and see if any of the ice creams they have gotten will work for her? I say yes, and we go back and they have some rice dream swirl flavor that she can have! What an amazing treat! She gets to eat ice cream at friendlies! We all have ice cream. I think I had a soup, sandwich, and rootbeer float. Some of the sibs had banana splits. We were amazed by the décor of Friendly’s. There were happy little scenes of children playing painted on the tables, and the walls were painted like ice cream was melting on them. It was very creatively decorated. I took pictures of the ice cream, the food, and the wall.

We finished at Friendlies and went back to guest services where each child was given a small dolphin plush and the wish child was given a huge Mickey Mouse Plush, the coolest thing ever. So cool that my younger son wanted to trade his dolphin in for a Mickey Mouse, and I told him that those were just for the wish children because this was their special trip. Then, in the car we had a little talk about manners and being thankful. We will be working on social skills a lot this year as we travel because children on the autism spectrum are very lacking in social skills. I have a new book my cousin gave me in Vegas about teaching children social skills and I am so excited and have already begun using it. Back to the TR.... We were given our room keys, our bunny books, and then the volunteer loaded up the children into a golf cart for a ride to the villa. We followed in the van close behind. Here are pictures of our villa. They were taken the day we left because when we arrived we were too excited and in awe and the battery was dead in my digital camera.

This is a picture dd took of the villa with the disposable camera the dream factory gave her.

dd took this pic of the whirlpool tub

dd took this pic of her bed with her toys that she slept with during the trip. A guy-a universal character and a toy car she recieved in the welcome basket. Christmas the second night volunteers gave away bears and did face painting, and both girls chose the kitty cat as their present. The big dolphin was her souvenier we bought her at discovery cove. One of the sibs gave her their small dolphin so she could have a mommy and baby. The small pillow is her special pillow from the pillow making machine.

dd's pic of aristacat girls bed, her special pillow, and toys, and we put her roll away bed in between two twin beds, grandma slept on the other twin bed. Aristacats bear is wearing the metal she recieved from participating in village idol. Throughout the week the girls used small hand towels as baby blankets for their baby kitties.

dd's pic of the three beds in her room

dd's pic of the shower in her private bath

dd's pic of the phone in my husband and my room

pic of the 2nd bathroom

pics I took of dd's private bath




pic of dd's bedroom

cool mickey lamp in dd's room..she said "look! A hidden Mickey!" when she saw it.

Mom and Dad's room

washer and dryer (with a family of 8, we used this every day, a load of clothes and a load of towels) We brought our own special detergent for chemically sensitive, but GKTW provided detergent in the laundry area.

TV in the living room area

The living room. The couch folded out into a bed where the two boys slept. A roll away bed was in the closet of dd's bedroom. Just about the time we started counting beds a knock came at the door and a second roll away was wheeled in beside the TV in the living room. We spread it out in front of the TV in the living room.

Nice accommodations!:thumbsup2 And great that they had ice cream for dd!! Hooray!
Awesome! Gotta love GKTW! I wish the trips were so much longer so we could spend more time at the Village. Now I have the song they play stuck in my head.
I was thinking when we all meet up in Jan 09 (notice the positive thinking there) that we need to give GKTW advanced notice about our reunion celebration...they welcome us as day visitors, and I think they would get a kick out of our reunion "festival."
"Memories..." Dad never told me about the GKTW activities so we spent very little time there. I rode the horse & caught the firemen one night...I want to go back!


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