2006 DVC Member Cruise - SSMC06 - October 22, 2006 Part 4

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Garfield said:
:wave2: It's the first one up - unless that is, one of us was up the entire night before :banana:

hmmm, another challenge. :cool1:

Look out because I can beat you up any day! ;) Maybe in more ways than one. :teeth:
cgcw said:
hmmm, another challenge. :cool1:

Look out because I can beat you up any day! ;) Maybe in more ways than one. :teeth:

:wave2: What are you going to do - call a ::cop: cop? :rotfl2:
rsschneck said:
Anyone plan on doing some morning walks while on the ship? I have a feeling I'm going to need to!:drinking1 :drinking1:drinking1:drinking1:drinking1

I PLAN to walk. But you know what they say about the best laid plans....
chipscinderelly said:
Sandy - are you adding the Dining Plan? That is different from DDE (Disney Dining Experience). The dining plan is the pre pay plan where you get an alotment of meals vs the DDE where you buy a memebrship and receive 20% off meals and drinks.

I realized that I confused the two right after I posted. Yes, I was referring to the dining plan. Thanks.
Hi all!

Chat was fun last night.

AM, I love that you figured how to post up pics. Those you've got ou there are fantastic. Great ideas you shared.
gometros said:
I realized that I confused the two right after I posted. Yes, I was referring to the dining plan. Thanks.

Isn't it great to know that no matter what the question someone will come up with an answer?:)
1) We sail in 27 days, but when do you actually leave and what else do you have planned? Judy will be leaving Thursday night for the auto train and I will probably fly into Orlando Friday morning from wherever I will be that week (which should be Dallas or Houston). If for any reason I don't travel that week, I'll ride down with her.

2) What is the one thing you are looking forward to most about SSMC06? I can name only one? Two days at Castaway Cay and putting faces to names of all the wonderful people I've met here (the last time we cruised with people we met on a cruise thread turned out to be such a delightful experience and we still keep up with many of them).

3) If there was to be a SSMC07 and it was in the same time frame and same type of cruise (4 day) would you book it? Maybe. 2007 is tough becuse many of the Jewish holidays are on weekdays and we already have a week in WDW planned in May. But, if we have the days, definitely.

4) If there was a be a SSMC07 and if you could determine when it would be and what type of cruise what would it be? I've gotten spoiled by 7 day cruises. 4 seeme to be over so quickly. I doubt they would do it, but I'dl love to see a 7 day with two stops at Castaway Cay.

5) For 07 instead of a cruise would you rather see some type of land-based event? If so, what? I don't see a land based vacation fostering the kind of comraderie that a cruise would.
Hip-Hip-Horray!!!! party: party: party:

Our linked dining for the cruise has been approved by DCL. Working with Debbie at DCL was truly a treat. A very pleasant experience.

There were a few tweeks we needed to make in order to fit our group of 91 into the parameters that DCL has set. We will all be in the same area of the dining room --- along the windows I hear as of right now.

In order to make it work, I did need to create more tables of 4's rather than the bigger tables.

If anyone would like to know who I have seated them with, please send me a PM and I'll provide that information. When possible, I've tried to keep those who have asked specifically to be seated with others together.

I know we are going to have a great time and will probably be the rowdy ones in the room. party:
cgcw said:
Hip-Hip-Horray!!!! party: party: party:

Our linked dining for the cruise has been approved by DCL. Working with Debbie at DCL was truly a treat. A very pleasant experience.

There were a few tweeks we needed to make in order to fit our group of 91 into the parameters that DCL has set. We will all be in the same area of the dining room --- along the windows I hear as of right now.

In order to make it work, I did need to create more tables of 4's rather than the bigger tables.

If anyone would like to know who I have seated them with, please send me a PM and I'll provide that information. When possible, I've tried to keep those who have asked specifically to be seated with others together.

I know we are going to have a great time and will probably be the rowdy ones in the room. party:

party: party: party:

Thanks again for taking on this daunting task. However you have it arranged is good with me. :thumbsup2
Thank you ,Cindy!Can't wait for the fun to begain!
cgcw said:
Hip-Hip-Horray!!!! party: party: party:

Our linked dining for the cruise has been approved by DCL. Working with Debbie at DCL was truly a treat. A very pleasant experience.

There were a few tweeks we needed to make in order to fit our group of 91 into the parameters that DCL has set. We will all be in the same area of the dining room --- along the windows I hear as of right now.

In order to make it work, I did need to create more tables of 4's rather than the bigger tables.

If anyone would like to know who I have seated them with, please send me a PM and I'll provide that information. When possible, I've tried to keep those who have asked specifically to be seated with others together.

I know we are going to have a great time and will probably be the rowdy ones in the room. party:
Copper3 said:
party: party: party:

Thanks again for taking on this daunting task. However you have it arranged is good with me. :thumbsup2

I agree with Jeff - Great job Cindy! :cheer2:
cgcw said:
Hip-Hip-Horray!!!! party: party: party:

Our linked dining for the cruise has been approved by DCL. Working with Debbie at DCL was truly a treat. A very pleasant experience.

There were a few tweeks we needed to make in order to fit our group of 91 into the parameters that DCL has set. We will all be in the same area of the dining room --- along the windows I hear as of right now.

In order to make it work, I did need to create more tables of 4's rather than the bigger tables.

If anyone would like to know who I have seated them with, please send me a PM and I'll provide that information. When possible, I've tried to keep those who have asked specifically to be seated with others together.

I know we are going to have a great time and will probably be the rowdy ones in the room. party:
Thanks for all of your hard work, Cindy!! No matter who we are all sitting with, I'm sure that we're all going to have a blast!!!
I just can't wait for this cruise! I'm sick again. :rolleyes: I just hope it clears up in time for the cruise! Sunshine and warm weather is what I need.:sunny:

You all have me in the packing mood! If I could just find the energy to get up and do it! Hope to start this weekend.:thumbsup2

Enough about being sick ,I'm ready to party!:cool1:
Good Afternoon Everyone,
We're at the Orlando Airport waiting to wing our way back to Detroit.

I'll be on the desk tomorrow so I should have everything ready for the CHALLENGE 2.0 to release on even numbered days. Lets see if we can inflate those post counts together as we get closer and closer to sail away day!!

Now for the GTKYFKC:

1) We sail in 27 days, but when do you actually leave and what else do you have planned? We will be getting in on the 20th.

2) What is the one thing you are looking forward to most about SSMC06? (Ok I have NOT read all the posts since this morning, so I'm sure this reply has been several times over - and frankly I don't care it's true.) To meet the maniacs on the other end of my keyboard!! They really sound like my kind of people!!

3) If there was to be a SSMC07 and it was in the same time frame and same type of cruise (4 day) would you book it? That is going to have to be seriouly discussed. Karen dropped her fall semester classes once she realized that she would be be missing three labs and four lectures. I have to get the girl educated so I have something to retire on..

4) If there was a be a SSMC07 and if you could determine when it would be and what type of cruise what would it be? Seven day cruise in May.

5) For 07 instead of a cruise would you rather see some type of land-based event? If so, what? Neither Karen nor I liked Member Homcoming, but then we didn't know anybody then. I liked having Epcot & MK to just DVCers so I would say yes abd guess Karen would give in so we would give an event in May another try.

Thats all for now - NW does General Seating now so we are waiting for the mad mass dash.
Garfield said:
On SSMC05, I would get up between 5 and 6 most mornings, grab a cup of coffee :coffee: and stroll up to the bow to meditate :worship: and watch the sun :sunny: rise.

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right - Beatles

Crusin :sail: - it does a body good ::yes:: :thumbsup2

And I think I saw you just about every morning Gary! I was usually talking to Stacy's Dad. He was one of the few on the ship who got up as early as I did!

I'm really hoping the fitness center is ready when we get onboard. I like to walk the deck, don't get me wrong, but I'm going to be gone 10 days and I'll never get back into an exercise routine without some good cardio while I'm gone. :yay:
Thanks so much Cindy!! Great Job! :cheer2:

Curt and Karen--safe travels home! pixiedust: I saw on TV earlier you can now bring liquids bought in the airport on the plane. You lucky ducks you! :lmao:
1) We sail in 27 days, but when do you actually leave and what else do you have planned? We will be getting in on the 20th at 10am, staying at BWV, doing MGM that day, and H&V Little Einsteins lunch. Then Saturday going to AK first thing, going to the DIS meet and hoping to catch Illuminations after dinner.

2) What is the one thing you are looking forward to most about SSMC06?

Seeing my old friends, meeting new ones and seeing the girls faces when they go back on the Mickey boat is just going to make me cry buckets!

3) If there was to be a SSMC07 and it was in the same time frame and same type of cruise (4 day) would you book it? Probably, most likely, I'm 3/3 now, how could I not?

4) If there was a be a SSMC07 and if you could determine when it would be and what type of cruise what would it be? 7 day, I'd prefer Western, it would never happen but at Christmastime.

5) For 07 instead of a cruise would you rather see some type of land-based event? If so, what? I'd prefer a Member Cruise because it brings the group closer and while I enjoyed MH, I didn't think it was anywhere near as awesome as the 2 Member Cruises I've been on.
Garfield said:
:wave2: What are you going to do - call a ::cop: cop? :rotfl2:

Just reminding you two of a couple of things:
(1) As a federal officer and technically I have jurisdiction in all US territories the Wonder is a Bahamian flagged ship so if you two end up throwing one or another over board... well sleep in your pretty orange jacket.

(2) Even though I am an early riser, Karen IS NOT so if ANYBODY comes knocking prior to her own appearance you take your life in your own hands and I will not be held responsible

Ok they just called the plane -- You all are on your own
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