2019 Princess Half Marathon Weekend

Ran 4 tonight in the rain which made me feel really happy. Like I’d committed and did it! My 6 year old daughter said, I hope you win that race Mommy because you are working really hard. ❤️
What a beautiful post! Running in the rain is exhilarating, and I'm so happy it made you happy. Hurray!!
What a beautiful post! Running in the rain is exhilarating, and I'm so happy it made you happy. Hurray!!
Thanks! I live In AZ where the rain is rare. I easily could have waited until today when the weather was better, but that involved a 5AM wake up. I decided the rain was better and definitely felt strong for doing so!
Ran 4 tonight in the rain which made me feel really happy. Like I’d committed and did it! My 6 year old daughter said, I hope you win that race Mommy because you are working really hard. ❤️

This made my heart happy. What a fantastic compliment to receive from your daughter. I'd put that quote down on a post-it note and look at it every day to remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing. :)

The last long run I finished, I got home to applause from my husband. That made me feel ridiculous and awesome at the same time.

I haven't been feeling the best lately, and I'm trying to be kind with myself as I readjust my training schedule. It's rough to find a balance between physically ready and mentally rested, I think. My muscles feel just fine after I finish long runs, but my mind and spirit feels so tired because of outside stress.
What a beautiful post! Running in the rain is exhilarating, and I'm so happy it made you happy. Hurray!!

It is beautiful! Kids are the best. Sometimes they know just what you need to hear. My best friend’s daughter is like that. Running in the rain is also great preparation in case it rains on race day. I have really tried to train in all types of weather. It prepares you physically and also gives you peace of mind, because you know you’ll be ready no matter what.

This made my heart happy. What a fantastic compliment to receive from your daughter. I'd put that quote down on a post-it note and look at it every day to remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing. :)

The last long run I finished, I got home to applause from my husband. That made me feel ridiculous and awesome at the same time.

I haven't been feeling the best lately, and I'm trying to be kind with myself as I readjust my training schedule. It's rough to find a balance between physically ready and mentally rested, I think. My muscles feel just fine after I finish long runs, but my mind and spirit feels so tired because of outside stress.

I totally get it. It is a mental sport, but try to look at it as a relaxing form of therapy.
This made my heart happy. What a fantastic compliment to receive from your daughter. I'd put that quote down on a post-it note and look at it every day to remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing. :)

The last long run I finished, I got home to applause from my husband. That made me feel ridiculous and awesome at the same time.

I haven't been feeling the best lately, and I'm trying to be kind with myself as I readjust my training schedule. It's rough to find a balance between physically ready and mentally rested, I think. My muscles feel just fine after I finish long runs, but my mind and spirit feels so tired because of outside stress.
Awww that’s so sweet of your husband!
This made my heart happy. What a fantastic compliment to receive from your daughter. I'd put that quote down on a post-it note and look at it every day to remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing. :)

The last long run I finished, I got home to applause from my husband. That made me feel ridiculous and awesome at the same time.

@AZMermaid 's daughter and your husband (as well as a lot of other cheerleaders out there) totally have it right! I'm most looking forward to finishing my first half marathon, and (hopefully) having the time and energy to walk around a park and take photos with my medals before we leave that evening. A little support makes all the difference!
I am such a worrier and like to have all possible situations planned. I am doing the challenge this year and started to wonder after the half where do you pick up your challenge medal? Here is hoping I complete the half b/c my training hasn't been going as planned. I do like reading that there are others who are having the same training luck as I am. Thank you everyone its good to hear.

It’s in the end of the finish chute area if I recall correctly. Can’t remember if it’s before or after the snack box tent. IMO it’s pretty obvious though. Don’t walk through oblivious; look for signs and ask volunteers if you don’t see anything.
Do people actually walk around the parks with their medals on race weekend? Is this really common or just a handful of people?

It's very common on the day of races and on the Monday after a race weekend, becoming less common thereafter. It is nice that most CM's will congratulate you, much like with celebration buttons for birthdays, etc. I find that wearing a medal does get a bit "old" after a while, so I usually only wear it the rest of the day following the race.
Do people actually walk around the parks with their medals on race weekend? Is this really common or just a handful of people?

I stayed a week after the race and I still wore my medals around and saw lots of people doing the same. You worked hard for this... celebrate it all day every day for as long as you can!!! :)
Its been a few years since I ran Princess do they still hand out the little net back packs at the finish?
This will be my first HM for Princess. Where would you dinner the day before? Plan is a light day around HS as we haven’t seen TSL yet, then earlier dinner and back to hotel. Dinner is for me, DH (both running), my parents and kids (ages 5 & 7). We have the std dining plan but aren’t opposed to paying out of pocket

1. Il Mulino
(Are the boats open to get to Swan? Not sure I’d want to walk. Menu looks great, not sure if kid friendly)

2. Terralina Crafted Italian
(Could possibly have DH and I visit the void while here as well. Staying at POFQ so getting home from here is super easy and we could head back and let my folks stay a bit with the kids if they want)

3. Via Napoli
(We could only get a reservation for 2 here so would be DH and I. Would find something else for my folks and kids. I’m more pasta than pizza but wouldn’t be a deal breaker.)

This will be my 5th year running this Half but first time staying at a monorail resort! We're staying at the Contemporary, so do I need to take the monorail in the morning or is there a bus? My husband will have our 5 month old so the Contemporary is perfect for him to walk over to MK in the morning!

Monorail for the half. You do have to change at the TCC, but just follow the herd.

The heat can definitely make a difference. You can and should slow down if it gets hot. It is entirely possible you will encounter heat and humidity on race day, so be mindful of that.

Definitely. Remembering last year’s heat. Ugh. Luckily I’m slow enough that o came across the wet sponge station. People slightly faster than me went past that spot before they were handing out the sponges.

Will the one mile fun run be four laps around the track? Or is there more of a "scenic route" around the ESPN center?

Scenic route unless they’ve changed it drastically.

Do people actually walk around the parks with their medals on race weekend? Is this really common or just a handful of people?

Yes absolutely. There’s even a company that makes medal holder things that keep multiple medals from clanking. Found them on the rindisney marketplace on FB. Of course this year I’m doing one race so I don’t need them.

But yes people wear them for days.

Its been a few years since I ran Princess do they still hand out the little net back packs at the finish?

The net ones were the year before I did the half so I missed it. The next year it was a boring pink one. Last year there was nothing.

Where would you dinner the day before?

Sounds like you want pasta. I personally go offsite to Sweet Tomatoes. We also hit Olive Garden last year. For previous race weekends I’ve gotten the build your own pasta at both Port Orleans Riverside and at AOA food courts.
The net ones were the year before I did the half so I missed it. The next year it was a boring pink one. Last year there was nothing.


Aww thats a shame they were handy for putting the food box and water in!
Sounds like you want pasta. I personally go offsite to Sweet Tomatoes. We also hit Olive Garden last year. For previous race weekends I’ve gotten the build your own pasta at both Port Orleans Riverside and at AOA food courts.

Unfortunately, going offsite isn’t an option as we won’t have car seats or a car. I forgot about Riverside, will keep that in mind, was hoping for table service though. I’m guessing the food courts will be a mad house?


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