The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

::yes:: We love screwing with everyone else.

Then you and My Disney Experience have something in common, I hear.

I remember the "shopping around the World" goal, but I don't remember seeing any of the, treasures. The teabag holder looks nice. I got a little Mickey espresso cup and saucer at Hilton Head that I use a lot, but I know it was more than $5. It's nice to sock away some $25 gift cards every so often. I just moved a fair hunk a dough from my Visa rewards card to a gift card to use on the trip. It'll put a nice dent in the expected restaurant budget, but sadly, I don't think it'll come close to covering all of it.

Quite possibly because that was an update that was supposed to happen later. Sooooo, maybe I can have a little share and tell this summer when I have my life back temporarily.

Each kid who's going should have $50 to spend as they wish, and of course, for my birthday on the 8th I'll be asking for some as well. I STILL need to get my Visa card. In fact, now that you bring it up, I'm sorta kicking myself for NOT getting it before tuition was due 4 weeks ago. Coulda put that $1,500 on it, and had a nice start. :(
Bravo to your son...on the growth and on the driving permit. And for you momma :hug:

I do remember your shopping around the world on your last trip and thought it a brilliant idea then as I do now.

I'm thinking there's nothing you can buy for under $5 anymore. We stick to a t-shirt every year and then, of course, my ornaments.

Thanks, Kathy! I know you are well aware of those special milestones. :)

We'll be having SatW Take 2 in Oct, 2016. If you end up going, could be a fun thing to plan together!

Ok, so I had a response all multi-quoted and everything and then the DIS ate it or something. Sigh. In any case, I was just going to say that I'm thrilled your son has made so much progress, and $50 might even be barely enough for a souvenir at WDW prices.

And I can't believe you didn't come home with the Beaver Butt soap. I mean...

That's what they all say. ;) jk/jk. I hate that; but I do think the new system is a ton better at holding responses with the autosaves it does. The old system gobbled up COUNTLESS replies of mine- so much so that if I knew it was going to be long, I'd do them in Word. All it took back then was a mis-stroke and poof. GONE!

Thanks, Mark! Your turn is coming with all the driver's license stuff, but it's just so much more awesome when it wasn't a sure thing to begin with.

I know... but I waffled between that and Ferret Fart, and couldn't make up my mind, so just left with no souvenirs- except a cool picture of Tate with a Canadian chick. I'll have to find that.
So glad for your sons progress in height and potential driving ability.
sounds like you are doing great on exams and good luck on the next one!!!

Maybe just a souvie from each park this time?

Thanks, Pat!! He's doing so great!! We're still not really sure if he'll get a regular diploma, but he does try hard and is making progress.

Thanks for the good wishes as well. Update in next post...

Happy Birthday to Zach! And well done!
I really liked your pondering about progress, made me realize how different progress can be measured and sometimes we realize only by looking back that progress has been made, although we could have noticed it all along, if our expectations weren't too high. (wow, that turned out to be quite a challenging sentence for me, I hope there aren't too many mistakes…)

Good luck for the exam today!

Those are some really good thoughts on progress! Thanks for sharing, and you did perfectly on your sentence! I'm impressed that you and your sister literally speak and write better English than some of my collegues. Sad, but true. Sometimes I have NO idea how they got in given that you had to write an essay to get in. Unbelievable sometimes!! I "seen" this, or "rather then do this..." Wow.
Well, my DIS-Luvin' Friends... today was a status quo sorta day. My grade sat exactly where it was yesterday with another 88% on the exam. It was weird because I was cruising through it thinking, "ok, yeah, I'm doing pretty well here. Think I'll get an A for sure." And them WHAM!! I push "submit", and, "Well, crap. That's a fine howdy doo-doo.". The ones I thought I had in the bag, I didn't apparently. There is a REMOTE chance I'll get one question back giving me an A, but that is highly unlikely. All-in-all, I'm happy with my score. I worked hard, and can still get an A with a lot of hard work yet to go. Once again, one of my study mates didn't pass, and puts her in a serious jeopardy with the rest of the term... mentally and mathematically. It would be an extremely tough place to be. :(

Thanks for your continued support! Only 3 Exams left and a Final for the year. 77% done; 33% done for the entire program in terms of exams. (The last term of Year 2 doesn't have formal exams.)

THAT, my friends, is PROGRESS!!! And any progress is GREAT progress!!
Fingers crossed for you!

I will share with you the best day of my MBA program was getting my first B. It took so much pressure off of me. I still strove to do the best I could and got mostly A's afterwards, but it was like a huge weight was lifted.

Jill in CO
Fingers crossed for you!

I will share with you the best day of my MBA program was getting my first B. It took so much pressure off of me. I still strove to do the best I could and got mostly A's afterwards, but it was like a huge weight was lifted.

Jill in CO

I TOTALLY understand that. Totally! If I were to start the term off crappy, I'd really feel a LOT of pressure and have to put in way more effort than I probably could. If that makes sense. I love going into any final with a nice cushion in case the unthinkable happens and I fail it. I do try in life in general to milk the most out of everything I do. I mean it's either go big, or go home, right?

So, yes, I get it. :)
Then you and My Disney Experience have something in common, I hear.

Maybe he wrote the MDE program? :confused3

Once again, one of my study mates didn't pass, and puts her in a serious jeopardy with the rest of the term... mentally and mathematically. It would be an extremely tough place to be. :(
Well, at least this isn't you. I'd be pretty excited about an 88% to not be in this situation. Good luck getting that question back.:thumbsup2
Way to go!!! I can understand being a bit bummed when you felt good about it...but it's still nothing to sneeze at. You are doing amazing!
Congratulations! Keeping my fingers crossed for the A...

Way to go!!! I can understand being a bit bummed when you felt good about it...but it's still nothing to sneeze at. You are doing amazing!

Thanks, guys! Well, gals really... just a figure of speech. :)

But it was temporary....

Ahhhhh, the ups and downs, twists and turns of Nursing School.

Today was the first of 2 days of Simulation Lab. In Community College Hospital, they create scenarios of serious situations to have you "prep" the days before. Then you show up and take whatever they throw at you as best you can. You try to avert crises, troubleshoot things as they come up, etc... We had 6 scenarios to work up- 3 for today, and 3 that we will run tomorrow.

Today in my scenario, things just did not go well at all. I was EXTREMELY prepared, and made a good choice in intervention, but about 30 seconds, literally, too late. Those 30 seconds made a bad situation go FAR worse in about 30 seconds more, and my "patient" was now not only almost comatose, but also aspirating. Which meant I had to do trach suctioning- a skill I'd only practiced a handful of times in the practice lab. There were 3 of us with this "patient" but I was the one who made that decision that led to the downturn.

Yeah, yeah, we're all still learning, but it bugs me that I wasn't decisive in my action and hesitated a scooch too long- enough that I put a "patient" in danger. I came away with a lot more knowledge for sure, but yet, it still bugs me. In my defense, I was the one who DID take the lead and the only who was doing SOMETHING; it was just too little, too late. And after that, it was ultimately the wrong action because it WAS too late. (I kinda can't talk about the actual mistake, as it would be going against an agreement I signed about not discussing details until after the term is over- if you're still interested in knowing what went wrong, remind me on June 10th.)

Tomorrow, we have 3 more patients that a gal in my group went over again in order to anticipate the crap they could pepper us with, what our courses of action would be, how we could prevent them in the first place, etc... We went over the meds again, all the labs, and all the orders too. Hopefully, tomorrow will be MUCH better.

And if not, we all have plans to meet up for margaritas afterwards. So, it's bound to end well regardless.
Well, there you go. It sounds like you are thoroughly prepared for anything.... with margaritas.
I won't admit that's better than my earlier suggestion of the tub and jug of wine, but it's a good start.

Sorry again you had such a crappy day.
Well, there you go. It sounds like you are thoroughly prepared for anything.... with margaritas.
I won't admit that's better than my earlier suggestion of the tub and jug of wine, but it's a good start.

Sorry again you had such a crappy day.

I went half way with soaking my feet in a hot tub WITH a (tall) glass of red wine. Then went straight to bed where I plan to fall asleep soon.
Hi Lisa! Happy Birthday to Zach! Passing your mom up is a good feeling for a guy, whatever age it happens! Disney gift cards have been the gift of choice around here, too. It makes shopping easy and the anticipation of how it will be spent is also fun.

I remember your trinkets well! It was extra special for me to be at your home and see them around your kitchen after reading about them on your TR.

Sorry you had a had experience in class. Hope today goes better for you. Hope you have a great Friday!
Ahhhhh, the ups and downs, twists and turns of Nursing School.

Today was the first of 2 days of Simulation Lab. In Community College Hospital, they create scenarios of serious situations to have you "prep" the days before. Then you show up and take whatever they throw at you as best you can. You try to avert crises, troubleshoot things as they come up, etc... We had 6 scenarios to work up- 3 for today, and 3 that we will run tomorrow.

Today in my scenario, things just did not go well at all. I was EXTREMELY prepared, and made a good choice in intervention, but about 30 seconds, literally, too late. Those 30 seconds made a bad situation go FAR worse in about 30 seconds more, and my "patient" was now not only almost comatose, but also aspirating. Which meant I had to do trach suctioning- a skill I'd only practiced a handful of times in the practice lab. There were 3 of us with this "patient" but I was the one who made that decision that led to the downturn.

Yeah, yeah, we're all still learning, but it bugs me that I wasn't decisive in my action and hesitated a scooch too long- enough that I put a "patient" in danger. I came away with a lot more knowledge for sure, but yet, it still bugs me. In my defense, I was the one who DID take the lead and the only who was doing SOMETHING; it was just too little, too late. And after that, it was ultimately the wrong action because it WAS too late. (I kinda can't talk about the actual mistake, as it would be going against an agreement I signed about not discussing details until after the term is over- if you're still interested in knowing what went wrong, remind me on June 10th.)

Tomorrow, we have 3 more patients that a gal in my group went over again in order to anticipate the crap they could pepper us with, what our courses of action would be, how we could prevent them in the first place, etc... We went over the meds again, all the labs, and all the orders too. Hopefully, tomorrow will be MUCH better.

And if not, we all have plans to meet up for margaritas afterwards. So, it's bound to end well regardless.
Sorry you had such a crappy day. Hopefully things go better this time around. If not, definitely go for margaritas and self medicate.
Well, that sounds extremely difficult and I can understand where the aftermath would be a cruddy place to be.

If I can offer any encouragement, it would be this:

1. No one was actually hurt in this scenario. That's why they practice. This is the place to make the mistakes.
2. In time, it will be a great learning experience. You will not forget this easily. And now you know what to do. Mistakes are usually the best teachers.
3. Today is a new day. Odds are it will be much better. At the very least, it's Friday.
Sorry you had a crappy day but you learned a great lesson in a safe environment and I bet you won't hesitate again!

Jill in CO

Well, that sounds extremely difficult and I can understand where the aftermath would be a cruddy place to be.

If I can offer any encouragement, it would be this:

1. No one was actually hurt in this scenario. That's why they practice. This is the place to make the mistakes.
2. In time, it will be a great learning experience. You will not forget this easily. And now you know what to do. Mistakes are usually the best teachers.
3. Today is a new day. Odds are it will be much better. At the very least, it's Friday.

These two have put it so well! Mistakes happen and learning about the theory and applying it are two very different things. That's what simulations are for.

I totally agree with what Magdalene wrote, and of course jedyjill and captain o.

I hope this day will be a new and better experience!


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