Just need to get this out (Female stuff... update pg14)

Here's more hugs, Tina. Hopefully you figure out what's wrong so you can get it fixed and not have to stress over it anymore. :hug:
Sending good thoughts your way :goodvibes: :grouphug:
I have sympathy pain just reading your description.
Keep up the positive attitude!
Oh Tina, glad this part is behind you. Take care and get some rest. Hope the waiting game will go fast for you.

Prayers for you and wishing you all the best for a good report! Hang in there!
{{hugs}} That sounded like quite the exam :crazy2:. You poor thing! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything turns out OK.
Yikes! That totally warranted super sizing the fry. Sorry that he had to do that and prayers for good results from your biopsy.
:drinking1:drinking1:drinking1:drinking1:drinking1 Can't find a fries emojji

Ouch. Sorry you had to go through that without some Ativan or Versed.

I'm pretty sure it would not of been his face I kicked. I probably would have aimed quite a bit lower.
That doesn't sound like fun at all! I SOOOO would have kicked him, especially as he was rearranging "things". Hoping that you get good results on the biopsy and your procedure on 5/12 goes well. Hang in there!
Tina- I've seen your posts in here for years. Know I'm thinking of you and praying for good results!!!!
Hey ya'll....it's a no update update right now. I had my biopsy Thursday morning and it's Tuesday morning. Surely soon I will hear something.

I am CRANKY. I hurt like no one's business in my ovaries and this whole sitting around and waiting is taking its toll.

I just want to know something, anything about what I'm up against. I've always been more fight the devil I know than the one I can't see
and in my mind if I don't know I can't prepare to fight if that makes sense. This too shall pass but jeez it needs to get on the expressway and haul *** on out..

Thank you all for the well wishes and messages of encouragement. I'm keeping them in my heart and letting them push me on. They are very appreciated.

I hope I hear something soon.
The waiting is the worst. Hang in there and try to find some small ways to spoil yourself.

Aw Tina---that waiting is the WORST (well and the pain is not great either, I'm sure).
I've been told biospy results can take anywhere from 3-7 days depending on the specifics of what cells they are working with and what they are looking for. So hopefully you'll hear something by Thursday at the latest (and even more hopefully what you hear is GOOD).
Have you asked if there is anythign you can take for the pain in the meantime? With all the stress, you really do not need to be in pain on top of it.
Thanks ya'll, I'm just whiny today. I'll take a shower put on my big girl undies and go on but jeez freaking Louise..

I'm taking alieve and I started bc pills to help contain the cysts but I don't know how much more my hips can take from the swelling.
To be gross and TMI, I can phsyically grab on my hip bones where I am swelling and it's starting to push on my nerves. I guess something similar
to when pregnant and the baby starts pressing on those hips nerves as well. I am just uncomfortable.

I'm going to AR this weekend to check on my mom and meet her doctors next week to let them know I will be out commission a bit and I think that's just weighing on my heart more than anything and making me feel worse.

Thanks again for letting me get this all out.
Thanks ya'll, I'm just whiny today. I'll take a shower put on my big girl undies and go on but jeez freaking Louise..

I'm taking alieve and I started bc pills to help contain the cysts but I don't know how much more my hips can take from the swelling.
To be gross and TMI, I can phsyically grab on my hip bones where I am swelling and it's starting to push on my nerves. I guess something similar
to when pregnant and the baby starts pressing on those hips nerves as well. I am just uncomfortable.

I'm going to AR this weekend to check on my mom and meet her doctors next week to let them know I will be out commission a bit and I think that's just weighing on my heart more than anything and making me feel worse.

Thanks again for letting me get this all out.
Did they say that's to be expected, Tina? Maybe a call to the doc's office to check in and let them know just to be on the safe side.
Did they say that's to be expected, Tina? Maybe a call to the doc's office to check in and let them know just to be on the safe side.

Thanks, I'm going to "casually" stroll by the gyno department to drop a reminder to not forget about me and I will leave a note about the swelling as well. My doctor goes on vacation starting Friday so I'm REALLY hoping he doesn't forget me before then so I thought I'd start reminding them today.
Thanks ya'll, I'm just whiny today. I'll take a shower put on my big girl undies and go on but jeez freaking Louise..

I'm taking alieve and I started bc pills to help contain the cysts but I don't know how much more my hips can take from the swelling.
To be gross and TMI, I can phsyically grab on my hip bones where I am swelling and it's starting to push on my nerves. I guess something similar
to when pregnant and the baby starts pressing on those hips nerves as well. I am just uncomfortable.

I'm going to AR this weekend to check on my mom and meet her doctors next week to let them know I will be out commission a bit and I think that's just weighing on my heart more than anything and making me feel worse.

Thanks again for letting me get this all out.

You have every right to be whiny - use this as your "get the whine out" place if you don't want to do it in real life (though, frankly, you'd be justified there too).

I know the frustration of waiting for biopsy results - it can be worse than the biopsy itself.

Still thinking good thoughts for you and all you are going through. The fact that you can remain so lighthearted in your posts is amazing (but seems par for the course in the way you interact here).


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