999 Meals, But There's Room for 1,000 - An April 2016 Dining Report - Complete/New DR Link - 10/16

I'm just catching up now, since I've been a bit busy having a baby :) and that interfered with my food porn. But she's home now and we're getting into the groove and I can catch up.

It sounds like you had a great time with Jason's parents! That steak looks amazing, as do the goodies at F&G. It doesn't surprise me at all that Casey stole the Frushi, it sounds right up her alley.
But ultimately for Casey it was worth it.
Casey looks really happy. I guess that's why we take kids to Disney. :)

I'll start with the good, which was the Watermelon Salad that came with of course watermelon, arugula, pickled onions, feta, and a nice balsamic.
I love that salad. All the flavors seem to work for some reason. :)

From the UK we skipped back to present day Florida where we made a pit stop at Florida Fresh.
The first time I ever ate shrimp and grits was the version they sell here. And I still like that recipe even though I've had a chance to taste many other versions since then. In fact, being a Northerner, we don't usually have anything with grits in it.

On the food front, I was dying to finally try the Frushi (fruit sushi) that I'd read so much about.
I want to try that some day but I'm worried that it is too sweet.

We didn't make it to Flower and Garden this year but we hope to get there in 2017. It is such a nice time to go to Florida. :)
By the time I went back to work she was having no part in a bottle. My poor mother went through pure hell with her for about 2 weeks. We tried every bottle out there and Mom would perform what I would call Chinese bottle torture :-) I felt horrible but there was nothing I could do. We end up finding these crazy baby bottles that did the trick.

This! We bought four different bottles at Target, including one that was very similar to the one you posted (but more expensive and only came with 1 :scared:). Nothing. I finally suggested DH go and buy Tommee Tippee....:worship::worship::worship::worship: So for about a week we got him used to the Tommee Tippee and then re-incorporated that one from Amazon (since it's very similar to Tommee Tippee) and now he's drinking from those two bottles no problem! But man was that a rough time.

Her impatient Mama on the other hand was not so thrilled with the 45 minute wait we had to endure.

The things we do for our kids.


And looks like she didn't mind the wait! She's so adorable!

tasted no different than the ones I'd had at Kona, Grand Floridian, Whispering Canyon, Garden Grill (man I better stop before someone thinks I have a problem):P

:laughing: But that's too bad this wasn't much different.

Casey declared her slushy yummy (and at $4.25 I just declared it expensive)

:lmao:You're giving me the laughs today!

Sake is one of those things that I really want to like, but I just can't.


I'm sure this won't stop me from forgetting that and trying it again sometime in the near future. :drinking1

And yes! :rotfl2:I always do this and always say, "Next time will be better." Or maybe I really do like it since I continually keep ordering it when I get Japanese food :confused3

I can't. I think my poor taste buds would be so confused by this!


Stealing! Thanx:thumbsup2

I love the F & G festival! The one thing I regret not trying last year is the Frushi, but that just gives me a reason to go back-like I need one ;)
I'm not a fan of Saki either, but when we go for hibachi I still open wide when our cook goes to shoot it in my mouth!! ( Um, from a restaurant looking ketchup bottle. He shoots saki in the mouths of adults. After reading back what I wrote I thought I should make that clear...... :D)

I'll start with the good, which was the Watermelon Salad that came with of course watermelon, arugula, pickled onions, feta, and a nice balsamic.
Oh, this flavor combination sounds (and looks!) divine :cloud9:

Thankfully I had ordered something else so Jason and I could eat. We had the Beef Teriyaki Udon.
AND...now I'm hungry. Only 3 hours until lunch here on the west coast :sad:

but when we go for hibachi I still open wide when our cook goes to shoot it in my mouth!! ( Um, from a restaurant looking ketchup bottle. He shoots saki in the mouths of adults. After reading back what I wrote I thought I should make that clear...... :D)

LMAO I know! After I wrote it I reread it and realized it........didn't come out the way I wanted! At least it's just adults reading this review (I think)! Anyway at the best hibachi place by us, the chefs have those tall red and yellow plastic bottles that restaurants use for mustard and ketchup. One has oil in it; they make some joke about saki and the other bottle has saki in it, so they shoot the saki into every adults mouth. It's hysterical! They always shoot more saki in my mom and MIL's mouths for some reason, maybe they like to see senior citizens drunk :D
But I think it sounds funnier the way I wrote it in my original post without the full description :tiptoe:
For our entrée we decided to share the 32 ounce Porterhouse for 2 (or 3 in our case).

Oh Man, Oh Man, Oh Man does that steak look absolutely AMAZING! My mouth is totally watering right now. I NEED that in my mouth NOW!!!!

As for the sides first we had a trio of mushrooms, creamed spinach, and onions.

By now we all know I loathe mushrooms, but my fungus lovers seemed to enjoy them. The onions were good and nicely caramelized, but I thought it was an odd side. The star of this trio was their creamed spinach, which was well creamy and spinachy and once a dose of salt was added delicious.

I LOVE creamed spinach! That looks so goooood!

Now I really need to eat there next time.

Nice F&G picks. They all look delicious. Too bad Casey got all the frushi though. That was one of my favorites
So sorry about being robbed of the Frushi! :oops:

At least someone in the clan got to enjoy :P

Maybe this means you HAVE to go back to Flower (Food) and Garden next Spring for that mandatory do-over ::yes::
Frushi robber! I think we may have a new nickname for Casey. And I love the way you think. Another Flower and Garden is a must.

I've heard it's a very different show...more projections, less fireworks. I'm honestly thinking it isn't as good as the previous version...but that doesn't mean it's bad. But bc of the nature of the show, it's hard to see it all except dead on center.
I had no idea it was different. But thanks for the hint on needing to be dead center. I would have totally just gone to the same spot again.

I totally need to get back to WDW during a festival. The one time I went during F&W I really didn't know enough about it and we went on a Saturday with incredible lines. Ugh. It's been years. But my bday is Oct 29th, so I definitely want to get back. But now I'm hearing that time of year is so crowded, F&G might be better. Of course, with being a teacher, it's hard to get time off like that so we'll see....

Other than the coconut, the frushi sounds wonderful! Yum!
You most definitely need to go to a festival. I didn't know what to expect from Flower and Garden, but it was on par with Food and Wine so you really can't go wrong with either. But definitely skip the weekend or if you can't avoid it go at lunch time. Maybe there is a solo birthday trip in your future????

Wow lady, you are the queen of the flower festival for sure! Great, entertaining update.
I'm certainly the queen of something, just haven't figured out what yet :-)

Carbtastic might just be my favourite new word.....lol! Great update! :)
Thanks!!!!!! You should be about ready to hit the road, right?

Getting all caught up. Love this report.
Hi Niki. Thanks for joining in. Hope you're doing well.

Looks like a fun afternoon at the festival! I really liked the watermelon salad too and, bonus, found a local restaurant that has a salad on the menu with similar flavors. Totally agree with you on sake. Blech!! But, like you, I do occasionally retry it, just in case I've been doing it wrong...
Yum. Haven't seen anything like the watermelon salad around here so still waiting on the hubby to come through for me.

And totally did the sake thing again last weekend. We went out for sushi and I started with some sake, which of course was a mistake. Good news is Jason finished it though.

I probably wouldn't have picked this one, i am way picky about corned beef, ever since i tried to make it myself... DISASTER, but the beer sounds yummy
At least you tried to make it. I have a clear food wheelhouse and making corned beef (or any type of roast) is certainly not in it.

LOVE CHEESE anything! ANYTHING, yummmm but it does look a little small
You and me both. I was just reading another review of Yachtsman steakhouse cheese and its taking every bone in my body not to run to the frig and load up on cheese for breakfast.

You always make great food choices, i am just going to make a list of what you eat and follow it next time ;)
Ah thanks. You can follow along anytime!!!!!!
Thanks!!!!!! You should be about ready to hit the road, right?

I leave tomorrow morning at 8:05 from Toronto which means I have to be up at 3:30 to drive to the airport, park and check in the required 3 hours before an US flight. An early start but worth it for Disney! And there's got to be somewhere in the airport that does mimosas or coffee with Baileys. right???
I'm just catching up now, since I've been a bit busy having a baby :) and that interfered with my food porn. But she's home now and we're getting into the groove and I can catch up.

It sounds like you had a great time with Jason's parents! That steak looks amazing, as do the goodies at F&G. It doesn't surprise me at all that Casey stole the Frushi, it sounds right up her alley.
A Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations. But is that really a good reason to take a DIS break :)

We did have a great time with his parents. Enough that we are thinking about braving my side of the family on an upcoming trip. They are the challenging ones so we'll see how that goes.

Try a sake bomb next time! That's the only way I'll drink it.
I will totally have to give that one a try.

Casey looks really happy. I guess that's why we take kids to Disney. :)
She is most definitely happy. I was getting some grief at work yesterday about going back to Disney again, but really if I can indulge Casey and myself all at the same time what's not to love!

The first time I ever ate shrimp and grits was the version they sell here. And I still like that recipe even though I've had a chance to taste many other versions since then. In fact, being a Northerner, we don't usually have anything with grits in it.
Yeah for a mid Atlantic girl it wasn't something i was exposed to much either. I did love grits growing up. but really only got them when we traveled south and stopped at Waffle House :-) I don't remember when I first had shrimp and grits but we totally love them. I make it on occasion at home, but always to varying success :-)

We didn't make it to Flower and Garden this year but we hope to get there in 2017. It is such a nice time to go to Florida. :)
It really was the perfect time to go. We'd never been in April before and between F&G and absolutely perfect weather it was awesome! Don't think we'll get there win 2017 but 2018 is on my radar already!

Loving your report - though it made me super hungry! Casey is so adorable! :)
Thanks so much. Glad you are enjoying it. We certainly enjoy eating it all.

This! We bought four different bottles at Target, including one that was very similar to the one you posted (but more expensive and only came with 1 :scared:). Nothing. I finally suggested DH go and buy Tommee Tippee....:worship::worship::worship::worship: So for about a week we got him used to the Tommee Tippee and then re-incorporated that one from Amazon (since it's very similar to Tommee Tippee) and now he's drinking from those two bottles no problem! But man was that a rough time.
So glad to hear you got over that hurdle. I know how hard it can be.

And looks like she didn't mind the wait! She's so adorable!
She definitely didn't mind the wait. I usually blame her for impatience, but I think we all know who the real culprit in the family is.
:lmao:You're giving me the laughs today!
You give me the laughs everyday :P

And yes! :rotfl2:I always do this and always say, "Next time will be better." Or maybe I really do like it since I continually keep ordering it when I get Japanese food :confused3
When oh when will we learn.

I love the F & G festival! The one thing I regret not trying last year is the Frushi, but that just gives me a reason to go back-like I need one ;)
I'm not a fan of Saki either, but when we go for hibachi I still open wide when our cook goes to shoot it in my mouth!! ( Um, from a restaurant looking ketchup bottle. He shoots saki in the mouths of adults. After reading back what I wrote I thought I should make that clear...... :D)
That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The place by our house has the fake ketchup bottle for the kids, but no sake to be found. Yet here I am thinking this sounds awesome, and though I don't like sake I totally want to try it. I'll never learn!

AND...now I'm hungry. Only 3 hours until lunch here on the west coast :sad:
4+ hours and counting on the East Coast and I'm starving already.

LMAO I know! After I wrote it I reread it and realized it........didn't come out the way I wanted! At least it's just adults reading this review (I think)! Anyway at the best hibachi place by us, the chefs have those tall red and yellow plastic bottles that restaurants use for mustard and ketchup. One has oil in it; they make some joke about saki and the other bottle has saki in it, so they shoot the saki into every adults mouth. It's hysterical! They always shoot more saki in my mom and MIL's mouths for some reason, maybe they like to see senior citizens drunk :D
But I think it sounds funnier the way I wrote it in my original post without the full description :tiptoe:

Love that you had to clarify. I totally got it, but hilarious none the less.

I LOVE creamed spinach! That looks so goooood!

Now I really need to eat there next time.

Nice F&G picks. They all look delicious. Too bad Casey got all the frushi though. That was one of my favorites
The spinach pretty good, but I've started making one at home that was even better!
Happy Saturday Everyone! Quick real live update as we are T minus 4 days until we are in Disney World!!!!!!!!

I'd love to say I'm excited and deep down I think I am, but my work has been insane lately and right now the anxiety of all I have to get done before we leave next week is overriding my usual exuberance. That said, I was hoping to get another post done before we leave for Disney, but I don't think there is much chance of that. Today is my birthday and we have a day of wineries and lots of food planned. Tomorrow I have to pack in the morning, as work looms in the afternoon and Monday and Tuesday are looking to be at least 12 hour work marathon sessions with another 1/2 day on Wednesday. So I'll finish this bad boy up when we return and of course get another food party started!

Some details on trip for those who may be interested. We're flying out Wednesday afternoon and should get to the Poly around 8 or so. We'd planned on leaving Thursday morning, but we got a crazy flight price that we couldn't pass up. Very uncharacteristic of us, we even have a few fast passes that night in MK. Casey loves the mine train at night so hopefully everything will be on time to allow us to get there. No idea where, what, or even how much time we'll have to eat yet so we'll play that one by ear.

Thursday we'll be in MK with some Oooey Gooey Cake for lunch and hopefully a meet-up with Susan aka @suse66. Then we are trying the "new" Flying Fish Thursday night. This is one of our favorite restaurants so I'm looking forward to seeing the refurbishment and trying the new food. Afterwards, thanks to info from Caroline aka @disneyAndi14, we'll be doing a special Illuminations Dessert Party in Italy that our travel agency is sponsoring.

Not too many food plans on Friday or Saturday. Plan to be in Ep-A-Cot and MGM those days so we'll see where our tummies take us.

Sunday we'll be starting a semi-break day at Trails End so I can finally try their breakfast thanks to the years of good reviews I've been seeing from Jeri aka @jerseytinkerbell. Also Ariane @ariane37 will be there just a little before us so hopefully we'll get to meet. If not, we've got a few other things in the works. We plan on lounging pool side most of the day, before some nighttime AK action and dinner at Tiffins!

Not much else planned on the food front the rest of the week, other than some lunches at Yak n Yeti, Skippers Canteen, and 50's Prime Time. We do plan on checking Casey into Lilo's Playhouse at least one day so we can have a night to ourselves. Whenever we do that our "plan" is to do an appetizer crawl through Disney Springs which I'm really looking forward to. Jason and I did this in New Orleans for the first time at least 10 years ago and we loved it. We've since done this in Vegas, Napa, London, Key West, and even Disneyland to name a few. Basically we hop from restaurant to restaurant, park ourselves at a bar, have a drink and an appetizer, and then carry on to the next place. Think we'll at a minimum hit Morimoto, Jock Lindsey's, and the Boathouse so if anyone has some recommendations there or other places please let me know.

I'm most excited about our last night in the World. We have a California Grill reservation on 2 September, which also happens to be the first Halloween Party. So not only do I get CG, but Hallowishes to boot! We've never seen it so I'm really looking forward to it.

Sadly, we come home on Saturday but not before some breakfast at Kona and a little last minute fun in Ep-A-Cot.

Then just 2 days later Casey starts KINDERGARDEN!!!!!! I still can't believe it. Time has gone way to fast.

So a whirlwind couple of weeks in our household. Can't wait to share with everyone.

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I leave tomorrow morning at 8:05 from Toronto which means I have to be up at 3:30 to drive to the airport, park and check in the required 3 hours before an US flight. An early start but worth it for Disney! And there's got to be somewhere in the airport that does mimosas or coffee with Baileys. right???

Yikes 3:30 that is early. Sounds like an early morning adult beverage is definitely in order. Have a good trip tomorrow and a great week! Hopefully we'll see ya on the end of it.
Today is my birthday and we have a day of wineries and lots of food planned

Happy Birthday! Hope you have an amazing time celebrating today and an even better time celebrating at WDW in a few days!!!

Then we are trying the "new" Flying Fish Thursday night

OOOOooooh I can't wait for your review and food pics! We've got a reservation for this in... Wait for it... January! Haha. That trip will NOT be a "fly by the seat of your pants" trip though I much prefer to do your last minute method of making an ADR on the way to dinner.

Have a great trip and take lots of pictures (duh, of course you will)!
Happy Birthday!

The work days will fly by quickly and soon you'll be touching down at WDW.

Re Jock's, the decor & theming is incredible. If you are an Indy fan, you will love stepping into the bar. The drink I had (Reggie's Revenge) not so much. Not much to it & tasted like a powerade. However, I was there in the first few months of opening so maybe all has improved? Fingers crossed. The nibblies do look good.

Really looking forward to your Flying Fish review. Heck, who am I kidding? Looking forward to all of your reviews. Have a great and safe trip! High fives to the Frushi robber :-)
Happy Birthday! We're at T minus 4 days as well, also staying at the Poly on a magical deal, also lunching at LTT on Thursday so I wonder if we'll have a "celebrity sighting" of you and the family. My 5 year old DD always looks over my shoulder when I read your dining reports as she loves to see what Casey is doing in the pics. So if you see a crazy curly haired 5 year old say "Wow, there's Casey!" it's just my little one. :-)

Have a great trip!
Happy Birthday pixiedust: Enjoy the wineries and food; I'm meeting up with all my college friends so I'll be sure to have a drink in your honor ;)

Oh, the first day of kindergarten, both :goodvibes and :sad1:. Our elementary school has coffee and breakfast for the K parents (the kids only go for 2 hours the first day even though we have full day K) while the kids are in their classrooms, and it's called the "Boo-hoo/Yahoo Breakfast". Believe me she'll do better than you will!

Your plans for this trip sound awesome! I wish we were staying longer but it'll just get me more excited for Nov. and I'm really psyched we're overlapping. I get you on the not feeling excited yet though with all you have to do before you go. Just enjoy today and all will fall in place and you'll be enjoying a :drinking1 at the Poly pool before you know it!
Sorry you have so much work anxiety before a trip (I totally get that - I've been going in the last few Saturdays because of the chaos I have)

Have fun on your vacation! Enjoy the relaxation and hopefully work won't bother you :)


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