Follow me to the Boardwalk! 10/23 - 11/7 UPDATED 4/13 BEACHES & CREAM

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This dining review is a bit painful for me to write. California Grill was hands down my favorite Disney World restaurant from 2010 - 2013. After a couple of less than stellar visits there foodwise in 2014, my good feelings regarding Cali Grill were though beginning to waver. However, my dinner there with my three kids in May 2015 began to restore my faith in it. While the food wasn't 100% perfect, it was much improved from my previous two visits there and the service was excellent, probably the best of that trip! So it was with much optimism that I traveled to the Contemporary Resort on Sunday evening, Oct. 25th, to have dinner at...

Because I didn't make an ADR at this very popular restaurant until after my successful dinner there in May (three or four weeks after the 180 day ADR mark), the earliest dinner time I was able to get on this evening was 9:20. Disney bus transportation went remarkably smoothly and fast that evening so I arrived at the restaurant's check-in desk at around 8:30. However, I was not seated until shortly after 9:00, but still 15 - 20 minutes before my reservation time. :thumbsup2

I first ordered my usual Cali Grill cocktail, which is one of their signature cocktails...

Twisted Mai Tai with Mount Gay Rum, Creme de Noyaux, Orange Juice, and Pineapple Juice with a splash of Lime - $9.75

This was again sweet, fruity and delicious!

I did though struggle a bit with my ordering from this point on. Here is the menu I was presented that evening...

And this is also when things went sour with my server. Before taking my order he asked the usual question as to whether I would be using a Disney Dining Plan, to which I answered no. But then he went on to inquire as to whether or not I was a Tables in Wonderland member. This was the only time that I recall being asked this at the beginning of a meal, but I responded truthfully that yes I would be using my TIW card. Now I'm not certain as to whether this was the cause of what followed, or if it was the fact that I was dining solo and only ordered a less expensive entree and a cocktail, or possibly it was a totally unrelated issue that I was not aware of. Regardless of the reason though, after placing my order I did not see my server again at my table until he brought my check. :eek:

But let's rewind a bit to see how this unusual meal went down. Though it had been at least 8 hours since my lunch at the Brown Derby, I still wasn't all that hungry. I debated about whether to order an appetizer or salad and then maybe have dessert, but none of these really jumped out at me. So instead I decided to order an entree. Not long after placing my order with my server, a food runner delivered perhaps the most pitiful looking bread basket I've ever seen. In comparison, the last time I dined solo here I received this bread basket...

But this time I received a single whole-grain roll and a tiny slice of the lavender focaccia and the worst part was that both were hard and cold, like they were last night's leftovers. ;) At the time I remember thinking that this bread basket was not worth the 4 or 5 MB of space on my camera's memory card so didn't bother taking a photo. However, now I regret not having photographic evidence of this bread basket failure. :laughing: But whatever, I wasn't very hungry anyway, so this was not a deal breaker (or "meal" breaker) for me. ;)

Before receiving my entree, it was time to go outside on the observation deck to view HalloWishes, which I loved. I didn't take many photos this time because I wanted to just relax and enjoy them, but here are two that I took...

After the show, I returned to my table to discover that they had delivered my entree while I was gone. Thankfully they at least had it covered...

So what lies underneath that cover? :scratchin The answer is...

Bell & Evans Chicken with Spiced Mango Barbecue Glaze, Boniato Rosti, Sweet Pickled Peppers, Pole Beans, and Baby Tomatoes - $37.00

Another photo from a different angle...

And one more just because I couldn't really find any angle in which this entree looked very appealing... :laughing:

So yes, I admit that I didn't have much hope for what laid before me on my plate. But I was pleasantly surprised when the meat of this chicken breast was actually fairly moist and had a good flavor. I suppose I should have learned by now that you can't always judge a book by its cover (or a chicken by its skin ;)). Even though I liked it, I was still only able to eat one of the two breasts that I was served. It was just too much chicken for me. As for the sides, I was expecting the boniato rosti to be like a sweet potato pancake but it was actually more like very lumpy, slightly sweet mashed potatoes. Oh, and they were not very warm. The pole beans were a bit more al dente than I like so they were left uneaten too.

That's it for the food, but as for the service (or lack there of) there is a bit more to tell. A good server normally checks on their guest not long after their food arrives to see if everything is okay. My server did not. A good server normally asks if their guest would like another drink when their glass sits empty. Both my cocktail and water glasses sat empty through much of my meal. A good server normally offers to clear your plate when he/she sees that you have quit eating and then asks if you are interested in having dessert. My server did no such thing. He did however fawn over the couple seated at the table next to me...the couple who had appetizers, entrees, desserts, and a bottle of wine. So okay, I suppose that with a bill that was probably 4 or 5 times that of mine they deserved to be fawned over but did I deserve to be totally ignored? I think not. :sad2: Did my server deserve the 18% gratuity that was automatically added to my bill when I used my Tables in Wonderland card? An 18% tip for merely taking my order, delivering my check, and processing my payment? I think not. :sad2: But it was late and I was tired, way too tired to haggle over $8.42. Had my server been the least bit attentive I might have ordered another cocktail or a glass of wine and maybe even dessert, thereby increasing his tip. But that didn't happen so a meager $8.42 was all he got from me, which gave me a small amount of satisfaction. ;)

So although my cocktail and chicken were good, I left California Grill that night with a bad taste in my mouth. In the last 5 years I had previously dined at CG at least 10 times. Though I wasn't always enamored with my food, during those 10 dinners I had never before experienced poor service there. In fact, more often than not I had great service at Cali Grill, which was one of the main reasons why I continued to go back there. Now that that streak has been broken, is California Grill still among my favorite Disney World restaurants? Sadly, I think not. :sad2:

Next up: Breakfast at Boulangerie Patisserie
Well that is a shame at the CG. I haven't been there in years. It just shocks me that the servers only have one job to do and they blow it. Maybe they feel like since it is TIW they don't have give good service. We experienced that same thing at the Captains Grill last Sunday with our dismeet we had. She asked up front about the TIW, we had terrible service.
And this is also when things went sour with my server. Before taking my order he asked the usual question as to whether I would be using a Disney Dining Plan, to which I answered no. But then he went on to inquire as to whether or not I was a Tables in Wonderland member. This was the only time that I recall being asked this at the beginning of a meal, but I responded truthfully that yes I would be using my TIW card. Now I'm not certain as to whether this was the cause of what followed, or if it was the fact that I was dining solo and only ordered a less expensive entree and a cocktail, or possibly it was a totally unrelated issue that I was not aware of. Regardless of the reason though, after placing my order I did not see my server again at my table until he brought my check. :eek:
I can't remember ever having a server who never reappeared between taking the order and bringing the check, although there have been times when my husband asked for a manager to come to our table when our server had disappeared for a long period of time, which happened in October at La Hacienda. :sad2:

I've never noticed a difference in service when using the TiW card. What you experienced was inexcusable. :(
I'm all caught up, the breakfast at the yacht club looks good, I have heard good things about the buffet and it usually is more quiet and less hectic. The Brown Derby Cobb is sure a favorite of many, it does look good. I am sorry to hear about the poor service and mediocre food at the California Grill. I really think it is such a shame to be treated so poorly just because your order would not be as high priced as others and you had your discount. I have at times noticed less attentive service when we share meals. One of my pet peeves is empty water glasses! I really do enjoy your detailed reviews, it helps with dining plans for sure. Thank you.
I wouldn't have been very happy with that service either especially at a signature restaurant. I probably would've seen a manager or something on the way out to let them know how I felt. At least your meal wasn't bad to add to it.
Well that's disappointing. Like many others, I haven't been back to CG for a few years. Actually, I haven't been since the remodel because the reviews have been more on the negative side. The issue with the TiW service must be just that server's laziness because I always tell them when I'm ordering that I have the TiW and don't recall having poor service.
I am woefully behind, but all caught up now.

First glad to hear you had a great time in Austin. It's definitely one of the best food cities in the country right now and while not Disney, we always enjoy our days of Austin gluttony ; )

Your pizza at Tony's does look good, but I'm with ya on not wanting all that parm piled onto the middle. Strange they served it on there vice asking if you'd like it added. At least they made up for it with the creme brule.

Party of the Senses looks like an unbelievable experience. I'm going to have to get there one of these days. Especially love how adventurous the food they serve is and the fondness they show for my beloved truffles. Wish this was the norm for disney dining. While i love it, some more originality in their proteins would be welcomed by me. Speaking of which, I know you didn't try it but the octopus tacos sound absolutely delicious. And pork tongue and cheek, yum. I know the tongue especially can sound off putting but it is certainly delicious. Though I think I"ve only had beef and lamb tongue before and not pork. And then add some duck confit, abalone, and marrow into the mix. Amazing!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.

Yeah for a dismeet breakfast. Sounds like you all had a great time and great food. We're staying at Beach Club on our next trip so Captains Grill will definitely be on the agenda for us.

So glad your HBD meal went over better than ours. Lunch definitely seems to be the better of the dining options. But sorry your burger wasn't better. It looked and sounded delicious.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, your service at CG is just unacceptable. I've never had anyone ask about TiW either, but clearly that became the driver for his absence. We almost always add to the 18% but there have certainly been a few times when I wished you could cut the tip somehow. Even at CG we had some rather cold service on our last visit, but at least I was checked in on with a condescending attitude ; ) I can see why its fallen off your list.
We had terrible service at CG too. Once he knew we were on the DDP and weren't having cocktails or starters we could literally see his persona change. There were 4 of us dining too :mad: My DD's also hated their food so we won't be back :rotfl2:
Well, this review might have been in the nail in my CG ADR coffin. We already have a couple sigs on the docket, and I've been wanting to check out the Wave. Maybe we'll do that instead.
We won't be going back to Cali Grill either (at least not for awhile). The food was just OK, nothing great. The service was fine but again nothing spectacular. We enjoyed Narcoosee's and the Hollywood Brown Derby's food and service MUCH more. It is too bad because the view is so nice. I am sorry you had such bad service. That is really horrible.
Wow I am so sorry to hear about your CG experience, there is no excuse for bad service like that. I would hesitate in going back there as well. Oh well, good reason to try new places!! ;)
I didn't love our experience at CG in August either. But I blamed it on not feeling tip top. I thought it interesting that Jay & Julia enjoyed the meal more than Andrew and I. Julia had never been and Jay only once I think. Andrew and I had been a few times pre-refurb. We were disappointed. I won't be adding Cali to our dining list in January or March. We'll see about our possibly trip next fall. I really hope the Flying Fish refurb doesn't change that restaurant as much as Cali has changed. We were told that it would not as the entire kitchen staff will be returning. Guess we'll see.
Hi Barb, loved your review of the Party for the Senses. What fun to try all those foods! I liked your strategy, too. I would definitely want to try as many dishes as possible.

If I'd seen you HBD lunch before I left for the World, I would've taken the risk of scheduling a reservation on the day we got there (our only DHS day). That Cobb salad and those desserts looked perfect to me!
Well that is a shame at the CG. I haven't been there in years. It just shocks me that the servers only have one job to do and they blow it. Maybe they feel like since it is TIW they don't have give good service. We experienced that same thing at the Captains Grill last Sunday with our dismeet we had. She asked up front about the TIW, we had terrible service.

Oh wow! I hope that inquiring about TIW upfront doesn't become common practice at the WDW restaurants. :sad2:

I can't remember ever having a server who never reappeared between taking the order and bringing the check, although there have been times when my husband asked for a manager to come to our table when our server had disappeared for a long period of time, which happened in October at La Hacienda. :sad2:

I've never noticed a difference in service when using the TiW card. What you experienced was inexcusable. :(

Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience at La Hacienda. I didn't have a problem with service there, but the food wasn't all that great so I think I'm going to stick with San Angel Inn from now on if I'm wanting Mexican cuisine. ;)

I'm all caught up, the breakfast at the yacht club looks good, I have heard good things about the buffet and it usually is more quiet and less hectic. The Brown Derby Cobb is sure a favorite of many, it does look good. I am sorry to hear about the poor service and mediocre food at the California Grill. I really think it is such a shame to be treated so poorly just because your order would not be as high priced as others and you had your discount. I have at times noticed less attentive service when we share meals. One of my pet peeves is empty water glasses! I really do enjoy your detailed reviews, it helps with dining plans for sure. Thank you.

Glad you are finding my reviews helpful. Thanks so much for reading! :goodvibes

I wouldn't have been very happy with that service either especially at a signature restaurant. I probably would've seen a manager or something on the way out to let them know how I felt. At least your meal wasn't bad to add to it.

I was on the lookout for the assistant manager that has been at CG for many, many years. More often than not in the past he stopped by the table to see how my meal was, but I didn't see him anywhere this time. I figured it was his night off, but then was very surprised when he made an appearance later in my trip at another restaurant. ;)

Well that's disappointing. Like many others, I haven't been back to CG for a few years. Actually, I haven't been since the remodel because the reviews have been more on the negative side. The issue with the TiW service must be just that server's laziness because I always tell them when I'm ordering that I have the TiW and don't recall having poor service.

I too was a little apprehensive after reading the first reviews after the remodel, but was very happy with both the food and service during my first two visits there in Dec. 2013. Most of the initial negative reviews seemed to involve issues with poor service, but I never had first hand experience with this. That's why I was so surprised by the treatment I received this time at California Grill. It went from providing the best service of my trip in May 2015 to the worst service on this trip less than 6 months later... inconsistency at its worst. :confused3

On the opposite end of the spectrum, your service at CG is just unacceptable. I've never had anyone ask about TiW either, but clearly that became the driver for his absence. We almost always add to the 18% but there have certainly been a few times when I wished you could cut the tip somehow. Even at CG we had some rather cold service on our last visit, but at least I was checked in on with a condescending attitude ; ) I can see why its fallen off your list.

Condescending attitude? That doesn't sound good at all. :worried:

We had terrible service at CG too. Once he knew we were on the DDP and weren't having cocktails or starters we could literally see his persona change. There were 4 of us dining too :mad: My DD's also hated their food so we won't be back :rotfl2:

I guess my lucky streak of good (sometimes even excellent) service was bound to run out sometime. I love watching the MK fireworks from their observation deck so I probably will return there at some point but the rose colored glasses are definitely off. ;) Anyway, sorry to hear that you too had a bad experience there.

Well, this review might have been in the nail in my CG ADR coffin. We already have a couple sigs on the docket, and I've been wanting to check out the Wave. Maybe we'll do that instead.

Oh, stay tuned for my dinner review from The Wave then. I just have two reviews to post first before I do that one. :thumbsup2

We won't be going back to Cali Grill either (at least not for awhile). The food was just OK, nothing great. The service was fine but again nothing spectacular. We enjoyed Narcoosee's and the Hollywood Brown Derby's food and service MUCH more. It is too bad because the view is so nice. I am sorry you had such bad service. That is really horrible.

Yes, I too have become a fan of Narcoossee's. My last three dinners there have been very good. Plus they serve one of my favorite WDW desserts. :thumbsup2

Wow I am so sorry to hear about your CG experience, there is no excuse for bad service like that. I would hesitate in going back there as well. Oh well, good reason to try new places!! ;)

While I won't go so far as to say that I'll never return to CG, because I love the view there and watching the fireworks from their observation deck, it has definitely dropped off my list of favorite WDW restaurants.

I didn't love our experience at CG in August either. But I blamed it on not feeling tip top. I thought it interesting that Jay & Julia enjoyed the meal more than Andrew and I. Julia had never been and Jay only once I think. Andrew and I had been a few times pre-refurb. We were disappointed. I won't be adding Cali to our dining list in January or March. We'll see about our possibly trip next fall. I really hope the Flying Fish refurb doesn't change that restaurant as much as Cali has changed. We were told that it would not as the entire kitchen staff will be returning. Guess we'll see.

It seems like my experiences on this trip were similar to yours from your last trip. California Grill was not so great, but Flying Fish was great. Although I didn't do the Chef's Table at Flying Fish like you, I still had very good food there and good service. So I too hope that our good streak at Flying Fish continues after the remodel there. :thumbsup2

Every guest should be treated the exact same,such a shame. :sad2:

I never thought I would experience such poor service at a Disney World restaurant, especially a signature restaurant. Although I've had some bad experiences service-wise at Citricos, Flying Fish, and Yachtsman, this dinner was an all-time low. :sad2:

Hi Barb, loved your review of the Party for the Senses. What fun to try all those foods! I liked your strategy, too. I would definitely want to try as many dishes as possible.

If I'd seen you HBD lunch before I left for the World, I would've taken the risk of scheduling a reservation on the day we got there (our only DHS day). That Cobb salad and those desserts looked perfect to me!

I've had good success with HBD lately. I would definitely return there for the Cobb salad and desserts, and I might still give that chicken sandwich a try. :thumbsup2
On Monday, October 26th I was off to Epcot with no ADRs scheduled until dinner. Instead I planned to have breakfast at the French bakery, Boulangerie Patisserie, and for lunch I was going to make my first visit of the trip to the F & W Festival booths. So by 9:30 I was in France, where things were unusually quiet...

There were only a handful of people in the bakery so I took a few minutes to take these photos, starting with...

"Marie! The baguettes!" ;)

Then some sandwiches and salads...

Jambon Beurre - Ham & Cheese topped with Dijon mustard butter on a demi-baguette

Dinde BLT - Turkey, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato and Garlic Aioli on a demi-baguette

Poulet au Pistou - Chicken breast with cheese, tomato, red onion and pesto

Croissant Jambon Fromage - Ham, Cheese, and Bechamel in a croissant

Salade Bleu - Romaine lettuce, Bleu Cheese, and Croutons

Note: This looked like the same bleu cheese that topped my salad at Monsieur Paul, which I didn't care for.

Salade Nicoise with Tuna, Eggs, Tomato, Red Peppers, and Red Onion

And a few more of their savory specialties...

Roule Lard & Fromage - Bacon & Cheese Roll

Tartine aux Fromages - Country Bread topped with Tomato Sauce, Swiss, Parmesan & Goat Cheeses

Quiche Lorraine (ham and gruyere cheese) and Quiche Florentine (spinach and goat cheese)

Pissaladiere - Focaccia bread topped with tomatoes, black olives and Gruyère cheese

Croque Monsieur - Toasted Ham and Cheese Sandwich

I also photographed some of the Tartes (tarts)...

Citron Tarte - Lemon Cream tart topped with Meringue

Fraises - Vanilla Cream tart topped with Strawberries

I noticed there was a small change to their chocolate tart. It used to look like this...

Tarte au Chocolat - Caramel Cream and Chocolate Mousse tart

Now they put a lid on it... ;)

And a tart that I don't recall seeing here before...

Tarte au Flan et Cerises - Custard Tart with cherries

And a few more of their many desserts that caught my eye, starting with Creme Brulee...

Biscuit Chocolat - Chocolate Chip Cookies

Framboise - Raspberry Mousse Cake

Cafe Liegeois – coffee and chocolate mousse topped with cream

Mousse au Chocolate - Chocolate Mousse

So after seeing all that, what do you suppose that I chose for my breakfast? :scratchin Well, I was between two things. The first of these was the Quiche Lorraine but I ultimately decided on the Ham and Cheese Croissant, which I asked to be heated to maximize the yumminess... :thumbsup2

These are so good! The combination of a warm, fresh croissant and ham, bechamel, and melted cheese make for such a delicious breakfast sandwich. Boy, I wish I had one of these right now! :cloud9:

The Ham & Cheese Croissants are definitely one of my favorites at Boulangerie Patisserie. How about you? What are your favorites?

Next up: My visits to the F & W Festival booths
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I'm definitely going to have to go check the Boulangerie Patisserie out in Januray. So many places I need to try. I need a month long trip to do it all.
Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience at La Hacienda. I didn't have a problem with service there, but the food wasn't all that great so I think I'm going to stick with San Angel Inn from now on if I'm wanting Mexican cuisine. ;)
We had a very delicious dinner there back in March of 2014. The corn was surprisingly good. When we went back this past October the food didn't seem quite as good, although we were hungry and along with our daughter and two grandchildren, we devoured every morsel. But the corn was just terrible this time. And since they don't take TiW, I think we sill stick with San Angel Inn. :)

Croissant Jambon Fromage - Ham, Cheese, and Bechamel in a croissant
This sandwich is my favorite.

Quiche Lorraine (ham and gruyere cheese)
I had this last time we ate there and it was really good. Between these two items and Yorkshire Fish, I think we need to plan several trips to Epcot in January. ;)
We were at Epcot that day too! Sadly we didn't manage to go to the bakery at France, but it looked good.
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