June 2011 No Buy Thread- Keeping our summer spending in check

Well, we had dinner in tonight -- mostly because I wanted that streak to continue! Now if I can keep it up tomorrow we can set a new record!

6/1: :cool1:
6/2: :cool1:

no buy days: 2/12
longest no buy streak: 3
meals out: 0/5
current no dinner out streak: 10
longest no dinner out streak: 10
Goal: 10 no spend days
Budget: Just trying to get in the habit of tracking this month.

6/1: $0 :cool1:
6/2: $0 :cool1:
I would swap in a heartbeat too! We spend between $800-900 a month on gas! I keep telling my DH that we could move closer to civilization and save so much money, but he won't go for it!
:sad2: It's insane isn't it the problem is i do live in civilization it is just the cost of fuel is so high here I cant wait to get back to the USA and pay a decent price we brought our receipts home last year just to prove to everyone how much less it costs to fill a car :rotfl2:

:cool1: So i totally failed on the grocery front last month but am so happy to have achieved what i did so i will change my expectations this month!
:confused:This month it is a juggle between do i finish paying the flights or do i change cash so it will be a week by week thing for us :upsidedowhappy with either or both depending on DH's overtime which is a bit lacking at the moment but we are praying it will pick back up.:goodvibes

goal for the monthVSactual money spent
Grocery's $700($62.02)
Flights $2500 left to pay
US cash$2500 ($800)
Fuel $700
Miscellaneous $100($24.50)

June 1 $0 not leaving the house so it's a good start:dance3:
June 2 $867.75( :cheer2:$800US cash costing$781.23:cheer2: phone for DH$24.50 $62.02 grocery's)
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 22
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30

No buy days 1/12

Welcome ariamac it is great to have this thread to help you be accountable or just to know where your spending has gone:goodvibes[/QUOTE]
Even though I spent money today, overall it was a great money day for me. My heat pump repair was just $105. My check engine light is gone and I have power again when I shift gears (and I haven't even installed the fuel filter ). My foot is half the size it was and stopped hurting so I'm not planning on going to the doc. I was on such a "yay I can do it!" high that I fixed my sofa too. It's amazing what you can do with a hammer and several deck screws :goodvibes

6-2 $105 for heat pump repair
6-1 $45.50 ish (check CC)
2nd day in and I already ate out...But that's because I had nothing in the fridge and wasn't going to stay in that house for the weekend anyways...Let's hope tomorrow's a little better!

Overall budget: $400
Gas: $46/70
No buys: 0/10
Eating out: 1/6

I'm going to try to limit how many times I can shop for certain items
Clothing: 0/5
The Body Shop: 0/4
Gifts: 0/4

1-$10.98 (groceries)
2-$2.09 (Burger King)

Sale/coupon savings: $0
Thanks everyone! We currently rent and live in a one bedroom apartment so it would be awesome if it all works out, since our son would finally get his own room and we can stop throwing our money away. We go to the loan broker on Saturday.

Running Total: Spent $0
$0 Days:2/13

Groceries ($150-$5/day)- $0
Eating Out ($210-$6/day)- $0
Misc. (Shopping/Entertainment) ($390-$13/day) $0
Gas $250-

1- $0
2- $0

Budget: $1000....0%
Month: 2/30: 7%

No Buy: 2/13: 15%

My savings from coupons and sales: $0

August: $300 Hotel Room for Cedar Point
October: ~$250 Rental Car
:wave: to all-new and old, er, EVERYONE!
Even though I spent money today, overall it was a great money day for me. My heat pump repair was just $105. My check engine light is gone and I have power again when I shift gears (and I haven't even installed the fuel filter ). My foot is half the size it was and stopped hurting so I'm not planning on going to the doc. I was on such a "yay I can do it!" high that I fixed my sofa too. It's amazing what you can do with a hammer and several deck screws :goodvibes

6-2 $105 for heat pump repair
6-1 $45.50 ish (check CC)
This are looking UP!

Hi! I'm kinda new here and definitely new at this not spending. Oh, I'm sooo in this too. I just opened a savings and they take a huge chunk from my paycheck so it's really tightened things up for us and we really need to do this too. So far, I'm off to a good start. We do have 2 birthday's coming up this month and giving money cards out. I am determined to stay out of the grocery store, and live out of the pantry and freezer. DH has given me a challenge to make do with what we have on hand. He says I have enough food to feed an army. LOL, he might be sorta right. I have a tendency to plan ahead and prepare for a rainy day and overstock. But I want to save for a Disney trip so I'm joining in!
Getting used to the less money will take a few pays, but it is worth it in the end!

I forgot to aim for my $0 this month, so I think that I will change it to 10, since the 12 was a true stretch for me, and this is going to be a 'spendy' month.
YEAH for the weekend!:cool1:

Budget: Actual (last month expenses)
Gas: $400 $49 ($295)
Groceries/Household: $600 $52 ($564)
Drug co-pays/medicine/lens: $40 $0 ($35)
Misc including gifts: $250 $0 ( 505)
Pool expenses: $200 $0 ($79)
Dining: $150 $0 ($67) (birthday, Father's Day, graduation)

June 1: gas $49, groceries $52
June 2: $0 :hippie:

No Buy Days: 1/10
I am not sure if I am yeah or nay for the weekend!! I usually spend some cash on my days off!!!
Funny! I have already tied my no-buy days for last month. Got free donuts today, too. Yay free!

First no buy of the month. Go team! we can do this.

Running Total: Spent $87
$1100 budget... $1013 left
$0 Days: 1
Goal is 8 or more!
coupon/sale savings : 9

Groceries budget- $350-54= 296
Wedding dress budget $1100
Disney weekend budget $550

June 1: 33 ( 20 post office, 13 gas)
June 2: 54 ( groceries)
June 3: 0
I have a bad habit of buying stuff for other people to rationalize my spending...So I'll be cutting back on my gift-buying.

I was thinking about this today. There are so many occasions for gift giving. Lately there have been SO MANY baby showers. I feel terrible because I really can't afford to give much in the way of gifts right now.

Then there is the issue of the eating out. Everybody wants to eat out at the end of the school year for people who are leaving as well as just end of the year celebrations. It is a strain. Fortunately (or not?) I was actually not invited to at least 3 of the going away parties (I didn't know the people well....my school has a large staff).

Someone was actually insulting me recently, telling me I needed to get a life and go out and party more and spend more money. She already was complaining about the amount of debt she has, and she was trying to get a 2nd job so she can pay her bills. I do feel like lack of money is holding me back, but I'm trying to be responsible. SIGH!

CASH ($400):

1: $2.00 snoball
2: $31.00 school uniform shirts (yes, for me!) and lunch out with colleagues
3: $7.01 Popeyes


CASH Subtotal: $40.01
CASH $0 Days: 0

GAS ($75):

3: $14.11 ($3.45/gallon)

GAS Subtotal: $14.11
GAS $0 Days: 2 :cool2: :lmao:
I just realized that the receipt I got today at the gas station was the wrong one. The pump did not print the receipt and I had to go inside and ask for one. The guy printed me the receipt for the wrong pump. I hope I get charged correctly, since I have no proof! :eek:

I pumped $14.11 worth of gas; the the receipt is for got $40!
I'd just like to keep my non-bill spending under $1000.

1- $32.99 Amazon (Zumba for Wii now that I have the okay to exercise!)
2- $59.27 Publix (saved $37.29)
3- $11 Red Lobster, $14.69 Target (saved $2.75), $26.16 Mother Earth (lactation aids), $52.00 Gas

Sale&Coupon Savings: $40.04
Ronnmel, I don't have any guesses, but I'm very curious now! Your wedding looks lovely!
Thanks wlake! I'll let you guys know when I post the next update. :)

Someone was actually insulting me recently, telling me I needed to get a life and go out and party more and spend more money. She already was complaining about the amount of debt she has, and she was trying to get a 2nd job so she can pay her bills. I do feel like lack of money is holding me back, but I'm trying to be responsible. SIGH!

Geez, maybe that woman should look at her own situation before insulting others. As much fun as going out is, it's not worth it if you live in debts! As long as you keep some amount of fun in life, it doesn't have to be all the time and/or expensive.

This month has been off to a good start! Based on last year, this should be a very inexpensive month. Let's jsut hope so! :goodvibes

No Buy Days : 3/12
Gas : 0$ (max 120$)
Groceries : 0$ (max 200$)
Eating out (and snacks) : 0$ (max 100$)
Non-necessities : 0$ (max 200$)

01/06 : 0$
02/06 : 0$
03/06 : 0$
Goal: 10 no spend days
Budget: Just trying to get in the habit of tracking this month.

6/1: $0 :cool1:
6/2: $0 :cool1:
6/3: $25.02 - gas. Barely got me to half a tank in my tiny little Cobalt. $18.08, dinner out with DH at Five Guys. (Yum, Fries!)

I also stopped into the Verizon store to talk about an issue with my phone. Chargers don't stay plugged in - I can use the dock on my Droid at home/work but my car charger is useless. There's a crack in there, and I'm out of manufacturer's warranty. I could use the insurance on my phone and pay $90 and get a new (outdated) Droid, I could spend $220 on a Droid Incredible, or I can do what I did, and thank her and walk out. I won't need to charge the phone in the car much in the next few months, so I can decide if I want a new phone without making an impulse purchase.
Good for today: we made it to 11 nights without eating dinner out! :cool1: It's our longest streak since I started tracking no buys 7 months ago!

Bad for today: I broke the best and most expensive pair of sunglasses I've owned. (And I mean BROKE. The frames are now in four pieces.) I'll start shopping for a new pair tomorrow, as I'm a person who wears them even in the fog and rain because I can't handle glare.

6/1: :cool1:
6/2: :cool1:
6/3: :cool1:

no buy days: 3/12
longest no buy streak: 3
meals out: 0/5
current no dinner out streak: 11
longest no dinner out streak: 11
Running Total: Spent $0
$0 Days:3/13

Groceries ($150-$5/day)- $0
Eating Out ($210-$6/day)- $0
Misc. (Shopping/Entertainment) ($390-$13/day) $0
Gas $250-

1- $0
2- $0
3- $0

Budget: $1000....0%
Month: 3/30: 10%

No Buy: 3/13: 23%

My savings from coupons and sales: $0

August: $300 Hotel Room for Cedar Point
October: ~$250 Rental Car
I was thinking about this today. There are so many occasions for gift giving. Lately there have been SO MANY baby showers. I feel terrible because I really can't afford to give much in the way of gifts right now.

Our lives are becoming more and more consumerist...I never knew I had to get people Easter gifts until this year! All of a sudden, all these stores are telling that their products would make the "perfect gift for Easter". Good thing my family and friends weren't expecting any.

Then there is the issue of the eating out. Everybody wants to eat out at the end of the school year for people who are leaving as well as just end of the year celebrations. It is a strain. Fortunately (or not?) I was actually not invited to at least 3 of the going away parties (I didn't know the people well....my school has a large staff).

Going away? Like, away to college or just an end of the year party? I guess I'm lucky that graduation parties aren't a big thing over here. It's just another nice dinner out with the family.

Someone was actually insulting me recently, telling me I needed to get a life and go out and party more and spend more money. She already was complaining about the amount of debt she has, and she was trying to get a 2nd job so she can pay her bills. I do feel like lack of money is holding me back, but I'm trying to be responsible. SIGH!

Geez, maybe that woman should look at her own situation before insulting others. As much fun as going out is, it's not worth it if you live in debts! As long as you keep some amount of fun in life, it doesn't have to be all the time and/or expensive.

I can't believe someone insulted you for that....

Ok, my first no buy day! DBF treated for a dinner out, so that doesn't take away from my eat out days. :cool1:

Overall budget: $400
Gas: $46/70
No buys: 1/10
Eating out: 1/6

I'm going to try to limit how many times I can shop for certain items
Clothing: 0/5
The Body Shop: 0/4
Gifts: 0/4

1-$10.98 (groceries)
2-$2.09 (Burger King)
$40-13.07=$26.93 (so far, so good!)


Sale/coupon savings: $0
Hello No Buy Friends! After a few months off I'm back. We're in our new house, all unpacked and ready to move forward with this phase of our life. I'm still a little iffy on my budget because I haven't gotten a set of utility bills for the new house yet. We're in a much bigger house in a new city with new providers, so I have no real idea what to expect. For this month, I'm hoping for 7 no buys and 7 days under $10. I'm so glad to be back!

June 1 $20 Dh's PT, $35 groceries, $7 took the boys to the movies- tickets were $1 each and I got us all a water to drink, $15 Subway after the movies.

June 2 $6 took the boys bowling- the games were free but I had to pay for shoe rental.

June 3 $40 groceries- had dinner with my parents, they wanted me to bring a few different things so I had to stop at the store and get a few misc. groceries.

0/7 No Buy Days
1/7 Under $10 Days


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