Disrespectful comment ??

I didn't realize that feeble attempts at humor, in your opinion, gives individuals free reign to act however they so choose.

The fact that he was "funny" in front of his girlfriend's parents also says another thing about him...he's dumb.

I think the bulb was a bit dim myself.

Yes, to me, it was more an eye roll moment. :sad2: Because you can't fix dumb.
I did say he was just as disrespectful.

But the OP made a point to state that she told her daughter to button up in front of her boyfriend.

To me, since that was such an important part of the story to make a point of it, the mother was trying to embarrass her daughter in front of her boyfriend.

The boyfriend was definitely disrespectful himself, but probably trying to defend his girlfriend.

If OP had said "Sally, could you meet me in the kitchen for a moment and then told her that she really should button up her shirt a bit more - in private" this never would have happened.

But saying it purposely in front of the boyfriend does make the accusation that she is a hoochie, which is why she got the same kind of disrespect back.

Defending his GF would have been," oh she looks fine. or don't talk to her like" that if OP was using a harsh tone,not she is showing off her goods,lol. And again, it's OP's house, boyfriend was a guest who even if he was kidding(some family's joke) no one wants to hear that from the kid's boyfriend.

We don't know the tone OP said that to her DD, but it honestly doesn't matter it was a conversation between the 2 of them not the bf.
I just made a new thread regarding emergency exit seats, and this same disrespectful young man wants to sit in the these seats even though he had major back surgery recently cannot lift and is under drs care regarding lifting and mobility. I think he is not only disrespectful but arrogant enough to disregard federal laws. Like he can plow through life and do whatever he wants to regardless even if he is jeopardizing the safety of others.
Oh I'm sorry doesn't he know he can only be the discussion of ONE Dis thread a day. Attention hog.:lmao: I'm kidding...Does sound like you do have a couple of issues with this boy though.It has been asked - HOW OLD IS THIS YOUNG MAN? Really just curious. :)
I just made a new thread regarding emergency exit seats, and this same disrespectful young man wants to sit in the these seats even though he had major back surgery recently cannot lift and is under drs care regarding lifting and mobility. I think he is not only disrespectful but arrogant enough to disregard federal laws. Like he can plow through life and do whatever he wants to regardless even if he is jeopardizing the safety of others.

He may be a total tool and it is also obvious you dislike him.
we would have asked told him to leave the house, alone.


I would have gently put my hand on his shoulder, called his name and invited him back in the house for a talk about how to respect my daughter.

Incidents like this are why, in a civilized society if we are going to remain civilized, fathers should be allowed to proffer an open handed smack in the mouth when appropriate for arrogant little punks like that.

There is an off chance it was said in a joking, jovial manner. It would all depend on the age and the how long they had been together ect. ect. So maybe it was in fun. Doesn't sound (look) like it though.
I wouldn't like any man I was with "wanting" me to show off any goods. I would have felt funny towards the boyfriend if I was the dd. But that's just me... I'm modest.
He actually booked the exit seat a tool? I would say he is quite used to doing what he wants regardless of the consequences.
You obviously don't like him

Aren't you the one who thought it was morally wrong for your daughter to stay in a hotel with his family while he had surgery? Sorry if I have you confused with someone else.
I didn't read the replies, but if you consider my daughter to be "goods," you could be leaving my house without her.
Disrespect is cause for not approving. People who feel they can disrespect others and the law are usually not looked on as respectable citizens. I would not want someone talking to me like that nor be on an aircraft with a person who is sitting in an exit seat knowing he is under a drs care and is not able to lift 58 lbs and does not have full mobility as required by federal law. I guess my instincts were correct.
I would have pulled my daughter aside, I think. She is eight now and thank god I don't have to worry about boyfriends. Ugh! I am going to enjoy every day that my girls are still little.

How old are they?
Depending on age, I think it was more disrespectful of you to embarrass your daughter in front of her boyfriend. You could have pulled her aside and told her to button her shirt.

You demonstrated disrespect and you got it right back.

If you want to be treated with respect, the number one rule is to treat others with respect first.
My thought is this. Maybe she wanted to have her girls looked at. Can't place all the blame on the guy. She maybe should have had more decency.

OP, obviously you don't like him, so anything he does is going to irritate you.
He is looking at other girls in that manner. He would of left my home alone, and sat my daughter down and let her know this is not how a man treats a woman.
You obviously don't like him

Aren't you the one who thought it was morally wrong for your daughter to stay in a hotel with his family while he had surgery? Sorry if I have you confused with someone else.

Yes, she is. I played DIS detective. And here is another charming thread by her. Nice way to refer to your child, OP.



Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 141

My youngest is eighteen and yes my oldest has caused significant trouble. She goes through guys like nothing and gets upset if we do not want to meet every Tom Dick and Harry she decides to shack up with. She just broke it up with one and is already in another relationship. We have already told her that we are not interested in meeting her casual partners to wait until she is engaged or extremely serious. Seriously, I am losing count. My husband said that no more guys can come over with her for a visit and if she does not like it than she does not need to come over either just such a bad influence on her sister. No respect for herself.


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