"A for effort, C for execution." A September 2014 TR **07/04 THE END!*

YAY Mine Train!! There is something so amazing getting to ride something new after so many Disney trips. Funny enough, for some reason I've heard a lot of talk about the seats, yet I never actually noticed. So weird.
What I also didn't notice was THERE ARE RIDE PHOTOS!!!!!!! I have no idea how I missed that.
Ahh, now I can see the reflection on the cottage windows people have been talking about making it hard to see in. I guess sometimes really dark skies can be a bonus.

We are in total agreement on the Mine Train. Enjoyable, but now long wait worthy.

You know, the Fantasia Hat actually looks like it's melting. Amazing how those Imagineers work with the weather. And hey, maybe a spot for the MGM hat.

Well Marie and I still have things we've never ridden, so it was more the hype of just being able to experience something new with other people doing it.

That is weird. Cause the seats are one of the things that stick out a lot to me because they were just not comfortable. But hey, it's a good thing you didn't notice them :thumbsup2

Ride photos and ride video! Straight to your magic band.

Yup. I could barely see inside. Like, reflections will get you every time.

But if people want to wait and stay in line, I won't stop them either ;)

Those Imagineers, they can do anything. Except move the HS hat there. It'd be far too big :p

I am in completely agree with you on the seats for 7DMT. The leg room was a little tight too (and I am not that tall).

We did the same thing as you...afternoon nap back at the resort. We left after FoF. We were lucky enough to get a coveted spot at the train station, so we could easily get out of the park after the parade.

Seeing your pictures of ASMo reminds me I didn't get any pictures of our building (my friend and I were in Mighty Ducks 3). We were originally going to be put into the Love Bug section, but since we are both hockey fans we wanted to stay in the Mighty Ducks section. I think the Love Bug section might have been closer to the main hall though. Oh well...live and learn.

I think they just focused a lot on the kids that would be riding in the design and forgot to account that adults are usually much bigger.

I like afternoon naps. I mean, like, I just don't have the go in me that I had my first trip and I don't have to. And that's the nice part.

Yeah, we thought it'd be further and it was when I walked it. I actually have heard that it's closer to catch the All Star Music bus back if you're staying in the Mighty Ducks section. As long as you liked it though, that's the important part :goodvibes

I'm with ya on Mine Train. I did like it a lot, but I would not have been happy if I waited hours for it…

I also sit on the ground at bus stops so we can start a club.

Your All-Star pics are great! I love that resort though I do think it's an interesting mix of Disney movies…

Seeing long wait times always had us like, "I wouldn't be happy if I had waited like that." Then again, there's little I'd wait long for.

Club I'll Sit on the Ground, Thanks ftw! :cheer2:

Thanks! And agreed, now that I'm thinking about it, it's a weird grouping of movies, but obviously it works for them.
Day 2, Part 6: "We're here again."

At around 5:30 after resting for a while, Marie and I decided that we were going to head back to the Magic Kingdom.

First, we had to take some more pictures at the resort though.


Here is Marie looking super fab.

I realized after taking this picture that I really wanted my sunglasses though, so I ran back to the room to get them.


Here I am, considerably less fab.


Oh Donald, you so classy.


Posing it up with Daisy.



Getting into the bus line.

Around 6 we were on a bus and heading to the Magic Kingdom! Except when we got there, we didn't go to the Magic Kingdom.


Nope, instead we took this walkway over to the Contemporary.


It was a nice walk. I can see why people would be happy to stay where they could walk to the Magic Kingdom.

We then headed inside and made our way to our dinner destination:

That's right. We walked there to eat quick service, but having eaten at all the quick services places in the Magic Kingdom, we figured that we'd try somewhere new.


We got a dirt cake cupcake, some glasses for water, our pager and went to take a seat.


Seeing the monorail go by is exciting.

Finally our buzzer went off and we got our food.


I had the pasta with meatballs. The bread stick was on point like always, but I wasn't a fan of the pasta.

Someone approached me in interest as they hadn't seen it on the menu and asked what I thought and then I had to be like, "Well I don't like it because I'm not a fan of this sauce or the whole grain noodles, but hey, you could try it."

If I don't like a food someone should take it with a grain of salt. I'm a picky eater.


Marie had this three meat flatbread. She says it was very good and she'd have it again.

And the cupcake was good too, so there was that.

After that, we went to get on the monorail.


While waiting we found the five legged goat.


Such a cool view.

We then took the monorail and headed back into the Magic Kingdom. By the time we got there it was getting dark and we decided that we'd go and see about meeting Tiana.


Heading through Adventureland to do so.

When we got there the attendant was just about to close the line and suggested that by waiting in it, we'd be pretty much wasting our time. Instead, if we wanted to come back at 8:45 we could be first in line to meet Tiana and in our spare time we could do something else.

We thought this was a fair point, so we went to see about riding the Jungle Cruise. The wait time was crazy though, so we went to go and get a FP+. Except we ended up not getting one for the Jungle Cruise and instead got one starting at 8:20 for the Haunted Mansion.

Since we were in the proximity and had minimal time to kill, we decided to go head and ride the Flying Carpets. While in line a boy of about 10 saw my pins and asked to trade, which I was happy to do, pointing out which ones I was trading.


We took a selfie on the carpets and then flew them amazingly well.

At that point our FP+ was coming up, so we made our way over to the Haunted Mansion.


Always an excellent decision. Except, the line was moving slowly so Marie was worried we'd be late to get back for Tiana and have to wait in a long line. We ended up getting in around 8:35.

Up next: Finishing up the first day.

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You know I think I would be a bit torn staying at the Contemporary. I love the monorail so much and having it come right to me would be hard to pass up. But then being able to actually walk to MK would be pretty appealing too. Ah the decisions of rich people, lol.

Five Legged Goat... WOOT!!

FP+ does have its appeal. Being able to get one late isn't that new, but being able to select the time (ish) really is an added bonus when you have other things you want to do.
I guess the next trip I will have to try the Contempo Cafe. That flatbread looks great. We ate at the resort a lot during this trip and found a bunch of stuff we liked.

We really did like the Mighty Ducks buildings. We used ASMU for the first two days, but we used our bus stop at ASMO as it really wasn't that much longer of a walk.

I am hoping to start my trip report here shortly...I just have to get my pictures edited.
You know I think I would be a bit torn staying at the Contemporary. I love the monorail so much and having it come right to me would be hard to pass up. But then being able to actually walk to MK would be pretty appealing too. Ah the decisions of rich people, lol.

Five Legged Goat... WOOT!!

FP+ does have its appeal. Being able to get one late isn't that new, but being able to select the time (ish) really is an added bonus when you have other things you want to do.

You're one to talk :thumbsup2 Tell me when you have to make the decision when you get around to staying at the Contemporary :p But I think I'd walk in the morning and take the monorail in the evening.

I was pretty excited to see it.

Yup. I do like having that sort of exact power over my plans.

I guess the next trip I will have to try the Contempo Cafe. That flatbread looks great. We ate at the resort a lot during this trip and found a bunch of stuff we liked.

We really did like the Mighty Ducks buildings. We used ASMU for the first two days, but we used our bus stop at ASMO as it really wasn't that much longer of a walk.

I am hoping to start my trip report here shortly...I just have to get my pictures edited.

Marie really liked her flatbread, I should have gotten one too. Resort dining is totally underrated.

As long as you were happy that's what counts, but I think Marie and I were happy with our location.

Ooh you'll have to send me a PM when you do so I don't accidentally miss it.
Day 2, Part 7: "Do you know her number?"

We got into line for Tiana and Naveen and only had a few people in front of us and soon we were meeting the couple.

They asked where we were from and then when they found out Quebec, Tiana mentioned hearing about a special dish from there called Poutine.

For those of you that don't know, Poutine is like Quebec's favorite culinary invention. It's fries with a special sauce (not quite gravy) and a special semi-firm cheese. I'm not too wild about it, I'd prefer chili-cheese fries any day but not like a Quebecer hear you say that.


So Marie explains about it and the special cheese (which is really what makes the dish).


She tells them that it has to squeak (that's how you know it's the right cheese, it's squeaky) and Tiana is promptly disgusted.

Naveen also looked at my pins during this time, as you can see.

We laughed a lot about the Poutine and both Tiana and Naveen's apparent disgust about it.


Overall, it was an awesome meet.

Once we were finished we stopped by Pinnochio's Village Haus for a cup of water since it was hot and we were thirsty and then decided to see if we could meet any other princesses.

The wait time for Anna and Elsa was still up super high and we heard a family asking if it was possible that it would go down lower because they wanted to catch Wishes, but they were told it would not.


Meanwhile, Marie and I got into this side.

And here's the thing, when we walked in the line for Anna and Elsa was only about five people longer than our line and on top of that, the people at the end of that line got in before we did. So, I really think that they just inflated the wait time and that family could have totally met Anna and Elsa.

We ended up waiting the whole time to meet our princesses and it was quite annoying because there was this girl behind us singing. And I mean, she had a decent voice, but the problem was like that she knew that and was purposely trying to sing over the music inside or whatever. It got old really quick. I'm fine with singing, just don't do it so loud so that everyone else has to listen.

The kid before us kept questioning Rapunzel if her hair was real, so by the time we got to her she was in a pretty sassy mood.


The first thing she said was, "Do you think my hair is real?"

And we promptly told her that of course we did. She had us feel it after that and explained that taking it down would be too much of a hassle and that's why it was up.



She was great overall.

Next we moved on to Cindy and told her that we had seen her step-family that day.


She asked if they'd been polite and we told her that they hadn't. Which she sighed over and insisted that she'd been trying to work on their manners with them.


Our conversation was more brief with her but we still had a nice meet.

Which was good because we were cutting it close to try and make it for Wishes. We only caught the end of Celebrate the Magic as we went ahead and grabbed a space right in the middle of the madness.


This was our view though, so it was good.


Other guides to give you an approximate of our location.


Not too shabby.

There were more tears than usual on Marie's part once everything started. Why?

Hearing Aladdin say "Genie, I wish for your freedom" during Wishes is what set off the tears tonight

We then took a rest on the Tommorwland Terrace where I caught up on TR notes and we just relaxed, trying to figure out where we were headed next.


The Peoplemover, of course!

You can't avoid this majesty. It's just not possible.

We got stopped with a message about technical difficulties.


That's okay though, it allowed us to watch a minute or so of Celebrate the Magic.

Afterward, we decided that we'd hit one last attraction for the night.


Like usual it was a walk on and we were so glad that we did it guys. It was honestly one of the funniest times that we'd ever seen the show.

When the lady got picked for mind reading, instead of saying her number out loud she held up 4 fingers. And so when the monster asked if she'd told everyone her number, she goes "Yes."

"... really? Humans, do you know her number?"


We were all cracking up so hardcore because we'd never seen that before and it was just golden. Such a great way to end the night.

We'd originally planned to try and stay for the Kiss Goodnight (which we hadn't seen yet) but we were both pretty tired and we wanted to be up early the next morning.


We did stop for some pictures though (shoutout to the guy in the background).



Our bus came fairly quickly and then we were headed back to the All Star Movies.


Not as pretty at night as the other All Stars.

We decided to ask about moving our luggage the next day and this lady totally cuts in front of us because 'she just has a question'. Like, lady, do you see us with luggage? What do you think we're doing in line? To ask a question. Stop acting like you're more important than the rest of us.

When we get to the front the guy working says it isn't possible for them to move our luggage, we stress that we've heard that it is and that they confirmed it when we booked that it would be possible. He denies this and Marie and I go back to our room highly annoyed at how to figure out how to move our luggage.

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Day 3, Part 1: "We're going home!"

Marie and I woke up at 8 and quickly got everything packed up because we were super excited to be moving on.


We left a tipping envelope and then made our way out.

I even posted on Facebook:
Goodbye All-Star Movies. It's been real but now we're going home to Port Orleans French Quarter

We headed up to the front desk to ask again about transferring our luggage to make sure that it wasn't possible and to ask what to do instead, since the guy last night said they might offer a taxi voucher since we were told that it was possible. Guess what the lady at the front desk tells us? It's totally possible. So we drop our bags and our carry on roller suitcases with the luggage services and then head out.

Given that POFQ isn't really next to any specific parks, we opted to take a bus to Animal Kingdom and transfer there since the All Stars are right by AK.



Can you see the excitement there is?

Actually it took like a full 20 minutes for a bus to come and get us and the other lady that was waiting in line.

But you know what? It didn't bring us down in the slightest. We didn't have any specific park plans until much later in the day.


We were just super, super excited to be going back to our first resort and our resort love.

And then, finally, we arrived.


Look at this beauty.


I was too excited to take pictures properly.


So here is a blurry shot of the lobby waiting area with comfy chairs and small chairs for kids and all the beauty.

Ugh, I miss this place so hardcore.



We were both just on Cloud 9.

After checking in they told us that our room wasn't ready yet, which was fine because it was still really early, so we went to leave our backpacks and travel bags that we'd brought with us in luggage storage and decided to head to Downtown Disney.

And since we were staying at a resort that gave the choice, we decided that the boat was the best way to do so and that would allow us to look around some more.


Such beauty.


Plus these totally hip alligators.


Area over to the jacuzzi section.


Look at this totally rad guy.


And this blurry and somewhat creepy statue replica from the actual French Quarter in New Orleans.


More blurry pool pictures, this one including Scales the dragon slide! Which, incidentally, is totally fun (in case you were wondering)


There's a little section for the kiddies as well.

Also, they have pool towels in moderates and above at the pool, so you don't have to use your room towels. I appreciate that.


Gorgeous buildings.


Finally, we were to the area where we could board our boat. I say finally when the walk is like three minutes from the lobby. POFQ is so small and beautiful and I could go on about how much I love it forever.


The path that goes along the whole of the resort so you can walk along the water.





Our boat. We were the last two let on this particular boat since it stops first at Riverside.

We sat across from a couple who knows the POFQ greeter and who was just spending the weekend at Disney. The guy was a retired veteran so we thanked him and chatted the whole ride over.

The ride itself was short and relaxing. Very nice. Although the horns are used frequently and we commented that staying the Treehouse Villas would have the disadvantage of having to hear those horns frequently.

For the first time, thanks to Marie's TA benefits we got the full Disney package that you get from booking through Disney (we usually book directly through Air Canada Vacations where Marie works, so we don't get any added bonuses) which meant that we got the coupon to Planet Hollywood and we decided to go ahead and use it.


But first, we looked at Legos.

If you've been to Downtown Disney recently, you know that it's a construction mess and holy crap it was terrible walking all the way over to Planet Hollywood. The walkways are so limited and crammed together and it was like a million degrees out so we were sweaty and gross.


Seriously, we almost cried in relief upon getting close enough to see this.


And Marie wanted to run through this fountain.

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Oh yeah, poutine is it's own food group even here. I'm not a fan either, but when McDonald's adds it to the menu, you know it's important.

Hmmm, I wonder if they inflate the time for Anna/Elsa in anticipation of FP+. Because I suppose if people for some reason didn't show up... Maybe. Still, interesting.

I enjoy meeting Rapunzel, but I think Cindy may be a little too proper to be particularly memorable. I found the same of Elsa actually.

Just curious, but were the Wishes tears for Robin Williams?

HAHAHAHA I totally remember that Monsters Inc story!!!

I was really confused about the moving luggage bit. I was always under the impression that this was possible. So weird. I'm anxious to hear how it plays out.

YAY DTD, but BOOOO construction. I'm glad my brief time there was in the evening so at least it was a little cooler. In fact I think it might have been that evening.
Had to get caught up since I was in Disney for a week. ;)

I'm telling you, 7DMT FP's are seriously like gold.

There is no shame in sitting on the ground at Disney. I would do it, but I would be afraid I wouldn't be able to get up afterwards. :rotfl2:

The flatbread at Contempo Cafe is really good. Sorry that the pasta wasn't, but duly noted on the picky palate. :rotfl2:

Man, people really frustrate me when they do that! "I just have a question". Yeah lady, basically so do I!

Clearly that CM was completely stupid! I'm glad the CM in the morning was able to get it straightened out for you.

I can honestly say having stayed at the Treehouse Villas that we never once noticed the horns from the boats. :goodvibes
Aw man, sorry Contempo Cafe was disappointing! At least you got to check out the Contemporary, though, and see the five-legged goat.

Aww Tiana and Naveen rock. They're always so talkative and I love it.

Rapunzel is so cute!! And Cindy is gorgeous.

So smart of that lady not to say her number out loud!!! Ahhh I love when people really get into those kinds of shows.

I would have been so frustrated re: the luggage situation but thankfully you got the right answer eventually!!

I've visited POFQ and it just looks so fun!!! Plus BEIGNETS. I really need to stay there but POR is actually my favorite resort so I feel like it would be hard to drag me away from there for POFQ...
Ok, need to apologize as I missed an update in the middle ... so get ready for OUT OF ORDER COMMENTS!!!!!

Glad you are back though - Windows 8 is a bit of a bugger to get used to

wow, 5 minutes for Splash and then that crazy 20min/walk-on for Big Thunder - that is definitely a score. And great ride photo on Splash :thumbsup2

love the sad Philharmagic photo ... love when CMs play along like that

That is the best CoP CM ever! Love it :rotfl2: Should have mentioned the new electro-seats that shock you if you fall asleep ;)

Your chicken and waffles look really good - actually all the food you got at Trails End looks good. definitely a bit off the beaten path but a place that gets overlooked

"Pumpkins be so cute." - love it

Ok, I really don't like to judge as I don't know the situation and what else was going on that day, etc. - but if your kid is complaining, on a hot day, that there is too much milk shake in the milk shake and your response is to return it for another milk shake with less milk shake in the milk shake? I mean ... I don't even know. How about just drinking some of it so then there is less? :confused3

Love Lady Tremaine response though :rotfl:

Fully agree about the size of the seats on Mine Train - or more specifically the "butt grooves" cut into the seats. I got a bit confused with all the numbering on the ground in the queue and also just had to trust that the CM knew what she was doing in what order she would send people through, etc.

Wish they had the ride photos on MT when we were there - you got some good shots! Overall I love the detail of the ride and just the concept of zipping around the middle of Fantasyland and seeing the sites come into view . It's definitely no Splash Mountain or anything but fun as a family coaster

ah Poutine - that has made some in-roads here in the states but as like "special fries" and to make people feel like they are eating all exotic. I like how you grossed out a princess during you M&G though

Interesting about the wait times for A&E and that you saw the line move quicker than the posted time would indicate

Gotta love sassy Repunzel - she also may have been tired of the singing girl behind you as well :rotfl:

Pretty decent spot for Wishes considering you hadn't been camping out like it was BlackFriday or anything.

"Genie, I wish for your freedom" always can bring some tears but even more so now :(

Pretty cool to get to see Celebrate the Magic from the People Mover :thumbsup2

Ugh, as if everyone isn't in line with a question. Oh well, special snowflakes and all that

That is so annoying to be told different information by CMs. I know the quality of Disney service seems to be a debate of late but I think that is the sort of thing that can totally be fixed and is something you would think a Disney CM would try to triple check or even figure out something for you rather than just saying "No - it's not possible". You should have responded with "Well, your boss, Walt, said that 'It's kinda fun to do the impossible' "

Haven't stayed at Port Orleans FQ since I was a kid but remember really loving it and just how it feels so cozy - though some of the decor is a tad scary (at least to me as a kid)

We just skipped DTD our last trip largely due to the construction. Just wake me up when it is done and I will fully enjoy it I am sure - but especially when so hot, just wasn't appealing. Glad you got your coupon though! :thumbsup2
One of these days I am going to have to stay at POFQ...It looks so peaceful and beautiful. Plus, I would love to try the beignets.
I can't wait to read your trip report!!! :)

:welcome: And thank you, I hope you enjoy! :)

Oh yeah, poutine is it's own food group even here. I'm not a fan either, but when McDonald's adds it to the menu, you know it's important.

Hmmm, I wonder if they inflate the time for Anna/Elsa in anticipation of FP+. Because I suppose if people for some reason didn't show up... Maybe. Still, interesting.

I enjoy meeting Rapunzel, but I think Cindy may be a little too proper to be particularly memorable. I found the same of Elsa actually.

Just curious, but were the Wishes tears for Robin Williams?

HAHAHAHA I totally remember that Monsters Inc story!!!

I was really confused about the moving luggage bit. I was always under the impression that this was possible. So weird. I'm anxious to hear how it plays out.

YAY DTD, but BOOOO construction. I'm glad my brief time there was in the evening so at least it was a little cooler. In fact I think it might have been that evening.

Oh Canadians and their poutine.

It was really weird. Marie and I were like, why is their line moving faster than ours? Or I guess maybe they hadn't put through a red card in a while or something and the last time they did it was a problem?

Yeah, being proper and reserved doesn't translate to the best character meets. She was a sweetie though.

The tears were for Robin Williams </3

I couldn't not tell it. It's a good story ;)

People just don't know what they're talking about and then it gets everyone all weird and stressed over nothing :headache:

Thinking about your Facebook statuses I do think it was that evening that you stopped by Ghiradelli's? I could be wrong though.

Had to get caught up since I was in Disney for a week. ;)

I'm telling you, 7DMT FP's are seriously like gold.

There is no shame in sitting on the ground at Disney. I would do it, but I would be afraid I wouldn't be able to get up afterwards. :rotfl2:

The flatbread at Contempo Cafe is really good. Sorry that the pasta wasn't, but duly noted on the picky palate. :rotfl2:

Man, people really frustrate me when they do that! "I just have a question". Yeah lady, basically so do I!

Clearly that CM was completely stupid! I'm glad the CM in the morning was able to get it straightened out for you.

I can honestly say having stayed at the Treehouse Villas that we never once noticed the horns from the boats. :goodvibes

I know, I was following along on Instagram ;) I'll have to get caught up on that TR starting too.

That FP and Anna and Elsa. They'd have serious street value.

:rotfl2: I'm glad that only your fears of getting up keep you from sitting and not looking down on the practice.

Picky eaters unite! At least the breadstick was as delicious as ever.

:headache: For real. Like, hello lady, look around. You are not the most important person here (neither am I, but I got here first, so suck it up).

Thank goodness for good CMs who know what they're doing.

:thumbsup2 Good to know. If I someday get there I will keep that in mind.
Aw man, sorry Contempo Cafe was disappointing! At least you got to check out the Contemporary, though, and see the five-legged goat.

Aww Tiana and Naveen rock. They're always so talkative and I love it.

Rapunzel is so cute!! And Cindy is gorgeous.

So smart of that lady not to say her number out loud!!! Ahhh I love when people really get into those kinds of shows.

I would have been so frustrated re: the luggage situation but thankfully you got the right answer eventually!!

I've visited POFQ and it just looks so fun!!! Plus BEIGNETS. I really need to stay there but POR is actually my favorite resort so I feel like it would be hard to drag me away from there for POFQ...

There's always some good to be found.

I love them separately, but together they've got such a great dynamic too. Always a good idea to meet them.

Princesses are so pretty ::yes:: Though I think that Tiana is always the prettiest. I don't know what it is, but I have never met a Tiana that is less than stunningly pretty.

The whole audience was great. I laughed so hard I cried. I'd never be that smart, but I could steal the idea of I ever get picked.

Good thing too, I didn't want to have to deal with that stressful situation.

The beignets are sooo good. Oh my goodness. I have the opposite problem, on a different day we walked over to POR and looked around and I was like, "This is nice but I couldn't justify staying here when POFQ is right there with its beauty and charm and one bus stop..."

One of these days I am going to have to stay at POFQ...It looks so peaceful and beautiful. Plus, I would love to try the beignets.

I give 120% recommendation to POFQ. I could write bad poetry about staying there. I'm completely bias of course, but I do adore it.

A++ beignets. We got them and ate them up so quickly. Just another reason for POFQ love.
Phil, you get your own post ;)

Ok, need to apologize as I missed an update in the middle ... so get ready for OUT OF ORDER COMMENTS!!!!!

Glad you are back though - Windows 8 is a bit of a bugger to get used to

wow, 5 minutes for Splash and then that crazy 20min/walk-on for Big Thunder - that is definitely a score. And great ride photo on Splash :thumbsup2

love the sad Philharmagic photo ... love when CMs play along like that

That is the best CoP CM ever! Love it :rotfl2: Should have mentioned the new electro-seats that shock you if you fall asleep ;)

Your chicken and waffles look really good - actually all the food you got at Trails End looks good. definitely a bit off the beaten path but a place that gets overlooked

"Pumpkins be so cute." - love it

Ok, I really don't like to judge as I don't know the situation and what else was going on that day, etc. - but if your kid is complaining, on a hot day, that there is too much milk shake in the milk shake and your response is to return it for another milk shake with less milk shake in the milk shake? I mean ... I don't even know. How about just drinking some of it so then there is less? :confused3

Love Lady Tremaine response though :rotfl:

Fully agree about the size of the seats on Mine Train - or more specifically the "butt grooves" cut into the seats. I got a bit confused with all the numbering on the ground in the queue and also just had to trust that the CM knew what she was doing in what order she would send people through, etc.

Wish they had the ride photos on MT when we were there - you got some good shots! Overall I love the detail of the ride and just the concept of zipping around the middle of Fantasyland and seeing the sites come into view . It's definitely no Splash Mountain or anything but fun as a family coaster

ah Poutine - that has made some in-roads here in the states but as like "special fries" and to make people feel like they are eating all exotic. I like how you grossed out a princess during you M&G though

Interesting about the wait times for A&E and that you saw the line move quicker than the posted time would indicate

Gotta love sassy Repunzel - she also may have been tired of the singing girl behind you as well :rotfl:

Pretty decent spot for Wishes considering you hadn't been camping out like it was BlackFriday or anything.

"Genie, I wish for your freedom" always can bring some tears but even more so now :(

Pretty cool to get to see Celebrate the Magic from the People Mover :thumbsup2

Ugh, as if everyone isn't in line with a question. Oh well, special snowflakes and all that

That is so annoying to be told different information by CMs. I know the quality of Disney service seems to be a debate of late but I think that is the sort of thing that can totally be fixed and is something you would think a Disney CM would try to triple check or even figure out something for you rather than just saying "No - it's not possible". You should have responded with "Well, your boss, Walt, said that 'It's kinda fun to do the impossible' "

Haven't stayed at Port Orleans FQ since I was a kid but remember really loving it and just how it feels so cozy - though some of the decor is a tad scary (at least to me as a kid)

We just skipped DTD our last trip largely due to the construction. Just wake me up when it is done and I will fully enjoy it I am sure - but especially when so hot, just wasn't appealing. Glad you got your coupon though! :thumbsup2


I basically installed progams to make it run like Windows 7. I'm not good with change. I'd rather avoid it ;)

I think that we're just going to stick to heading that way first things first. It's always a good situation over that way.

They were aweosme CMs. First they were going to get out of the picture, but Marie was like, no stay.

Darn, I knew there was something the CoP CM was missing. If I see him again, I'll have to let him know.

Trails End was good, plus it was a nice break to go over that way. Made me feel like I was back in Michigan.

That lady. We were like "... I do believe I've heard the worst complaint I've ever heard?" Too much? Milkshake? Does not compute.

They should lose the but grooves and it might be a bit better. And I'm glad the CMs know the confusing numbers.

Oh they didn't have the ride photos up then? Huh. I figured that they had from the start. It was nice to see them on our MM, we hadn't known about it either. It was really cool to see the sights around, I agree.

According to my French-Canadian, there is not any good real poutine in the States that she has come across. But Tiana being grossed out was awesome.

Maybe it was the closeness to Wishes? Having no FP+ going through and others not wanting to miss Wishes that helped.

That was probably it. She's got great hearing, that Punz ;)

With only two of us it was much easier to squeeze in between people. Plus I've got a little bit of height that helps me to see better.

Agreed :(

It wasn't a bad place to be stopped, for sure.

Some people are just more important than others, Phil. Their questions deserved to be asked first. Obvs.

Well, he said that he'd had the same thing happen to others and blah blah blah. It was really confusing and frustrating and we were tired from a long day so we just decided the easiest course of action would be to check back in the morning.

POFQ is small and cozy. In the rooms there isn't anything scary but I could see how the food court would scare some people.

Yeah, we weren't planning on spending a lot of time there but we figured that we might as well. It was a little more hassle than what it was worth, tbqh. Hopefully next time we go (aiming for November 2015) it'll be a lot better since it'll be closer to completion.
Day 3, Part 2: "Your room is ready!"

We were seated instantly when getting into Planet Hollywood and in the same bottom section we were in last time by where the DJ is in the evenings.

Our waiter was called G (he had a hard to pronounce name and told everyone to call him G) and we was super cool.

Marie and I both got the sweet chicken tenders, which were definitely interesting tasting. I don't know that sweet is a flavor I want in my chicken tenders, to be quite honest.


We also split an order of fries:

Afterward we decided to do a little shopping, or looking around rather. So first things first, we went to World of Disney and I did not let Marie out of my sight, lest we have a repeat of May.

She seriously considered buying an Elsa Animator's Collection doll, but didn't end up doing it. Next we went to the Marketplace Co-Op to look around, but to be honest, we didn't find anything that was that great for us. Like it was cool, but eh.


We also stopped by Once Upon a Toy after being told at World of Disney that it was where the Tsum Tsums were, but when we got there there was only a super small and sad collection, so we left there empty handed as well and instead headed over to the pin store where Marie bought an Anna pin.


We decided to just take a bus back to the resort since it'd drop us closer to the lobby and we weren't far from the bus stop anyway. Plus, it was so hot that we wanted to minimize walking as much as possible.

When we got there we checked in the lobby and our room was ready! Yay!

Hearing that joyous news we went to retrieve our bags.


The greeter was doing sidewalk art.


Marie is happy we're getting our bags.

We ended up in building 4. Which, if you're not familiar with the POFQ layout, it's right next to the food court area.


Like, on the left is the food court, straight ahead is building 4. Plus, it's also the closest building to the bus stop.

Total score!

Sure, we were on the 3rd floor, which meant stairs, but we didn't mind. Especially not because...


We also got a corner room!


Our amazingly comfortable bed. Seriously, so comfortable. This is why I look at the ASMo bed in sadness.


The room in general is just so beautiful. I just get so happy even looking at it.


TV with dresser and the like.


Some wall art.


Lights over the bed.


Double windows for optimum beauty and natural light.


View from outside our door.


And off to the side. It's a tree, but it was our tree for the week.


Of course a towel Mickey.

We were totally in love with our room and POFQ all over again. Nothing could bring us down. Except, oh wait, our luggage wasn't there and they said at the ASMo to expect it 3 hours after we left ASMo, it was now almost double that time. So we had to call the luggage people who said they still didn't have it but to call back in 30 minutes. Now, this was a bit of a problem because Marie and I had things we needed in the luggage for that evening and we were hoping to leave the room about 4. Except, now it was almost 3:30.

We did wait the 30 minutes and then they had it, after which they brought it up to us and we were ready to get ready. Ready for what? MNSSHP, of course!

Fairly quickly we got ahead and got our costumes on and situated and then were ready to go. A bit later than we wanted but all was still well.


Here I am as a sock monkey (which, sidenote: I should have been a sock monkey again for our second party. I don't know why I felt like I had to be something different)


And Marie was a poodle skirt girl.

Isn't it lucky that right on the other side of our room there was this little area perfect for taking pictures?


The courtyard on the other side. Going through it all you had to do was walk a short path and you'd be at the bus stop. Total awesomeness.

We got into the Magic Kingdom shortly before 5 and were met with the signs that said we were in the right place.




Ahh, I do love the sight of the Halloween party things.

And look at what a beautiful and marvelous day it was for our first MNSSHP this trip. What perfect weather.

Click for next post
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OK, you're the first one I've seen that didn't go absolutely cra cra over the Co-Op. And thank you for that because I kept wondering why it was a big deal. I wasn't a big fan either. I guess it depends on what you're into.

Wow, sounds like you did score on the room location.

Ahhh, I love your enthusiasm. It may be just a tree but it's OUR tree.

I'm a little apprehensive about using the luggage transfer. I may just end up using a cab.

So exciting seeing the MNSSHP sign, but why oh why would they choose the world's crappiest candy on it?

"And look at what a beautiful and marvellous day it was for our first MNSSHP this trip. What perfect weather." Uh huh.
I feel very "meh" about Planet Hollywood but those fries look good!

Tsum Tsums!!! Love them SO much.

That hotel room is absolutely gorgeous. I love the purple and gold.

I LOVE SOCK MONKEYS so I am obsessed with your costume! You both look so adorable!!!
Real Life Update 2: Holiday Wishes and Apologies

First and foremost, happy holidays to all you lovely Disers! I hope you're all having an amazing holiday season and that you all get to spend loads of time with those you care about :)

Secondly, I'd like to apologize for not updating, keeping up with anyone else's TR or just anything Dis related recently. I haven't even answered comments back and I'm sorry for that.

For personal reasons I just haven't been feeling my best lately and I haven't been able to bring myself to do any updating or reading of the reports of others where everyone is feeling the magic. To top it off last week I was in Michigan visiting my family and I got sick. So overall, just things haven't been great. (Marie also has been sick and pretty busy at work, so that's why she hasn't been doing updates either)

I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things after the holidays are finished. For now though, I'm just taking a break.

You're all amazing and we just wanted to thank you again for following along with us on our journeys.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and Happy Holidays in general.

Lots of love and pixie dust.

- Amber

P.S. this exact message is in both TRs so you don't have to read it twice if you're following along with both ;)
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