You should be able to re-click the "read" button and edit the date toward the bottom of the window. (It has a date table and to the left says "set as today".)

Thanks, but when I went over to do that just now, it's all fixed. I forgot that one of the glitches with goodreads (at least on my computer) is that when you make a change it doesn't show up until after I leave the site, then return. So when I went back, it now has the correct dates and no books read yet for 2014. Time to get reading!
Book 1: The Elite by Kiera Cass

I finished The Selection late Saturday night (naturally, going to bed way too late on the night before a 5K...) I had a hard time putting The Selection down, and the same was true for this book. Now, to wait for next book to come out...

Next up: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Note: I noticed this morning that Amazon has Legend by Marie Lu for $1.99 and Prodigy (the second book) for $2.99 (Kindle Download).
Just finished #1 for 2014.

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy by Helen Fielding

A lot of people were disappointed with this book because it picks up 15+ years later. I enjoyed it because we usually leave characters when happy and don't see the normal every day life that comes later. It made me cry, but in a good introspective way. No, it's not the same as the original Bridget Jones novel, but I'm glad it was written and I got to read it.

Up next: Specials by Scott Westerfeld. The third book in his Uglies series.
I just barely made my goal of 150 for this year, so 200 for 2014 is definitely a stretch!! But I was also busy with my Masters in 2013 so not having to do that may free me up a bit! I do sometimes "count" novellas and the occasional short story, depending on my mood!
My goal last year was 100 books and didn't think I would get that at all as I had a baby in November, but I ended up reading 157! I think I crammed a lot in the summer months since I knew I wouldn't be reading a lot once DS got here!

My goal for this year is 75. One of my resolutions actually is to reread the Harry Potter series.

I'm looking forward to reading the last book in the Divergent series, Allegiant. DH got that for me for Christmas.
Just finished #1 for 2014.

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy by Helen Fielding

A lot of people were disappointed with this book because it picks up 15+ years later. I enjoyed it because we usually leave characters when happy and don't see the normal every day life that comes later. It made me cry, but in a good introspective way. No, it's not the same as the original Bridget Jones novel, but I'm glad it was written and I got to read it.

Up next: Specials by Scott Westerfeld. The third book in his Uglies series.

I love the Uglies series! So, so good. I read the first Selection book and liked it, then I downloaded the second onto my Kindle but I need to actually read it.
my first book of 2014, The 100 year old man who climbed out of a window and disappeared by jonas jonasson.
Description from Amazon
t all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people’s home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The Mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not… Slowly but surely Allan climbs out of his bedroom window, into the flowerbed (in his slippers) and makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, we learn something of Allan’s earlier life in which – remarkably – he helped to make the atom bomb, became friends with American presidents, Russian tyrants, and Chinese leaders, and was a participant behind the scenes in many key events of the twentieth century. Already a huge bestseller across Europe, The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared is a fun and feel-good book for all ages.
It was an ok read, i started out enjoying it but the Forrest Gump -esque coincidences became a bit much and some of the politics and history was a bit long
I can't believe so many of you have finished one already!!! I have 25% of my first one left. I'm going to try and finish it today!
I love a challenge! I'll join in with 40 as a goal. This thread has such great suggestions for new books - always a problem to find good ones to read!
I'm reading We are Water as Book #1 - so far, so good. I've liked his others, so I have high hopes for this.
Happy New Year!! :)
I have not picked what to read next but finished out the year by reading #53. Beat my goal by 1 book. :goodvibes

I have a few paper books and may start on one of those next. I'm spoiled by the Kindle and the ease of reading before bed w/my book light. I did not think I'd be a e-reader lover but I absolutely love being able to bring a library in my purse!
I followed along with the 2013 thread, but didn't participate, but I am in for 100 books for 2014. I read 107 last year, so should be able to hit 100.

I read through the posts this morning and love all the suggestions!

Going to the library tomorrow night to pick up the books I already have on my request list that are ready.

I also joined the Dis Goodreads group.

Looking forward to chatting this year!

Happy New Year and Happy Reading Everyone!

Just finished my 1st book - Immortal in Death by JD Robb/Nora Roberts

From Amazon: She was one of the most sought-after women in the world. A top model who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted -- even another woman's man. And now she was dead, the victim of a brutal murder. Police lieutenant Eve Dallas put her professional life on the line to take the case when suspicion fell on her best friend, the other woman in the fatal love triangle. Beneath the facade of glamour, Eve found that the world of high fashion thrived on an all-consuming passion for youth and fame. One that led from the runway to the dark underworld of New York City where drugs could fulfill any desire -- for a price . . .

I enjoyed it. It's the 3rd book in a series (read the first two in 2013). I just started the next one.
Could you add me. I am reading 100 books this year. Signed this afternoon on Goodreads. Reading a couple of books right now.
Finished book 1 today. Read the first book in the Uglies series. Really liked it, can't wait to read the next one. Fortunately/unfortunately, that will have to wait as my library holds all came at once, so I'm starting

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
Just wrapped up my first of 35!

Wishing Well by Trevor Baxendale. Its a Doctor Who tie-in novel feature 10 and Martha, its basically a book long episode of the show but I enjoyed it since 10 is a favorite and I love getting more insights into the Companions.

Next up is another Doctor Who tie-in: Shroud of Sorrow (Tommy Donbavand) featuring 11 and Clara. Plus its biding time for some library holds to come through (waiting on a few British murder mysteries to name a few).

Any insight into the GoT novels? I love the show and wonder if the books are anything like it.
Any insight into the GoT novels? I love the show and wonder if the books are anything like it.

Loved the books (and the show)! The books contain so much more detail, intrigue, and background than the show, as is often the case. Every chapter is devoted to a specific character so you do follow all of the main characters from the show closely. The first book is almost exactly the same as season 1, but there are some internal thoughts, particularly from Ned, that give more insight into where the series may be headed. Season 2 leaves out a lot from the second book and season 3 is only the first half of the third book. Can't wait for season 4!
Loved the books (and the show)! The books contain so much more detail, intrigue, and background than the show, as is often the case. Every chapter is devoted to a specific character so you do follow all of the main characters from the show closely. The first book is almost exactly the same as season 1, but there are some internal thoughts, particularly from Ned, that give more insight into where the series may be headed. Season 2 leaves out a lot from the second book and season 3 is only the first half of the third book. Can't wait for season 4!

Off to place holds at the library website! Is this one that should be read in order?

And just so I know: compared to the show how brutal is the Red Wedding in the book?


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