30 Years & Counting HHN 2021, XXX Let’s Stick This One!

When we got out of Beetlejuice, it was posted at 40 minutes and Hill House 45. Just saw the crowds from the general opening walking back.

went to puppet theater, no wait at all. Got some good scares. Liked the house.

in line now for wicked growth posted at 15 minutes.

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That person with the backpack, is she with you? I have a daughter that will probably need that. I have to figure out where to buy….
Yes, You can get your pizza fries during the day at Louie’s.

You’re welcome.

I hope Gage is able to get his pizza fries from Louie’s.

They looked pretty impressive.

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I was a little intrigued by the chocolate pumpkin that you crack open to reveal the candy treat inside which included shaved chocolate, candy corn and chocolate bats, ghosts and pumpkins.

LOL......Sounds like a good plan.

I have some of those sweets on my treat list in my spreadsheet. I don't want to miss anything. I have gotten the smash chocolates at the Ganachery at Disney Springs before. They are filled with handmade marshmallows and chocolate pearls. Their chocolate is amazing, but the smash thing didn't feel worth it. I wonder if the same team that makes the chocolate at Toothsome made the chocolate for these.

I did live in Ohio when I joined the dis. Moved to Austin Texas for my job, then Kansas city Missouri and now I'm in Davenport FL.

Moved in this January. So definitely enjoying my hhn local season.

And made DIs friends all along the way. Looking at you Sonia. Boards not letting me tag.
:wave::wave2: To tag, you have to type it out with the "@" now and then do preview to make sure it worked right. It doesn't seem to autocomplete or give a list anymore:( Hope you are having a blast. See you in a couple of weeks:jumping1:
Bride and chainsaw loading at 530.
Both Wednesday and Thursday we did TCM, Icons and got in line for tooth fairy from staynscream area at Finnegans before park opened. Major storm we got caught in Wednesday so we went back to resort to out, change clothes, wait out the rain, knocked out rest of houses from 945-1245 ish with express.
Last night much better in terms of weather and humidity. Did TCM, Icons before park opened, then caught up to rest of Family. We got to try lots of food last night-the fried PBJ is surprising GOOD! Still need to try the pumpkin foods by wicked growth.
TcM-bottom of list for me, but never saw the movie
Scary-love the concept, it’s good but others better
Case files-another love the concept, usually a decent startle or scare or two.
Beetlejuice and Hill house-just love the attention to detail in these! Beetljuice was REALLY short of scare actors when we went though-7pm ish?
Tooth fairy-still creepy
Bride of frankenstein-another love because I like the genre so much, plus there is a cool effect.
Icons-some parts ok, some parts super creepy, couple scares-The Usher and Caretaker parts are my favorite. The Caretaker is far creepier to me than Jack.
Puppet theater-think this is getting better the more we go
Wicked growth-same as puppet theater-getting better with more runs-some great chances for scares if timing is on. Facade is really neat at night.

Think only going for couple hours tonite. then RiP tomorrow!
For those who have been this year, which houses did you find to be a little less frightening. Taking my kiddo, beetlejuice is a must! Wondering which other ones might not be as intense for a first timer to start with? Appreciate any insight, thanks!
For those who have been this year, which houses did you find to be a little less frightening. Taking my kiddo, beetlejuice is a must! Wondering which other ones might not be as intense for a first timer to start with? Appreciate any insight, thanks!
Beetlejuice definitely least scary, then probably case files and welcome to scarey. TCM is LOUD. Hill house isn’t too bad, neither is bride of Frankenstein. Icons, tooth fairy can go either way depending on timing. Wicked growth and puppet theater have some decent misdirection scares. My rankings but as usual YMMV :)
So just in case anyone was worried or curious I stopped live posting on Wednesday because we had absolute deluges of rain.

Just to sum up our night real quick:

We arrived at stay and scream around 4:50. We waited in the NYC stay area and got in line for Bride.


We were let loose at 5:30 and the house opened up shortly after. We were then able to get in line for Icons, which opened at 6. We had a very short wait and noticed that Chainsaw was a walk in (the entrance is visible from the Icon's entrance, it's next door). So we went to Chainsaw. We could have done Fairy as well but we were waiting for our friend to arrive later.

We headed to the back of the park and got in line for Puppet Theater. We had about a 15 minute wait and then headed to Wicked Growth, at which point it absolutely started to pour. We had umbrellas but our shoes ended up soaked due to all the ankle deep puddles. And by puddles I mean walkways.


We were already in the rain so saw Wicked Growth was almost a walk up at this point so we went around again. Only waited about 5 minutes but got even more drenched. By the time we came out the second time the rain had let up a bit. We headed to the amphitheater show Halloween Nightmare Fuel. We were in line 10 minutes before the 8 pm show. They loaded us maybe around 5 til. We had decent seats.

The show was pretty good but reminded me a lot of the previous dance troupe. I really liked all the fire acts. Must be a bit of a pyro. The poor main girl ended up falling hard on her back when she jumped up to grab the little rolling cage thing. I felt really bad for her. She got up and stayed out for another minute and then went backstage. The character did come back out, I wasn't sure if it was the same girl or an understudy or maybe they have 2 to rotate shows. I hope she is all right.

After the show we went to Starbucks to grab some coffee and met up with our friend, who had just got off work and was nice enough to stop by our house and grab us fresh shoes/socks. Saved the night.

We got some dinner at the Wicked Growth booth. Two of us had pumpkin guts and the other had the gyoza. Both were really good. I recommend, especially the pumpkin guts if you're looking for a healthier option.

We decided to go to Case Files and waited 20 minutes.


After that we went to Fairy. I think we waited around 25. Next up was Icons around half an hour.


Haunting of Hill House was our last of the night, I think we got in line around 12ish and the wait 35 minutes. The event closed at 1 and we all had to work the next day anyway so we wrapped it up for the night.


Overall it was a good night but I'm really tired of these heavy rains. I hope the next HHN doesn't get a ton of rain.

At this point we've done most of the houses multiple times, saw both the shows and have had numerous specialty foods so let me know if anyone has questions.
For those who have been this year, which houses did you find to be a little less frightening. Taking my kiddo, beetlejuice is a must! Wondering which other ones might not be as intense for a first timer to start with? Appreciate any insight, thanks!

I think the scare factor is pretty subjective. There are plenty of jump scares.

I do think Beetlejuice is the tamest. Bride isn't that scary but there are loud screams and jump scare opportunities.

Case Files was not that scary. Though really, I don't get scared in the houses so it's hard for me to say.
A couple quick newbie (1st timer questions). Sorry if these are dumb... just trying to make the most out of our first HHN trip.

1.) I bought tickets, express passes, and scream early tickets. Everything is attached to an email looking like a QR code. Is that correct? Is it best to print them to allow easy entry?

2.) For the express pass. How is that marked / tracked? Do you get a wristband or something?

3.) What time are we allowed entry with the scream early tickets? And are you allowed to wonder the park before staging?

4.) If you "are" allowed to wonder, what time do rides close?

5.) Do you get to choose staging areas? Which should we pick?
A couple quick newbie (1st timer questions). Sorry if these are dumb... just trying to make the most out of our first HHN trip.

1.) I bought tickets, express passes, and scream early tickets. Everything is attached to an email looking like a QR code. Is that correct? Is it best to print them to allow easy entry?

2.) For the express pass. How is that marked / tracked? Do you get a wristband or something?

3.) What time are we allowed entry with the scream early tickets? And are you allowed to wonder the park before staging?

4.) If you "are" allowed to wonder, what time do rides close?

5.) Do you get to choose staging areas? Which should we pick?

4. The attractions stay open until 5. Some attractions are open during HHN like Rip Ride Rockit, The Mummy, MIB, Fast and Furious, Gringott's and Transformers.

5. There are 3 stay and scream areas to my knowledge. You can enter the stay and screams around 5 or earlier. Once the day crowds clear they'll let you into houses early which is usually around 5:30.

1. New York area: you can line up early for either Bride of Frankenstein or Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I don't think there's any advantage to choosing one over the other. I've now done both and am still able to easily and quickly do the other house after as well. You can hang out in the stay and scream without lining up for either and can just leisurely stroll out after the lines are let in.

If you choose New York you can easily do: Bride, Chainsaw, Icons (opens at 6) and Tooth Fairy usually opens around 6:15.

2. Central Park area: you choose to line up for either Beetlejuice or Hill House. I've heard some bad things about this area being super crowded and that you have to line up pretty early for either house in order to make the line cut. But I haven't experienced it so maybe some others can chime in who have.

Sounds like it's pretty easy to head over to Puppet Theater and Wicked Growth and Scarey after you do your pick of the central park area houses.

3. Simpsons area: this gets you early access to Scarey at the back of the park. You could do Scarey and then quickly make it over to Wicked Growth and Puppet Theater and do those quickly as well.

Choose whichever area has the houses you are most interested in. You have express so I would recommend doing as many houses with short waits as you can during stay and scream, then start to use your express as the park crowds come in. This way you can experience a lot of houses twice.
A couple quick newbie (1st timer questions). Sorry if these are dumb... just trying to make the most out of our first HHN trip.

1.) I bought tickets, express passes, and scream early tickets. Everything is attached to an email looking like a QR code. Is that correct? Is it best to print them to allow easy entry?

2.) For the express pass. How is that marked / tracked? Do you get a wristband or something?

3.) What time are we allowed entry with the scream early tickets? And are you allowed to wonder the park before staging?

4.) If you "are" allowed to wonder, what time do rides close?

5.) Do you get to choose staging areas? Which should we pick?
1) There should be an attachment that contains a barcode or a comment saying that you have to redeem this at a kiosk or ticket counter. The QR code is for the staff.
2) When they scan the barcode for the EP, it will know if you have used it on that house yet or not.
1) There should be an attachment that contains a barcode or a comment saying that you have to redeem this at a kiosk or ticket counter. The QR code is for the staff.
2) When they scan the barcode for the EP, it will know if you have used it on that house yet or not.

We tag teamed that one pretty awesomely :)
Thanks for the help! That was great!

Do you know when the EARLIEST you are allowed into the front park gates with the Stay And Scream? Is that 5pm? So you basically go in and then right to a holding area (that you can pick)? Or are you allowed in any earlier... enough time to run and try to get on Minions or something?

So it sounds like they use barcodes to scan. Here is what my tickets say, "You have selected the Mobile Ticket option for your ticket purchase. Your tickets are attached as an Adobe PDF file. Once opening, they have text, but also a large QR code (no old school barcodes). I guess that is what I need. Should I just keep our group of 4 tickets on one phone? Or should each person have their tickets on their device? We plan to stay together for the entire event.
1) Do you know when the EARLIEST you are allowed into the front park gates with the Stay And Scream? Is that 5pm?

2) So you basically go in and then right to a holding area (that you can pick)? Or are you allowed in any earlier... enough time to run and try to get on Minions or something?

3) So it sounds like they use barcodes to scan....Once opening, they have text, but also a large QR code (no old school barcodes).

4) Should I just keep our group of 4 tickets on one phone? Or should each person have their tickets on their device?

1) Scream Early tickets allow you to get into USO at 3pm.

2) Stay & Scream areas don’t open until around 4pm. You will need to scan into a S&S area by park closing at 5pm, but you can do anything else you want in the park between 3pm and 5pm.

3) Team members will scan the QR codes.

4) You can print the tickets or keep them on your phone. You can do it all from one phone or let each person do their own. Since you have express, note that you will need to show a Team Member that you have an express pass at the entry point of the Express line for each house and then the express pass (the QR code) for each person will be scanned later on in the line. My recommendation is to take a picture of each pass for quick access and have the TMs scan the code from the photo (make sure your brightness is turned up). If you use one phone, this makes it easy as you can just swipe through each pass for scanning and make it quick.
Fwiw, we are doing stay and scream right now. We entered a holding pen at around 4:55, and still managed to get a beer at Duff Gardens fairly quickly and found a shady spot to sit (on the ground on astroturf, but nbd).


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