ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

Some of my long time readers have heard Steppe's Adventures in Outhousing. Remind me to tell you sometime about the year it took to go use up Lenin's Volume Set of Manifestos and Works. I am not lying or kidding.

holy crap..... um.... maybe not the best choice of words.

It really wasn't the sheer number of people, although that was dizzying. It was the longevity of the festivities that seemed to go on. And on. And on. I have stamina, but this was... tiring.

:sad2: Nothing makes a long day longer.... than making a long day longer.

H is Happy Halloween- Pt. 3 or, The Only OTHER Parade I'll Ever Watch
Having spent plenty of time hitting the highlights for rides with zero to little wait, it was time to set out in search of other scary adventures. So far for this evening's fun we'd paid frightening amounts for the privilege of hanging with the haunts, eaten enough terrifying, yet delicious, food to do serious exorcism of anything that might have yet lingered inside, and paid homage to the Motherland attraction for this party. Now it was time for.... Hey! What's this?!

"Hurry UP! Get out of the WAY! He's coming!" <heard from the many who'd gathered on a sidewalk as we emerged from the passageway from Advenureland into Frontierland>

Oh CRAP! Who? What?


"HEEEEEE'S coming!!!!"

Well, that just sucks hard, because, of all the things I wanted to get a decent photo of, it was of He Who Rides Headless.

And I blew it!

Well, not technically, but kinda.

NO, I blew it.

Now, I don't know about y'all, but I have a very special knack and talent for biffing it royally in parade timing. Avoiding them, that is. There is only ONE, and I do mean exactly ONE, parade I will seek out a spot and sit for a while in rapt anticipation. MSEP, in my humble yet much debated, opinion is the only one worth really giving the time of night to. Call me nostalgic, call me sappy, (I've been called far worse, so go ahead, lay it on me), but I still tear up when I hear the Baroque Hoedown start. Stemming from deep-seated and utterly magical memories as a child growing up, this parade holds a very dear spot in this sentimental heart of mine. Sadly, DLR stole it, so I'll have to make a visit soon. Like in say... March. But that's another story altogether.

This party parade isn't about catchy, synthesized musical scores and colorful floats. But it is about all things creepy, scary and whimsical. Well, it does have a catchy tune as well... that you are singing
now, aren't you.

Boo! To You!
A trick or treat,
For you!
That's boo,
It's you know who....

Buahahaha! Let me know how long you were tormented with that.

It's got cool costumes, perfectly in character dancers, and just good old fashioned fun.

And HIM! The one I was not ready for by any stretch of the imagination. That ONE guy I'd looked forward to all year to get that all-elusive photo of.

We three zipped across the street and found a place quickly by elbowing a few peons out of the way. I was a little sad for the stroller that was "accidentally" launched a few (dozen) feet back, and it was unfortunate for the lady with the walker that I had to misplace, but well, this was the BOO to YOU Parade. And those tickets were a pretty hefty price. And all is fair in love and Disney hard-ticketed events.

I frantically fiddled with my settings. By now though, everything I'd tried to memorize earlier about parade photography was gone as a wash of panic swept over me. Closer, closer, clip, clop, clip clop. Clooooser.

Crap, Crap, CRAP!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, he's gone.

Sure, I MIGHT have one more opportunity at the next parade, but would we make to that one? We actually had planned on watching the 2nd parade, but well, now we were accidentally going to watch this one.

Allow me now to just say, that this is hands down, turn around, the 2nd best parade Disney has to offer. It is my opinion and therefore correct. Talk to the hand.

I LOVED everything about this parade. Especially the music. Yes, I sang along. Yes, my kids rolled their eyes into the next zip code. No, I didn't wave to any characters. Like the one lady standing next to me whose arm I had to crop out of 90% of my photos. Thank you, Arm Lady.

I'm not sure I can choose a favorite other element; it might have quite possibly been the Corpse Troupe, maybe the Grave Diggers, or maybe the rarer Villians we don't see very often. Or maybe it was just the complete package- one in which I think comes together quite nicely.

Now, time to sit back, breathe a sigh of relief I'm finally going to stop my running commentary, relax and enjoy the lengthy photo montage. Sadly, there are SO many elements, floats, etc... missing because I did not get my photographic mojo on until late and still futzed around with my settings the entire parade with.... disappointing results. I gave it my best shot (metaphorically speaking) and here's what you get.

This next one is titled: Inspiration for the Hoop de Doo Men's Bathroom. If you need explanation, there are several of my dear readers who can provide photographic help.

There always has to be a personal favorite of the bunch. THIS one is IT! Hot diggity. Score!

And that Dear Friends, brings us to:



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Fabulous! This my number one favorite parade. For me it's the moment those grave diggers place their spades on the ground and sparks fly! The music, atmosphere, aroma of popcorn.

I am pleased you enjoy it also. Great photos! The colours really came out vivid. Got me all in the mood! Like I was there.

Next time why not the dessert party with preferred view for only an extra zillion dollars...
Fabulous! This my number one favorite parade. For me it's the moment those grave diggers place their spades on the ground and sparks fly! The music, atmosphere, aroma of popcorn.

I am pleased you enjoy it also. Great photos! The colours really came out vivid. Got me all in the mood! Like I was there.

Next time why not the dessert party with preferred view for only an extra zillion dollars...

Thanks, Polly! It was such a nice part of the evening and definitely lived up the expectation and anticipation.

The colors were tough to work with in post processing, but that's what I ended up with. :) Glad you enjoyed them!

Hmmmm, being that I don't eat a ton of sugar, I'm not sure it'd be worth the extra cash. Maaaaybe for a better chance at decent photos though.

Judging by the look Malificent is giving you its just as well that she is restrained on the float (secured with a climbers carabiner ) definatly the winner of your photo group.A few close seconds as well though.It's never easy to get the headless horseman even Pkondz who did catch him struggled to get him in the center of the frame. Looks like that's the hols almost finished for another year and every year we ask ourselves was it worth it and our reply to ourselves, is of course it is and look forward to the next time.Time to relax for a couple of days before the first comes along.
Judging by the look Malificent is giving you its just as well that she is restrained on the float (secured with a climbers carabiner ) definatly the winner of your photo group.A few close seconds as well though.It's never easy to get the headless horseman even Pkondz who did catch him struggled to get him in the center of the frame. Looks like that's the hols almost finished for another year and every year we ask ourselves was it worth it and our reply to ourselves, is of course it is and look forward to the next time.Time to relax for a couple of days before the first comes along.

Maybe you're right. We may have had quite a little tussle, she and I. ;)

Yes, it is true; it IS always worth it, and every year, as Thanksgiving and Christmas approach I get excited to host the crowd and enjoy their company. I have to, though, go into it with the mindset of: This is going to be a lot of work. And then, quell the moron inside of myself and then NOT agree to work on the 27th. Noob move. On the other hand, it was a nice break from the noise and endless dishes.

We were invited to the neighbors for NYE for a bonfire, games and food. Should be fun... And no clean up for me. I'm liking this already!
Reading on my phone since my computer is running a tune up program to hopefully get it working better.
I am back to work tomorrow with a long day due to a meeting in the am and I am teaching a class in the pm.

Reading and worse, quoting, on the phone is hard. But so glad you're here! YAY for a computer tune up! I'm sure it'll make a world of difference.

That DOES sound like a very long day! By now it's over. How'd it go?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Thanks, Pat. To you and yours as well. Was it a quiet one? Low key? Got Marv's text from you guys. Was glad to wish you both one on Christmas Day. :)

Liesa you have got to be exhausted. I hope gets back to a crazy normal soon after the holidays.

I do too! It'll be nice when we can settle back into our routine and have a somewhat predictable cadence to life again.

Sounds like you've certainly had your hands full. Can't blame you one little bit for being exhausted. No rush on the update, take some time to relax and recover. We can wait a little bit more.

With all the snow up your way, I'm sure you are exhausted as well. Update is up, obviously, because that's my downtime. LOL! Run away, run away...!

holy crap..... um.... maybe not the best choice of words.

Bwauahahahaha! My kids STILL laugh about the frozen... contents. Even into their 20s. Some things are just funny.... forever.

My personal favorite, sentimental gal that I am. Glad you have survived your holiday festivities - we only had 8 for dinner and 6 staying at our house for a few days, but it was draining to pretend to be normal - eating more than twice a day, and cooking actual food. Got rid of them all by yesterday, when I promptly sat my butt in my favorite chair and read a book from start to finish with some wine by my side. Santé!

I really like the emotion in that one. Yes, I liked it too. :) But the one after that more.

Yeah, I just disappeared into the other room pretty often to think. Worked amazingly well. And yes, cooking over and over and over was tiring. But worse was the dishes.

The Headless Horseman goes by so fast, that it's really hard to grab a good photo of him.

You got some great photos of the parade!
All caught up! Interesting about Lightbox. I don't do any editing of my photos. Seems like a lot of work. I would like to try some AE Bracketing though.

Yes, the Boo to You parade is probably the only one I'd like to see. Just for the Headless Horseman and the Grave Diggers. Bummer that you biffed the HH photo...I know the feeling!

This next one is titled: Inspiration for the Hoop de Doo Men's Bathroom. If you need explanation, there are several of my dear readers who can provide photographic help.

Here it is...the last photo in this post of mine from a previous trip report.
H is for Happy Halloween- Pt 4; Castles and Fireworks For....EVER!

For the sake of moving things along, it's time for a Fireworks Extravaganza- Hallowishes Style!! I know, I know, it was hard to contain myself, though. I tried; I really did try to narrow it down to just a few representative shots. But it was hard! I mean the castle was just so... beautiful. Every iteration of what the show artists and technicians put together was breath-taking. And powerful. And came together to tell the story absolutely perfectly. Seriously, this is truly one of Disney's finest productions anywhere. I still think I like World of Color better, but this certainly rivals for top spot.

After the parade, we headed to the Hub for some show action. The evening was WELL into High Party Time, and while there are 2 shows of the Hocus Pocus Spelltacular Show and 2 Parades at each party, there is only ONE Hallowishes. Miss it we could NOT! We got there in plenty of time to find a nice spot in front of a rail knowing no one could ooze their way in front of us. They'd be sorry they did, but that's another discussion altogether. I was pretty pleased with the spot until....

it was too late to find another.

Just when I was pretty happy with our un-intrudable real estate, I started snapping some test photos.

WHAT THE WHAT??! Is that light pole doing in ALL of my photos. Disney, your Queen is not happy. Unleash the monkeys and may a pox smite the idiot who chose this spot.

Oh wait, that would be me.

GREAT! Too late to move now. Every square inch of HubSpace was now taken by everyone else in the park. And none of them would have a light pole in any of their photos. I just couldn't win on this night.

Regardless, some of the pix actually turned out ok. And I'm happy with some of the lot. First, the projection show that I have no idea the name of. Feel free to enlighten me as I have ZERO desire at 10:43 PM on a work night to go dig and research the name of.

Castle Projection Show?

Let's Paint Pretty Pictures on the Castle Show?

Give the Castle a Cool Face Lift Show?

I'd make a terrible Imagineer. Well, actually, that's a lie, I'd make a pretty good one, considering that I had the idea for a Mine Train ride about 20 years ago when I watched Snow White with Andrew for the fortieth time in a 2 week span once. But that's irrelevant now since any royalties have failed to show up in my mailbox. I'm saying it now:

Once certain... products... are legal for recreational use in Florida, I think Disney could cash in on an Alice in Wonderland themed establishment and really rake in some income. Hookahs for all!

Another opportunity Disney missed out on entirely with is a Sleeping Beauty Nap Spa for tired moms. Just set up really soft beds in a salon type space and the overwrought park touring moms would flock to it. Babysitting for an hour would be included in the experience. A Meet and Greet with Prince Charming would, of course, run a little extra.

Alright where was I?

Right, photos of the castle. Both of the Pretty Castle Show and Hallowishes. Enjoy all the pictures, complete with a stupid, freaking light fixture in every. single. one.

There ya have it. A veritable explosion of fireworks and castle photos that ought to keep you indulged for a while.

Hope your holiday season continues to be more than amazing!

Love to you all,

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Oh, hello there. Yes, I'm alive. So, remember a while ago you replied to a post of mine and asked me questions that I rudely ignored. And then this little thing called Christmas happened and with all the merriment I didn't get on the DIS much. But whether you remember or not, I will reply to an old post.

How long is your home rotation? More than a week, I trust?
My rotation is a month on/off. Obviously the month away is hard, but the month at home is wonderful.

Are they fresh wreaths?
No, they are artificial. But the plus side is that I can put it up again next year. And I'm happy to report that (so far) it's survived our Canadian winter (several snow storms with high winds in the last few weeks) with all the lights and ornaments intact, just where I had attached them. A successful project, if I do say so myself.

Nevertheless, I feel sorry for y'all; you must love it an awful lot to stay!.
Like it, yes. Love it, sometimes. Like any place, there are pros and cons. But it's been home all my life (other than my work travels and a year I spent living in Aberdeen, Scotland) so it just feels right. Truth be told, it wouldn't bother me that much to try somewhere else, but both my family and my wife's are nearby and she would miss her family a lot.

Anyway, I enjoyed all your posts and pics about the Halloween party. It's one of my family's favourite things. We've done it twice. The parade and fireworks were the highlights for us. Just so you know, I didn't get a decent headless horseman picture either time, so it's probably a tough one to get. I'm not sure I would do it a third time, especially with a family of four. The cost keeps going up and it hasn't really changed much.
I'm in! How much extra to be smooched awake by a handsome prince? Take. My. Money.

Well, let's seeeeee.... Hmmm....

<puts mind into Disney money-making scheming mode>

Some will be worth more than others. Aladin, of course might be worth a fair amount. I mean, flying carpet and all. (He can show you the world as he smooches.) Princes DooHickey from any of the 3 classics are not worth much at all, as they show up at the last minute (AFTER they've let their princesses be either poisoned or psychologically abused by a step-mother) and start smooching away before they've even made eye contact. Seems dubious. Now, onto Eric. He can't read his girl's mind (a skill every guy should work on), but he does have a pretty cool ship. Too bad it's at the bottom of the ocean. On the flip side, he can convince mermaid princesses to lose their immortality, so there must be something there I"m not seeing.

Let's say $100 an hour. Unlimited smooching, but that's it. More and you'd have to take it up with the corresponding Villian. I don't recommend it.

It's so true - our eyes see what we want to see, and the stupid camera devices leave out no pesky details. However, I'd gladly be standing behind a lamp post while watching any castle projection show and fireworks extravaganza rather than getting ready to leave for work. On the upside, when I scroll down at regular scrolling speed on your post it looks like slow live action fireworks!

Well, Dear, you do make a very convincing argument! 3 Cheers for Disney lampposts!
Oh, hello there. Yes, I'm alive. So, remember a while ago you replied to a post of mine and asked me questions that I rudely ignored. And then this little thing called Christmas happened and with all the merriment I didn't get on the DIS much. But whether you remember or not, I will reply to an old post.

You know, I've recently had a friend point out that Canadians are, in general, polite to a fault- (you know who you are). You are leaving me with some serious doubt. ;)

(You know I"m kidding, right?)

To be honest, I"ve blown off the DIS at alarming proportions this month myself. Just too hard with holiday stuff happening including a ton of family, work, and a few snow days thrown in. (Yeah, yeah, not a big deal for any Canadian, but for us PNWers, it's hard. We just aren't equipped for the rare storm (with snow) that we get, and the drivers are freaking maniacs. So, please, no worries. We all get to the threads we follow when we can. And any TR host worth much will give grace every time.

My rotation is a month on/off. Obviously the month away is hard, but the month at home is wonderful.

Thus the month off in between. I know exactly how hard those months ON are. (See story of Canadians oil guys in Crapistan.)

No, they are artificial. But the plus side is that I can put it up again next year. And I'm happy to report that (so far) it's survived our Canadian winter (several snow storms with high winds in the last few weeks) with all the lights and ornaments intact, just where I had attached them. A successful project, if I do say so myself.

I have heard and seen how bad your winter up there has been. YOWZA! Enough already!

Like it, yes. Love it, sometimes. Like any place, there are pros and cons. But it's been home all my life (other than my work travels and a year I spent living in Aberdeen, Scotland) so it just feels right. Truth be told, it wouldn't bother me that much to try somewhere else, but both my family and my wife's are nearby and she would miss her family a lot.

OH, how I understand this. More than you know.

Family... just WAY too far away.

Anyway, I enjoyed all your posts and pics about the Halloween party. It's one of my family's favourite things. We've done it twice. The parade and fireworks were the highlights for us. Just so you know, I didn't get a decent headless horseman picture either time, so it's probably a tough one to get. I'm not sure I would do it a third time, especially with a family of four. The cost keeps going up and it hasn't really changed much.

Yeah, I can understand putting a cap on the number of dips into the party. A must-see once, a luxury twice, probably not going to happen a 3rd.
The Headless Horseman goes by so fast, that it's really hard to grab a good photo of him.

You got some great photos of the parade!

Way too fast... had I been READY, though...

I MIGHT have had a fair shake. Dang it!!

Thanks though, I was actually pleased with the ones towed the end after I got my crap together. :)
All caught up! Interesting about Lightbox. I don't do any editing of my photos. Seems like a lot of work. I would like to try some AE Bracketing though.

Yes, the Boo to You parade is probably the only one I'd like to see. Just for the Headless Horseman and the Grave Diggers. Bummer that you biffed the HH photo...I know the feeling!

Here it is...the last photo in this post of mine from a previous trip report.

TBH, it is a bit of work, but worth it. I have a little bit more free time now that school is done. You know... I can actually (most days) leave work at work and then come home and play. I've not done AE bracketing but understand a little of the concept. Maybe someday...

HH... :sad2:

Next time, Dude, I'll be ready for you.

And onto more serious topics!!!

THANK YOU for doing the dirty work for my on past research! I was too lazy. Lololol!

And now folks behold...

Positively, hands down the most BIZARRE piece of "art" on Disney property. Only those of us who've been in the HOOP men's bathroom will know of this. (Don't ask... XP)


Boys and Girls, this is just... sketchy. Seriously whose idea WAS this?!?!?!

I don't have any words...


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