A Bridge Too Far? CFW

Given the suppositions in post 1, would you purchase CFWL as one of your home resorts?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 7.8%
  • No

    Votes: 166 92.2%

  • Total voters


DIS Veteran
Apr 24, 2008
I'm curious based on some reading on the FB groups recently. Many are saying that the cabins have the disadvantages of barking dogs, off the beaten path, proximity to the parks, etc. I'd like to gauge the attitude and/or desire to own there. For purposes of this poll, let's make three assumptions to keep things on an even keel for what we're trying to learn here.

1. The price per point is within your given threshold for purchase. In other words, let's not consider price here relative to resale or any other issue that may inflate it. I'd like to know about just the cabins, for the cabins' sake.

2. Let's assume points are sold using the traditional model we have all become accustomed to for DVC. No trust model on the table for purposes of this poll. Again, the cabins for the cabins' sake, if you will.

3. Other more traditional models are available at the time (ex. Riviera and maybe even the Poly v.2). In other words, you are not being forced to buy into this resort in order to become a member or add on to your contracts.

I'm hoping we can learn things here and that some interesting discussion may unfold as we go along given this is atypical to the kinds of accommodations typically included in the DVC model.
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I like FW, but I’m not yet ready to take a CFW type vacation. I want to be a skyliner or walk away from the parks. I will definitely book there at 7 months when my kids are older, but I wouldn’t buy there for the foreseeable future. Depending on how this trust goes, I will likely sell my 3 home resort contracts and stop using DVC anyhow, but I know that wasn’t one of your assumptions listed.

My wife grew up taking vacations there every year at the campsites, but we are in agreement that a FW vacation isn’t exactly a Disney vacation which is good and bad in some ways.
I am not interested in the cabins. Not my cup of tea. We probably won't ever even attempt to book one. So I didn't vote.

I am interested to see how all the trust speculation turns out though.

I wish you would reconsider. That is EXACTLY what I'm trying to learn.
No desire to stay there. I would rather pay cash for a moderate resort with better facilities and access to the parks (CBR for example). My family is only 3, so no need for the extra sleeping surfaces, which is essentially all the cabins give you. If I am going with another group, I would want the sleeping spaces to be separated so it would be a 1br min.
If I were looking to purchase, I would want to stay there first, before deciding to purchase there. My only interaction with Fort Wilderness over the years has been Hoop Dee Doo, and that isn't the same as staying there. I do like being on Disney property, but away from the hustle and bustle, staying at a more relaxed resort, like OKW.
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Since we know the cabins are being sold via a trust, I can’t answer the poll.

I would buy not buy as deeded. But might consider it if the trust ends up with reciprocal booking rules amongst its properties.

Do we really know that? I thought all we knew was that the property was being put into a trust. There's been a lot of reading between the lines on that thread and it has become hard to separate the wheat from the chafe. Especially when we actually have real verification for very little of it.

Having said that, it's hard for me to believe there won't be deeded interests available at any resort, but I guess that's more appropriate for one of the other two threads. No need to start that tangent again here.

I'm just trying to gauge overall interest, hence my stipulation to deeded interests as it has always been. Of course you don't have to participate, but the entire premise dismisses your argument about voting. ;) And at this point, even a hybrid is possible, so we really don't know as far as I know.
Not interested in purchasing at the cabins at this time. My child is allergic to dogs, she’s wary of some breeds due to experiences we have had with neighbours, and my guess is the dues are going to be higher for the cabins due to the set up, location, number of guests allowed, and general wear and tear with dogs.

Probably at some point in 10 years or so I’d stay there for a solo or couple trip to try it out (I do like “collecting” things so it would bother me not to stay at all the WDW DVC properties at least one night and be able to say I have tried the whole set.) But that’s just a quirk of my brain.

We have visited Fort Wilderness to check out the decorations, buy medallions at Meadow Trading Post, see Hoop De Doo, ride ponies, eat dinner and ice cream and just hang out, etc. and overall the people there seem much more relaxed and friendly than the ones at the parks.

Edited to add: I just remembered I’m a mosquito magnet. I generally have good luck at Disney but not sure how much Disney can do at Ft Wilderness.
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Changing the Cabins to DVC, is upsetting a lot of the people who stayed there. Will they go to DVC, I’m not sure. As for traditional DVC owners I don’t see many, that are interested in the Cabins. Most don’t like the SSR Treehouses due remoteness and to the transportation. The treehouses are only very limited 70 or so compared to 350 new cabins at FW. That’s a lot more people and it’s all an internal bus to bring you the bus stop to go to parks or boat. How many points will they cost? My estimate it should be under a 1 bedroom by a little bit. I understand it’s a stand alone building but, almost all beds are in one room, no washer and dryer and it’s not a full kitchen.
Do we really know that? I thought all we knew was that the property was being put into a trust. There's been a lot of reading between the lines on that thread and it has become hard to separate the wheat from the chafe. Especially when we actually have real verification for very little of it.

Having said that, it's hard for me to believe there won't be deeded interests available at any resort, but I guess that's more appropriate for one of the other two threads. No need to start that tangent again here.

I'm just trying to gauge overall interest, hence my stipulation to deeded interests as it has always been. Of course you don't have to participate, but the entire premise dismisses your argument about voting. ;) And at this point, even a hybrid is possible, so we really don't know as far as I know.

The offical documents that they filed say they will only be selling them as part of the trust and that they are part of a The Cabins Resort Use plan.

So, yes, we know for sure those first 30 cabins that have been activated into the trust will only be sold that way.
I’m not interested in buying - mostly because I’m not an outdoorsy kind of person -
People that are upset about location/transportation, I understand the internal bus situation sucks but as for park transportation it has a boat to MK same as BRV/CCV. I’m not opposed to staying there, not in a hurry to either, although our family’s too big at 7 people. The pool does seem to be lacking and it needs more food options. We loved trails end when it was a TS.
I would be happy to stay there during certain times of the year, but we will not buy there. We would drive there and use our vehicle for transportation. Even rent a golf cart from a third party to be able to drive around the fort.

People staying at Fort Wilderness has been evacuated more than once due to major storms. I fear the long-term dues could rise rapidly at some point in the future.

Not worth the risk when I have plenty of other options to stay at the fort. SAP, drive my own RV and stay here, or rent an RV and stay here.

I do believe Disney will eventually follow the PVB model. In 5-8 years, build Reflections type (likely different design since that was almost exactly what they used for Poly tower) and make it part of the same association. At that time, there will be a much nicer pool and more sleeping options. That may change my mind. (Realize Disney has said multiple times PVB was a mistake because it basically had only one room type). For the Fort, hopefully Disney is smarter this time and announces they are building the addition to the Fort association early in the sales process. Let every CFW buyer know they will have the ability to stay in studios, duo studios, 2BR, and GVs when the addition is completed in 2-4 years.
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I'm excited to try staying there and if I were looking to buy direct points I would consider buying there....I'm not really interested in buying points right now though so I guess my answer would be no.
I like the Fort and would be interested in purchasing... but...

I voted no because of the resale restrictions. I'll just try my luck at 7 months...
Following your assumptions - If I were just getting into DVC I'd have considered the Cabins an option to purchase if it fell within the same parameters as previous resorts (no restrictions when selling). If it were like Riviera or VDH and other unrestricted existed? Probably not as I'd go for the unrestricted. So an extra caveat than listed in your outline. Otherwise I'm pretty close to a yes as you outline it. However I own multiple resorts and would always be likely to do so.

Reality though, I am not just getting into DVC. Poly is probably the last resort I'll consider any more direct purchases and that's only if it's part of the existing resort. If I want more points it will be resale where the price adjustment is already built in. As a never say never it could change dependent on more info on the Cabins - charts, price/pt etc but I don't expect anything blockbuster with those things.
We stayed at the cabins many years ago and I swore never again. The transportation is just way too much of a pain. And there just aren't enough amenities to make it appealing.

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