“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

I am so sorry for your loss. You're family will be in my thoughts and prayers :hug:

Oh my goodness this update is too full of adorableness, yes that's a word ::yes::. I love all the special attention she got at the end of the night. It's so funny that our kids are so close in age and had the exact opposite reaction to characters. I'm so glad you got good interactions and that Little Miss had fun. I can see why you had so many years moments. I loved 1900 Park Fare but they didn't have the strawberry soup :confused:. Can't wait for more.
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I'm so deeply sorry to hear about your loss. May you find strength and love with your family in these times of sorrow. My prayers are with you
Thank you for all of your well wishes and prayers. There is nothing like a death in the family to raise tensions. Now that my Grandmother is at peace we are all settling in and decompressing from the high stress roller coaster we have been on. If anything making it through this week has made me a stronger person. I'm just crossing my fingers that Little Miss and I can shake the last of this cold without it progressing to a sinus infection. For me its hard to tell what is from the cold and what is just my body's natural reaction to the stress and tears from this week.

Now on to happier topics.....

Getting back to you TR for a moment... and maybe this will help cheer you up.
::yes:: Indeed most welcome and refreshing to have something of pure magic to get me through.

I'm not sure which warmed my heart more in your 1900 Park update: your smiles or Little Miss's :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
:lovestruc I'm pretty sure Little Miss could warm even the Grinch's heart with one of her smiles! ::yes:::rotfl:

Oh my goodness this update is too full of adorableness, yes that's a word ::yes::.

I love all the special attention she got at the end of the night.
It really was magical!

It's so funny that our kids are so close in age and had the exact opposite reaction to characters.
Its a personality thing. Little Miss doesn't know the meaning of the word stranger. :rotfl: Shy is not a word she understands! :rotfl2:

I'm so glad you got good interactions and that Little Miss had fun. I can see why you had so many years moments.
Such a great way to start the trip!

I loved 1900 Park Fare but they didn't have the strawberry soup :confused:. Can't wait for more.
It was not presented as I expected it to be. It was easy to overlook and almost forgot to find it myself.
So sorry for your loss

I found this TR today and have enjoyed reading so far. Your Little Miss is precious! The pics with Cinderella were really cute. Looking forward to reading more
I am so sorry for your loss. Prayer for you and your family during this time. Also sending some healing prayers and pixie dust your way for you and Little Miss!
I'm sorry for your loss.

I really hope you and Little Miss can shake the bug you're fighting and have a better week this week.
Once again I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. They are greatly appreicated. While I still occasionally have moments where it hits me all over again they are getting a bit fewer and farther apart and I am trying to focus on the blessings my life is filled with and looking back on the wonderful memories with her. I know she wouldn't want me to dwell in sadness.

Good Morning! Good Morning!

So before all hell broke loose in my life last week, we had just finished off our first day crawling into bed about 10:30. Which wasn’t terrible considering we didn’t leave dinner until around 9pm. We were determined to make EMH Rope Drop in the morning so we set our wake up call for 5:15am with plans to be at the bus stop by 6:30.

The morning came quick and we got ourselves ready. I waited as long as I could and then went and woke up Little Miss. Like always she was slow to wake up to a point of being cheerful. However this is nothing new for her and I knew that if we gave her some cereal and about 30 minutes she would leave the fussiness behind and become her happy self.

We were bummed when the wakeup call came to the room. I set it for 15 minutes before we had to leave the room so that Little Miss could experience the fun character waking her up. Instead what we got was an actual human being that seemed rather confused at the rather alert person answering the phone. :confused3 Awkward and Disappointing. I never bothered to attempt it again.

By the time we left the room I was slightly anxious because we didn’t walk out the door till 6:35, but it was still early enough that we were pretty sure we would make it and so we were slowly making our way to the bus stop and enjoying the magic of POR in the early morning.

As we got to the bridge we noticed the MK bus pulling in to the front of the resort. While part of me wanted to go ahead and wait for the next one after the nightmare of a bus situation from the night before I pushed us to run for it. And run we did! We were out of breath when we got to it but we did make it. We got on the mostly full bus and took the last few seats.

Before long we had found ourselves through bag check and discovering the extra layer of magic that is settled over the magic kingdom when it is mostly empty.




They held us here until about 7:45 before they passed out maps and started the process of opening the turnstiles. At about 7:50 they let us in to the main area for the welcome show and we picked a spot that, after checking with the CM who gave us the map, put us just close enough to the entrance into the park on the side where Mickey meets but far enough back so that we can see the show.




(If you are paid attention while looking at those photos you’ve probably already caught our first mistake of the trip. :headache:)

We waited about another 10 minutes and then the Welcome show began!




Watching her face light up like that was magical! As the show ended DH and I did a quick trade off and I took Little Miss and he took the stroller. The plan was to pop right in and say Hi to Mickey Mouse. With Little Miss in my arms I head under the archway into the tunnel. I won’t lie. The reality of finally walking into the magic kingdom with Little Miss in my arms hit me and I was balling by the time I got to the other side.

It was as I stepped out into Town Square to take a look around and soak things in that I realized our first mistake. Instead of listening to my gut and going to the right entrance I let the CM make me think we needed to be on the Left Side. :headache:

We now had two rivers of people to break through. By the time that we got to the stroller parking for Mickey his wait was already at 15 minutes. :sad2:

Soon our stroller was parked and we were in to meet Mickey.












It was a fun meet for sure. But Nothing about it stood out as a favorite. Which was a tad surprising. Mickey is always a favorite at home.

***Bonus Question: What is our First ride?*****
Your daughter is so cute!
We just bought our daughter those same shoes (for our trip in 11 days!)...I hope they held up to Disney well.

First ride...Little Mermaid?
Your daughter is so cute!

We just bought our daughter those same shoes (for our trip in 11 days!)...I hope they held up to Disney well.
They did indeed. Though I will warn you, they have a bit of funky to them now. (I haven't gotten around to trying to wash them yet to see if it helps. I will report back once I have) We found them to be perfect for the trip. They do indeed work great as water shoes as well.

First ride...Little Mermaid?


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