Homeschool Chat Part III

Wow. No one has ever said anything like that to me. And it's a good thing! Although, my dad's future wife is completely unfamiliar with homeschooling and asked about socialization (yes, really), but in a nice way. And she did comment once about how well my 6yo reads. I just said thank you and mentally rolled my eyes. What does she think we DO all day if not learn things like reading? My son may not be able to sit still for 5 minutes straight, but he DOES read well for 6. So she may have been genuinely surprised at any 6yo willing to sit and read a book out loud--I know *I* was surprised that he did it! ;) However, I've never met a person close to my age or younger who even gave me a second glance at the mention of homeschooling.

I am a believer that the comments or concern over “socialization” is total garb! Let’s talk about the kids in the brick and mortar classroom who doesn’t talk to anyone, has no friends and doesn’t participate in extra activities and the parents don’t try to fix that.
That IMO is a child with socialization issues.

WOW! I would have been taken back by that too. I'm sorry that it happened to you.

We don't get too many comments now, partially because my daughter is 15 and partially because it is very common and we have a huge homeschooling commuity here. However I have had a few comments in the past. One was a dental hygenist. She was hypercritical of everything my daughter said and did (DD was about 8 at the time) as soon as she found out we were homeschoolers. She kept trying to quiz DD on facts, which I find super annoying. She also kept asking me questions about how we would handle highschool and higher education. The whole conversation had a negative, judgemental vibe. I was patient through most of it but finally I told her we were there to have a dentist appointment not to educate her on homeschooling regulations or lifestyle and if she couldn't get her job done to please find some one who could. I never saw her again.

When people would ask me about her socializiation I generally would say, "well she is talking to you isn't she". :rotfl:
That wouldn’t have set well with me either.
I will be using your comment as well now. :lmao:

I don't know what I would have said. I guess it would have depended on how he meant it and his attitude. If he was shocked because not alot of 4th graders can speak so well, then I would have mentioned she was trying out for Mensa;) But if he was amazed because she was homeschooled and was not used to homeschoolers, I would have taken a moment to educate him on homeschoolers, nicely:upsidedow

But it all depends on where he was coming from. Questions can be a double edge sword. I want them because I want to show we are weird but not scarey ;) If you are asking for knowledge with a nice attitude then I'm gonna play nice. But if you come across wrong, well then :mad:

I gotta remember this "well she is talking to you" :rotfl: That is good.

Little rant (sorry and thank you for reading) DD2 had to get an x-ray, after it was done the Dr came in talked with us a minute and then asked questions…… Dr- what grade are you in? DD2- 4th Dr- Do you like your teacher? DD2- I school at home and my mom is my teacher. Dr- Oh. He looks at me and says, “she speaks well”. Me- (nothing) Once again I didn’t know what to say and the second I am in the car it came to me, I should have replied, “so do you”. I am no longer going to blow it off when people say stuff like that. What is your reply when people say this to you? I feel better now :goodvibes

Luckily or unluckily however you look at it, we don't really have to deal with those kinds of reactions because the school system is so bad here. Homeschooling is the norm around here. Lots of kids switch back and forth between homeschooling and private. Lots of family have one kid in each. Neither the public or private schools offer help for kids who are struggling or offer honors or advanced classes until high school, so it's really common for parents to pull kids who fit into one of those categories out to get caught up, or to keep them from being held back. Even if only for a year or two. The split is pretty even with about 1/3 of the community homeschooling, 1/3 going to private school, and 1/3 going to public. Almost all the local businesses, organizations, and churches offer homeschool classes, activities, or co-ops. With hundreds of kids joining in, and since kids school hop so much around here. People are pretty comfortable being around homeschool kids. We actually had more opposition from my own family then anyone when we first started. But after they saw how well it worked, we haven't heard anything but praise since.
I have a question about the homeschool days. I have been homeschooling my kids for 6 years and I didn't know that WDW had homeschool days lol. It's been over 3 years since our last trip to WDW and we used the YES program. I've read that it's not as great of a deal anymore. I was wondering if someone would mind posting the homeschool tickets prices if we go on a homeschool day and do the class......or, if you can post a link. Thank you!

Not sure if this is the correct spot to post my question or if I should start a new thread. It's also been a while since I've been on Disboards.

I have a question about the homeschool days. I have been homeschooling my kids for 6 years and I didn't know that WDW had homeschool days lol. It's been over 3 years since our last trip to WDW and we used the YES program. I've read that it's not as great of a deal anymore. I was wondering if someone would mind posting the homeschool tickets prices if we go on a homeschool day and do the class......or, if you can post a link. Thank you!

Not sure if this is the correct spot to post my question or if I should start a new thread. It's also been a while since I've been on Disboards.


Here is what I found for the WDW HS days, hope it can be of some help.
Has anyone added the Kingdom Keepers quest to the homeschool program? How much extra does it cost? My daughter just started reading the series.
Hi. I'm new to the idea of homeschooling and I am looking for experiences from anyone who has an ADHD child and decided to home school them.

We live in a very rural area. I do not know anyone personally that has ever home schooled.

My DD 11 was diagnosed with ADHD at age 8. We have struggled over the years with medications and adjustments. I feel like we are finally at a place where my daughter reacts well to the meds without seeming too medicated.

Her grades are great but it takes a lot of studying and work to achieve it. I'm so proud of her because there was a time that failing was the norm for her.

Most of her problems are social. What I see is that she acts more immature than the other kids her age. In 5th grade she's playing at a 3rd grade level. It's to the point now that she cries daily not wanting to go to school because kids call her stupid, annoying, babyish and so on. I've seen a huge drop in her self esteem over the course of the year and have witnessed other children ignoring her and telling her to get away from them. I've been to the school several times but nothing is being done to help. I was actually told by one teacher that if I think she has social issues now, just wait until 6th grade next year. I held my tongue by some miracle.

We have a wonderful pediatrician that I have kept in close contact with. After an appt yesterday he told me her self esteem is low to the point of being unhealthy and he feels that I need to make a change for her. He suggested home schooling or a small private school.

I am unsure where to even start with home schooling. I did find a few electronic schools that serve our area. I'm concerned because I don't know of anyone else that home schools. I tried to look up local groups and found nothing closer that 2.5 hours away.

Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Jenn,
We have had many of the same problems with DS 13-7th grade. He was diagnosed with ADHD in 1st grade. He has always had social issues when in school. He said that maybe only one or two kids in his class were nice to him. Does much better in other settings where there are kids a variety of ages. You have the same thing we went to the school about social issues and problems with other kids picking on him and nothing was ever done. We pulled him out of school this past November. We are first time homeschoolers and are still figuring things out. It has been better for him. He was having a lot of trouble with math. We are able to work at our own pace and when he understands and is ready to move on we do. I think the best part is being able to work at his pace. All of the days when the kids here missed school we still did our lessons. If we are sick we take the day off and just watch science shows or something that relates to what we are studying in history on Netflix.

Go to the library and get all of the books you can on homeschooling and read. There are many different thought on how to do it. We trend towards more of the traditional school approach. Remember you can now teach how you feel your DD learns best. Books, computers, video, field trips. Some people suggest giving your child some time off to decompress after pulling them out of school. Don't forget to check out the requirements for your state for homeschooling. All are different.

We are in a more rural area too. There are some homeschool groups around but our problem is more about when we are available to participate in activities. Try to find some activities that your DD can do with other kids. DS is in Boy Scouts and 4H so he is with kids from other towns that are a variety of ages. He is still very shy/careful about talking to other kids. I think in time his confidence will build back up and hopefully as he matures he will be able to relate to kids his own age better. He has always done very well with kids younger than him, but lately has tended to gravitate towards the older kids in scouts.

Not sure if this helps you, but I hope it does a little. Best of luck to you and your DD. :grouphug:
Yes that helps a lot! It's nice to know there are other people dealing with these situations too. Sometimes I feel totally alone in this. Thank you!
I am unsure where to even start with home schooling. I did find a few electronic schools that serve our area. I'm concerned because I don't know of anyone else that home schools. I tried to look up local groups and found nothing closer that 2.5 hours away.

Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Jenn,

I see you live in Ohio. May I ask where in Ohio? I live in columbus and homeschool. I can private message you some state wide homeschool groups and from there you can find your local groups.

In Ohio you may notify and pull your child out at any time during the school year. In general, you notify your district super, in columbus we have a special office that we send in notification. If you pull out your child during the school year you can let her teacher(s) know out of curtousy. I am willing to send you a copy of my daughter HS notification so you can have a sample letter. After her first year you will need to get her either tested or assesed and then send that in along with your notification paperwork.

Tell me what else you want to know and I will pass along the information.
Jenn, I know it seems scary at first, but hang in there!

I pulled my dd out in third grade for problems with ADHD. The school counselor kept saying she was "immature" for her age. The kids were mean to her...before that she had been perky and friendly and school just sucked the happy out of her. That was 12 years ago. She is now a jr in college and doing very well in her studies. I am so proud of her :)
I got so excited when I saw this thread, lol. My name is Dawn and this is my third year homeschooling my daughter (7). I was also homeschooled for all but my last three years. :wave2:
Can anyone give me suggestion on a HS level , either on line or video based, subjects? Language, Sci, Math, History, Bible...

We've homeschooled for yrs-both boys in HS now and we've always done a mish-mash of books, cds, units...over the years. We have seen a friend w/ switched on Schoolhouse(a GED review) and it just seems like a book on the disc. You just read it on the PC instead of a page.


I am looking at teaching textbooks for alg2 and geometry(been with Math U See for years) My boys like MUYS but I swear I am doing half the work with them so I can remember and quickly answer , correct if they need help.

We are thinking of changing it up for the last couple years, plus I know my younger one thinks it'll be quicker for him to zip thru the classes and work. Not sure if that will be the case, but he loves all things to do with the PC.

Any thoughts would be a help before ordering the next level of all subjects.


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