“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

High Ho, High Ho, It’s off to ride we go!

Soon we found ourselves headed over to Seven Dwarves Mine Train for Little Miss’s first ever Rollercoaster.








So what did we think?

While the ride itself is really fun DH and I both had issues with the length of our legs making it hard to get the lap bar to close. To do so we had to bend our legs in uncomfortable positions and I actually almost ended up stuck in it when I went to stand up.

While Little Miss did make sounds of delight throughout the entirety of the ride, she indicated that she in fact did not like it once we were off of it. (It could also have been because she was hot and tired.)

From there we were all hungry and ready for a cool place to sit and eat our lunch. We went into Cosmic Rays and sent DH to get the food and Little Miss and I went to find a table.

I think it must have been apparent that we were in need of a break because the nicest CM came over and chatted with us and Pin Traded. In our talks it came up that I had tried to fit Dumbo into our day’s plans but couldn’t make it work and that we would just have to try another day.

The nice CM (who I wish I had gotten her name and a picture) then went on to say, “Well, I could make it work for you. Here.”


She then wrote up a blanket use anywhere FP and gave it to us. It blew me away. It also changed our moods around from on the edge of snippy to blown away with surprise and gratefulness. She chatted with us until just before DH came to the table and she made the world of difference.

We ate our very standard Burgers and Nuggets and then hopped over to our last FP. Which conveniently was right next to us.

Soon We were off Driving on the Speedway, and can I just say that steering and pedal are HARD to control!!!! I had fun driving behind Little Miss and DH and listening to them squeal and cheer, though toward the end apparently Little Miss started acting worried about it.




From there the plan had been to use the Pixie Dust FP and then Ride the train to the front of the park. Instead as we were exiting I decided that we couldn’t be that close to the Peoplemover without getting a ride on it and so off to the Peoplemover we went.





After our wonderful spin on Peoplemover we started to head towards Dumbo but stopped because it dawned on us that Little Miss had been asking all morning to say hi to Rapunzel (Basically since seeing her tower) and while we did have a scheduled FP for it later in the trip she keeps asking now and we had a blanket use fp in our hands. After stopping to confirm with a CM that it would indeed be good at Rapunzel’s meet and greet we changed directions and headed that way.

Turns out that technically these special FPs are only supposed to be good for rides only. However since we had been told wrong by a CM the FP gatekeeper if you will let us through.

We ended up waiting quite a bit (Longer than we did for either Anna or Elsa FP strangely :confused3) but got into the room. Our Meet and Greet with Cinderella was once again special.









We were all excited. Here we go, its time for Little Miss to meet the princess she has been talking about ALL MORNING. One of her Favorite Princesses! If she was that thrilled with Ariel and Cinderella let’s get ready for her mind to be blown with Rapunzel!

So how did it go?






As it turns out, she was more interested in the curtains than she was Rapunzel! :headache:

***Bonus Time!***

- How long does it take us to get back to the resort?

-Where do we go after evening break?
Trip Report Game Points

@cajunfan – 6pts; 1 for correct answer, 1 for first correct answer, 4 for only correct answer


Cajunfan – 12

BibbitybobityLu – 9

Kadrachb – 7

annie170 – 7

NJLauren - 6

Afwdwfan – 5

Dugette – 5

Pkondz – 4

ashw100 – 5

Princessesandpascal – 1

Loves The Mouse – 1
Soon we found ourselves headed over to Seven Dwarves Mine Train for Little Miss’s first ever Rollercoaster.
Woohooo!!! An exciting milestone!

While the ride itself is really fun DH and I both had issues with the length of our legs making it hard to get the lap bar to close. To do so we had to bend our legs in uncomfortable positions and I actually almost ended up stuck in it when I went to stand up.
Yeah, I can't disagree with this. Although, I have the same problem on BTMRR and just about any other lap bar style roller coaster.

While Little Miss did make sounds of delight throughout the entirety of the ride, she indicated that she in fact did not like it once we were off of it. (It could also have been because she was hot and tired.)
The mood of a toddler...

Clearly she enjoyed it through. That smile on her face in the picture was huge!

The nice CM (who I wish I had gotten her name and a picture) then went on to say, “Well, I could make it work for you. Here.”
That is awesome! Nice to get a little extra magic just when you need it the most.

Was she trying to steal Cinderella's hair band???? :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

So how did it go?

Yeah... well, you know. Toddlers. :rolleyes1

- How long does it take us to get back to the resort?

-Where do we go after evening break?
Um... 22 minutes, EPCOT
Soon we found ourselves headed over to Seven Dwarves Mine Train for Little Miss’s first ever Rollercoaster.

First one! I'm betting the parents were more nervous than the child.

It looks like she's having fun.

While the ride itself is really fun DH and I both had issues with the length of our legs making it hard to get the lap bar to close. To do so we had to bend our legs in uncomfortable positions and I actually almost ended up stuck in it when I went to stand up.

Huh. I'm trying to remember if I had any issues.
And I can't remember.
I know the first time I rode I was so busy looking around that I didn't notice.
And the second time I was trying to take pictures...

I'll have to see, next time.

While Little Miss did make sounds of delight throughout the entirety of the ride, she indicated that she in fact did not like it once we were off of it.

Hmm. Maybe just too different of an experience for her?
Time will tell if she'll become a coaster junkie or hate them.

In our talks it came up that I had tried to fit Dumbo into our day’s plans but couldn’t make it work and that we would just have to try another day.

The nice CM (who I wish I had gotten her name and a picture) then went on to say, “Well, I could make it work for you. Here.”

Wow! Nice pixie dust there! :)

I had fun driving behind Little Miss and DH and listening to them squeal and cheer,


though toward the end apparently Little Miss started acting worried about it.

What was worrying her? Did you find out?

Obligatory foot shot!

Turns out that technically these special FPs are only supposed to be good for rides only. However since we had been told wrong by a CM the FP gatekeeper if you will let us through.

Snuck that one past them, didja? :laughing:

Love that one! They're all great, but that one stands out!

As it turns out, she was more interested in the curtains than she was Rapunzel!


- How long does it take us to get back to the resort?
Where do we go after evening break?

30 minutes, Epcot.
Little Miss is simply priceless in the pic where she is gazing up at Cinderella! Too too precious. You must have that pic printed and framed :)

I'm going to guess 25 minutes back to the resort and taking an evening break at DTD.
I have so much catching up to do! Although most of what I want to say is summed up by saying that Little Miss is so adorable experiencing all her Disney Magic for the first time. I can only imagine how wonderful those memories are for you! :love:

Your SDMT ride photos are so sweet! She looks so excited that I was sure she was going to say she loved the ride, but, kids will be kids. :rotfl:

That CM was so kind to do that for you! As was the one who let you in to Rapunzel and Cinderella despite her not technically being allowed to. The Disney Magic was alive and well for you that day! :goodvibes

I'm going to guess it took you about 35 minutes to get back, and you went to Epcot that night.
Woohooo!!! An exciting milestone!
::yes:: It worked out well that her first ever roller coaster was one with on ride video and pictures.

Yeah, I can't disagree with this. Although, I have the same problem on BTMRR and just about any other lap bar style roller coaster.
This was just a bit tighter than other coasters for some reason. I wish they had made the cars a bit bigger.

The mood of a toddler...

Clearly she enjoyed it through. That smile on her face in the picture was huge!
Indeed! I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it but was just grouchy at the time.

That is awesome! Nice to get a little extra magic just when you need it the most.

Was she trying to steal Cinderella's hair band???? :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:
I don't think so, but you never know! :rotfl2:

Yeah... well, you know. Toddlers. :rolleyes1

Um... 22 minutes, EPCOT

First one! I'm betting the parents were more nervous than the child.
Not to terribly so.

It looks like she's having fun.
That's what we thought.

Huh. I'm trying to remember if I had any issues.
And I can't remember.
I know the first time I rode I was so busy looking around that I didn't notice.
And the second time I was trying to take pictures...

I'll have to see, next time.
I had heard that from others before hand so I wasn't completely surprised.

Hmm. Maybe just too different of an experience for her?
Time will tell if she'll become a coaster junkie or hate them.
Daddy will be thrilled if she ends up a coaster junkie!

Wow! Nice pixie dust there! :)

What was worrying her? Did you find out?
We really aren't sure. DH thinks maybe the jerky nature of the track.

Obligatory foot shot!

Snuck that one past them, didja? :laughing:
We weren't trying to!

Love that one! They're all great, but that one stands out!
Yet another favorite of mine.

Can't win them all right? :rolleyes::rolleyes2

30 minutes, Epcot.

Little Miss is simply priceless in the pic where she is gazing up at Cinderella! Too too precious. You must have that pic printed and framed :)
It certainly is one over our favorites. I have plans for the pictures once I get the TR written. I'm going to put together a shutterfly book (who knows what the cost is going to be seeing as the TR is already up to 92 pages in word!:earseek:

I'm going to guess 25 minutes back to the resort and taking an evening break at DTD.

I have so much catching up to do! Although most of what I want to say is summed up by saying that Little Miss is so adorable experiencing all her Disney Magic for the first time. I can only imagine how wonderful those memories are for you! :love:
They are quite special and I spent quite a bit of the first few days getting teary at little things here and there.

Your SDMT ride photos are so sweet! She looks so excited that I was sure she was going to say she loved the ride, but, kids will be kids. :rotfl:

That CM was so kind to do that for you! As was the one who let you in to Rapunzel and Cinderella despite her not technically being allowed to. The Disney Magic was alive and well for you that day! :goodvibes
It was indeed!.... At least for that moment!:rolleyes1

I'm going to guess it took you about 35 minutes to get back, and you went to Epcot that night.
Aww very cute pics! The 7DMT train pics are always hilarious. My own just crack me up all the time too.

That was great you got a blanket FP! I've never even seen those. Is it only good for one ride or multiple rides in one day? Totally need one of those too hahaha.

The princess meets were really cute. It's too funny Little Miss liked the decor more than Rapunzel. I forsee...interior design in her future? LOL
Soon we found ourselves headed over to Seven Dwarves Mine Train for Little Miss’s first ever Rollercoaster.
That is a pretty awesome first ever roller coaster! :thumbsup2

While the ride itself is really fun DH and I both had issues with the length of our legs making it hard to get the lap bar to close. To do so we had to bend our legs in uncomfortable positions and I actually almost ended up stuck in it when I went to stand up.
I'm glad you were able to make it work. Dug wasn't quite so lucky (spoiler for my TR :rolleyes1)

While Little Miss did make sounds of delight throughout the entirety of the ride, she indicated that she in fact did not like it once we were off of it.
Of course. :laughing: You just never know at this age.

She then wrote up a blanket use anywhere FP and gave it to us.
We may have also received one of these, related to the above comment. :rolleyes: So glad that the CM was so kind and able to cheer you all up! That's what makes Disney so special. pixiedust:

Soon We were off Driving on the Speedway, and can I just say that steering and pedal are HARD to control!!!!
I know, I have the hardest time controlling those cars! :headache:

Just precious! :lovestruc

As it turns out, she was more interested in the curtains than she was Rapunzel! :headache:
:rotfl2: These kids are never predictable.

- How long does it take us to get back to the resort?

-Where do we go after evening break?
Hmmmm....45 minutes and back to the Magic Kingdom.
OMG! Her interactions with the princesses are just priceless! They are so genuine. I love that she is holding a real conversation with Cinderella...I even love her interaction with Rapunzel...it's like she is my favorite, so I am going to just be in awe of her in the room because she is so beautiful! (Ok, the looking out the window, I bet she was looking to see how tall the tower was and if Rapunzel's hair was cascading down it!)

The leg thing (ok and the fat thing for me) scare me about the mine train. I can't bend my knees all the way, so it concerns me how comfortable it will be. But I want to try it...after all it is not a long ride, so everyone says. and I just need to do it!

Good for you for going on the Speedway! I can't remember the last time we went...for some reason, IHATE that ride. LOL!

And I could ride the People Mover all day/night long! It is just so relaxing!

And PIXIE DUST!!!! WHoo Hoo!!!! What an awesome thing to happen. It's stories like this that warm my heart and the reason I LOVE going to WDW!

I am guessing 30 minutes to get back to the resort. I am thinking EPCOT for the evening, to roam around the food booths for dinner.
:banana:Oh! And I am in FIRST PLACE again! WHOO HOO! :banana::dancer::banana:

Is my life sad that I am getting so excited about being in 1st place in this contest online?
Last trip our son was too small for 7DMT and he was very upset about it and I think that would have been a better first roller than Barnstormer with how smooth it is. I agree that the seats/cars on that ride are quite tight.

That was such a sweet thing from that CM and goes to show how little things like that can totally make the difference for a guest experience.

Such super cute pictures with Cinderella ... sorry that the meet with Repunzel wasn't quite up to expectations though
What a great CM! I love when stuff like that happens.

More super cute character meets! Funny how Little Miss was rather meh about Rapunzel, who she most wanted to see. Kids!

I'll guess that it took 35 minutes to get back to the resort and you went to Epcot after your break. I'll also guess food booths may have factored in to the evening.
Love the Rapunzel pics! I was so excited for Charlotte to meet Cinderella (her fav at the time) and she rolled her eyes at her! I was totally surprised at her reaction!

I am so excited for the mine train and little miss did look like she was having a pretty good time. Love the people mover! Always a nice relaxing ride!
While the ride itself is really fun DH and I both had issues with the length of our legs making it hard to get the lap bar to close. To do so we had to bend our legs in uncomfortable positions and I actually almost ended up stuck in it when I went to stand up.
Yikies. I'd never even considered this, but then again the length of my legs = no length at all

She then wrote up a blanket use anywhere FP and gave it to us. It blew me away. It also changed our moods around from on the edge of snippy to blown away with surprise and gratefulness. She chatted with us until just before DH came to the table and she made the world of difference.
How awesome is that. Its amazing how much a CM can make your day.

Turns out that technically these special FPs are only supposed to be good for rides only. However since we had been told wrong by a CM the FP gatekeeper if you will let us through.
Who knew a FP wasn't always a FP. Glad they let you in.

Little Miss's face is pure and utter joy and perfection!

As it turns out, she was more interested in the curtains than she was Rapunzel!
Mine was like that with her favorite Elsa. I chalked it up to being star struck more than anything else.


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