Marathon Weekend 2016

That was me! I'm choreographing a piece about negative splits for marathon weekend....but you know...jazz splits!

So do you go for negative "splits" when you prancercise?

Think of those double quotes as Jazz hands.
I actually like to slow it down at the end of a prancercise! Really funk and blues up the ending...a lot of interpritive arm movements that summarize my journey. Unless there's someone prancing right behind me that could possibly be in my age group...then I prance like the wind!!!
But on the serious side* - I've experimented with what is too fast to go out (short distance runner here) and found that if I go out at what feels like my comfortable fast and then wait for the lady in my headphones to tell me my pace at .25 miles that I then can adjust to where I actually want to be and re-adjust again if needed at .5 miles
This half a mile usually banks me some time and helps me get settled. I then try to run my last mile as hard as possible. So my races kind of start fast, even out, and finish fast. So far I tend to be too slow if I start too slow and I bonk if I sustain too fast for the whole first mile.
I'm still learning and I'm not doing marathons...yet.

*I don't have a serious side.

@roxymama, who is the lady in your earphones that tells you what your pace is at .25 and .5 miles?? Mine only pipes in at each mile... And she's frequently wrong!!
(Map my run)
@roxymama, who is the lady in your earphones that tells you what your pace is at .25 and .5 miles?? Mine only pipes in at each mile... And she's frequently wrong!!
(Map my run)

I use Nike+ app and it lets you choose frequency of updates. Sometimes I switch to longer between updates when I'm just "training"
I use Nike+ app and it lets you choose frequency of updates. Sometimes I switch to longer between updates when I'm just "training"

I am still trying to learn what my different paces are. I feel like I head out to run, and I run what I run.... Sometimes I know I'm pushing harder, but I have no idea what my 5k pace vs my 10k or half paces are, what they feel like.
When I did my half last weekend, I didn't think I was running the pace I was running - I was so surprised and pleased to cross another milestone with those times, but the next time I ran, I thought I was doing about the same pace, and it was much slower!?!
Maybe something that gave me more frequent pace notifications will help me feel what different paces feel like
I just want to say how much I look forward to reading this thread. It is a great mix of helpful information and advice, stiring inspiration, laughter and personal challenge. I have enjoyed the tilt the conversation has taken towards the technical side of running. I have been trying to learn and I have been inspired. I am a beleiver in "putting your name on it". At work and with friends I have intentionally shared my goals and results, this has pushed me. However, I really appreciate that this site has allowed us to share goals and supported each other regardless of being elite, fast, average or slow (which is all just perspective anyway). Whether one of us is trying to BQ, or trying to complete a first 5K, we share those things and support each other. Awesome online community. Keep it coming I want to keep learning, laughing and being inspired! January can't get here soon enough.

I love the disboards for support. If not for the ToT thread last year, when I just started running, I don't know how things would have went. I know nobody that runs. It was all me learning on my own. I am very hard on myself and the people on that thread that helped me learn and realize I was doing better than I thought.

I guess I need to apologize. I didn't mean to insinuate that people couldn't or shouldn't talk about the technical aspects (pacing, time, splits, etc.). As @Ariel484 said, this is a safe space, and as others have mentioned, it is all fascinating and great information and discussion. And as I've even said, I'm in awe of those of you who manage to run 26.2 miles at a speed that I couldn't run a 5K. It's awesome that we have all sorts of skills and abilities here on one board with mutual respect and support. My point, stated rather badly apparently, was that it was difficult to see people get down on themselves publicly for a particular pace, whatever that pace may be. Can you feel badly about a run? Absolutely, we're all going to have bad runs. Should you post about it? If it makes you feel better, yes! I'm not saying that people shouldn't post about whatever they want, my point was that for me, it was difficult and disheartening to read negative self-talk when as someone else mentioned (sorry, can't remember who) that we are all doing something that most people are afraid to do.

I understand what you mean but I am one of those types of people. I got a people at work into running this year and I am faster than they are. But, I would always complain about my speed. They would look at me like I am crazy. (I was down to 8:00/miles before my foot issue). I never did it to make them feel bad. But I finally had someone to talk to about running so I vented. I had just set such goals for myself this year and even at 8:00/miles I was disappointed. (See above when I said I am hard on myself).

I learned a lot this year about setting goals and putting in the work to reach those goals. I am just taking it easy for now, trying to survive this marathon, and next year I am back at it hard to hopefully reach my goals.

But, along the lines of what you are saying, everyone has different goals. Everyone is motivated differently. I am motivated by a hard goal and to keep pushing myself until I hit it. Some people might be fine with running a certain amount of races a year and not really care about the pace. So I try not to take people's comments personally because I know I am not the fastest guy out there. I am 42 years old, who is not named Meb Keflezighi, so I can't run 4 min/miles. I just try to improve myself every day.

@roxymama, who is the lady in your earphones that tells you what your pace is at .25 and .5 miles?? Mine only pipes in at each mile... And she's frequently wrong!!
(Map my run)

The Runkeeper app lets you set up cues based on distance and/or time. So you can set it up to give you a pace once you hit a certain mileage marker or as much as every minute if you want.
Oh, as far as recovery drinks, I LOVE Endurox R4 recovery drink. I get the fruit punch and it is YUMMY. I first got it when I started P90X years ago and it has always worked so well I just never looked for anything different.
Watching the Chicago marathon coverage all morning from my couch and feeling super inspired. Likely will lead to me eventually getting off my couch and out the door today :)

Do you see @IamTrike?!?!

I've been thinking about him all morning- hoping he's is having the race he trained for!

He is an inspiration...

As are all of you!! :love:
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Man! You guys have been busy!! I slipped away for a 5-night DCL cruise (yay, btw!) and it's taken me 2 days to catch up!!

I would like to add that all the advice and technical info here has been awesome. To be honest, I don't think I ever even thought about some of these things when I first started running. It inspires me to attempt not being an interval runner ... But I just don't think that's for me. HA. I have been trying to stretch those intervals lately, so we'll see how that goes.

It's scorching hot in LA right now, so there has been no running for me since before my cruise. I'm considering trying to go super early this week, but that's usually not my thing. And I loathe running on a treadmill. I'm going to guess that my dreams of having a better time at Avengers (vs DLH) are out the window. Ah well, I will have to figure something out!!

And did you guys say 30 degrees for January last year??! While that sounds good right now (so hot. Seriously), I'm going to guess I won't like it in reality. Lol
Man! You guys have been busy!! I slipped away for a 5-night DCL cruise (yay, btw!) and it's taken me 2 days to catch up!!

I would like to add that all the advice and technical info here has been awesome. To be honest, I don't think I ever even thought about some of these things when I first started running. It inspires me to attempt not being an interval runner ... But I just don't think that's for me. HA. I have been trying to stretch those intervals lately, so we'll see how that goes.

It's scorching hot in LA right now, so there has been no running for me since before my cruise. I'm considering trying to go super early this week, but that's usually not my thing. And I loathe running on a treadmill. I'm going to guess that my dreams of having a better time at Avengers (vs DLH) are out the window. Ah well, I will have to figure something out!!

And did you guys say 30 degrees for January last year??! While that sounds good right now (so hot. Seriously), I'm going to guess I won't like it in reality. Lol
That was for the half. When I ran the full, the weather was perfect. About 50 degrees at the start and not quite 70 by the time I finished.
It inspires me to attempt not being an interval runner ... But I just don't think that's for me. HA. I have been trying to stretch those intervals lately, so we'll see how that goes.

You WILL get there. I was an interval runner all the way upto my Disneyland half a month ago...all my training was nothing but intervals. Yes I had a hand full of long steady runs but they were hard. For the half, i ran the ENTIRE thing and I was suprised. I should have taken a couple of walk breaks and likely would have been faster but that's ok. I'm just saying that if you keep going and improving then you will reach that goal.
Ran my 14 miler today - felt good, but my feet are a bit tender. Have to get them used to the long run pounding again.

37 miles this week - building that mileage back up.

If you did 14 today, how did the rest of your week breakdown? Just curious, I'm nowhere near that mileage
Man! You guys have been busy!! I slipped away for a 5-night DCL cruise (yay, btw!) and it's taken me 2 days to catch up!!

I would like to add that all the advice and technical info here has been awesome. To be honest, I don't think I ever even thought about some of these things when I first started running. It inspires me to attempt not being an interval runner ... But I just don't think that's for me. HA. I have been trying to stretch those intervals lately, so we'll see how that goes.

Glad your cruise was great! Welcome back!

I totally know how you feel, I feel like I backslid the summer, I used to run straight, but now just don't know if I'll get there again.

Just curious, are you trying your longer intervals when you do your long runs, or are you using shorter intervals for your long runs?

If I could actually run a race with my run interval speed I would be ecstatic!.... But also just don't see it happening
If you did 14 today, how did the rest of your week breakdown? Just curious, I'm nowhere near that mileage
Monday is my rest day, 6 on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday, 6 on Thursday, rest on Friday, 7 on Saturday, 14 today.

I am getting ready for the Dopey, so will be building up to 12 miles on Saturday followed by 24 miles on Sunday. If I was not running the Dopey, my Saturday mileage would be lower.
Monday is my rest day, 6 on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday, 6 on Thursday, rest on Friday, 7 on Saturday, 14 today.

I am getting ready for the Dopey, so will be building up to 12 miles on Saturday followed by 24 miles on Sunday. If I was not running the Dopey, my Saturday mileage would be lower.

Did you create your training plan? I think you've answered this before, but too lazy to re read the last 50 pages!!
I am getting so anxious not being able to run. My doctor's appt is Wednesday this week. I have Thursday off from work as well so you know I will be out there on Thursday. Reading everyone's monthly totals and seeing the progress everyone is making and I am doing nothing. It is so hard.

I am happy for those making progress, I just wish I was there with you. I figure I will slowly get back into it for the rest of this month and then come November I will be ramping back up.

OK, just had to vent.


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