“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

I just caught up on this and also went back and read your PTR. I have really enjoyed both. I love seeing things thru your daughter's eyes. My condolences on the loss of your grandmother and your pregnancy.
That's weird you had that experience at Disney Junior. While we did have cms directing kids to sit down during the story parts they were allowed to dance around during the interactive parts :confused3. Looks like DH had fun on his rides. That is crazy about ToT but good for him at least :thumbsup2.
I just caught up on this and also went back and read your PTR. I have really enjoyed both.
Wow! Than you for reading both! And :welcome:, I'm glad to have you along for the ride!

I love seeing things thru your daughter's eyes.
It certainly is a fun way to view things isn't it?

My condolences on the loss of your grandmother and your pregnancy.
Thank You.

That's weird you had that experience at Disney Junior. While we did have cms directing kids to sit down during the story parts they were allowed to dance around during the interactive parts :confused3
WHo knows. Maybe we just had badly trained cms? :confused3

Looks like DH had fun on his rides. That is crazy about ToT but good for him at least :thumbsup2.
He did that. I got major planning props for how successful that morning was.

Ummmm....It's Wednesday....LOL!:rolleyes1:rolleyes1:teeth::teeth:
I'm getting there... I'm getting there. I haven't seen an update from you in a while.:rolleyes1:rotfl:
Adventures in Imagination and Dole Whips for Dinner ( 5/8/15 Part 4)

You may recall that our original plans had us going over to Magic Kingdom this night. However since we had to skip getting to Epcot the night before, we decided that we would get over there this evening instead.

Our goal was to get there around 6:00- 6:30pm. However like always we didn’t end up getting there until closer to 7pm. We took some PhotoPass pictures first, because how could you not?



From there we went to say hi to some friends at the Visa Meet and Greet Spot.








After that we took Little Miss to one of my FAVORITE rides! Turns out this is a girl who does Momma Proud. She LOVED Journey into Imagination.











After letting her play in the fountains a little bit we were starting to get hungry and wanted to explore the food booths and get out of World Showcase before Illuminations Started. We stopped to pick up the stroller and saw that they had a PhotoPass Photographer out around the garden for the New Inside Out movie about to release.


DH had stopped at the both on the side path from Journey into Imagination towards World showcase. (Sorry, but I don’t remember it) The first stop for Little Miss and I was Pineapple Promenade.


We let Little Miss have a Dole Whip for dinner and kept moving on our way around the UK. I had a goal to get a strawberry tart from the bakery in France and we realized soon after getting the dole whips and the purple Lemonade (tasted of Grape flavored Lemonade) that it was actually closer to 8pm. :headache:





We did eventually make it around to France and we did stop along the way at the French booth to try the food there (meh.) After grabbing our French treats from the bakery we now had only 20 minutes to get out of the world showcase before Illuminations began. We high tailed it and made it on a bus right as Illuminations was starting.

When we got back we realized that we were still pretty hungry and so I stopped in the food court and picked up a create your own pasta for us all to split.


We brought it and our treats to our room and got ready for bed. By this time my ankles were really starting to gripe at me so DH went and got me some Ice for them. There isn’t a much better way to end the night than that. But I had to get to bed. DH had arranged something special for me for the morning and I needed to be up early to get there.

****Bonus Question Time!****

Where am I going in the morning and why? (Hint, I wasn’t told this until we got there so the PTR won’t really help you with this one.)
Trip Report Game Points

@cajunfan – 5pts; 1 for park, 3 for rides, 1 for first correct answer.

@Dugette – 4pts; 1 for park, 3 for rides

@mdsouth – 1pt; for park

@BlvInMagic – 1pt; for park

@pkondz – 1pt; for park

@Li Li – 1pt; for park


Cajunfan – 20

Dugette – 19

Princessesandpascal – 18

annie170 – 13

Vleeth – 11

BibbitybobityLu – 9

Pkondz – 9

Kadrachb – 7

NJLauren - 6

Loves The Mouse – 6

Li Li – 6

BlvInMagic – 6

Afwdwfan – 5

ashw100 – 5

Mdsouth – 4
I agree you are getting spa day at Grand Floridian! I thought you did mention that somewhere. :confused3

I don't get a point for guessing Figment as well?! Lol. :rotfl2:

Love the pic with your feet up and iced! I think the most impressive part is that your DH found ice!! I swear it always seemed to us like the soda machines were out of ice no matter what time of day.
Whoo hoo! Back in the lead slightly.

I know...I only have the last day left of my report. I am halfway done writing it.

I just LOVE how the joy of Little Miss shows in her meet and greet with all the characters. Those pictures you all have of all her interactions are priceless!

I'm going to buck the crowd again (and possible lose my lead in the game!) and say you are having your hair done at Grand Floridian Salon (can't think of the name of it). But more than likely, you are going to a spa...either or both options would be AWESOME!
So you like Figment? I won't hold it against you!!!

A dole whip sounds like a great dinner to me. When in Disney, why not?

I'll guess spa day at the Grand Floridian, also.
I think it's officially official now.
I'm sucking at the guessing game! :laughing:
I like the photo with Little Miss squished between you and DH!

Also, a big fan of the Dole Whip for dinner!

I don't hate Journey In the Imagination - just miss the original ride with the Dream Finder and also wish they opened up more of the pavilion and had more to do (the upstairs area)
You may recall that our original plans had us going over to Magic Kingdom this night. However since we had to skip getting to Epcot the night before, we decided that we would get over there this evening instead.
Good idea. I hate it because it means I'm totally wrong, but a good idea.

After that we took Little Miss to one of my FAVORITE rides! Turns out this is a girl who does Momma Proud. She LOVED Journey into Imagination.
I think this might be the only TR where I've ever seen this referred to as one of someone's favorite rides! I like Figment more than most, but I definitely like the original version more than this one. Anyway... I'm glad that she enjoyed riding it with you!

We brought it and our treats to our room and got ready for bed. By this time my ankles were really starting to gripe at me so DH went and got me some Ice for them. There isn’t a much better way to end the night than that.
Well, that was nice of him. Nothing like kicking back and relaxing with a snack.

Where am I going in the morning and why? (Hint, I wasn’t told this until we got there so the PTR won’t really help you with this one.)
Since I clearly suck at this game, I'll just go with the consensus and say GF Spa for a massage.
Mmmm, I need to try that carrot cake cookie! It was on my list last time and I forgot to get one!

Too bad about your scheduling mess up. We have never caught lights motor action either, but it looks fun!

Your speeder bike pics turned out so cute, but I understand your frustration. People sure can see someone taking a picture and should walk around!

Dole whip for dinner, sounds good to me!

Your end of the night looks perfect! I would love to be proped up in bed with a strawberry tart anyday!
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Icing down the feet at the end of a glorious WDW day is practically a tradition for our family :) My guess is a spa treatment at the Grand Floridian :)
Great update! Dole whips for dinner? Little Miss was living the dream! :rotfl:

I know the feeling of that rush to get out of Epcot before Illuminations... definitely not a fun feeling! Even though it was a quick night, it seemed to be a really fun one. Also: our original plans were HS morning Epcot night, but we switched to MK! We basically swapped plans! :rotfl:

I'm jumping on board with the Spa Day at GF answers! :goodvibes
Glad you got some Epcot time in. How special to enjoy a favorite ride with Little Miss! Mmmm, Dole Whip for dinner, nothing wrong with that. Nice Photopass pictures too.

Hmmm, I guess I'll slightly switch up what all the other guesses are and say some sort of foot treatment at the GF spa.
Dole Whip for dinner?? Oh yeah, I'm there! It really is a good thing you can't get those just anywhere. If Dairy Queen had them I'd be there 200+ days a year. :rolleyes1


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