A Very BIG Move for One Little Girl: A Disney College Program Planning Diary New 8/14

Yeah, you show 'em that you can sew buttons like a fiend! :rotfl2:



Oh I will, don't you worry. Who knows maybe they will like my button work so much they'll let me get my hands on Belle's dress :lmao:

I followed you over from your YOLO report...so I'm definitely subscribing to this one!

Congrats on the college program! How exciting!!! I cannot wait for more! (btw, I act like a 5 year old too!) :lmao:

YAY!!! Welcome aboard and thanks for following along :blush:

Thank you, and I am Glad to have a fellow five year old along for the ride :hyper:
So there is exactly one month and a day until my BIG move.

I just got back from camping with the family but before I left I went shopping for my Traditions outfit.

For those of you who don’t know

“Disney Traditions is the program that introduces each new generation of cast members to the culture and heritage of the world-famous Disney organization. With a focus on the past, present, and future of Disney, Disney Traditions will help you recognize and appreciate the connections you have to the Disney story, the daily impact you can have on the quality of the Disney Show, and the role you can play in our Company's growth and success.”

So basically you have to wear business attire for it. I usually just wear baggy Disney t-shirt. Unacceptable!!! So I went shopping. Cha Ching. Gotta love those pay days.

I usually really dislike pencil skirts so I knew going in that I didn’t want one of those. I have had to wear them a few times for shows that I have been in and they just don’t fit me right. So I was looking for a plain a line skirt, which would end up being a lot harder to find, then I originally thought.

So my first stop was Forever 21 where I found a nice blouse


It was made out of a nice light fabric, perfect for that Hot Florida August. You have to have sleeves, no tank tops or spaghetti straps. I figured if I am going to have to wear sleeves they might as well be lightweight!!! Plus is it was just over $12. PERFECT!!!

I scowered the mall to find a skirt but there were none that were not pencil skirts. DUMB. I found one, seriously only one at Macy’s for $45 and I was not having it. So we ended up heading to Target the following day where I found a million pencil skirts… just for the heck of it I decided to try one on. I didn’t totally hate it and it was only $15 so I decided to get it and if I found something better I would just return it.

So here is what I will be wearing as my first appearance as a Disney cast member. I really wanted a grey skirt (I know I am super specific and picky, I guess costuming has done that to me). I figured black is ok though, I have black flats to wear with it so I don’t have to go out and buy new ones. Win. Win. Win.


Other than those two finds I feel just so behind on everything. I have through about packing and I have thought about leaving since February and now IT’S ACTUALLY HAPPENING…

I am unsure of how to feel about it. I have been dreaming of this since high school. Disney has always been the place I was headed. There has never been any doubt in my mind. I am just starting to get cold feet, as I’m sure anyone in this situation would. It’s always been my place to go, always been the place I said I would fit in, but what if its not? I don’t see how that can be possible but it has definitely crossed my mind a bunch in the past few days. This isn’t a Disney vacation this is an actual job. I hope I can handle it.

I have been talking with Ryan (my travel companion for this experience) all afternoon and let me just say THANK GOODNESS I have such and amazing person to go along with me, at least I won’t be totally alone. I was telling him about work and how no matter how much I seem to work my bank account never reflects that. What is that all about?! Dumb. Then we got to talking about how I would take on more hours but I barely see Andy as it is and I want to get in as much time with him as I can this month. I have never been away from Andy for more than a week since the day we met. I know, I know absence makes the heart grow fonder and all but it’s going to be so weird. Even when I was in college for the first two years he was only a half an hour away so if I ever really needed him he was willing to make the trip for me (goodness have I been spoiled). Now that’s not really a possibility and it’s just really strange.

I realized that I never really fully introduced this thread to Andy or as I so commonly refer to him in real life as “stinky”. So I figured in my melancholy state I would give you all a proper introduction to Andy/Stinks.

So here is our story:

We met back in 2006/2007 I was a junior in high school and he was a sophomore. We were introduced through a mutual friend; at first we really didn’t think much of the other (or so I thought). We were both dating different people and the only time we ever saw each other was during choir. Year ended I said by for the summer. Just kidding we stay connected through myspace over the summer (weird right?! Haha who uses myspace anymore?)

We came back the following year. The musical for the year rolled around and we were both in it and started spending a lot more time together. We bonded almost immediately and spent literally every second together. We were still dating other people so we decided to remain best friends. About halfway through my senior year now it got to be February and Andy’s birthday, he had both broken up with our significant others and he asked if I would join his family that night to go out to BINGO with them. I said I had to see (back then I was big into not letting my parents that I hung out with boys haha) I usually used the excuse of “I can’t I have dance” to get out of hanging out with people which was a pretty legitimate excuse back then I danced 6 out of 7 days a week for about 5 hours a night/day. For some reason I didn’t use that excuse. I went to BINGO and we had a great time.

Fast forward a month and it was time for our choir to take their annual trip. We were headed to Chicago which was the start of it all. We didn’t leave each other’s side and we just kind of started dating. Four and a half years later here we are.

In 2009 we took Andy on his first Disney vacation (with our family, he had been once in 1999 but didn’t remember it). Which is where we had out first dinner in Mexcio!!! This is the picture that started out tradition. Every trip since we have eaten at the San Angel Inn and every time before we go in we get this picture.


Our next trip was this past August 2011 we had been dating for 3 years now and couldn’t wait to get back to “our spot”


Little did I know he had a HUGE surprise


His mother had passed away just about a month before we left for the trip. I didn’t expect it at all with all the other things he had on his mind, but I could not be happier!!! Sadly we got back and a few weeks later his sister passed away as well.

We have had a lot thrown our way but it has only made us appreciate each other all the more. People who don’t know us ask us why we were engaged so young (I was 21 and Andy was 19 about to be 20). We don’t pay any attention to them, we know what we want out of life and we don’t want any of it to happen without the other by our side. Everyone that we went to school with calls us an “inspirational couple” and whenever there is talk about life before Andy and Alicia they don’t believe it. In their minds it’s not even a possibility, which really makes me smile.

So we took another spontaneous trip in March of 2012 to celebrate our engagement and me getting into the DCP


And then one more just to YOLO !!!


Which brings us to today. I hope to have a million and one of those pictures with my stinks by the time I am an 80 year old grandma.

So that is the basic and simplistic version of our love story. I hope that was an ok introduction to Andy and our relationship. That’s all the update I have for you. Thanks for reading along!!!
Your Traditions outfit is very nice!

I am so happy for you that you get to have this amazing experience. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on everything in just about a month! You must be so excited!
I know that not being able to see Andy will be hard. I can’t imagine. But this will be a once in a lifetime experience and this is your dream. I know it will work out though. :goodvibes

The story of you and Andy is so cute. You guys are adorable!

I am so sorry Andy had to go through so much with the passing of his mother and sister :( I know how hard it is to lose someone.

Can’t wait for more :)
I am really excited to get the backstage experience at Disney. Mostly because there are many people who will be able to say that they worked attraction/food&bev at Disney but not many people can say they have done costuming.

I am afraid that they will have me doing laundry forever but there is always room for improvement. Maybe one day someone will lose a button and I'll be able to show off my skills :rotfl:

I had an Ariel sheet set that followed me from the age of like 6 all the way through my first two years of college!!! That's why I wanted Ariel so badly. I wonder if we had the same set haha. I am definitely keeping my eyes peeled for the Ariel comforter.

I had these Little Mermaid sheets! They'd get switched out with my ballerina sheets and my super awesome Cinderella sheets. My mom still uses the Cinderella sheets on my bed for when I come home to visit. :rotfl:

I think costuming sounds more fun than something like Quick Service. Less angry parents and fewer spills to clean up! ;)

I'm sure they move people up quickly as they learn the costuming system - buttons fall off all the time. :goodvibes
You have some serious design and sewing skills! I'm so impressed. :thumbsup2 You could do fashion design with your talent. Anyhooo.... I think you did a great job!

I love the Rapunzel bedding... it is adorable, even if you are 22! :p

Thanks for sharing the story of "Andy & Alicia" and your engagement! How exciting to know that you have a lifetime of Disney and all things wonderful to look forward to sharing! :goodvibes
HI Alicia, I'm Amanda and I've been following your trip reports. I just wanted to say I'm so happy for you that you get to do the College Program. You are going to have a blast. Sure you have cold feet now, but change is hard and nobody likes it. But you have to go out of your comfort zone to experience new things and I'm sure you will be glad you did once you get settled in! I can't wait to hear all about the program. Looking forward to more PTR. -Amanda
Joining in from your other TR! So jealous you are getting to do the DCP. I've wanted to do it since I first went to Disney (which was three years ago now). I can't wait to hear all about your experience so I can know what to expect when I apply in a few years :mickeyjum

P.S. I just realized I forgot to add something about you being in "Anything Goes". I was in that show this year for High School and I was wondering how you liked it and which version did you do (Was there a Bonnie character or Erma character in the show?). Anyways... loved the set (much better than a High School set lol) and :thumbsup2 to doing Damn Yankees as a show (I auditioned, but I didn't get in. Hopefully will be seeing that production in August :-) )
Awww, I love the story about you and Andy! I'm one of those people who does often think that some people get engaged really young (I went to school with girls who were just DYING to get a boyfriend and then DYING to get married and then DYING to have a baby so it's like they just want the next step NOW), but you and Andy are NOT one of them. I know I don't know you guys personally, but from your trip reports, you guys are just PERFECT together! You both compromise with each other and have a wonderful give and take. I do have to say that you and I are both lucky to have guys that are pretty easygoing though! Haha, I don't know how Howard deals with me when I get grouchy (usually when I'm hungry, haha).

I know a lot of people say that the first year of marriage is really hard, and I believe that because it's a lot of adjustment. But when others hear that we only have a studio apartment, they say, "Oh man, you're going to be in each other's hair and get annoyed! At least you have the bathroom door to slam!" I was always wondering, um, is that really how it's going to be because I can't imagine it. We recently talked to another young couple at church who is expecting their first baby soon (after losing their first baby after a few months of being pregnant). They helped us by answering wedding questions when we were doing all the preparations. I explained what people have been saying to us, and the husband said, "No, we're still very happy together" and they've been married for a few years already! It calmed me down because I was getting anxious thinking that we were going to have major fights or something coming up soon! I just imagine you and Andy to be the same way! Sure, there will be grouchy moments (you know, when you stay up really late for a YOLO trip and are starving, haha), but it's never anything major. You guys have been through difficult times together; what's a little grouchiness from hunger?

It does stink that you guys are going to be apart for a while though, but if there's ever a time for you try out this Disney stuff, it's now! Howard went to Vancouver during one of the summers we were together to work for his uncle. It was difficult because it was also the summer that my dad was dealing with cancer in his kidney. To be honest, I still hate thinking about the time we were apart, but we did everything to make it not SO painful. We started our own private Facebook account so that we could leave spontaneous videos for each other on the page and we did "photo journaling" for each week. We'd both have our cameras and just take pictures of things that we were doing or seeing and write captions so that we didn't have to feel so separated by the distance AND time zone. We couldn't talk on the phone because he was out of the country, but we survived it. I think it made us stronger, and it was a good thing to be apart for a certain period of time. It was good knowing the date of when it was going to end!

I totally just babbled on and on, but I just felt like saying that you and Andy will make it through this adventure! I can't wait to read more!
Hi! Love reading your posts! My daughter is also doing the College Program and will be arriving August 8th.
You have some serious design and sewing skills! I'm so impressed. :thumbsup2 You could do fashion design with your talent. Anyhooo.... I think you did a great job!

I love the Rapunzel bedding... it is adorable, even if you are 22! :p

Thanks for sharing the story of "Andy & Alicia" and your engagement! How exciting to know that you have a lifetime of Disney and all things wonderful to look forward to sharing! :goodvibes

Thank you :blush: I have tried my hardest to pick up on some life skills that I can use to still keep within my field and degree. I realize (mainly because people are always telling me) how hard it is to get into theatre so this is a pretty good back up plan/survival job. And who knows it may even help me get into the theatre world.

Thank you!!! I needed a princess room. I had Snow White bedding growing up ad I couldn't wait to get back in touch with my inner child.

I am both excited and lucky to be able to share my life with such a wonderful young man. I couldn't be happier, he has been so extremely supportive in all the time that I have known him. I am truly grateful

HI Alicia, I'm Amanda and I've been following your trip reports. I just wanted to say I'm so happy for you that you get to do the College Program. You are going to have a blast. Sure you have cold feet now, but change is hard and nobody likes it. But you have to go out of your comfort zone to experience new things and I'm sure you will be glad you did once you get settled in! I can't wait to hear all about the program. Looking forward to more PTR. -Amanda

:wave2: Hello there Amanda and thank you for reading along!!! And thank you so much for your encouraging words, your right I am positive I will be so glad that I decided to go!!! I can't wait to see what this experience has in store for me :goodvibes Thanks again for reading along

Joining in from your other TR! So jealous you are getting to do the DCP. I've wanted to do it since I first went to Disney (which was three years ago now). I can't wait to hear all about your experience so I can know what to expect when I apply in a few years :mickeyjum

P.S. I just realized I forgot to add something about you being in "Anything Goes". I was in that show this year for High School and I was wondering how you liked it and which version did you do (Was there a Bonnie character or Erma character in the show?). Anyways... loved the set (much better than a High School set lol) and :thumbsup2 to doing Damn Yankees as a show (I auditioned, but I didn't get in. Hopefully will be seeing that production in August :-) )

Welcome aboard!!! I will be sure to keep you up to date with everything going on and if you have any questions about the process and applications feel free to ask, I'd love to help out a fellow Disney enthusiast.

How cool, i love hearing about people who have done the same shows as I have!!! We did kind of a mashup of the two. In our show the character's name was Erma but we added in the Heaven Hop and we also turned the duet of Friendship back into the trio it is in the other version, my High School did the other version a year or two before I got there, I don't remember much about it but I really missed Let's Misbehave and would rather have heard that then The Gypsy song. The set was pretty cool, it was the first production put on in the new theatre so they went all out.

Damn Yankees was a fun show to be in mainly because I love the era it was set in because it meant I got to put on my oldies playlist and get all dolled up every night with my fake eyelashes and red lips. To be honest though, I feel like if you aren't a male/a baseball player there isn't really much action for you unless you are Lola. I was in about three scenes in the entire show. But it was still a great experience I made tons of new friends doing it. And who doesn't love hanging out backstage during shows?!

Awww, I love the story about you and Andy! I'm one of those people who does often think that some people get engaged really young (I went to school with girls who were just DYING to get a boyfriend and then DYING to get married and then DYING to have a baby so it's like they just want the next step NOW), but you and Andy are NOT one of them. I know I don't know you guys personally, but from your trip reports, you guys are just PERFECT together! You both compromise with each other and have a wonderful give and take. I do have to say that you and I are both lucky to have guys that are pretty easygoing though! Haha, I don't know how Howard deals with me when I get grouchy (usually when I'm hungry, haha).

I know a lot of people say that the first year of marriage is really hard, and I believe that because it's a lot of adjustment. But when others hear that we only have a studio apartment, they say, "Oh man, you're going to be in each other's hair and get annoyed! At least you have the bathroom door to slam!" I was always wondering, um, is that really how it's going to be because I can't imagine it. We recently talked to another young couple at church who is expecting their first baby soon (after losing their first baby after a few months of being pregnant). They helped us by answering wedding questions when we were doing all the preparations. I explained what people have been saying to us, and the husband said, "No, we're still very happy together" and they've been married for a few years already! It calmed me down because I was getting anxious thinking that we were going to have major fights or something coming up soon! I just imagine you and Andy to be the same way! Sure, there will be grouchy moments (you know, when you stay up really late for a YOLO trip and are starving, haha), but it's never anything major. You guys have been through difficult times together; what's a little grouchiness from hunger?

It does stink that you guys are going to be apart for a while though, but if there's ever a time for you try out this Disney stuff, it's now! Howard went to Vancouver during one of the summers we were together to work for his uncle. It was difficult because it was also the summer that my dad was dealing with cancer in his kidney. To be honest, I still hate thinking about the time we were apart, but we did everything to make it not SO painful. We started our own private Facebook account so that we could leave spontaneous videos for each other on the page and we did "photo journaling" for each week. We'd both have our cameras and just take pictures of things that we were doing or seeing and write captions so that we didn't have to feel so separated by the distance AND time zone. We couldn't talk on the phone because he was out of the country, but we survived it. I think it made us stronger, and it was a good thing to be apart for a certain period of time. It was good knowing the date of when it was going to end!

I totally just babbled on and on, but I just felt like saying that you and Andy will make it through this adventure! I can't wait to read more!

I totally understand people who are a bit hesitant about younger people getting married. I think we put people's minds at ease when we tell them we are in NO RUSH. We understand that we have a lot to do before we get into that sort of commitment. Thank you :blush: we each think that the other is pretty perfect. I totally agree i am so lucky to have someone who is willing to put up with my crabby munching needs haha.

I LOVE that you shared that with me, it's so relaxing to hear of other people who have had to be away from the one they love and found ways to make it more tolerable. I love the idea of sharing photos and comments about them. i never would have thought about that before. I will definitely have to keep that in mind. If you can handle an entire time zone difference we can handle a few states separating us. Plus no one said he can't visit when he has time off from school. Thanks for all the advice!!! I really appreciate it.

Hi! Love reading your posts! My daughter is also doing the College Program and will be arriving August 8th.

How exciting!!! What is your daughters role? He arrival is approaching so fast. If you/she have any packing or arrival day tips please feel free to share!!! Thanks for reading along. I wish your daughter the best of luck with her move
So, over that past couple weeks I have been going strong with a new obsession that I figured I’d tell you all about!!

About a week ago I received a coupon in the mail from Bed Bath and Beyond coupon in the mail and all of a sudden I was just stock piling the things. Andy’s sister had her own house and gave me two coupons, I got two at my house and Andy’s Dad got some as well so I asked everyone if they were going to use them. They all said no and were so kind as to give me theirs.

Here is my pile


So I went to the BB&B right down the street and found a few things that I could use to organize my closet in Florida. As far as I know that’s really the only actual space I will have. I know there is one dresser with 6 drawers that two people have to share, so three drawers a piece and LET ME TELL YOU. My Disney Tshirt collection is MASSIVE and will not fit in 3 drawers haha.

So the first thing I bought were some super slim hangers.


I thought that these were perfect because all the plastic ones are too bulky and I am looking to find the most compact things to take with me. You know, the whole 2 suitcase thing, gotta make the most of it!!!

Look how slim these hangers are!!! Crazy. I might actually go back and get more of them since they were relatively cheap and I have tons of sun dresses/hang able items to take with me.


I also bought a sweater organizer which I figured can be used for towels as well. As my excess of Tshirts haha also it has mesh pockets of the outside perfect for my 12 million pairs of sunglasses/flip flops.

Andy was so kind as to help me model the product on his lunch break today.


I was really happy with the size of it. I started out with green hangers and a green hanging organizer, which was a pretty decent amount on the smaller side. I was glad I returned them to get the pink. I turned into the pink queen pretty quickly. I hope it’s not too overwhelming for my roommate, I am just a HUGE matchy matchy person and all the other colors only had certain items in each the color.

I also bought a matching hamper. SO MUCH PINK!!!


I looked everywhere in BB&B for pink fabric drawers but they didn’t have any except for black ones so we also made a quick trip to target. They are pretty decent size closets in the apartments and have built in metal shelving so I figure it was a good idea to have some of these as well so I can shove miscellaneous items in them.


The best part about all of it?! It’s so compact and little it takes up hardly any space is a suitcase. I was so excited.

Other things that I have on my list of things to purchase here at home and take with me are bed risers and under the bed storage containers. I am all about organization and I feel like those two items will really help.

In other packing new I purchase 3 large size space bags from eBay for like $12. I must admit I was skeptical of them at first. I read a ton of reviews online saying that if you put even the smallest hole in them they will break. I figured I just need them to last the trip down there. Worst comes to worst they pop on the plane flight there but there will be so many things compressed around it it won’t mater.

So for the heck of it I decided to try them out today, I wanted to be able to come up with an alternative solution if it didn’t work.

So how did they work?

Well here are 15 of my Disney shirts before


And after


There was still SO MUCH ROOM left in the bag and it flattened it into a pancake. IT WAS AWESOME!!!

I think my favorite part of it is undoing the bag and watching the times fluff back up. Simple things.

And for the heck of it I tried putting my comforter in it to see it I could completely maximize space.



and After


Playing with these is totally my new favorite thing to do!!! I can’t wait to use them and see how much will fit. I really am debating buying a few more they were a decent price and will save me a TON of space. So we will see.

Other things that I have ordered and should be arrive shortly are my Disney inspired Toms and friend of mine from schools has created a little business after she graduated last year and I couldn’t resist getting a pair of new park shoes!!! She said they would be sent in the mail tomorrow so hopefully I will have them soon. I also found a really cheap small Vera back pack in a retired pattern on eBay for cheap which will be used as my new park bag. I can’t wait. 25 days till Disney Magic!!! (sung in the tune of the 25th anniversary parade of course)
Glad you found so much stuff at BB&B!

WOW! Those space bags shrink down a lot. You’ll be able to fit a lot!

I CANNOT wait to see your Disney Toms! I always look at them on etsy. They are so cool but they cost a lot of money and I can’t wear them because I have some problems with my feet. :(
Wow, I always thought those space bags were just another fad, but they look pretty effective! Glad to hear now you have another problem that you may not have to worry about that too much anymore. :thumbsup2 for 25 DAYS!!! So excited for ya! :mickeyjum
I LOVE the matching pink organizer items! I'm a matchy-matchy type person as well so I totally get it!

You are inspiring me to take up a new hobby and have some fun with space bags!!! :rotfl: What a great way to save on space and have some fun in the process. I'm so glad that you shared your before and after photos.

Happy planning and packing!!! :)
So glad I found this report to follow too! I love love love to plan, so I am so happy you are reporting on all your DCP planning.

I am exactly the same way with matching. My dorm room was blue and purple, and when my mom found some orange hangers, I said no way, they have to be blue or purple!

Please post a picture of the Disney Toms when they get there. I just got my first pair of Toms yesterday, and I am obsessed.

Can't wait to read more! Can you even believe how close your dream of the DCP is to coming true!?
Excited to see a pic of those Toms. Super impressed with how much space you are going to free up with those bags. Looking forward to hearing all about your DCP adventures, congrats! :)
After spotting this in your signature over in your May trip report, I knew I had to read this one too! Especially since I don't know if the DCP is ever in my future (not necessarily applicable/practical for an aspiring elementary teacher, but it just looks like so much fun!).

You and Andy are so lovely together! I'm gonna have to read that trip report just for the engagement. Long distance is always hard, but I'm sure you two will be able to make it work.

Also you can never have enough of the color pink in your life.
Glad you found so much stuff at BB&B!

WOW! Those space bags shrink down a lot. You’ll be able to fit a lot!

I CANNOT wait to see your Disney Toms! I always look at them on etsy. They are so cool but they cost a lot of money and I can’t wear them because I have some problems with my feet. :(

The space bags are awesome!!! AND I got a coupon from a local store they have a 7 piece set on sale for $13.99. I am definitly going to have to go get that. :rotfl: they are just so amazing.

They came in today I am working on the post as we speak!!!

Wow, I always thought those space bags were just another fad, but they look pretty effective! Glad to hear now you have another problem that you may not have to worry about that too much anymore. :thumbsup2 for 25 DAYS!!! So excited for ya! :mickeyjum

Me too!!! I was pleasantly suprised to see that they work. I am actually in the process of getting my hand on more of them. SO MUCH SPACE :lmao: It is so much weight lifted of my shoulders.

I LOVE the matching pink organizer items! I'm a matchy-matchy type person as well so I totally get it!

You are inspiring me to take up a new hobby and have some fun with space bags!!! :rotfl: What a great way to save on space and have some fun in the process. I'm so glad that you shared your before and after photos.

Happy planning and packing!!! :)

I have a serious matchy matchy problem. I'm glad someone understands!!! It's a little bit out of control.

They are definitely a great investment especially if you have a bunch of bulky winter clothes or excess blankets around the house. I know this family has a ratio of like 10 throw blankets for every one person.

So glad I found this report to follow too! I love love love to plan, so I am so happy you are reporting on all your DCP planning.

I am exactly the same way with matching. My dorm room was blue and purple, and when my mom found some orange hangers, I said no way, they have to be blue or purple!

Please post a picture of the Disney Toms when they get there. I just got my first pair of Toms yesterday, and I am obsessed.

Can't wait to read more! Can you even believe how close your dream of the DCP is to coming true!?

I am a HUGE planner. It's one of my favorite things, in additions to lists. I am all about being organized.

That sounds exactly like me!!! I had originally had green hangers and had to return them. I just couldn't handle one thing being one color and everything else being another if there was the option for everything to be the same.

They are perfect. I borrowed a pair of the shoes from my friend a couple months ago and that set me on the Toms trail. I knew I needed to have a pair and what better kind to have then a Disney pair?! I also heard rumor from a friend of mine that you get discounts on Toms when you do the DCP?! she tweeted something about how she missed the Toms discount from when she was at Disney. Hmmmmm. I need to look into this further once I get there. They are literally some of the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn.


Excited to see a pic of those Toms. Super impressed with how much space you are going to free up with those bags. Looking forward to hearing all about your DCP adventures, congrats! :)

Thank you!!! Pictures are coming SOON. Thanks for reading along with my plans.

After spotting this in your signature over in your May trip report, I knew I had to read this one too! Especially since I don't know if the DCP is ever in my future (not necessarily applicable/practical for an aspiring elementary teacher, but it just looks like so much fun!).

You and Andy are so lovely together! I'm gonna have to read that trip report just for the engagement. Long distance is always hard, but I'm sure you two will be able to make it work.

Also you can never have enough of the color pink in your life.

Thanks for finding me over here!!! I will be sure to keep you totally updated on everything that goes on while I am there.

Thank you so much :goodvibes :blush: We are going to do our best!!! It's great that he already has a trip planned that falls halfway through the program, it makes it a lot easier to think about.

It's getting so close! I would be SO excited! :woohoo: :goodvibes

It's so close. Now comes the REAL packing. Two suitcase and EVERYTHING I think I will need. Here we go. Challenge accepted :rotfl2:

So in my last update I posted about how I had order custom Disney Toms…


THEY CAME IN TODAY!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. They are literally the most perfect things ever to cross this earth. I can’t wait to sport them in the parks.

So a little back story (I am the queen of back stories haha). In college I met a really good friend named Brandi, she is a girl of MANY MANY talents she was head makeup artist on all of the productions I was in in school. She was usually the one who did my hair for shows. Well she got all her classes done and out of the way and graduated a year early. After graduation she put her artistic talents to work and created her own business. She can paint ANYTHING shoes, purses, hats, bags you name it she does it and she is AMAZING at it. So I asked her if she thought she would be able to do some custom Disney Toms for me she was so excited, she knows how much I love Disney and she couldn’t wait to help me start my DCP in style. I told her how I had seen a ton of custom painted Toms on Etsy (specifically a pair of UP inspire ones I was going to buy but they sold before I saved the money). They more I looked at the shape of Tome the more I realized THESE SHOES ARE SHAPED LIKE A MONORAIL!!! So that was it, sorry UP Toms I’m getting a one of a kind pair. So she worked with me to come up with the perfect design. I sent her about a million pictures to get her to really understand what I wanted. After a while I realized that I didn’t want to have two monorail shoes (even though that would have been awesome). I decided that I wanted the other shoe to be the resort area loop because that goes along so well with the monorail. I told her I would like the Castle to be on the front of the shoe and the Contemporary, Polynesian and Grand Floridian on the other sides.

So this is how they turned out:

Does this nor look like a monorail?!


I asked if she could put Mickey and Minnie in silhouettes like they are on the back of some of the Disney Buses but I think it was a little mis-communication and she actually painted them.


I cannot get over how perfectly she painted the castle. Like I just LOVE IT. Mickey balloons everywhere!!!


Mickey and Minnie riding the best ride at Disney!!! haha


Then the inside of each shoe. The monorail one says please stand clear of the doors and the resort loop shoes is the Grand Floridian.


The back features the Poly Volcano pool it was too small to attempt the building I am assuming and a hidden Mickey.


Then there is the contemporary which I think is also just perfectly captured


MY FAVROTIE PART!!! Por favor manténganse alejado de las puertas


They are just the PERFECT shoes. I never had a love of shoes but if all shoes were like this I would be in heaven


I think she did a really amazing job with them, especially for never having been to Disney. She completely captured my obsession!!!

In other and kind of less exciting news (it was exciting yesterday before I got the shoes) I won a small vera back pack on eBay, it’s in a retired pattern so it was MUCH cheaper then the newer versions. I think that this is going to be the perfect park bag for my extended Disney stay.


Close up of the outside zipper. It has little elephants how cute!!!


Inside, that probably my favorite part about Vera Bradley is that there are always pockets/organizers on the inside.

And the back (also has a pocket)


It is the perfect size for a park bag. It can fit a ton without being to bulky. I am going to try it out when my family takes a visit to Dollywood next week. My last family vacation for a while as my mom likes to say. The other day she was freaking out because this was the first year that one of her kids won’t be in the family Christmas photo…. I told her I guess they would just need to come visit me so we could take one in Disney haha.

That’s all the news I have for today. I just couldn’t wait to share my new shoes with you all!!!

As always thanks for reading!!! 21 days until the real updates start. CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT?!


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