A little less housekeeping would be nice

I mean, at most it takes up 10 mins of the podcast (probably a lot less most weeks) and you know it is at the beginning so you can skip it if you don't want to hear it.

Obviously everyone is different and if it is a big deal to you, so be it - I just don't get why someone talking about a trip for 5-10 mins (max) would cause you to stop listening to an entire podcast that you enjoy :confused3

First of all, I don't watch, I listen. When I'm running or cycling outdoors. With a phone strapped to my arm. It is difficult to fast forward when these segments are at the beginning because I never know how long they will last. It is not feasible to stop and remove my phone from my arm so I can do this mid workouts.

This is why I suggested putting the segment at the END as a workable solution. It is easy to skip to the next podcast in my feed when I reach that point. All I need to do is push a button on my headphones. Easy.
John, you seem like a nice guy. However, that response is not the attitude you should want to project as a business owner who finances and participates in a podcast to promote your product.

You SHOULD care what your listeners think. Even when you don't agree with it. We are not talking in general terms here about things that you prefer people don't do. This is a discussion about a portion of your company's show that people find annoying and off putting. This type of "I don't care" attitude makes me think you don't care about your clients either. Even if that's not the case.

A simple "thanks for your feedback" goes a long way.

Not all feedback deserves a thank you. This one deserves more of an eye roll.
I listen to a lot of podcasts. This is the ONLY one that doesn't have actual advertisements scattered throughout, often (95% of the time) irrelevant to the discussion. The "advertisements" on the DisUnplugged are opportunities to meet the team and go on a trip.

Ha ha
My DH thinks DisUnplugged is so boring, but when he works out, he listens to a political/talk radio kind of podcast. Well, to get the free version, it seems like every 60 seconds is an ad for blinds.com amongst other things (some supplement for dogs...we don't have a dog).
I'd rather hear about upcoming shows or cruises I will never go on than blinds. At least I can dream about a cruise or ABD...blinds, not so much.
John, you seem like a nice guy. However, that response is not the attitude you should want to project as a business owner who finances and participates in a podcast to promote your product.

You SHOULD care what your listeners think. Even when you don't agree with it. We are not talking in general terms here about things that you prefer people don't do. This is a discussion about a portion of your company's show that people find annoying and off putting. This type of "I don't care" attitude makes me think you don't care about your clients either. Even if that's not the case.

A simple "thanks for your feedback" goes a long way.

You seem like a nice person too but you seem to have read a great deal into my response to your post. I don't think it had any attitude. I was respectful of your opinion and expressed mine.

I used your post as an opportunity to offer counter facts to your opinion that we would lose listeners and customers if we continue to mention our upcoming trips.

I don't think as part owner of Dreams Unlimited Travel and a member of the podcast team I need to edit my posts or opinions to a simple "thanks".
As John has pointed out above, this is not the case...regardless of what you think.

And it's hardly irrelevant

As you listen to many other Disney podcasts that do things more to you liking...maybe they are a better fit.

Wow. So because I dared to critique one part of one podcast in your arsenal, I should stop listening altogether? Should everyone in this thread who feels this way simply be shown the door as well? Seriously?
Wow. So because I dared to critique one part of one podcast in your arsenal, I should stop listening altogether? Should everyone in this thread who feels this way simply be shown the door as well? Seriously?

You seem to reading a great deal into what has been posted.

You mentioned that you stopped listening for several weeks because of self promotion.

And this is a direct quote "I listen to a lot of Disney podcasts and yours is the only one that spends so much time on this sort of thing. Yours is not the only one who is sponsored by a travel agency and that plans group events/trips either. Most other podcasts will dedicate an entire show to discussions related to an upcoming trip or meet."

It seems that you think this is a better way of doing things.

I have pointed out that things are working pretty well, which you take to mean that we don't care about our clients.

I was just suggesting that since we annoy you enough that you stop listening and that you feel that others do this better, that maybe we aren't the right fit.

This seems to be really upsetting to you and Im not sure why.
Why do you need to get personal with me here? Your "eh" response was rude as well.

You're being somewhat insulting and condescending to Kevin and John and I'm not a fan of that. You're projecting an image of yourself that can be interpreted as ungrateful and entitled. You may not be doing this on purpose... but it's how you're coming off IMO.
You seem to reading a great deal into what has been posted.

You mentioned that you stopped listening for several weeks because of self promotion.

And this is a direct quote "I listen to a lot of Disney podcasts and yours is the only one that spends so much time on this sort of thing. Yours is not the only one who is sponsored by a travel agency and that plans group events/trips either. Most other podcasts will dedicate an entire show to discussions related to an upcoming trip or meet."

It seems that you think this is a better way of doing things.

I have pointed out that things are working pretty well, which you take to mean that we don't care about our clients.

I was just suggesting that since we annoy you enough that you stop listening and that you feel that other do this better, that maybe we aren't the right fit.

This seems to be really upsetting to you and Im not sure why.

You seem to be taking this feedback very personally. This is not upsetting me at all. I just feel surprised by the vehement defense of something that a handful of people expressed frustration with. Rather than maybe be open to suggestions on how you can make the show more appealing to everyone, you choose to suggest just stopping listening. I enjoy and find value in the majority of the shows. I provided my feedback BECAUSE I want to keep listening.

Obviously, you don't find this feedback valuable, which is fine. I will continue to work around the parts of the show that I don't need to listen to. I don't expect to be catered to.
Merely responding to your assertion that we will lose clients, customers and that we don't care about them

Not everyone listens to every show. Not everyone listens the way you do.

Twenty six people are considering joining us because of my talk on Tuesday.. This is a possible $80K worth of additional business based on the lowest pricing I discussed.

This may be annoying to you, but it's crucial to our business. That doesn't seem important to you.

It seems to me that you only want to tell me what you think and how you feel. It seems you don't want to hear anything other than your point of view.

At this point, I will just say "Thanks for your feedback."
As you listen to many other Disney podcasts that do things more to you liking...maybe they are a better fit.

What was to be gained by this statement? All it might do is fuel anyone who thinks some members of the DU team may have some egotistical traits.

I applaud the DU team for responding to this listener/viewer concern. However, the poster has articulated, very well, a viable concern.

What is disheartening to me is that when the poster stated that DU may lose listeners/viewers, the response was DU has been growing along with it's client database. This is a wrong response in business based on my marketing experience(s). Losing sales may mean you left clients off the sales table (or are going to). So in my mind, not maximizing your sales potential is equivalent to losing sales; perhaps this was the intent of this statement.
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I think everyone has an ego. I do. You do.

I have tried to address the concern. John has addressed the concern.

We have also explained why we do what we do.

Someone that tells me they stop listening for several weeks because of self promotion is probably not booking a reservation through me.

However, 26 potential guests with a potential of $80K (plus) in revenue is something I have to look at

I am never going to please everyone.

I can only try to do what I do in the best possible way for the company I work for and the guests I am lucky enough to serve.
First of all, I don't watch, I listen. When I'm running or cycling outdoors. With a phone strapped to my arm. It is difficult to fast forward when these segments are at the beginning because I never know how long they will last. It is not feasible to stop and remove my phone from my arm so I can do this mid workouts.

This is why I suggested putting the segment at the END as a workable solution. It is easy to skip to the next podcast in my feed when I reach that point. All I need to do is push a button on my headphones. Easy.

I never said I thought you were watching - I didn't specify anyway of the product being consumed :confused3

Just trying to offer up an idea for a workaround - I know you aren't getting the answer that you want but that doesn't mean people aren't reading and considering your idea. There is just no way to make everyone happy as for everyone who wants less housekeeping there is someone who wants more


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