~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

I'm glad your tummy troubles didn't reoccur yesterday. Alli did good driving all the way to your dad's and back
The puppies get cuter and cuter with every picture.
Yesterday was interesting at work. There was a nintento game release at midnight. WE had people lined up before 5 p m. They were very nice but it seemed strange to line up that early for an amiibo character and game. We couldn't find it at firtst because someone had put it in the top of the movie bin.
My daughter and her husband found a house! It's a colonial a couple of miles from his mom. It's a nice house but there's lots of wall paper. Hopefully the people accept their offer. Originally they were looking in the town I live in because they like being close to the lake but this one had a really good price because the owners wan to sell.
I get to work a mid today instead of closing . Have fun working Alli's shift.
Actually LIddy, this is almost exactly what's happening. But yesterday - I ate the exact same thing (leftover meatloaf, broccoli slaw and onions fried in butter, and 2 eggs over easy on top) and nothing - nada - zip... :confused3 I just don't get it? Maybe I had a bug? I just don't know?

We did and she did... You won't be far behind me with driving. ;)

It does sound similar to whatever ails me. It's not food-related that I can tell. I've had this for years. Remember our March trip? This is what put me in the ER that night. It can range from "mild" to "severe" ... and the severe caused DH to call for ambulance. It wasn't the first time I've been in the ER over it either (and certainly wasn't the last). If it continues hitting you periodically, get in with a specialist and see if you can get diagnosed (and then tell me so I can self-diagnose :lmao:). My GI couldn't find ANYTHING wrong with me. :confused3

Oh, and I don't know what you're talking about. DD13 won't be driving until she's like 30 at the rate she is going. :headache:
OMG that last puppy picture!! How adorable. Glad you are feeling better. I hope it was a fluke thing. I have found that similar things happen to us/our kids at the tail end of sickness (cold/flu, etc.) so maybe that was the virus leaving the body, hopefully for good!!
As for tummy issues, are you keeping well hydrated? I know you normally have the homemade sausage instead of the meatloaf...could it be a spice or something that your tummy disagrees with? Either way, hope it goes away or there is some quick resolution to it.

Puppies...what can I say. It is probably a good thing that the on that is my avatar would want to eat them if I brought them home, because otherwise I may just bring every puppy I see home with me. Right now there is a baby on the NASRN website (the rescue group my dog came from) that is the cutest little thing, and they just pulled him from a kill shelter in Texas and within 24 hours of being pulled he started showing signs and was diagnosed with Parvo...but he is still the cutest little boy I have ever seen. He seems to be progressing well, but since Dunkin would not be happy to have him in the household, he will have to find another forever home. Sigh.

It is always a bittersweet moment when our kids look at colleges...you are so proud of them for spreading their wings and growing up to be fine young adults, but as a mommy, you want to just hug them and say....noooooo. I was lucky in that my son chose a university that was only about 45 min away from home for his first two years of college. Last fall he transferred to LSU. Now he is 9 hours away. I miss him! But he is doing well and loving where he is at...and it is mine and his dad's alma mater.

Take care!
OMG!! Last TR was so sad when we thought it would be the last trip for a long time. Now you have three trips planned for one year!? LOL you go girl! Here to follow along!
Glad you felt better yesterday!

You are very welcome for the e-mails. Just let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help out!

I think that's the best puppy photo yet!

Me too... It was so odd.

I will - thanks so much Ariana!

I know! I just love that one!

Oh my gosh....I just want to kiss his little nose!! When do you get to pick THE ONE you want? When my cousin sells her puppies the people go and pick the exact one very very early on. Then they put a little ribbon around the neck as a "collar" to tell them apart and who goes to who. I can't wait until you know yours instead of just "one of the males"!

Hope you are smiling today.....I know it's been a rough spell lately

I know - right? We get to pick our puppy on Easter weekend... So, another 2 weeks. They are still really little - they don't have their eyes open yet. They will be about 4 weeks old when we get to pick ours. I know - I can't wait until we get to pick ours too.

Thank you. :hug: It has been a little sucky - but it's life and we just have to muddle through. I sure hope you are feeling better now that you have some meds to kick the crap out of your system. :hug:

Happy First Day of Spring In case you haven't heard~ we are getting about 5 inches of snow here this afternoon.
Glad you are feeling better!!! That puppy picture is the best. I could just squeeze him.
Sorry to hear about Josh. I find it upsetting in our society how people treat each other or be misleading. Pixie Dust for better things to come for him.
Hope Alli and Gus enjoy the college visit.

Have a great weekend!!!

Yikes for all of the snow! I sure hope it gets warm and melts it all for you soon!

I know - these puppies are killing me - LOL... I wish she would just run a live video feed... I'd stalk them all day long. LOL

I know - it's been really rough, especially on him. He works so hard, and it's really frustrating to watch him get kicked in the face from behind. :( As the days go on though, his mood seems to be improving. Hopefully he is able to go back and not let them "win". Ya know?

The kids had a great time on their college visit... I'll talk a little about it below. :D

YOu too - thank you!

I'm glad your tummy troubles didn't reoccur yesterday. Alli did good driving all the way to your dad's and back
The puppies get cuter and cuter with every picture.
Yesterday was interesting at work. There was a nintento game release at midnight. WE had people lined up before 5 p m. They were very nice but it seemed strange to line up that early for an amiibo character and game. We couldn't find it at firtst because someone had put it in the top of the movie bin.
My daughter and her husband found a house! It's a colonial a couple of miles from his mom. It's a nice house but there's lots of wall paper. Hopefully the people accept their offer. Originally they were looking in the town I live in because they like being close to the lake but this one had a really good price because the owners wan to sell.
I get to work a mid today instead of closing . Have fun working Alli's shift.

Me too... Yesterday was fine too... It's just the oddest thing!

Glad you found the game... That's happened to us once or twice too...

Yay for dd and sil finding a house... Is it far from you? And awesome that it was a good price! Congrats to them!

Hehehe... It was actually fun to work Alli's shift... I got to do a job that I don't normally do, and work with people I don't normally get to work with - it was a lot of fun, and I'd probably be willing to do it again... Shhhh - don't tell her that. LOL

It does sound similar to whatever ails me. It's not food-related that I can tell. I've had this for years. Remember our March trip? This is what put me in the ER that night. It can range from "mild" to "severe" ... and the severe caused DH to call for ambulance. It wasn't the first time I've been in the ER over it either (and certainly wasn't the last). If it continues hitting you periodically, get in with a specialist and see if you can get diagnosed (and then tell me so I can self-diagnose ). My GI couldn't find ANYTHING wrong with me.

Oh, and I don't know what you're talking about. DD13 won't be driving until she's like 30 at the rate she is going.

Yes - I remember that March trip! I was so worried for you! I didn't realize that's what it was, and that it is a reoccuring thing. :hug: I am so sorry my friend - I cannot imagine having to deal with that pain all the time like that. If it does continue - I will definitely get in to see someone - so far I' haven't had anything in a couple days - but I am waiting for it.

LOL... That's what I thought too... and here I am... :scratchin

OMG that last puppy picture!! How adorable. Glad you are feeling better. I hope it was a fluke thing. I have found that similar things happen to us/our kids at the tail end of sickness (cold/flu, etc.) so maybe that was the virus leaving the body, hopefully for good!!

I know! Those puppies... How in the world am I not going to bring all of them home with me? Seriously?

You know what - that makes total sense! Because my chest cold has been nearly gone since those incidents. Hopefully you are right!

As for tummy issues, are you keeping well hydrated? I know you normally have the homemade sausage instead of the meatloaf...could it be a spice or something that your tummy disagrees with? Either way, hope it goes away or there is some quick resolution to it.

Puppies...what can I say. It is probably a good thing that the on that is my avatar would want to eat them if I brought them home, because otherwise I may just bring every puppy I see home with me. Right now there is a baby on the NASRN website (the rescue group my dog came from) that is the cutest little thing, and they just pulled him from a kill shelter in Texas and within 24 hours of being pulled he started showing signs and was diagnosed with Parvo...but he is still the cutest little boy I have ever seen. He seems to be progressing well, but since Dunkin would not be happy to have him in the household, he will have to find another forever home. Sigh.

It is always a bittersweet moment when our kids look at colleges...you are so proud of them for spreading their wings and growing up to be fine young adults, but as a mommy, you want to just hug them and say....noooooo. I was lucky in that my son chose a university that was only about 45 min away from home for his first two years of college. Last fall he transferred to LSU. Now he is 9 hours away. I miss him! But he is doing well and loving where he is at...and it is mine and his dad's alma mater.

Take care!

Yes, I do stay really well hydrated - IMO... I don't drink any other liquid ever, except for water... So... :confused: Not sure... I ate the meatloaf for a couple of meals on Sunday/Monday... Then I had it for breakfast on Tues and Wed - both times I had issues. Then I had it for breakfast on Thurs and Fri with no issues... Now it's gone. LOL It's just a bizarre fluke, I think?

Bummer that you can't get a puppy or another dog... It's so hard to resist them. I follow one of our local shelters on FB, and man - it's so hard not to march in there every time they post a new puppy/dog.

Yes, exactly... I want her to go and to be successful in life - certainly... But it's going to be so hard to let her go. I'll talk more about it below - but they had a great time yesterday. ::yes::

Thanks! You too!

Glad that you're feeling better!

Gahhhhhh! Adorable, stinkin' cute puppy picture!!!!

Thanks! I am relieved too! :)

I know - right? I just want to go cuddle them all!

OMG!! Last TR was so sad when we thought it would be the last trip for a long time. Now you have three trips planned for one year!? LOL you go girl! Here to follow along!

I know!! I knew I'd have the girls' graduation trips for sure... But this little November trip just snuck it's way in there. :woohoo: I am just hoping I can pay for it all... It's gonna be a lot of work for me! I ordered some supplies the other day, and they are starting to roll in - so I am excited to get to work on everything!


I had a great day yesterday - no tummy issues. :scratchin Let's hope this continues.

I worked out right away in the morning. I was still a little stiff/sore from my lift on Thurs - but I pushed through.

I was in my sewing room all morning - appliqueing like a mad-woman! I managed to finish the applique and it turned out really awesome! I am very happy with it!

I took a short snooze after lunch and then I went in to work that shift for Allison. That was a lot of fun! I did a job that I don't normally do, and I worked with people I don't normally get to work with. It went fast! And I love that. LOL

I got home from work just as Allison and Gus were rolling in from their college visit. They went to visit 2 colleges... One is a state college and one is a community college. Gus is moving in June - he has already been accepted into a Masters program at the state college - we are very proud of him! Allison is looking at the community college to work on her generals, and then she will move on to something better (yet to be determined) when it's time to do that. They had a great time, and they really love the town. Which leads me to...

Knowing that Gus is moving in June, and he will be 3 hours away... I either expected them to break it off, or - well - a bigger commitment. As it turns out - it was the latter... He gave Allison a "promise ring" while they were together yesterday. I am really not surprised... and to be honest - I am happy for them that they have chosen to try and stay together during this time... It's going to be a very hard year for them, and many changes along the way. As for me... as her mom... She is still so young - and she has a lot of life to live yet before it's time to settle down (if she chooses to)... It's always been my philosophy that I need to let my girls live their lives - I will not dictate what they can and can't do - they need to make their own decisions and learn from their own mistakes - and know (beyond a doubt) that I am always here for them. Caveat to that... As long as there is no physical/mental harm being done, of course - then I would step in like Momma Bear/Tazmanian Devil and take charge. ::yes:: But for now, if this is the place she wants to be in, in her life, and all other areas of her life are balanced - then I am OK with this. Josh... I am not sure? He had no idea this was coming - had he thought about it, he might have seen it... but I dont' think he's given it any thought? Whatever the case may be... The kids are happy, and at this moment - I think that's what matters most.

So... Today...

I will be working in my sewing room for a few hours this morning.

Then it's Josh's big annual Pheasants Forever banquet this evening... I have been volunteered to run one of the games. Thankfully one of our neighbors and his wife is coming - so I will have someone to sit with at dinner... Because Lord knows Josh is too busy at the banquet to actually sit down and eat = I am a loner. :scratchin So, I am looking forward to dressing up and hanging out with my neighbors. ::yes:: It should be a lot of fun.

I have one puppy picture for you all from yesterday... L to R... Adam, Daisy, Caesar & Belle... Of course - one of the boys will be ours, but that little Daisy is really tugging at my heart!


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Prayers and good thoughts go out to all of you! :grouphug:

I don't know how I'm just finding your PTR. I've loved reading all about your plans and terrific family. Can't wait to read more!
I'm sure that it will be hard for Alison and Josh to be apart when he goes to state college in June. They are used to spending a lot of time together. I think you will miss Josh a lot, too.
The owners accepted the offer my daughter and her husband made on the house. It turns out that the owner is someone we worked with years ago. The house is about 20-30 minutes from where I live. It's in a small city near by. She lived farther away when she was in college. She actually went to the community college for 2 years and then transferred to a state college. It sounds like that's what Alli's considering.
I'm glad you're still feeling good and hope that what ever you had is gone.
Have a good weekend.
Late to the game here! So much new information!
First... Puppies! Omg. Are you going to give your sweet puppy a disney name? Had to do that with one of our cats. Her name is TINKERbella and we call her Bella.
Second.... 3 trips? 3 disney trips? I swear a while back reading one of your reports you had stated something like how it would be a couple years before going back to disney. ( as you had other trips you needed to do ) and now 3?????
THAT SO TOTALLY WICKED! ( as squirt would say) So very happy for you!

Third..... so sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Just thinking outloud... but look up gerds. Sometimes when Gerd attacks happen in the lower part of the asophagus.. it can feel like what you are describing. Most of the time it is more chest like pain.. but it can happen where it feels like the stomach area.
I feel ya on not feeling well. Right now I am just trying to make it through the weekend to get to my dr. Appointment on Monday where I will more than likely get another blood transfusion. My hemo count is really low and my iron numbers are pathetic. I can barely get up our stairs, out of breath.. it sucks. I know once I get the blood transfusion I will be back to 100% in no time.... just trying to hold on so it doesn't cost me 5 times as much doing it through the er. Health costs suck. Lol.
Sorry to ramble. So happy you started this and just absolutely love following along!
Oh! One more thing! Any new ideas for new outfits you'll be making yourself or the girls?
Hey D - finally catching up on adorable puppy pics and PTR news. Sadly, Mom passed to heaven St. Paddy's Day. She had been in a dementia home for a while, so sad. Writing to your Dad is such a treat. The trip to see your Dad and getting the recliner was great and yay for Allison getting drive time in. It is so nerve wracking forever when your child is starting out; more so when they drive away for their first time all alone. Yikes. And I am truly thrilled for Allison and Gus. They are young and happy and have so much ahead of them. Let them enjoy their time now. You are doing great with their relationship.

I sent you news about Target and Shane in a PM - quick question was thrown in there for you when you have time.

Yay for Allison's trip planning and SoG. Ya'll are going to have a blast. I am assuming the crowds are pretty low in January? We have been a couple of times in February; unfortunately, around President's Day that weekend is very crowded. Always something. You need to share your must do's for dining so we can drool.

Hope your stomach issues go away and stay away. You eat so well that is puzzling.

Can't wait to see that adorable new puppy come home in a couple of weeks! Puppies and kitties - nothing cuter.

Take care my friend. Hugs and prayers, Carol
I don't know how I'm just finding your PTR. I've loved reading all about your plans and terrific family. Can't wait to read more!

Hi there! Welcome and thank you! I am very excited to share it all with you! :lovestruc

I'm sure that it will be hard for Alison and Josh to be apart when he goes to state college in June. They are used to spending a lot of time together. I think you will miss Josh a lot, too.

I am pretty sure you meant to type Gus, right? :) Yes, she will miss him, but I think they have a good plan. I know I will miss him too - he spends a lot of time here, and he's become like another one of my kids. It sounds like he will be coming home quite often to visit Allison - so it shouldn't be too bad. ::yes::

The owners accepted the offer my daughter and her husband made on the house. It turns out that the owner is someone we worked with years ago. The house is about 20-30 minutes from where I live. It's in a small city near by. She lived farther away when she was in college. She actually went to the community college for 2 years and then transferred to a state college. It sounds like that's what Alli's considering.
I'm glad you're still feeling good and hope that what ever you had is gone.
Have a good weekend.

Oh yay!!! Congratluations to them! Far enough away, yet close enought that you'll still get to see eachother easily enough. It sounds perfect.

Yes, that is exactly what Allison is planning... She wants to go to the community college to get some of her generals out of the way at a cheaper price... then she will go to a different college to work on her major. I think it's a financially smart plan. ::yes::

Meh... My throat is all swollen and sore again... Seriously - I have no idea what is going on? I am so baffled. :scratchin

You too Liz! :lovestruc

Late to the game here! So much new information!
First... Puppies! Omg. Are you going to give your sweet puppy a disney name? Had to do that with one of our cats. Her name is TINKERbella and we call her Bella.
Second.... 3 trips? 3 disney trips? I swear a while back reading one of your reports you had stated something like how it would be a couple years before going back to disney. ( as you had other trips you needed to do ) and now 3?????
THAT SO TOTALLY WICKED! ( as squirt would say) So very happy for you!

Third..... so sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Just thinking outloud... but look up gerds. Sometimes when Gerd attacks happen in the lower part of the asophagus.. it can feel like what you are describing. Most of the time it is more chest like pain.. but it can happen where it feels like the stomach area.
I feel ya on not feeling well. Right now I am just trying to make it through the weekend to get to my dr. Appointment on Monday where I will more than likely get another blood transfusion. My hemo count is really low and my iron numbers are pathetic. I can barely get up our stairs, out of breath.. it sucks. I know once I get the blood transfusion I will be back to 100% in no time.... just trying to hold on so it doesn't cost me 5 times as much doing it through the er. Health costs suck. Lol.
Sorry to ramble. So happy you started this and just absolutely love following along!

LOL Welcome!!! As of now, no Disney name for the puppy... I really want to name it "Cooper" - but we will see, once we meet him if that name still fits.

Well, technically - it will be a couple of years betweeen trips... Sort-of. August 2014 to Jan or March 2016... Sooo... More like 18 months - which feels like F.O.R.E.V.E.R. LOL Then I didn't realize that V wanted to do a fall/MNSSHP trip - so that put me at 2 trips in a year... Then Suzi and Mo snuck in this November trip - which I am still not certain I"ll be able to take... But I am gonna try hard. Yup... 3 trips. Eeeep!

I sure hope you are able to make it through the weekend - I feel your pain. I hate the cost of healthcare. When the girls were little - there were 2 years where we didn't have any medical insurance due to Josh's job not offering it/it being too expensive to afford on his wages... And it was a very, very scary time for us. Lots of prayer - lots n' lots - and I really had to triage at home, I was always scared to take the girls in because it was so expensive... I honestly still have a lot of residule from that - and I never take them in unless I think it's necessary... which lately - is all the time. I am very thankful we have excellent insurance now. Do you have an urgent care that's open on the weekends? Our UC is walk-in on the weekends, which is helpful, I don't have to use it often, but I have used it. Our co-pay for the walk-in is only $25, vs. our ER co-pay of $100. I sure hope you are feeling better soon. :hug: Please keep me updated.

You can ramble any time you want - I love hearing aobut everyone's lives and what they are up to. :hug: I am so happy you are here and following along!

Oh! One more thing! Any new ideas for new outfits you'll be making yourself or the girls?

Hehehe... Well - as of now I am not sure? My favorite Ear/head gear person has closed her shop - and that makes it really hard/sad/unmotivating to try to find someone else equally as good as she is - I am super picky about everything (the roundness of the ears being semetrical - especially) and I am having no luck finding anything I like... I keep hoping she will open again, but as of now - she hasn't. I just hope she is well.

So, I am probably going to lean more towards keeping my same themes that I have now - especially for the short November trip... But rather than shorts - I'll probably be doing capris. And rather than tank tops, I'll probably be doing long sleeved tees and sweatshirts. If I can find some cute capris at the end of the season sales, I'll probably bling them up a little?

The hard part is that I really love all of the themes I have right now... And I am HUGE into reusing my stuff again and again, because I put way more time into making my own things just the way I want them. I might do up a classic Mickey/Pluto set for myself though? I absolutely adore everything I have ever made with that theme, and it would be versitile enough that I could wear it in any park. We'll see. :) But again - then I would have to find someone to make me really awesome ears, because I could never do Disney again with out my Princess Pie ears.

We'll see... :lovestruc

Hey D - finally catching up on adorable puppy pics and PTR news. Sadly, Mom passed to heaven St. Paddy's Day. She had been in a dementia home for a while, so sad. Writing to your Dad is such a treat. The trip to see your Dad and getting the recliner was great and yay for Allison getting drive time in. It is so nerve wracking forever when your child is starting out; more so when they drive away for their first time all alone. Yikes. And I am truly thrilled for Allison and Gus. They are young and happy and have so much ahead of them. Let them enjoy their time now. You are doing great with their relationship.

I sent you news about Target and Shane in a PM - quick question was thrown in there for you when you have time.

Yay for Allison's trip planning and SoG. Ya'll are going to have a blast. I am assuming the crowds are pretty low in January? We have been a couple of times in February; unfortunately, around President's Day that weekend is very crowded. Always something. You need to share your must do's for dining so we can drool.

Hope your stomach issues go away and stay away. You eat so well that is puzzling.

Can't wait to see that adorable new puppy come home in a couple of weeks! Puppies and kitties - nothing cuter.

Take care my friend. Hugs and prayers, Carol

Oh Carol... I am so very, very sorry about the passing of your mom. :hug: I am so sad to hear this. Please let me know if there is anything I can do, and I am always here to listen.

Thank you for supporting me with Allison and Gus. I struggle a lot with how young she is, and how committed they are to eachother. Part of me just wants to step in and say "no more, she is just a baby"... but then the other part sees them together and how happy they are - and I could just never do that. So, I've just resolved to let them enjoy this time - and as long as all of the other areas of her life (and his life) are secure and flourishing - there is no reason to step in and take over. Besides... I was young once, and in love (with someone who wasn't Josh - younger than Allison, as a matter of fact) and I learned a lot about relationships from that relationship... What I wanted and what I didn't. I think it's important to love someone when you are young... And if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. I get a bit of flack from my family about them... but then I think to myself - half of these exact same people are STILL married to the people they met/dated at Allison's age, so they have NO room to talk at all.... And as a parent, I have to let her find her own way - as much as it's hard for me to do that, but knowing I am here for her and I'd never judge her for her decisions - it's given me a lot of peace of mind as a parent to let her make her own decisions. :lovestruc

It's taken me a LONG time to get to this place in life - with endless days of reflection and inner struggle while I sew away upstairs - and I can honestly say that I couldn't have done it with out my Dis friends - so many of you have given me so much great advice, over the years - advice that I take to heart... I am always grateful for everyone's words of wisdom which help me through this hard part of life, and all of the adjustments/transition it takes to be a good parent. :hug: I am so very lucky to have all of you! :grouphug:

So far, so good on the stomach issues... but now my throat is sore again when I swallow. :scratchin I am just perplexed...

I know - we are very excited for the puppy to come home... We cannot wait! I am in desperate need of someone new and little to cuddle. :lovestruc

I haven't checked this morning - but I did check last night, and I don't have an email from you. Can you try to resend it?


I had a nice day yesterday.

I did not make it up to my sewing room like I'd intended. I do plan to do that today though... Allison has to work and Josh/V have a Trap Shooting team meeting most of the day - so I can just sit here and sew. ::yes::

I did some grocery shopping when I went to town. Tomorrow is Gus' birthday, so I am making him a cake. Allison is taking him out to dinner too.

Then I came home and got ready for Josh's annual Pheasants Forever banquet... I talked V into going with me, and a couple of our neighbors were there, as well. Josh and I run one of the games... It's a lot of fun! However, it does get really, really boring - because it takes hours to get through all of the auction winnings and game winners.

Here's a photo of V and I headed out to the banquet... I thought we looked so cute! ::yes:: (And there's even a LGMH in there for you all.)


Gus picked Allison up from work yesterday, so we didn't have to leave the banquet to get her. Then they went up to Ikea to look at new furniture for Gus' new apartment. It sounds like they found some good ideas, but didn't purchase anything. He still has a couple of months.

They were here watching movies when we got home.

Today will be a lazy working day for me. I have to take Allison in to town for work this morning... While I am there, I have to get birthday candles - since we ran out last year... All of our birthdays line up so perfectly... It's kind of funny - and now with Gus in the mix, even moreso. Gus is March, Allison is April, V is May, I am June and Josh is July. ::yes::

No new puppy pictures today... But I did talk to my friend yesterday, there is a particular puppy that they hope we pick (Adam) - that is her son's favorite, and they really hope he goes to a good home. :lovestruc And from all of the pictures I've seen - Adam is always in the center of the "pile" - so that leads me to believe that he loves to be cuddled and warm. ::yes:: So, we will see if little Adam will be our Cooper?

All of our snow has been gone for a few weeks - but it looks like we will be getting accumulating snow this afternoon and into tonight... At least, at this time of year, it doesn't last long.

I hope you all have a wonderful and enjoyable Sunday... Prayers and Pixie Dust to all! :grouphug:

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Birthday cake? Lol we are the family that picks cookies over cake so I almost never get to bake cakes. I can't imagine working at Target. I'm pretty sure I'd just have to hand my paycheck over to them. I have a favorite Target on Interstate 35 that I make DH stop at every time we head to the cities and my kids groan because they know it's coming lol:) We are just in the clearing...snow scheduled for 20 miles North but not us. We live 30 miles shy of the Minnesota border. I am so ready for the sunshine to stick around. Glad I found you on FB! Enjoy your Sunday!!!
I am pretty sure you meant to type Gus, right? :)
Oops. :blush: Yes, I meant Gus. ;)

Meh... My throat is all swollen and sore again... Seriously - I have no idea what is going on? I am so baffled. :scratchin
I hope it clears up soon. It is probably just your excellent immune system (excellent because you are eating healthy) fighting something nasty and you would be sicker if you weren't so healthy. At least that is my reasoning. ;) But it is frustrating to do so many things right and have a lingering illness.

Then Suzi and Mo snuck in this November trip - which I am still not certain I"ll be able to take... But I am gonna try hard.
I really hope you get a chance to go on this trip. You need to stay at the VWL. The Wilderness Lodge is our favorite resort for theming and we love it there. I would hope you would like it, too.

Here's a photo of V and I headed out to the banquet... I thought we looked so cute! ::yes::
You both look very cute in that picture. :)
Hi D! I'm here!
I am started to reintegrate The Dis back into my life a bit and yours was the first TR I needed to catch up on, and finish apparently, and now you are on to a new PTR! exciting! I am off to start reading.

Thank you for the sweet words you posted in your last TR when my mom passed away, that was so nice of you.
If we have to get snow this time of year, I am so very happy that it does not last! We had a snow storm on Friday - started just before I had to leave for work. Luckily the roads were warm enough from the 50 degrees temps during the last week, that it did not stick to the roads. The lawns had a nice coating of white for a day, but it is all gone now. Just the way I like it. We call these snows "onion snow" because this is about the time that the onions get planted.
Sorry you're not feeling well again. I woke up with a sore throat today. too. I took some allergy meds and they seem to be helping.
My daughter drove me before the house they're buying today. It looks nice and Wednesday the realitor is letting me see the inside.
I got another sewing machine yesterday. It's an old singer that needs some love, mostly just cleaning and adjusting. A friend of mine is moving to California and doesn't want to take it with her.
Hope you feel better soon.
All caught up, so happy to hear that Alli is feeling better for the most part. 3 trips wowzers! and here I thought the last trip was the last for quite a while. I hope it all works out and you get to go in Nov with Mo and Suzi, that sounds like so much fun. I'm really hopeful that one day I have a little girl to take on trips to Disney. Seeing how close you and the girls are, I really admire that and I hope one day I have a little girl and that type of relationship with her. Ugh, sigh, future goals. Anywhoo the puppies are ADORABLE!!!! Max is going to be the best big brother! If he needs some practice I'm happy to ship Rogue down for a visit... LOL

Reading your TR I am confused about something, Alli and V (and Gus apparently) all seem to end school at different times of day, do they go to the same school, or all separate schools?


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