The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

It looks like we'll be "camping" in someone's apartment in Nuremberg, the only animals there are Mickey Mouses, I guess. Your plans sounds more exotic!

I hope the teaching went well, good luck with sleeping ahead on Thursday!

Mickey Mouses are rather doable. :) Are you planning a trip down (?) to Nuremberg soon? How fun to get to have a family visit!! Please give a big hug to your parents from us! We will never forget Papa's acorn-fed ham!

Thanks! I am studying all day with my groupies, but will sleep Thursday afternoon at Rebekah's apartment from 1-6, so I should be rested for that night.

Well, I am sure you would not be pleased if you would find rattlesnakes in my appartment!!! :scared1: And you can always go and visit the squirrels at our parents! :squirrel:

(Should I tell her we have a very beautiful corn snake in case she should ever come to Oregon?)

Liesa, sounds like this term is especially busy with all those nights working! But it seems that you thrive with the challenges! Good luck with it all!

It is super busy, but I already have passed two very huge and important projects that aren't actually due until nearly the end of the term, but wanted to get them out of the way early. Before I head off to my other Clinical rotation in Labor and Delivery.
Remind me not to complain about my job as much.

:laughing: I'm pretty sure your own turn is just around the corner, no? :lmao:

Sorry I've been missing (work has been crazy and I've had a headache for a week and didn't even want to look at the DIS over the weekend).

I love your inspirational Mickey's and the first six are a great start.

I saw that, Kathy! You went to the MD, right? How did that turn out? Nothing too serious, I hope and that you got some meds that will get you to feeling better quickly!

Thanks! I will add more on Tuesday.... Maybe I should spend my break time Thursday night thinking of my new ones!! :idea:


n. noun

1. Forward or onward movement, as toward a destination.

We made little progress on our way home because of the traffic.
2. Development, advancement, or improvement, as toward a goal.
The math students have shown great progress.
3. A ceremonial journey made by a sovereign through his or her realm.

1. To move forward or onward.
The ship progressed toward the equator.
2. To develop, advance, or improve.
Research progressed on the new vaccine.
3. To increase in scope or severity, as a disease taking an unfavorable course.

Let's dissect this a little, shall we?

1; n. We all know the destination, so let's just get that out of the way. I am here to share with you a miniscule piece of “forward movement”. Yes, I realize it is not your typical Pre-Trip Report Grand announcement of Airline tickets, or a resort reservation, or even that I got your all-beloved BOG ADR, so bear with me. In this small realm of mine, for a trip 2 years in the making, EVERY SINGLE piece of this trip is progress that is celebrated with equal reverence. Because this is a trip being fought for on every level.

2; n. "Development, advancement, or improvement, as toward a goal." We also all know the goals involved here as well. I have spent unbelievable amounts of time (harassing you all really) with the minutia of the progress towards my goal.

3; n. "A ceremonial journey", huh? And made by a sovereign through his or her realm. I'm not really sure how that one applies, except well, I AM a princess. And I do have realms. The laundry room, the immediate areas around the stove and kitchen sink, and wherever else someone has left their crap around for “the Princess” to clean up.

1;v. "Moving onward"... yes, let's do....

2: v. "Developing, advancing, improving"... I think you'll soon see why, even though you may think this is probably the most inane and insignificant of updates in the long and illustrious history of PTR's, this can be considered “advancement”; even in such a small way, it IS progress. Let me give a real life example: Our son struggles with many learning disabilities and for a time when much younger, with some physical ones as well. In fact, he has been on growth hormone since he was 2 as his body simply does not make any for itself. Each day he gives himself and injection of $1000 a vial medication (thank GOD for insurance!) into his muscle to allow his body to grow. In case you're curious, he'll be on it another year or so, or until his long bones have stopped growing. Every 3 months we visit the doctors, and although measured in cms., we do a little happy dance in the office when there's been ANY growth at all. (Both of our sons have this condition, although you'd never know with the older one, who's long since stopped therapy) My motto for a VERY long time regarding my son has been, and truly has become one that's true for most areas of life,


3; v. To increase in scope or severity, as a disease taking an unfavorable course. We're just going to ignore that one, as it has no application or business being in a happy PTR. (Unless you consider having going to Disneyworld as a prime motivator for finishing Nursing School a "disease". It's possible.)

So, after that ridiculously long-winded introduction, you might be wondering what the big deal is. And to be sure, most of you will probably think “this lady's out of her ever-loving mind!” For the rest of you, just roll with it, ok? I mean, even one of these:


... is a big deal. To me anyway. And to the birthday boy. The same “little” boy isn't so little any more, and just passed me up in height. 30 years ago, that would never have happened as growth hormone wasn't in widespread use, and progress would have been not so.... progressive. He is 17 now, and on the cusp of getting his driving permit. (Like I said, he has more than his fair share of other challenges and getting his driver's license will truly be a milestone we only dreamed of happening when he was 5. (I could cry typing that!)

So, like I alluded to earlier in this strung-out PTR, 4/5 of my kids' birthdays are in Spring. I suppose since only 2 (Maaaaaaybe 3) of my kids are going, you will only have to put up with one more of these birthday Gift Card Celebrations.

$25 is actually enough, in my stingy mom opinion, to buy souvenirs. One medium-sized piece of crap to clog up the house with, leave on the floor for “the Princess” to pick up, or eventually grace the Goodwill with, or several small little trinkets to do all of the above with as well. You doubt this? Keep reading....

Let me pontificate for a smidge longer. (yeah, yeah, you and I both know that a “smidge longer” isn't really part of my modus operandi) On my last trip, I came up with the really cool idea of “shopping around the world”. Well, at least I thought it was a really cool idea. And you know what was even cooler? My readers, especially Magdalene, helped me pre-shop. My goal was to spend no more than $5 per country, and indeed, I came up with some pretty awesome cra... er, stuff. No really, my aim was to find things that I'd actually be able to USE or to see every day, and believe it or not, I was successful in every country except Canada. Pkondz, we have some talking to do. The only thing I found for $5 was Beaver Butt soap. Somehow, that going on my body wasn't so appealing. That, and I wanted non-consumables.

Here is a just a small sampling of the things I get to see EVERY day; they are in my Princess Realm- the kitchen- where I do my Princess work (I'm seeing myself as Cinderella here, but I think the Fairy Godmother sent me the wrong Prince since my house doesn't sit on clouds and is falling off my bank. And yes, you DO see a 2nd mortgage in my future to anchor the house... Nursing School isn't just for trips to Disney to visit my REAL castle.)


In addition, I found a sweet little straw ornament in Germany that is in a Christmas box. Only to come home from my last Disney trip to an ENTIRE set of them from Magdalene. The back story is that when I visited her in Nurmberg, I looked for them but the shop that I'd seen them in earlier in the trip was closed on the way to the train station as we were leaving. I was so sad! (However, the gingerbread that we stuffed our faces with on the train back to the airport in Frankfurt eased the pain.) Anyway, I found one in the German Pavilion at EPCOT, and now have 12 more from my sweet friend who took pity on my shopping blunder to see each year. Also, in Morocco I bought a small brass-framed mirror that I keep in my purse, and a set of chopstick rests in Japan, which I've used exactly ZERO times. France netted me a Mickey wine stopper, that I just several times a week :rolleyes1, and I bought the Voices of Liberty CD in America which I promptly lost when we moved shortly after my trip from Portland to Salem. I cried. (Anyone want to take pity on me?)

I have some tweaking to do for my next “shopping trip around the World”, goal is still $5 per item, which I still think is doable. I hope Canada treats me kinder when I walk her halls next, and I need to pay attention to what I'm really going to use. Seriously... chop stick rests?? What was I thinking?!

So, this is Zachy's money. He can eat his way through it (you KNOW I'll suggest Dole Whips), he can buy jun... ummm... treasures! That's it, treasures. Or he can use it towards a water park ticket (I can just tell you now, he'll be getting exactly the same thing next year, so that'll make $50 he'll have in payola.) That's a lot of money, I think, to just have to blow at Disney. He still plays Legos, he likes T-shirts, who knows... the sky's the limit.

On a Nusey note, Exam #2 is on Tuesday morning, for which I feel somewhat more prepared for than Exam #1. However, the score will tell. Since you all are "Team Liesa", I will let you know Tuesday afternoon how that went. This will be a stressful week coming up with SIM Lab- short for Simulation Lab. We are given scenarios of patients and then thrown curve balls of complicaitons that we must anticipate and then give appropriate interventions (like oxygen or a certain medicaiton, or an appropriate assessment or a call to the charge nurse, etc....) I feel like such a baby nurse who is still rather incompetent when thrown in situations like that. That is happening both Thursday and Friday.

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In this small realm of mine, for a trip 2 years in the making, EVERY SINGLE piece of this trip is progress that is celebrated with equal reverence.

I like that.

harassing you all really

Soon there will be a knock at your door.
It will be a gentleman wearing a uniform, gun and taser on the hip.
"Ma'am, we've received a report of a harrassment complaint originating from this location."

well, I AM a princess.


And I do have realms. The laundry room, the immediate areas around the stove and kitchen sink, and wherever else someone has left their crap around for “the Princess” to clean up.


Each day he gives himself and injection of $1000 a vial medication

Wow. I'm impressed.
At both.
The expense, and that he does that himself everyday.

(Like I said, he has more than his fair share of other challenges and getting his driver's license will truly be a milestone we only dreamed of happening when he was 5. (I could cry typing that!)


(yeah, yeah, you can I both know that a “smidge longer” isn't really part of my modus operandi)

And that's just the way we like it.

I was successful in every country except Canada. Pkondz, we have some talking to do.

Uh, oh.
While I may know my own country... I didn't even visit the Canada gift shop while I was there.
So I have no idea what's in there.

a set of chopstick rests in Japan, which I've used exactly ZERO times.

I have some. And used them.
Here's what you do (No, not now. You're busy.)
Invite friends/family/whatever for dinner.
Make or order Chinese food.
Set table. Use them. Chopsticks too.
Marvel at the puzzled expressions of your guests.

Yes. I have done just that.

I bought the Voices of Liberty CD in America which I promptly lost when we moved shortly after my trip from Portland to Salem. I cried. (Anyone want to take pity on me?)

I would.... but... :confused3
Wish you'd mentioned it back when I was there!

Exam #2 is on Tuesday morning
This will be a stressful week coming up with SIM Lab

Busy week! Good luck with all of it! :goodvibes
I love the "shopping around the world" idea. I know what you mean though...when you are there, everything can seem like something you need or will use because you are so much in the Disney spirit. Disney couch cushions? Why not? But then you get it home doesn't always seem quite as perfect. Not that I wouldn't love MORE Disney in my house...but it doesn't work unless you have a full set lol. The little teapot thing is cute though!
I like that.

Why thanks! :) And I'm so glad, because I could be around for a very long harassing the hoards. 18 more months in fact.

Thinking back to when I started this PTR, though, in Dec. of 2014, my trip was 22 months away! Now, it's only 18! 4 months have already gone by. Chipping away, one stressful week at a time. One exam to the next....

Soon there will be a knock at your door.
It will be a gentleman wearing a uniform, gun and taser on the hip.
"Ma'am, we've received a report of a harrassment complaint originating from this location."

"Hi there! May I show you my PTR? I really think you'll love it, Sir! No, really, please come it, I insist. There are a few fabulous pictures, some really lovely people, and a Potato of questionable character."

Wow. I'm impressed.
At both.
The expense, and that he does that himself everyday.

He's been a real trooper and is reaping the benefits of the hassle each day he grows.

I needed that today! Thank you!

And that's just the way we like it.

Good thing too, because come summer, I may pontificate at even greater lengths. (Oh! And I love the way you quoted my typo. That's awesome.)

Uh, oh.
While I may know my own country... I didn't even visit the Canada gift shop while I was there.
So I have no idea what's in there.

Beaver Butt soap; And so many others...

I have some. And used them.
Here's what you do (No, not now. You're busy.)
Invite friends/family/whatever for dinner.
Make or order Chinese food.
Set table. Use them. Chopsticks too.
Marvel at the puzzled expressions of your guests.

Yes. I have done just that.

You give many great ideas, Master. Ponder them, I will. Japanese proverb for you:

A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan

I would.... but... :confused3
Wish you'd mentioned it back when I was there!


Busy week! Good luck with all of it! :goodvibes

I will hang in there. :)
Good plan on the souvenirs! I hardly buy anything now....just too much stuff piles up!

Good luck this week!

Jill in CO
Thinking back to when I started this PTR, though, in Dec. of 2014, my trip was 22 months away! Now, it's only 18! 4 months have already gone by. Chipping away, one stressful week at a time. One exam to the next....

And then you'll look up one day and go "Holy sh**! I'm leaving tomorrow!"

"Hi there! May I show you my PTR? I really think you'll love it, Sir! No, really, please come it, I insist. There are a few fabulous pictures, some really lovely people, and a Potato of questionable character."


I needed that today! Thank you!

You're quite welcome! :goodvibes

Good thing too, because come summer, I may pontificate at even greater lengths.

And I'm okay with that.

(Oh! And I love the way you quoted my typo. That's awesome.)

I don't like to draw attention to typos.
I don't want to be like some grammar nazis that I've seen.
Plus, a good friend of mine makes tons. But that's because he's almost blind, so...

But when I see one... and I quote it....
It makes me wonder if I'm drawing attention to it after all....
Or if correcting it would draw even more attention to it.

So I just give up and not worry about it. :laughing:

A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan

But a fart can.
Good luck on Exam 2!

I am not much of a souvie person, but I love your idea of something from each country for under $5. Of course, my suitcase is always at 48.5 lbs before I even get on the plan, so that makes resisting temptation even easier! ::yes::

We did hit the Disney outlet on our Feb trip and there were quite a few treasures there, but space limitations made me put most of it back.

n. noun
1. Forward or onward movement, as toward a destination.

We made little progress on our way home because of the traffic.
2. Development, advancement, or improvement, as toward a goal.
The math students have shown great progress.
3. A ceremonial journey made by a sovereign through his or her realm.
Hey now! Just because you went back to school doesn't mean we want to go back to school!

But a good explanation of your view on progress, nonetheless. :thumbsup2

And to be sure, most of you will probably think “this lady's out of her ever-loving mind!”

My goal was to spend no more than $5 per country, and indeed, I came up with some pretty awesome cra... er, stuff. No really, my aim was to find things that I'd actually be able to USE or to see every day, and believe it or not, I was successful in every country except Canada. Pkondz, we have some talking to do.
Canada always screws everything up. :sad2:

a set of chopstick rests in Japan, which I've used exactly ZERO times.
Hmmm... makes that Beaver Butt soap look a lot more appealing now, doesn't it? :rolleyes1

I bought the Voices of Liberty CD in America which I promptly lost when we moved shortly after my trip from Portland to Salem. I cried. (Anyone want to take pity on me?)
Oh no! Sorry you lost it! I guess you've got America covered now.

Although I'm not sure you'll ever be able to buy another CD on Disney property for $5 anymore.

That's a lot of money, I think, to just have to blow at Disney. He still plays Legos, he likes T-shirts, who knows... the sky's the limit.
Yeah, not bad at all. It can be blown through quicker in Disney than other places, but $50 seems reasonable.

On a Nusey note, Exam #2 is on Tuesday morning, for which I feel somewhat more prepared for than Exam #1. However, the score will tell.
Good luck!!!!

We are given scenarios of patients and then thrown curve balls of complicaitons that we must anticipate and then give appropriate interventions (like oxygen or a certain medicaiton, or an appropriate assessment or a call to the charge nurse, etc....) I feel like such a baby nurse who is still rather incompetent when thrown in situations like that. That is happening both Thursday and Friday.
And good luck with this as well. As usual, try not to kill any simulated patients! :thumbsup2
I remember the "shopping around the World" goal, but I don't remember seeing any of the, treasures. The teabag holder looks nice. I got a little Mickey espresso cup and saucer at Hilton Head that I use a lot, but I know it was more than $5. It's nice to sock away some $25 gift cards every so often. I just moved a fair hunk a dough from my Visa rewards card to a gift card to use on the trip. It'll put a nice dent in the expected restaurant budget, but sadly, I don't think it'll come close to covering all of it.
Bravo to your son...on the growth and on the driving permit. And for you momma :hug:

I do remember your shopping around the world on your last trip and thought it a brilliant idea then as I do now.

I'm thinking there's nothing you can buy for under $5 anymore. We stick to a t-shirt every year and then, of course, my ornaments.
Ok, so I had a response all multi-quoted and everything and then the DIS ate it or something. Sigh. In any case, I was just going to say that I'm thrilled your son has made so much progress, and $50 might even be barely enough for a souvenir at WDW prices.

And I can't believe you didn't come home with the Beaver Butt soap. I mean...
I love the "shopping around the world" idea. I know what you mean though...when you are there, everything can seem like something you need or will use because you are so much in the Disney spirit. Disney couch cushions? Why not? But then you get it home doesn't always seem quite as perfect. Not that I wouldn't love MORE Disney in my house...but it doesn't work unless you have a full set lol. The little teapot thing is cute though!

Shopping is something I can generally keep some self-control on. I guess I'd rather spend my money on a Tour or an appetizer or drink somewhere else. My main aim was to just bring home a little something to remember the trip with and the fun things we did as we walked around the world. And of course, it was drawing my trip out by MONTHS by doing a little pre-shopping online and seeing what others suggested for me. And it was a really awesome challenge. Some are saying it can't be done, but I still think I can find a LITTLE trinket from each Pav for AROUND $5. Some will be more (like my CD from America was $15 or $20, but that was the exception) and some I may not find anything at all- so I'm happy with an AVERAGE of that around the World. But yeah, I see what you mean; you do tend to envision it differently in the store than at home. I use my tea bag holder every day, so it's something that was worth the investment. Hopefully, the next trip will net a few more things that will keep the memories alive for a long time.

Good plan on the souvenirs! I hardly buy anything now....just too much stuff piles up!

Good luck this week!

Jill in CO

I'm with you... too much junk. For several years now I've been on a clean-out-the-crap binge- load after load has gone the Goodwill. My general rule is, if I haven't used in the last 2 years, out it goes. Say NO to junk. LOL!
And then you'll look up one day and go "Holy sh**! I'm leaving tomorrow!"

OH for that day to come quickly!!

That bad, huh. ;)

You're quite welcome! :goodvibes


And I'm okay with that.

Good, we've struck a bargain.

I don't like to draw attention to typos.
I don't want to be like some grammar nazis that I've seen.
Plus, a good friend of mine makes tons. But that's because he's almost blind, so...

I try to get em' fixed before they "go live", but somtimes that isnt possible.

But when I see one... and I quote it....
It makes me wonder if I'm drawing attention to it after all....
Or if correcting it would draw even more attention to it.

So I just give up and not worry about it. :laughing:

Is that circular reasoning? I dunno, I think most people can figure out what someone's getting at.

But a fart can.

:rotfl2:Good thing too!
Good luck on Exam 2!

I am not much of a souvie person, but I love your idea of something from each country for under $5. Of course, my suitcase is always at 48.5 lbs before I even get on the plan, so that makes resisting temptation even easier! ::yes::

We did hit the Disney outlet on our Feb trip and there were quite a few treasures there, but space limitations made me put most of it back.

Thanks, MEK!! ALL the cancers!!!

Space was certainly NOT an issue. EVERYTHING I bought combined could fit in my small purse. We're talking really small things. Honestly, it focused more on the challenge of doing it, than scoring the big sale item, or accumulating. My only mistake was the chopstick debaucle. With pkondz's suggestion, I may be able to salvage that.
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So glad for your sons progress in height and potential driving ability.
sounds like you are doing great on exams and good luck on the next one!!!

Maybe just a souvie from each park this time?
Happy Birthday to Zach! And well done!
I really liked your pondering about progress, made me realize how different progress can be measured and sometimes we realize only by looking back that progress has been made, although we could have noticed it all along, if our expectations weren't too high. (wow, that turned out to be quite a challenging sentence for me, I hope there aren't too many mistakes…)

Good luck for the exam today!
Hey now! Just because you went back to school doesn't mean we want to go back to school!

But it's so fun! Extra lectures online as bonuses, papers to keep you entertained, and even fake patients to kill now and then. ;)

But a good explanation of your view on progress, nonetheless. :thumbsup2

Enjoyed that, huh?

Canada always screws everything up. :sad2:

Except mosquitos; they grow those pretty darned well.

Hmmm... makes that Beaver Butt soap look a lot more appealing now, doesn't it? :rolleyes1

Well, if you put it THAT way. I also saw Ferret Fart soap as a strong contender.

Oh no! Sorry you lost it! I guess you've got America covered now.

Although I'm not sure you'll ever be able to buy another CD on Disney property for $5 anymore.

Except that it was more like $20 and a huge splurge. Because you are right. It wasn't even close to $5 5 years ago.

Yeah, not bad at all. It can be blown through quicker in Disney than other places, but $50 seems reasonable.

Even Vegas is generous; although the one and only time I've played slots in Laughlin my Grandpa gave me $20 and it took me precisely 35 seconds to see it go up in smoke.

And good luck with this as well. As usual, try not to kill any simulated patients! :thumbsup2

Update forthcoming....


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