Rogue One catch all thread

Just saw R1 for the first time and it was really, really good. I was not prepared for the last scene, though. Hard to explain to my daughter why I was crying all the way home. Always felt like she was the one who would out live them all, on and off screen.
Just saw R1 for the first time and it was really, really good. I was not prepared for the last scene, though. Hard to explain to my daughter why I was crying all the way home. Always felt like she was the one who would out live them all, on and off screen.

She had to fight her society background and the demons she inherited from her I think she never would be compared to Olivia de haviland one day at the oscars presenting at 95...

But i hear you...this sucks
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I finally saw Rogue One today. I think it is hands down the best film since Empire. It's as great as Empire.

The final scene made me sob right there in the theater. It took my breath away.

It's ironic that that final scene is so much more significant now than when I first saw it...16 days ago.

I saw it for the 3rd time yesterday and it's growing on me as far as overall quality...empire is still the best (watched it last week)...Jedi will always be my favorite.

But I think episode 3.5 is pretty close to the second best when you consider all the elements.

Disney...the holders of the lucky stone...are going to make more money on R1 after fishers Death...and a lot more off Ep. policy aside.
I'm so late to the party, but one of the things I loved about the movie is I felt like it felt like the original movies. This was the movie George owed us via the prequels, but was incapable of delivering. TFA was so JJ Abrams. I liked it, but it felt just like his Star Trek movies.

The entire time I was watching Rogue 1, I kept saying to myself "I can't believe I'm watching this. This must have been how my parents felt when the original movies came out. I can't believe I'm watching this."

Vader at the end was everything Vader should be. My hand was covering my mouth as he mowed down rebels with his light saber. I did feel he looked different... the suit and the way he moved. Prowse was better, but I'm not complaining.

Freaking awesome movie.
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I'm so late to the party, but one of the things I loved about the movie is I felt like it felt like the original movies. This was the movie George owed us via the prequels, but was incapable of delivering. TFA was so JJ Abrams. I liked it, but it felt just like his Star Trek movies.

The entire time I was watching Rogue 1, I kept saying to myself "I can't believe I'm watching this. This must have been how my parents felt when the original movies came out. I can't believe I'm watching this."

Vader at the end was everything Vader should be. My hand was covering my mouth as he mowed down rebels with his light saber. I did feel he looked different... the suit and the way he moved. Prowse was better, but I'm not complaining.

Freaking awesome movie.

I agree...but might want to put that spoiler tag on there, fangirl...
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I'm so late to the party, but one of the things I loved about the movie is I felt like it felt like the original movies. This was the movie George owed us via the prequels, but was incapable of delivering. TFA was so JJ Abrams. I liked it, but it felt just like his Star Trek movies.

This is the astute Star Wars fan's opinion...I've heard no argument over the last 3 weeks that is relatively close to valid compared with this...
I'm so late to the party, but one of the things I loved about the movie is I felt like it felt like the original movies. This was the movie George owed us via the prequels, but was incapable of delivering. TFA was so JJ Abrams. I liked it, but it felt just like his Star Trek movies.

The entire time I was watching Rogue 1, I kept saying to myself "I can't believe I'm watching this. This must have been how my parents felt when the original movies came out. I can't believe I'm watching this."

Vader at the end was everything Vader should be. My hand was covering my mouth as he mowed down rebels with his light saber. I did feel he looked different... the suit and the way he moved. Prowse was better, but I'm not complaining.

Freaking awesome movie.

I agree...but might want to put that spoiler tag on there, fangirl...

I helped out :)
Ha. No. She's now 11 months old and would've been a nightmare! But she saw TFA 5 times when I was pregnant. So there's hope.... my parents took me to see Empire when I was 8 weeks old. They swear that's why I'm such a fanatic.
But as you pointed out...R1 is real Star Wars...and the force awakens is a reboot/punt

You said it yourself "like his Star Trek". That's a reboot...eye candy with no new ideas
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I remember when Disney bought Lucasfilm a lot of my fellow nerds were complaining about - well, honestly everything (especially the fact that most of the Star Wars EU is now considered non-canon) but especially that Disney would lighten up the movies and refuse to go anywhere dark. I kept telling them "no, just wait - they'll do Star Wars justice" but they didn't believe me.

I think Rogue One proved me right. A lot of risks were definitely taken with everything in this film, from tone to presentation to plot, and I think it totally paid off. I'm not sure if I'll go see it again while it's still in theaters (its runtime is pretty long so it's a huge time investment) but I'll definitely be picking it up when it hits DVD/BluRay.

It's definitely interesting to think about all the typical SW elements in this film that are either omitted or changed around. There is no title crawl, the score incorporates but does not directly use any of the usual theme music, a character starts to utter the famous line "I have a bad feeling about this" only to be cut off, etc. The film constantly reminds you that it is not your typical Star Wars film and while this may or may not have been intentional I thought I was a pretty brilliant way to foreshadow that the fates of its main cast would also differ from those of (most of) the main films.

We've become so accustomed to seeing our heroes always escape from danger in the nick of time, surviving to live another day while the extras all around them fall. R1 subverts this not only by killing off the entire main cast but showing at the very end that, essentially, they WERE the extras in the background. The film never lets us feel that this makes them unimportant, however, both by giving us an idea of their respective personalities and showing that their sacrifice ultimately changed the outcome of the entire war. I think this adds a really wonderful layer of understanding to the big battles from before and after these events take place, by reminding us that even those nameless soldiers have stories and roles to play.

Also... that Darth Vader scene. Absolutely gorgeous work there, and a completely terrifying and tense scene (even though we know how it'll end). I was not lucky enough to be alive when the Original Trilogy came out so it was fantastic to feel what audiences back then must've felt watching him. Definitely one of my favorite scenes, after the ending beach scene and the sequence leading up to the Death Star being fired at Jedha.
I remember when Disney bought Lucasfilm a lot of my fellow nerds were complaining about - well, honestly everything (especially the fact that most of the Star Wars EU is now considered non-canon) but especially that Disney would lighten up the movies and refuse to go anywhere dark. I kept telling them "no, just wait - they'll do Star Wars justice" but they didn't believe me.

I think Rogue One proved me right. A lot of risks were definitely taken with everything in this film, from tone to presentation to plot, and I think it totally paid off. I'm not sure if I'll go see it again while it's still in theaters (its runtime is pretty long so it's a huge time investment) but I'll definitely be picking it up when it hits DVD/BluRay.

It's definitely interesting to think about all the typical SW elements in this film that are either omitted or changed around. There is no title crawl, the score incorporates but does not directly use any of the usual theme music, a character starts to utter the famous line "I have a bad feeling about this" only to be cut off, etc. The film constantly reminds you that it is not your typical Star Wars film and while this may or may not have been intentional I thought I was a pretty brilliant way to foreshadow that the fates of its main cast would also differ from those of (most of) the main films.

We've become so accustomed to seeing our heroes always escape from danger in the nick of time, surviving to live another day while the extras all around them fall. R1 subverts this not only by killing off the entire main cast but showing at the very end that, essentially, they WERE the extras in the background. The film never lets us feel that this makes them unimportant, however, both by giving us an idea of their respective personalities and showing that their sacrifice ultimately changed the outcome of the entire war. I think this adds a really wonderful layer of understanding to the big battles from before and after these events take place, by reminding us that even those nameless soldiers have stories and roles to play.

Also... that Darth Vader scene. Absolutely gorgeous work there, and a completely terrifying and tense scene (even though we know how it'll end). I was not lucky enough to be alive when the Original Trilogy came out so it was fantastic to feel what audiences back then must've felt watching him. Definitely one of my favorite scenes, after the ending beach scene and the sequence leading up to the Death Star being fired at Jedha.

The force awakens was the definition of "soft"...they've Kinda created a mess there...we'll see if they get out of it.

The movie is better the second time...especially for appreciation of the characters.
The force awakens was the definition of "soft"...they've Kinda created a mess there...we'll see if they get out of it.

True, I still love it though. I know a lot of people took issue with it being a retread of ANH as well but that didn't bother me.

Just as long as Episode 8 isn't just like Empire... then we'll have problems haha
There is book out called Bloodline...It's about how Senator Leia Organa becomes General Organa. I found it to be quite good, and it filled in plotholes for TFA. I wish they would have made it as a movie. Sadly, now they never will be able to :( I loved Rogue One, although I felt more drained coming out of it...R1 and TFA were different kinds of movies, I enjoyed both, although I did feel R1 had tighter writing. TFA, I went and read books to fill in some back story to fill in holes in the movie plot...I didn't feel that way about R1
There is book out called Bloodline...It's about how Senator Leia Organa becomes General Organa. I found it to be quite good, and it filled in plotholes for TFA. I wish they would have made it as a movie. Sadly, now they never will be able to :( I loved Rogue One, although I felt more drained coming out of it...R1 and TFA were different kinds of movies, I enjoyed both, although I did feel R1 had tighter writing. TFA, I went and read books to fill in some back story to fill in holes in the movie plot...I didn't feel that way about R1

Your thoughts are exactly why I have a great deal of apprehension as to where the "episodes" are going.

I think the reason R1 is way more rewatchable/fan friendly is that it doesn't try to table set by making storylines that become restrictive/unimaginative as the movie unfolds. In R1 they are what they are and you can eat your popcorn and watch that. Hope and Empire had a lot of nuance and now they are trying to recapture what they may not be able to.

I get the need for younger characters...if anything ford and fisher showed's that they are the past of the franchise. I actually think they both were pretty be honest.

But Kylo ren and Rey are already pigeonholed...and we all can agree there wasn't enough original angles in the pigeonholing.

Cousins/brother/sister...and if they don't do that there's little way that it makes any damn sense...just like George's prequels and the plot dead ends or stretches.

There has even been some rumblings that they were going to increase the Leia/Luke importance for episode 9...and why?

...Because fans are fans and the Star Wars fanbase works like few others. It's not for disney to say "these new characters are just as good"...not this time.

The new characters are a mishmash and Abrams did a restrictive reboot. I hope rogue keeps churning...a story for Star Wars fans being a big success is the only way to change how the movies will be made moving forward...and the only way to save it.


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