Disrespectful comment ??

She is a young adult in my home. He is disrespectful, and knowingly also booking an exit row seat on an aircraft for which is not medically capable of fullfilling is just another example. I dont need an excuse to tell her to button her shirt up its too low maybe it came undone. He however was disrespectful towards her, myself, and other women with his reply. Most women would want to know if they were unbuttoned or a liittle too much was showing but that gives no rights to anyone to make that dispicable remark.
Disrespect is cause for not approving. People who feel they can disrespect others and the law are usually not looked on as respectable citizens. I would not want someone talking to me like that nor be on an aircraft with a person who is sitting in an exit seat knowing he is under a drs care and is not able to lift 58 lbs and does not have full mobility as required by federal law. I guess my instincts were correct.

You seem to refuse to answer the question, how old is your daughter? You have such venomous contempt for this man and it didn't just start because of a comment he made, he is on the tip of your nose and people who have such contempt for someone does not always hear what is actually said, they hear what they want. So I am going to say that your version of the story is about half of what actually happened.

Remember one thing, the more contempt and dislike you show for this young man, is the closer you are going to push your daughter to him.
You obviously don't like him

Aren't you the one who thought it was morally wrong for your daughter to stay in a hotel with his family while he had surgery? Sorry if I have you confused with someone else.

You seem to refuse to answer the question, how old is your daughter? You have such venomous contempt for this man and it didn't just start because of a comment he made, he is on the tip of your nose and people who have such contempt for someone does not always hear what is actually said, they hear what they want. So I am going to say that your version of the story is about half of what actually happened.

Remember one thing, the more contempt and dislike you show for this young man, is the closer you are going to push your daughter to him.

She talks about her daughter like she is the ***** of Babylon in her older posts. Nice.
And yes this did involve my daughter but the question was do you find it disrespectful agree or disagree?
FIRST Let me say I came by this opinion before that last few posts.

I think it was completely disrespectful of the boy to say that in front of the girls Mother. My DH wouldn't have said that in front of my Mother after we were married! I believe he respected her more than that.

I'd also bet my next paycheck that 1 she unbuttoned that 1 button as soon as she was out of your sight.
And 2 he's already seen 'the goods' otherwise he wouldn't be so causal about it.
And yes this did involve my daughter but the question was do you find it disrespectful agree or disagree?

I believe the question was well answered and you asked another on top of the last and confused things a bit.
Its hard to believe your daugther is innocent through all of this. She is 19. Its hard to come to accept but its reality now.
19 really? I get that you made a comment, but really it is her business, unless the girls were totally hanging out. WE are just way too relaxed in our house to let this be a problem. However without hearing his tone, there is no way that I could say he was being disrespectful. I don't find it at all disrespectful to women in general, but if the tone was nasty then I could see it being disrespectful to you and your comment.
I think he was disrespectful. However, it wouldn't have been my parents who would have said anything... I would have told my boyfriend he was rude. At nineteen, I would have told him off myself if I felt that I was disrespected. In other words..Op, your daughter is an adult. She should be the one who stands up to her boyfriend. However, based on your pasts threads your perspective of him may be a bit skewed.
same as a pp - would have been laughed at in my house. we aren't modest...and are able to laugh at things like this. I think you, OP, have it out for this guy no matter how nice he could possibly be.
Laugh, I wouldn't go that far unless you would be laughing at the same person who is arrogant enough to defy federal law and drs orders by booking an exit seat on a aircraft. It is just one disrespectful action after another.
Laugh, I wouldn't go that far unless you would be laughing at the same person who is arrogant enough to defy federal law and drs orders by booking an exit seat on a aircraft. It is just one disrespectful action after another.

Seriously, you need to get a grip on yourself. It would be a shame to lose your daughter in the process of always having to be right in proving how horrible the man she has chosen to spend time with is.
If she didn't feel disrespected by the comment, no big deal - let it go. And looking at the previous history, I'd bet the comment was made, more to irk you, than it was to disrespect your daughter.
I've read past posts of the OP and let's just say, it's not the daughter or the boyfriend that has the issues.
This was a agree disagree question. Those exact words showing off your goods did not cohe out of my mouth, so if you disagree I do respect that. However, inferring that this is a result of something I did or did not do is not what the intention is or was. Was this comment disrespectful?
This was a agree disagree question. Those exact words showing off your goods did not cohe out of my mouth, so if you disagree I do respect that. However, inferring that this is a result of something I did or did not do is not what the intention is or was. Was this comment disrespectful?

So, this was a yes/no question with no gray area? No allowances for tone? Doesnt matter if it was a private joke between a couple who has been dating awhile??? Ok - if the person who the comment was made about (your daughter) didn't feel disrespected, then no - it wasn't disrespectful. If the person who it was made about (your daughter) felt it was disrespectful - then, yes it was.
I think the comment itself was meant to be a joke and I wouldn't feel disrespected if a serious boyfriend said it privately. However, in front of parents? Awkward. Kind of a dumb move. But IMO nothing to really pitch a fit about, they are adults after all.
if they are fine with it then you need to let it go...Just move on!
And 2 he's already seen 'the goods' otherwise he wouldn't be so casual about it.

same as a pp - would have been laughed at in my house. we aren't modest...and are able to laugh at things like this. I think you, OP, have it out for this guy no matter how nice he could possibly be.

Agree with both of these! I can see how it might come across as disrespectful but for a long-term relationship with adults (yes your daughter IS an adult) it wouldn't be a blink in our house. DD's boyfriend will deliberately tease us with off-color comments just to get a rise and it always ends with us laughing (or her father threatening to get his gun ;) ). But they are adults, they've been together five years, and we know and love him so it never seems disrespectful. It's all in fun.

I also don't get the outrage over him "breaking federal laws". I think you are just looking for one more reason not to like this guy.


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