A Week of Om Nom Noms! - Sept. 2014 Dining Report (w/ F&W) - COMPLETED

Love it!!! Thanks! :) Now see - that was the steak that I thought was still moo-ing....but in fairness yours WAS cooked a bit more than mine. Still good though.

I wanted to try SO many more things here - luckily if we go in April it's with no dining plan and during flower and garden festival. I know it's not quite the same, but still. I'll be eating most meals at Epcot!
I would have happily traded steak with you. I like mine just a tiny step above Rare. :lmao:
Starring Rolls Cafe
Hollywood Studios

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014


"Frozen" Elsa Cupcake: Vanilla Cake with Buttercream Frosting, and Vanilla Iced Coffee.

I have a Disney World tradition that dictates that at least ONE morning during my trip, I eat a cupcake for breakfast. This was that morning. :thumbsup2 I was going to get the chocolate peanut butter one, but I thought I'd have a little fun and try one of the Frozen ones. It was yum!

The coffee was good too, but needed a lot of sugar and creamer. I often forget that some places an "Iced Coffee" is served more like an iced latte (which is what I like), and other places it's just black coffee and flavor shot over ice. In this case, it was the latter.
Fairfax Fare
Hollywood Studios

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014


Jumbo Turkey Leg, "Frozen" Olaf Cupcake, and Large Root Beer.

Another Disney tradition... Gotta have my turkey leg! My love for these runs deep. They're so juicy and perfect and delicious!

I hadn't planned on getting a second Frozen cupcake, but they happen to have the Olaf one as dessert option, and since I was on the Dining Plan... Don't mind if I do! It was just as good as I had hoped it would be. I loved munching on the white chocolate Olaf head too. NOM!

Friday, Sept. 26, 2014


Macaroni and Cheese, Bacon, and Truffle Oil Hot Dog, w/ Potato Chips, Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Custard Parfait, and Large Root Beer.


Closer look at that crazy delicious hot dog! I wouldn't normally hit up a place like this twice in one trip. But a couple days prior when I was in line for a turkey leg, I saw this beauty on the menu and knew I had to come back for it. It was soooo worth it too, it was absolutely delicious! :cloud9:
Thanks for your reviews! Love them! all the food and wine festival pictures look so good! Sad I couldn't make it this year
Garden Grill

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014


Basket of Warm Breads with Maple Butter.



Harvest-inspired Farmer's Salad.

I had read tons of reviews raving about this salad, but I was underwhelmed. I think perhaps because it was pre-dressed. I just didn't love it. Took a couple bites and pushed it away.


Entree Platter:
Char-grilled Filet of Beef with Red Wine Butter.
Sustainable Fish of the Day (Tilapia).
Roasted All Natural Turkey Breast with Lemon Caper Sauce.

(The fish normally is served with Roasted Tomato and Pepper Compote on top, but that's not something I would like, so I asked for it to be served without it.)

Everything on this plate was delicious! I ate most of the fish and turkey, and ALL of the beef. In fact...


I just had to put in a re-order of the beef, it was so delicious!


And then came the dessert!

Fresh Baked Harvest Fruit Cobbler with Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream.

The inside was pretty amazing! It has Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries. Sooo perfect. I didn't care for the crumble topping or the whipped cream (I, like most, want ice cream with my cobbler). But despite that, because the berries were so good, I still put a small dent in it!
Starring Rolls Cafe
Hollywood Studios

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014


"Frozen" Elsa Cupcake: Vanilla Cake with Buttercream Frosting, and Vanilla Iced Coffee.

I have a Disney World tradition that dictates that at least ONE morning during my trip, I eat a cupcake for breakfast. This was that morning. :thumbsup2 I was going to get the chocolate peanut butter one, but I thought I'd have a little fun and try one of the Frozen ones. It was yum!

The coffee was good too, but needed a lot of sugar and creamer. I often forget that some places an "Iced Coffee" is served more like an iced latte (which is what I like), and other places it's just black coffee and flavor shot over ice. In this case, it was the latter.

I had every intention of having a Starring Rolls cupcake while I was there. I still can't believe I didn't. Oh and I would love that iced coffee - I love just plain old black iced coffee.

Garden Grill

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014


Basket of Warm Breads with Maple Butter.



Harvest-inspired Farmer's Salad.

I had read tons of reviews raving about this salad, but I was underwhelmed. I think perhaps because it was pre-dressed. I just didn't love it. Took a couple bites and pushed it away.


Entree Platter:
Char-grilled Filet of Beef with Red Wine Butter.
Sustainable Fish of the Day (Tilapia).
Roasted All Natural Turkey Breast with Lemon Caper Sauce.

(The fish normally is served with Roasted Tomato and Pepper Compote on top, but that's not something I would like, so I asked for it to be served without it.)

Everything on this plate was delicious! I ate most of the fish and turkey, and ALL of the beef. In fact...


I just had to put in a re-order of the beef, it was so delicious!


And then came the dessert!

Fresh Baked Harvest Fruit Cobbler with Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream.

The inside was pretty amazing! It has Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries. Sooo perfect. I didn't care for the crumble topping or the whipped cream (I, like most, want ice cream with my cobbler). But despite that, because the berries were so good, I still put a small dent in it!

This was one of the restaurants I wanted to try because I think the food looks really good but the picky boys probably wouldn't love it. They would eat the kids selections though, so maybe :)
Totally subbing! Love your report and love your tiara pic! I'm a girl who loves her food too so I totally appreciate your review. Going to read your TR now too!
I had every intention of having a Starring Rolls cupcake while I was there. I still can't believe I didn't. Oh and I would love that iced coffee - I love just plain old black iced coffee.
Girl, you put that cupcake on your bucket list for the next trip! They're SO GOOD! They have a wide array of other pastries too, like fruit turnovers, etc. I keep saying I'm going to try one, but I just always gravitate to those cupcakes! :cutie:

This was one of the restaurants I wanted to try because I think the food looks really good but the picky boys probably wouldn't love it. They would eat the kids selections though, so maybe :)
Give it a try! Honestly, it's all pretty basic comfort food. Which is what I love. :cloud9:

Everything looks so good!!
Everything WAS so good! I don't think I ate one single thing the entire trip that was yucky! Disney food is a highlight of any trip for me. :laughing:

Totally subbing! Love your report and love your tiara pic! I'm a girl who loves her food too so I totally appreciate your review. Going to read your TR now too!
Aww, yay! Welcome! :wave2: And thanks for checking out my TP, too! I'm going to try to add a small update tonight to finish out Day 5. :thumbsup2
I am enjoying your dining review and photos, and looking forward to more. :)

Our next trip will be our first trip on the dining plan. Normally we just do quick counter service meals or kiosk snacks and rarely ever do a table service restaurant but this trip is with extended family and they are all on the dining plan and our daughter has made several table service reservations for all of us so when I found out we could get the dining plan for 8 nights for only $355 I thought it was a no-brainer. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the Coral Reef as that is one of our reservation dinners. My DH would love that pork shank at Gaston's, and we will be eating at a few more restaurants that you did so I'm looking forward to hearing about them and seeing your photos. :)
I am enjoying your dining review and photos, and looking forward to more. :)
Yay, welcome! :wave2: I will likely be adding more food pics/reviews tonight or tomorrow. Next up, I think, is Raglan Road at Downtown Disney!

Our next trip will be our first trip on the dining plan. Normally we just do quick counter service meals or kiosk snacks and rarely ever do a table service restaurant but this trip is with extended family and they are all on the dining plan and our daughter has made several table service reservations for all of us so when I found out we could get the dining plan for 8 nights for only $355 I thought it was a no-brainer. :)
I'm a Dining Plan devotee! I've tested it by saving all my receipts and totalling them up at the end of my trip, then comparing that number to what I paid upfront for the DDP. I always save a significant amount of money, every single time. :thumbsup2

I'm glad you enjoyed the Coral Reef as that is one of our reservation dinners. My DH would love that pork shank at Gaston's, and we will be eating at a few more restaurants that you did so I'm looking forward to hearing about them and seeing your photos. :)
I was surprised how much I liked Coral Reef, between the bad reviews and the fact that I was already full from F&W when I walked in the door. :lmao: But seriously, it was delicious! I know everybody's tastes are different, but it baffles me how many people have written bad things about it. I'm actually returning there on my next trip because I know that my aunt, who has never been to WDW, would really enjoy the atmosphere there. :goodvibes
Landscape of Flavors
Art of Animation Resort

Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014


Gelato - Two flavors, Nutella on the bottom (not visible), Sweet Almond on the top, with Mickey Sprinkles.

OMG THIS WAS SO GOOD. Best gelato I've ever had! I'm still having dreams about that Sweet Almond flavored one. Yummmm! I can't wait to have more when I stay at AoA next year! :cloud9:
Raglan Road
Downtown Disney

Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014


Iced Irish.

If you've been following my Dining Report, then you know I like me a cocktail, and I like me an iced coffee. This was the perfect blend of both! It had Irish whiskey and cream, and was just phenomenal.


Bread service.

I'm not entirely was the dipping sauce was, but it was sweet. I loved it.


Scallop Forest. (George Bank scallops in a golden batter served with a citrus lime dipping sauce and sweet chili jam.)

Oh dear lord, these scallops... I think they might possibly be the very best fried scallops I've eaten in my entire life. Everything about them was absolutely perfection. The breading, the size, the flavor... They were totally amazing. This is the bar I will be measuring fried scallops by from now on.


Mighty Mixed Grill. (Left to Right: Black Pudding, Sirloin Steak, Lamb Chop, Guinness Banger, Chicken Drumstick, and Ham. Served across a bed of mashed potatoes.)

Oh, be-still my meat-loving carnivore heart! This is was absolutely delicious, and so filling! I really liked the opportunity to try the Black Pudding, AKA Blood Pudding. I've always been curious about it. It wasn't bad at all!


Trifle Sinful. (Kitchen-baked Swiss roll, Gran Marnier, berries, slivered almonds, custard and cream.)

This place had SO many amazing dessert choices, it really was incredibly difficult to choose. But I wanted something different than what I might order elsewhere, so I opted for this trifle. I chose well, because it was completely dreamy. Light and sweet and yummy, but a HUGE portion of it. It was the prefect end to the meal!
Just finding your thread and subbing in. I guess better late than never. Your food and wine pics are amazing and are making me oh so hungry. That filet along makes me wanna hop a plane. Can't believe they can perfectly look something in mass quantity,

Quick question, could you taste the truffle on the Mac n cheese dog? If so I'm so totally in. I'd bathe in truffles I'd that wouldn't be frowned upon.
I think we are going to try Raglan Road on our next trip - glad you liked the food. But there is no way I'm leaving that place without trying the bread pudding...
Just finding your thread and subbing in. I guess better late than never. Your food and wine pics are amazing and are making me oh so hungry. That filet along makes me wanna hop a plane. Can't believe they can perfectly look something in mass quantity,

Quick question, could you taste the truffle on the Mac n cheese dog? If so I'm so totally in. I'd bathe in truffles I'd that wouldn't be frowned upon.
Food & Wine really was just ridiculously delicious. Like, seriously. I gained an insane 16 pounds during my trip, and I think 15 of those were from F&W alone. :lmao:

As for the hot dog... this is where I hang my head in shame. It was actually the first time I've ever had truffle oil on anything! So I'm not entirely sure of the specific taste of it. All I know is that the mac & cheese was soooo goooood! :goodvibes

I think we are going to try Raglan Road on our next trip - glad you liked the food. But there is no way I'm leaving that place without trying the bread pudding...
You know, before I left for my trip, folks on the Dis were pushing me towards the Bread Pudding. But the thing about it is that while I like bread pudding, don't LOOOVE it. And so I probably would have ordered it at Raglan Road, had I not just had a different bread pudding at Ohana 3 nights prior! So maybe next time! I tell ya though, that trifle was UH-MAY-ZING!!! :lovestruc
As for the hot dog... this is where I hang my head in shame. It was actually the first time I've ever had truffle oil on anything! So I'm not entirely sure of the specific taste of it. All I know is that the mac & cheese was soooo goooood!

Truffle is a very unique taste that is hard to describe, but if it was there in quantity you would have noticed something "different." You should try it sometime. Its one of lives great pleasures.


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