Rumor of future discounts

I've been reading everybody's posts and thought that Disney might like to read them as well. So, I sent Disney an email this morning. I may get nothing more than a "thank you so much for your comments" email back but I really thought they should hear what we all have to say. Here's a copy of my email to them:

Good morning,

We are WDW vacationers/lovers through and through and hope to continue to be for many years to come. I'd like to voice a few of my thoughts and concerns if I may.

In the past, we have been fortunate enough to take advantage of discounts that Disney has offered to the general public. Without these discounts, our family would not have been able to visit Walt Disney World. We spend, literally, thousands upon thousands of dollars while on vacation. We scrimp and save all year long in order to enjoy ourselves. Having said that, over the last few trips, we have cut back a lot on the "extras" such as snacks, souvenirs, etc. Those little "extras" certainly don't make or break our vacation but it does take a bit of the joy and excitement away.

I have already booked our 2012 vacation but it's at "rack rate" and without dining (which we got free last trip) and I couldn't believe the price of the vacation. My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw the price. Needless to say, it was a massive blow to our already tight pocketbook. Unfortunately, with the rise of the ticket and room prices as well as the increase in the price of food and dining, I am not sure if we will be able to keep the reservation and vacation at Disney next year unless Disney comes out with a special offer during our travel dates (May 23rd through June 2nd).

It makes me sad to think that we may have to vacation elsewhere but the reality is that the economy has hit us hard as it has many others in the United States and elsewhere. I would rather give my hard earned vacation dollars to Mickey Mouse and his gang but that may be what we have to do.

I am an active participant in a discussion board and I know that I am not alone in my concerns. There is one thread in particular that was started which discusses whether or not people will be able to travel to Disney in the future. I thought you guys might be interested in the thoughts of those posters. If so, here's the link: I am sure that this thread will continue on and on as we all have thoughts on whether or not we can travel to Disney if there are no future discounts/special offers.

I know that I am only a little fish in the sea of those who swim/travel to Walt Disney World each and every year but I wanted to express my thoughts and concerns to you. I hope that I am able to keep our reservation but I simply do not know if we can do that without some sort of discount. Hopefully, you guys will send me one of those ever elusive pin codes or put something out for the general public that I can take advantage of. I know I have to decide something soon. It may be a pipe dream to think that there will be offers during our travel dates but a girl can dream can't she?

Thank you so much for your time.
I can't believe it, but I too am seriously considering offsite this winter - or somewhere else altogether. We did a week long Caribbean cruise with our two kids this past February on Royal Caribbean and had two connecting rooms (interior, but with a window overlooking shopping promenade) for a total of $2880. That did not include airfare, but it included every meal - as much as we could eat. Excursions were add ons, too, but with kids we tend to do the less expensive sightseeing/beach excursions anyway. As for offsite, we rented a condo through vrbo at the beach this summer and had a fabulous experience. I would definitely use a vrbo property again - so much savings!!!
Ok....bear with me on this one.
While I can understand what Disney is thinking (because this is the way that all people who sell something think) I cannot, for the life of me figure out how or why it will help.
The worst thing that a company can do, especially during an enormous recession, is isolate people that buy your product. I know there are those of you out there that can afford whatever kind of Disney Vacation you want, and you will disagree, but the place has become so expensive, you really aren't getting a discount, you are just getting charged less. And I find it some times offensive the way that Disney isolates guests depending on how much they pay. The prime example are the value vs. moderate resorts. Values can tend to be much more motel like (loud, crowded) while the moderates have a much more quiet feel with a lot more ambience. Yet the rooms are very close if not identical in size. Then on top of that you need to pay to get into the parks. $80+ for one day isn't cheap. If they were to remove discounts, you might find them going in the opposite direction. Meaning you might find a quick influx of people who can REALLY afford a Disney vacation, followed by a drought. Those of us that have to plan way ahead and hope we can save enough will be going much less and I don't they will get as many "foreign" visitors as they think...

Just my $.02 :teacher:
Well we are upgrading from pop tonight to CBR. Because we have Free dining. IF there was no FD we would probably be staying at a value with the QSDP.

If we can get a discount at disney next year we will proabably do the Royal Carribean dreamworks cruise for 7 nights then go to disney for 7. But if there is not a discount we will head to Universal after. I'm not ready to change up my vacations and leave disney out but little to no discounts will make other options look better to us. The universal hotel IMO are worth the money. I thinkk RPR is around 200.00 and it is comparable to a disney deluxe. IMO
Well we are upgrading from pop tonight to CBR. Because we have Free dining. IF there was no FD we would probably be staying at a value with the QSDP.

If we can get a discount at disney next year we will proabably do the Royal Carribean dreamworks cruise for 7 nights then go to disney for 7. But if there is not a discount we will head to Universal after. I'm not ready to change up my vacations and leave disney out but little to no discounts will make other options look better to us. The universal hotel IMO are worth the money. I thinkk RPR is around 200.00 and it is comparable to a disney deluxe. IMO

I was wondering if you had upgraded or not. As you know, we're contemplating giving some of our hard earned money to Universal next year. I know that Disney owes us nothing but it sure does hurt when you look at those prices.
I think it's interesting to read the responses to these "rumors". First and foremost no one really knows what Disney's master plan, you can only speculate. Secondly it seems as though I'm noticing that many of you who have visted Disney very frequently seem the most upset by the idea of no discounts as opposed to someone like me who goes once every 5 or 6 years. When I plan for Disney I never plan on getting a discount. If we get one great, if we don't, no worries bc I'm paying what I expected to pay. Another thing I've noticed is that many seem to expect or feel entitled to a discount. Disney is a business like any other and the reality is none of us "need" to go there. We go there because we "want" to go there. I agree prices are ridiculous and overinflated but it is what it is, that's whay you pay for "magic" :lmao:. If you want to go to Disney, you have to expect to pay their prices. None of us are entitled to a deal or discount. If they don't have discounts and you can't afford to go at rack rates, than you stay off site, or you don't go period. It's no different than going clothes shopping. I can walk into a high end store and want a pair of $200 blue jeans, I am not entitled to a discount just because I want them. If I can afford them I can get them, if not I walk out and go into another store and purchase a cheaper pair or go home and keep saving my money. Disney is a massive company and I'm sure they've done their research and crunched the numbers and forecasted the future quite sophisticatedly, they no doubt have a plan that will always revolve around them making the most profit they can (they've done pretty good at it thus far). My 2cents, plan a vacation you can afford with no discounts and in the event there is one it's like a little bonus.

i totally agree, we, as yourself, have been there on different promotions such as free dining, however, we never rec'd a pin code. we have been going to disney for years and years, this year my DD will be 21 and of course wants to go to Disney, now we booked delux, however,, if no offers come out, we will be forced to either not do it this year, or go down to a value. I really hope Disney sees and realizes no discount or offers, is not in their best interest, not now a days with so people barely holding onto jobs, come please come through for us.
I was wondering if you had upgraded or not. As you know, we're contemplating giving some of our hard earned money to Universal next year. I know that Disney owes us nothing but it sure does hurt when you look at those prices.

Yes we are doing it tonight. :)

I have to wait for DH to get home with his Credit card so I can do it. I had to make sure I had enough money to pay the card off first. We have alot of expenses this month and next. Car registartions,property taxes and dance registrations for 2 girls that both take tap and ballet. I could go on and on. LOL
I think it's interesting to read the responses to these "rumors". First and foremost no one really knows what Disney's master plan, you can only speculate. Secondly it seems as though I'm noticing that many of you who have visted Disney very frequently seem the most upset by the idea of no discounts as opposed to someone like me who goes once every 5 or 6 years. When I plan for Disney I never plan on getting a discount. If we get one great, if we don't, no worries bc I'm paying what I expected to pay. Another thing I've noticed is that many seem to expect or feel entitled to a discount. Disney is a business like any other and the reality is none of us "need" to go there. We go there because we "want" to go there. I agree prices are ridiculous and overinflated but it is what it is, that's whay you pay for "magic" :lmao:. If you want to go to Disney, you have to expect to pay their prices. None of us are entitled to a deal or discount. If they don't have discounts and you can't afford to go at rack rates, than you stay off site, or you don't go period. It's no different than going clothes shopping. I can walk into a high end store and want a pair of $200 blue jeans, I am not entitled to a discount just because I want them. If I can afford them I can get them, if not I walk out and go into another store and purchase a cheaper pair or go home and keep saving my money. Disney is a massive company and I'm sure they've done their research and crunched the numbers and forecasted the future quite sophisticatedly, they no doubt have a plan that will always revolve around them making the most profit they can (they've done pretty good at it thus far). My 2cents, plan a vacation you can afford with no discounts and in the event there is one it's like a little bonus.

But I don't have to plan a vacation with no discounts. There are plenty of other places to go. Free dining is the #1 reason my family has been drawn back to WDW every year. When its cheaper to go to Yellowstone, we are so there! And without free dining it will be. Its not entitlement, but it may be expectation. And even it I could afford to purchase the $200 pair of jeans, I wouldn't do it - absolutely no way. But if they were on sale (and I mean deeply discounted), then I might.
But I don't have to plan a vacation with no discounts. There are plenty of other places to go. Free dining is the #1 reason my family has been drawn back to WDW every year. When its cheaper to go to Yellowstone, we are so there! And without free dining it will be. Its not entitlement, but it may be expectation. And even it I could afford to purchase the $200 pair of jeans, I wouldn't do it - absolutely no way. But if they were on sale (and I mean deeply discounted), then I might.

That is precisely the point I was making. Go if you can, don't if you can't but don't expect of feel entitled to a discount or free dining, etc. You are exactly right you don't HAVE to go with no discounts but it's not Disney's job to give a discount so you will. It's all up to you as a consumer.

i totally agree, we, as yourself, have been there on different promotions such as free dining, however, we never rec'd a pin code. we have been going to disney for years and years, this year my DD will be 21 and of course wants to go to Disney, now we booked delux, however,, if no offers come out, we will be forced to either not do it this year, or go down to a value. I really hope Disney sees and realizes no discount or offers, is not in their best interest, not now a days with so people barely holding onto jobs, come please come through for us.

We've gone to a couple of times without any discount at all. Of course, that was before I realized that Disney actually has deals. :laughing:

Yes we are doing it tonight. :)

I have to wait for DH to get home with his Credit card so I can do it. I had to make sure I had enough money to pay the card off first. We have alot of expenses this month and next. Car registartions,property taxes and dance registrations for 2 girls that both take tap and ballet. I could go on and on. LOL

Girl, I am right there with ya! We have three car insurances to pay this month, our daughter is getting married next month, our son's football expenses are coming up, etc. etc, etc. :eek:

But I don't have to plan a vacation with no discounts. There are plenty of other places to go. Free dining is the #1 reason my family has been drawn back to WDW every year. When its cheaper to go to Yellowstone, we are so there! And without free dining it will be. Its not entitlement, but it may be expectation. And even it I could afford to purchase the $200 pair of jeans, I wouldn't do it - absolutely no way. But if they were on sale (and I mean deeply discounted), then I might.

Agreed! Like I said in my email to Disney, we are Disney lovers through and through. That certainly doesn't mean that we aren't open to other vacation destinations if it is lots cheaper.
I really wonder how those assumptions will play out in practice. At the very least I think they'll drive most larger families back offsite, especially in light of the ridiculous pricing of the Art of Animation suites (3x the cost of a value room, really?!).

We're currently looking at Bonnet Creek vs onsite (either Fort Wilderness cabin or 2 rooms at POFQ) and it'll take a very good discount for onsite to be cost-competitive. Right now, we're looking at $6900 for room/tickets/dining with Disney to have a one-bedroom cabin or $3400 for room/tickets/car rental in a 2 bedroom at Bonnet Creek. Add a generous $2500 dining budget for the week and the Disney resort is still $1000 more expensive for lower quality accommodations in a resort with fewer amenities.

Disney can say they want to wean the public off of discounts or claim the onsite perks are worth the price difference, but I don't see anything Disney is offering that will convince me to spend $1000 more for 7 nights. Their rack rates are simply too out of line with other brands' pricing for the much-hyped "end of discounts" to be practical.
But I don't have to plan a vacation with no discounts. There are plenty of other places to go. Free dining is the #1 reason my family has been drawn back to WDW every year. When its cheaper to go to Yellowstone, we are so there! And without free dining it will be. Its not entitlement, but it may be expectation. And even it I could afford to purchase the $200 pair of jeans, I wouldn't do it - absolutely no way. But if they were on sale (and I mean deeply discounted), then I might.

I agree with you, I do not feel entitled to the discounts, but without them is the product worth the price? If McDonalds announced tomorrow that the normal price of their fountain soda's were going to be $5.00, but that they were still doing the "special promotion" of $1.00 temporarily. Do you think as soon as the promotion was over that everyone would still go, and now pay $5.00 for a coke? Even though McDonalds is the largest fast food chain in the country and kids all over try and drag their parents there, would many go? I do not believe it would happen, because the product is not worth that, when there are other options. The disocunted rate seemed fair, the overinflated normal rate does not.

To me it is the same principal, sure some would still go, but the majority of people will go across the street where they can get a pepsi much cheaper.

In my opinion if I was in marketing for the competition, like Universal & Sea World, I would take advantage of the rumors out there and the fact that Disney is saying they are "weaning everyone off discounts" I would run huge discount campaigns and cash in on the opportunity to snag customers looking for a deal.
I think it's interesting to read the responses to these "rumors". First and foremost no one really knows what Disney's master plan, you can only speculate. Secondly it seems as though I'm noticing that many of you who have visted Disney very frequently seem the most upset by the idea of no discounts as opposed to someone like me who goes once every 5 or 6 years. When I plan for Disney I never plan on getting a discount. If we get one great, if we don't, no worries bc I'm paying what I expected to pay. Another thing I've noticed is that many seem to expect or feel entitled to a discount. Disney is a business like any other and the reality is none of us "need" to go there. We go there because we "want" to go there. I agree prices are ridiculous and overinflated but it is what it is, that's whay you pay for "magic" :lmao:. If you want to go to Disney, you have to expect to pay their prices. None of us are entitled to a deal or discount. If they don't have discounts and you can't afford to go at rack rates, than you stay off site, or you don't go period. It's no different than going clothes shopping. I can walk into a high end store and want a pair of $200 blue jeans, I am not entitled to a discount just because I want them. If I can afford them I can get them, if not I walk out and go into another store and purchase a cheaper pair or go home and keep saving my money. Disney is a massive company and I'm sure they've done their research and crunched the numbers and forecasted the future quite sophisticatedly, they no doubt have a plan that will always revolve around them making the most profit they can (they've done pretty good at it thus far). My 2cents, plan a vacation you can afford with no discounts and in the event there is one it's like a little bonus.

I don't think you read all the posts. I can afford whatever vacation I want. My point is that Disney is overpriced at their current rack rate. I didn't get to be able to afford luxury's like this by being stupid with my money. I don't care about a "discount", I will pay full price, if full price is fair. The point of this thread is that their current pricing is well above comparable vacation destinations. The people who can afford it think its ridiclous and the people scrapping to afford it won't be able to go. Yes it is a business, yes they are in business to make profit. If they can fill the place at those prices without my business all the power to them, but I doubt they can.

I also don't see Disney as a vacation spot for "Rich" people only. That's why they have different level's of resorts.

I actually think that jacking the prices way up and offering big discounts is smart business, people think they are getting a better deal and spend their money happily. But is this case jacking up the prices and not offering discounts prices them way out of the market.
It all goes to what the market will bear. Disney will charge what they can to make the biggest profit margins. If these margins start falling below target then they'll go back to discounts. If the margins stay steady then they'll keep charging more until profits start to fall off.

I have an idea of how much I'm willing to pay so if it's within my terms of reasonableness, I'll pay it, if not, I won't.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out over the next couple of years.
We have always stayed on property....and we stay at a deluxe because there are five of us.....but I could go off site if I had to .

The fact is, we do without a lot of extras during the year to afford this trip. I prefer to be on property because I think it's part of getting the full Disney experience, but as my kids get older, I think that is getting less important. Without a decent discount, I just can't justify paying those rack rates in the middle of January. Like someone else said, it will be a different trip, not necessarily a bad trip. In addition, if I am off property, we will be more inclined to do less Disney things (Universal, Seaworld, space center etc)

If you read reviews on sites like Trip advisor, people are complaining about the cleanliness of rooms and the size and selection of the menus. If you continue to raise prices while decreasing the quality of the product, it will come back to bite you eventually. Sure there will be some who will go regardless but there will be others who don't.
That is precisely the point I was making. Go if you can, don't if you can't but don't expect of feel entitled to a discount or free dining, etc. You are exactly right you don't HAVE to go with no discounts but it's not Disney's job to give a discount so you will. It's all up to you as a consumer.

I feel entitled to fair market pricing and compared to hotels like the Waldorf, Disney's Deluxe hotels are overpriced. I don't understand the jean comparison because clothing is constantly going on sale. The sales strategy is to make as much money on the front end (when the item comes out) and to continue to mark the item down as it sits. We all know that clothing goes on sale (which is why the Coach Outlet near me is NEVER empty but the Coach store in Tyson's Mall rarely has very many customers.) Most smart shoppers know this and wait for the sales. Shopping 101 :thumbsup2 Likewise, if I know that I can get a particular pair of jeans at a lower price at one store, it would be crazy for me to purchase them at top dollar at another store now wouldn't it? Just saying....:confused3
If you want to go to Disney, you have to expect to pay their prices. None of us are entitled to a deal or discount.

Entitled is a loaded word. I think many of us who object to Disney's push to get people paying rack rate aren't as focused on the dollars and cents of the discount but rather the value for the dollar. Disney's rack rates are far out of line with local norms to begin with - the Poly is a full $200/night more than the much more luxurious Waldorf-Astoria, for example - and they continue to cut back on the park, dining, resort, and shopping experiences they offer for those inflated prices.

Those of us who go often are more apt to notice changes, where someone who goes every 5+ years probably isn't thinking about how pretty the Lights of Winter used to be or about how great it was to ride Dumbo with Goofy back when the characters were out for EMH or think about how nice her 25th anniversary backpack is and how nothing they're selling now compares. Nor is that occasional guest looking at their vacation quote and realizing that rack rate on this year's trip is $600 more than rack rate on last year's trip, which was $400 more than rack rate the year before that, and so on.

Couple that greater awareness of cuts and price increases with the fact that our nation is in a recession and other vacation destinations are throwing in everything but the kitchen sink to lure visitors in (am I the only one who saw kids stay & eat free, free breakfast, 4th night free AND free companion airfare from Atlantis?), and it does come to a point where Disney just doesn't feel like it is worth the money any more.
I don't think you read all the posts. I can afford whatever vacation I want. My point is that Disney is overpriced at their current rack rate. I didn't get to be able to afford luxury's like this by being stupid with my money. I don't care about a "discount", I will pay full price, if full price is fair. The point of this thread is that their current pricing is well above comparable vacation destinations. The people who can afford it think its ridiclous and the people scrapping to afford it won't be able to go. Yes it is a business, yes they are in business to make profit. If they can fill the place at those prices without my business all the power to them, but I doubt they can.

I also don't see Disney as a vacation spot for "Rich" people only. That's why they have different level's of resorts.

I actually think that jacking the prices way up and offering big discounts is smart business, people think they are getting a better deal and spend their money happily. But is this case jacking up the prices and not offering discounts prices them way out of the market.

Actually I did read the entire thread what I was addressing was the people who seem to expect a discount. Obviously that isn't you according to your previous post. Disney has ALWAYS been overpriced, this is nothing new. What is new is the speculation on not getting discounts hence the original starting post. There are many different avenues for a Disney vacation and I've done just about all of them so forgive me if I'm not breaking out the violin because some are just "scrapping" together to afford staying at a Disney Resort. It's a luxury in and of itself not a necessity. And you are correct Disney will charge as much as the market will allow. Sorry for the unpopular opinion, didn't mean to offend, just being real.
Colleen you put it beautifully. People who go back year after year do so because there is that intangible thing about Disney has that makes some of us Mousejunkies. When you see things get cut back time and time again it is sad. When the prices increase exponentially and the quality goes down, people who are savvy consumers have a hard time swallowing that. (no matter how much you love it)


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