“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

I'm in the minority and love le fous brew :thumbsup2

Those cinnamon rolls are huge!! Last time we tried one, we split it between 5 of us!!

Little miss looks so cute in her belle dress!

I'm thinking you went over to adventureland and saw Jasmine and Aladdin?
The cake looked great! Glad the party went well.

Good to read that I'm not the only one who was just meh about Enchanted Tales with Belle. What hurt me most was the only time I ever did it, I waited quite awhile, so my expectations were high.

I'll guess you next went to Pete's Silly Sideshow and met up with Minnie, Daisy, Goofini and Donaldo.
After we had our potty break we were all feeling a bit hungry so we stopped in Gaston’s Tavern to spilt a Cinnamon Roll and a Lefew’s Brew. We were anxious to see for ourselves what all the fuss was about.


Yay LeFew's Brew and Cinnamon Roll! Got it right!
But wow holy cinnamon goodness Batman that thing is huge!

As for the Lefew’s Brew…. :crazy2: I really can’t say I’m a fan. Yuck! The flavors just don’t work well for me. I didn’t take more than a few sips. Little Miss and DH liked it though.

I really don't think I would like it either. Sounds pretty gross :crazy2:

Hey you got Chip! Darn I was one update out! Doh! :headache:

Very cute shot!

And I have to say, that DH and I both felt that while the Mirror effect is very impressive and the story kinda cute, this really is a just one and done kinda attraction.

I felt the same. I had no clue what to expect when I went (it was a soft opening) and the mirror was cool it just didn't do anything for me.

Awwww :goodvibes

I really don’t like how in order to watch Little Miss DH and I ended up separated and then instead of letting DH join Little Miss and I up front (Little Miss got selected to play Philippe) the CMs made him sit many rows back and allowed a rather rude couple to forcibly shove themselves on to the bench beside me where there was only enough space for one. :mad::furious: This couple had no children preforming and were not interested in getting any pictures. They then also cut DH off from us again while we were trying to leave. It was all I could do to bite my tongue and not say anything to them.


Urg. Seriously people :rolleyes2 Did your momma not teach you any manners?!? Guess not!

***Bonus Time!***

~ What Land/Area are we headed to next?

Oooo....hmmm....I think I'm going to go with Storybook Circus

~Who do we see when we get there?

And you met Daisy and Minnie...or if the line was too long then Donald and Goofy!

@BibbitybobityLu – 3 points; 1 for FP, 1 for Lefew’s Brew, 1 for Cinnamon roll

Woohoo! :banana:

BibbitybobityLu – 6

Woohoo! :banana:
You see, it turns out that rice cakes (What I used as the main structure of Rapunzel's tower) loose their structural integrity when exposed to the moisture of the fridge and freezer. So I came down stair on the day of the party to find this:
Well, at least you have the ruins...

I still had the castle pieces left over from that cake so I grabbed one of the tower's and slapped it over the hole from the original (and much better) tower and piped new vines on it.
Maybe not quite as good as the original, but it works. Good job improvising.

The next day we took Little Miss to her first movie at a Movie theater to see Inside Out. It's a wonderful movie and kinda a down right perfect movie for us to see considering all that has been going on. I almost want to go see it again and will for sure be adding it to our collection when it comes out on blue ray.
Wow, those seats look comfy! I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. Did she do well sitting through it?

Let me first say, this roll is huge! Notice that it is the same size as Little Miss’s Head! :earseek: The roll while tasty seemed a tad unimpressive otherwise and I doubt that DH or I would make it a priority snack again.
You know, it may not be all that impressive of a snack, but when you can feed the whole family for one snack credit, it is definitely something to keep in mind.

After that we found our way to Enchanted Tales with Belle. And I have to say, that DH and I both felt that while the Mirror effect is very impressive and the story kinda cute, this really is a just one and done kinda attraction.
I can't really argue with that. Especially if you don't have a kid that wants to participate.

I really don’t like how in order to watch Little Miss DH and I ended up separated and then instead of letting DH join Little Miss and I up front (Little Miss got selected to play Philippe) the CMs made him sit many rows back and allowed a rather rude couple to forcibly shove themselves on to the bench beside me where there was only enough space for one. :mad::furious: This couple had no children preforming and were not interested in getting any pictures. They then also cut DH off from us again while we were trying to leave. It was all I could do to bite my tongue and not say anything to them.
Yeah, kind of reminds me of how we got cut off from DD in the wardrobe room. They really make it hard to keep your family together in the whole show. Kind of feels like you need to be throwing elbows and be the aggressor if you want to keep from getting separated.
That cinnamon roll looked massive!! Sorry it wasn't all that...it's on my list to try...and so is the brew...we shall see how hungry we are though because...huge.
It really was. We barely polished it off between the three of us. It was very dry though. :guilty:

You got such cute pictures.

Sorry about the space hogs at ITWB. I am torn about whether to do this one again too...my DD liked it but could probably skip it..but she did say she would have liked it more if she got a bigger "part" in the show...so who knows...but then..if she didn't it might not be worth the time...or the FP+ usage.
I think unless you luck into the role of the Beast that all of the parts are pretty much the same. I'd say definatly not a priority for a FP+ unless you have someone that absolutely MUST do it.

I love little miss' dress...so cute as always!

Sorry things weren't really going your way, between missing Gaston, not loving the snack, and not having a great time at the attraction.

I agree about Enchanted Tales with Belle, though. We did it back on Izzy's first trip (14 months old) and it was not fun at all. We didn't participate and it didn't hold her attention - we couldn't wait to get out. That said, I'd consider going back when she's older and could maybe participate.
We didn't have a bad time at the attraction. It was just very Meh. Add in the having to fight to keep your family together and neither of us were big fans.

Little Miss looks very happy in those pictures with Belle - cute! :lovestruc
She was indeed! I just wish she had been allowed to sign Little MIss's book.

For the contest, I have to go with Pete's Silly Sideshow/Storybook Circus and meeting Daisy and Minnie.

We tried it this year too. Waaaayyy too sweet. I mean, I'm a sucker for sweets.. but that stuff... ick.

I loved the mirror effect! I was memorized by it, and my boyfriend was just like... "okay...?" :(
I wish the rest of the experience was as cool as that.

I think you'll head for the circus, and you'll either meet Daisy/Minnie or Goofy/Donald

That cinnamon roll is huge!
::yes:: It really did take all 3 of us to eat it!

I really liked the LeFou's Brew, I wasn't crazy about the foam, so I would ask for it without the foam next time.
Take the foam off and its just meh. The foam is a really strange combo with it.

Cute pics of Little Miss with Belle.

I feel the same about the Enchanted Tales with Belle, the Mirror effect was really cool but I don't feel the need to see it again unless I have a kid with me who insists on seeing it.

Cute pics. I loved the LeFou's Brew! I thought about getting the cinnamon roll, but the day we stopped there, we had plans for dinner at Ohana.

I just don't see me doing this experience either unless I happen to bring another princess along that insists on it.
It seems to be the consensus doesn't it?

Ok, my guesses are: (I have two):

1: Liberty Square area, and you meet Tiana
2: Princess Fairytale Hall area and you meet Rapunzel/Cinderella and Anna/Elsa

Too bad.
But I think he does best with older kids/young adults.
I knew going in it might be challenging to get to see him.

Wow! That thing's huge?
Did the three of you put together manage to eat it all?

Tasty but unimpressive don't usually go hand in hand.
You would think. The overall flavors were good but it was just too dry and skimped on the frosting (which wasn't fabulous either.)

I don't know if I'll ever try one.
I love them, but man, that thing is huge!
Way too big for one.

I'm hearing more and more people who aren't fans.
I was more or less.... "Meh" about it.
Its the foam that makes it horrid.

You got the Chip picture!

Awww... That's a cute pic.

I don't get this. How/why were you split up?

I don't get this. How/why were you split up?
I didn't notice any of that when I went.
Then again, I wasn't looking for it either.
I stayed by Little MIss to Manage her and DH orginally hung back a little to not be in the way of those shorter than me. WHen we filed into the room to be seated one CM directed me to sit in the front row and another refused to Let DH come to join.

Again, how did that happen?
I think a good portion of it come down to bad flow of the attraction and 2 oblivious people who continued to repeatedly get between DH and I. I Finally just reached over to DH and pulled him to me cutting off the woman for a moment.

Storybook Circus?


IDK about that cinnamon roll - bigger isn't always better. :confused3
::yes:: I agree. It was rather dry.

Sorry about your experience with the rude people.
I think a good portion of it come down to bad flow of the attraction and 2 oblivious people who continued to repeatedly get between DH and I. I Finally just reached over to DH and pulled him to me cutting off the woman for a moment.

Our trips have always just been DH and I, and we normally stay towards the back so that families with kiddo's can experience the magic together. I hope that was the last you saw of those people! pixiedust:
I'm not sure you can go a whole Disney Trip without running into at least 1 rude family or two.
I'm in the minority and love le fous brew :thumbsup2
More for you then!

Those cinnamon rolls are huge!! Last time we tried one, we split it between 5 of us!!
I believe it! We had a hard time with the 3 of us.

Little miss looks so cute in her belle dress!

I'm thinking you went over to adventureland and saw Jasmine and Aladdin?

The cake looked great! Glad the party went well.

Good to read that I'm not the only one who was just meh about Enchanted Tales with Belle. What hurt me most was the only time I ever did it, I waited quite awhile, so my expectations were high.
It seems to be the going consensus. I'm glad I did it once. Don't feel the need to go back.

I'll guess you next went to Pete's Silly Sideshow and met up with Minnie, Daisy, Goofini and Donaldo.

Great read! Thanks for posting!

I always enjoy reading trip report. Very interesting reading!
:thanks: Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoy it!

Yay LeFew's Brew and Cinnamon Roll! Got it right!
But wow holy cinnamon goodness Batman that thing is huge!
::yes:: We all shared that one.

I really don't think I would like it either. Sounds pretty gross :crazy2:
To me there is just something slightly off about the appley flavor of it.

Hey you got Chip! Darn I was one update out! Doh! :headache:

Very cute shot!

I felt the same. I had no clue what to expect when I went (it was a soft opening) and the mirror was cool it just didn't do anything for me.
Seems to be the general consensus. Glad I did it once though!



Urg. Seriously people :rolleyes2 Did your momma not teach you any manners?!? Guess not!
::yes:: Indeed! It wouldn't be a Disney trip without at least one rude family right?

Oooo....hmmm....I think I'm going to go with Storybook Circus

And you met Daisy and Minnie...or if the line was too long then Donald and Goofy!



Well, at least you have the ruins...
:rotfl: Yeah I ended up throwing them out. By the time that I finally gave up on the tower the ruins were nothing pretty to look at and were looking kinda rough.

Maybe not quite as good as the original, but it works. Good job improvising.

Wow, those seats look comfy! I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. Did she do well sitting through it?
SHe did GREAT amazingly! Of course we gave her a nice serving of popcorn and a ring pop while she watched be she seemed to really like it.

You know, it may not be all that impressive of a snack, but when you can feed the whole family for one snack credit, it is definitely something to keep in mind.
Very True!

I can't really argue with that. Especially if you don't have a kid that wants to participate.
Seems to be what everyone is thinking.

Yeah, kind of reminds me of how we got cut off from DD in the wardrobe room. They really make it hard to keep your family together in the whole show. Kind of feels like you need to be throwing elbows and be the aggressor if you want to keep from getting separated.
Yeah and that's partly how DH and I got separated. Beyond the fact that Little Miss is a little young to go up by herself I didn't want to risk her being separated from us. I guess I forgot to warn DH about being forceful if he wanted to stick together.
You would think. The overall flavors were good but it was just too dry and skimped on the frosting (which wasn't fabulous either.)

Thanks for the review. :)

WHen we filed into the room to be seated one CM directed me to sit in the front row and another refused to Let DH come to join.

That's really odd. Maybe they thought he was just some random solo dude who wanted to sit up front.
Still.... weird.

I Finally just reached over to DH and pulled him to me cutting off the woman for a moment.

:laughing: Good for you!
yay! another trip report with a toddler! we are taking our then 2 year old in january. I am reading anything and everything about trips with the little ones! We have done disney many times as just husband and wife but this will be a totally different trip! thanks for the info! following!
Great updates! Unfortunately I don't have much time to comment but I just wanted to say that I totally agree about the Lefou's Brew. My DH and I both hated it!

We had a really nice CM who gave us a second one for free and we barely made it halfway through one before we tossed them! It was just a really odd mix of flavors and it didn't work for me.
yay! another trip report with a toddler!

we are taking our then 2 year old in january.
How exciting!

I am reading anything and everything about trips with the little ones! We have done disney many times as just husband and wife but this will be a totally different trip! thanks for the info!
Smart thinking! I highly recommend creating a stroller locator (How I did mine can be found on the PTR) It came in handy so many times.


Great updates!

Unfortunately I don't have much time to comment but I just wanted to say that I totally agree about the Lefou's Brew. My DH and I both hated it!

We had a really nice CM who gave us a second one for free and we barely made it halfway through one before we tossed them! It was just a really odd mix of flavors and it didn't work for me.
Indeed! :crazy2:
Just read your whole PTR! Quick question, were you happy with your stroller decision? We have the same two types of stroller. I prefer the jogger hands down but its big. Its not one of those mini joggers that are kind all the rental companies have. Never even considered the stroller locating issue! The idea of having a stroller in disney gives me such anxiety! thanks for the help!
Just read your whole PTR! Quick question, were you happy with your stroller decision? We have the same two types of stroller. I prefer the jogger hands down but its big. Its not one of those mini joggers that are kind all the rental companies have. Never even considered the stroller locating issue! The idea of having a stroller in disney gives me such anxiety! thanks for the help!
We were indeed happy with our stroller decision. DH and I both agreed that the annoyance on the buses was worth it. There were a few times where we ended up commenting to each other that we were glad to have the Jogger.

I will say that the one thing we didn't think of that we kinda wish we had brought was some of those Pedialyte powder packs to mix into her water. While at home she is great about drinking water while there she just got to distracted and we had trouble keeping her hydrated.
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To all my American Friends, Hope your 4th is amazing! Remember to stay safe around the fireworks! To all the non americans.... Happy Saturday!
Just want to say, k hope things are looking up for you. Your still in my thoughts with your losses. That cake still looks amazing even if the tower didn't make it. Sorry the treats weren't to your liking. I can't believe how fude people can be :headache:. That's pretty cool that she got a part though and once agin the pictures are adorable :love:. As for what's next, I think you went to Storybook circus to see Daisy and Mininie.m
Just want to say, k hope things are looking up for you. Your still in my thoughts with your losses.
Thank you. Things get better every day.

That cake still looks amazing even if the tower didn't make it.
In the end Little Miss was very happy and that is all that matters!

Sorry the treats weren't to your liking.
Meh. The cinnamon roll wasn't terrible. Just dry.

I can't believe how fude people can be :headache:.
::yes:: Though I think this was just a case of oblivious rather straight out rudeness. (Not that it makes much difference in the end)

That's pretty cool that she got a part though and once agin the pictures are adorable :love:
Well really, they give parts to anybody who wants one.

. As for what's next, I think you went to Storybook circus to see Daisy and Mininie.m
Off to the Circus

After Enchanted tales with Belle we headed off in the direction of Storybook Circus. My original plans had me taking Little Miss's Belle dress back off after meeting Belle so that she wouldn't get overheated, but she wouldn't hear of it so we let it go. Our Itinerary had us doing both sides of Pete’s silly Side show and riding barnstormer.

We made our way over to Pete’s Silly Sideshow and went for the lady’s first.





















As we were exiting we realized that the girls took much longer than we had accounted for and we wouldn’t be able to get to the Guys now and stay on schedule so we decided to skip them. As we left the Gift Shop (Holy Cow does it smell good in there!) We came upon the Main Street Marching band and a nice spot to sit for a bit. One look over towards barnstormer showed that going there would probably cause problems for our schedule as well and we just decided to cut it as well. While DH and Little Miss got us a spot to sit I went and got the stroller. We sat drinking our water and enjoyed the marching band a little till they finished their act.


From there we could tell that Little Miss was getting a tad on the overheated side so after coaxing Little Miss out of her Belle Dress, I stayed with the stroller and our phones and I sent DH in to the splash area with Little Miss.




She had big fun with that and soon it was time for our next FP.

***Bonus Time!***

- What is the last thing we do before leaving the park for break?
Trip Report Game Points

@Dugette – 4 points; 1 point for correct area, 2 points for correct characters, 1 point 1st correct bonus pt

@kadrachb – 3pts; 1 for correct area, 2 for correct characters

@BibbitybobityLu - 3pts; 1 for correct area, 2 for correct characters

@ashw100 - 3 pts; 3pts; 1 for correct area, 2 for correct characters

@annie170 – 3pts; 1 for correct area, 2 for characters.

@pkondz – 1 pt for correct area

No one got the extra points for guessing the Main Street Band


BibbitybobityLu – 9

Kadrachb – 7

annie170 – 7

Cajunfan – 6

NJLauren - 6

Afwdwfan – 5

Dugette – 5

Pkondz – 4

ashw100 – 5

Princessesandpascal – 1

Loves The Mouse – 1


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