June 2011 No Buy Thread- Keeping our summer spending in check

Let's see...you had to go get the rental car serviced. :headache:

And cool on the snorkeling and swimming with dolphins! Does your trip report have pictures from those activities?

Oh, that would have been bad. :headache: Thankfully, it was something positive. I should be posting that update this weekend. ;)

This post has a link to all my updates. The ones in light blue are the wedding TR.
Day 4 part 1 is the snorkeling, and part 2 is the swimming with the dolphins.

ALMOST stopped to eat out tonight as it was late coming back from visiting my mom, but I remembered that it was the first day of a new month and I wanted to start on the right foot with a no-buy day. :goodvibes

No Buy Days : 1/12
Gas : 0$ (max 120$)
Groceries : 0$ (max 200$)
Eating out (and snacks) : 0$ (max 100$)
Non-necessities : 0$ (max 200$)

01/06 : 0$
Back in again! I seem to jump in every few months. :) I go back to work next week for the first time since I had the baby, but 60% hours equals 60% pay. I'd just like to keep my non-bill spending under $1000. We are planning to buy new TV soon, and will also be saving to get a new car by the end of the year.

1- $32.99 Amazon (Zumba for Wii now that I have the okay to exercise!)
BTW I envy those of you who spend under $100 in gas... I spend $200 a month just to drive to work, and now that I have to drop baby off at mom's, it will likely be $300! Good thing DH has a company car and gas allowance.
I found a condo that I am in love with and am starting the pre-approval process for our 1st mortgage! I am pretty excited and I hope we get a good deal on it. It is right down our street ;)

Running Total: Spent $0
$0 Days:1/13

Groceries ($150-$5/day)- $0
Eating Out ($210-$6/day)- $0
Misc. (Shopping/Entertainment) ($390-$13/day) $0
Gas $250-

1- $0

Budget: $1000....0%
Month: 1/30: 3%

No Buy: 1/13: 8%

My savings from coupons and sales: $0

August: $300 Hotel Room for Cedar Point
October: ~$250 Rental Car
OH I'm in too! I was sitting here thinking that I needed to do better this month, 2011 is a little out of hand. Then I was like - duh! No Buy Thread! yay! lol

I have some huge exceptions:
  • My Central AC shorted out, the guy is coming tomorrow. Pray for me! lol
  • My check engine light is on. I'm just trying to wring another year or two out of my car. Don't fail me now!!
  • My roof is being put on hopefully next week if the weather holds.
  • I dropped a new 2 liter bottle on my foot. Half the people that see it go EEWWW you broke your foot! If it doesn't stop swelling I'll have to go to the doc for that. But it doesn't really hurt so I've not had it checked out yet.
  • I have a cruise deposit to pay sometime this month.

1 - today I bought parts at advanced auto to try to fix the car myself. It was 35ish, I will have to fix the number when the charge comes through. Natalie also cashed in her "I did a back somersault" credit at McDonalds for about $6.50. (the only good thing about this is I talked her out of $18 Chinese)
Ronnmel, I don't have any guesses, but I'm very curious now! Your wedding looks lovely!

Back in again! I seem to jump in every few months. :) I go back to work next week for the first time since I had the baby, but 60% hours equals 60% pay.

Good luck next week! I worked part time for 6 years (plus 2 year long maternity leaves) after my first was born and it was great! Plus, this year when I went back full time the full salary was a pleasant adjustment (although the hours were not).

I found a condo that I am in love with and am starting the pre-approval process for our 1st mortgage! I am pretty excited and I hope we get a good deal on it. It is right down our street ;)

Oooh -- fingers crossed for you!
Good luck next week! I worked part time for 6 years (plus 2 year long maternity leaves) after my first was born and it was great! Plus, this year when I went back full time the full salary was a pleasant adjustment (although the hours were not).

Thanks. I took 8 weeks off and go back part-time for 4 months then back to 40 hour weeks. I'm so happy to have family nearby,though... I'd hate to send him to daycare.
:dance3:Congrats on staying in budget:cheer2:
:rolleyes1 any chance you want to swap gas costs:rotfl:Id
:scared1:Thats only 1 car for 1 week for me:sad2:

I would swap in a heartbeat too! We spend between $800-900 a month on gas! I keep telling my DH that we could move closer to civilization and save so much money, but he won't go for it!
I am definitely in this month.

I looked at what we take home for the month and there should be no reason to not have a lot left over.......I am not sure how I want to approach this month though. I have set up a budget...I want to make sure I track every penny spent, which isn't an issue, no eating out, no side trips to McDonald's, no quick jaunts for ice cream, no excessive spending at the ball park - that junk adds up quick!!!!!

Goals - I guess really to stay within the budget, spending only on those categories.

ok.....I got my monthly budget worksheet set....the month of June is set to $0.....every cent should be accounted for....and I have LOTS of categories. My goal is to stay on track with this for the month...no necessarily any "no spend" days, but wise spending and on things that I have budgeted for.
Hi! I'm kinda new here and definitely new at this not spending. Oh, I'm sooo in this too. I just opened a savings and they take a huge chunk from my paycheck so it's really tightened things up for us and we really need to do this too. So far, I'm off to a good start. We do have 2 birthday's coming up this month and giving money cards out. I am determined to stay out of the grocery store, and live out of the pantry and freezer. DH has given me a challenge to make do with what we have on hand. He says I have enough food to feed an army. LOL, he might be sorta right. I have a tendency to plan ahead and prepare for a rainy day and overstock. But I want to save for a Disney trip so I'm joining in!
Back in again! I seem to jump in every few months. :) I go back to work next week for the first time since I had the baby, but 60% hours equals 60% pay. I'd just like to keep my non-bill spending under $1000. We are planning to buy new TV soon, and will also be saving to get a new car by the end of the year.

1- $32.99 Amazon (Zumba for Wii now that I have the okay to exercise!)
2- $59.27 Publix (saved $37.29)

Sale&Coupon Savings: $37.29
Where'sPiglet, I've been inspired by you and have decided to do the same thing! I have a budget of about $400 too!

I've always wanted to take part in this thread, but am never in time for the start of the month, so here I am!

I have a bad habit of buying stuff for other people to rationalize my spending...So I'll be cutting back on my gift-buying.

Overall budget: $400
Gas: $70
No buys: 0/10
Eating out: 0/6

I'm going to try to limit how many times I can shop for certain items
Clothing: 0/5
The Body Shop: 0/4
Gifts: 0/4

1- $10.98 (groceries)

Sale/coupon savings:

Happy to be part of this thread!
Hello No Buy Friends! After a few months off I'm back. We're in our new house, all unpacked and ready to move forward with this phase of our life. I'm still a little iffy on my budget because I haven't gotten a set of utility bills for the new house yet. We're in a much bigger house in a new city with new providers, so I have no real idea what to expect. For this month, I'm hoping for 7 no buys and 7 days under $10. I'm so glad to be back!

June 1 $20 Dh's PT, $35 groceries, $7 took the boys to the movies- tickets were $1 each and I got us all a water to drink, $15 Subway after the movies.

June 2 $6 took the boys bowling- the games were free but I had to pay for shoe rental.

0/7 No Buy Days
1/7 Under $10 Days
Just a heads-up... most stores Semi-Annual sales start next week, including BBW, VS and Yankee Candle.
Welcome back 3goofyboys, and A.Mickey good luck on getting the condo.

Running Total: Spent $87
$1100 budget... $1013 left
$0 Days:
Goal is 8 or more!
coupon/sale savings : 9

Groceries budget- $350-54= 296
Wedding dress budget $1100
Disney weekend budget $550

June 1: 33 ( 20 post office, 13 gas)
June 2: 54 ( groceries)
Hi everyone! I'm back for June. I enjoyed not tracking in May, but I should get back into this thread.

Yay to 3goofyboys and A.Mickey for new homes. We've mostly given up on that front... don't want to spend over half a mill for a house right now when ours is pretty good.

I see a few more people have jumped on board! :welcome:

I want to set the same goal for this month. The only issue is that I have a friend coming in from out of town and I don't know how much the tourist activities will cost. I think I will list the stuff purchased specifically for this visit as exceptions but I don't know how much to budget for it yet. We haven't planned activities yet. (and yes, it's in 2 weeks!)

I am again going to try to do the $40/3 days thing. It seemed to work pretty well last month. I do plan to rework my posting of it; last month was pretty obnoxious.

CASH ($400):

1: $2.00 snoball
2: $31.00 school uniform shirts (yes, for me!) and lunch out with colleagues

CASH Subtotal: $33.00
CASH $0 Days: 0

GAS ($75):

GAS Subtotal: $0
GAS $0 Days: 2 :cool2: :lmao:

I'm not off to a particularly great start! :rolleyes1

:dance3:Congrats on staying in budget:cheer2:
:rolleyes1 any chance you want to swap gas costs:rotfl:
:scared1:Thats only 1 car for 1 week for me:sad2:


Um, no! :scared1: My budget is tight enough as it is! It can't handle much more! :eek:

I would swap in a heartbeat too! We spend between $800-900 a month on gas! I keep telling my DH that we could move closer to civilization and save so much money, but he won't go for it!

:scared1: Ouch! Why do I seem to think you live in Louisiana?

Where'sPiglet, I've been inspired by you and have decided to do the same thing! I have a budget of about $400 too!

Awww, thanks! Good luck!

ok.....I got my monthly budget worksheet set....the month of June is set to $0.....every cent should be accounted for....and I have LOTS of categories. My goal is to stay on track with this for the month...no necessarily any "no spend" days, but wise spending and on things that I have budgeted for.

Good luck! I also focus more on the $ amount than the number of $0 Buy days. I found that if I focused too much on the $0 Buy days, I'd have little spending sprees anytime a $0 Buy day was "ruined". It was as if a $1 Coke from the machine at work opened up the floodgates to spend whatever, since the day was shot as a $0 Buy. :rolleyes1

I hope the multiple categories works well for you. Personally, I tried that in the past and found that tracking it was a bear. While I will occasionally (maybe once or twice a year) break down the spending into multiple categories to analyze it, overall I just try to stick to an overall amount of money for the month. It makes it a lot easier for me to keep up with tracking it! I found that if I made it too complicated to record, I didn't follow through.

Of course, the beauty of this thread is that we all get to find what works best for each of us. I have gotten a lot of great ideas from seeing how other people do their budgeting and spending.

I found a condo that I am in love with and am starting the pre-approval process for our 1st mortgage! I am pretty excited and I hope we get a good deal on it. It is right down our street ;)

Ohhh, that's exciting! I hope all goes well with it! Good luck!
You're welcome! I've been trying out different ways of working my budget for 2 months now, but your way seems MUCH better.

My way of essentially rationing the money out every 3 days? It took me several months of going over budget before it dawned on me to try it. It paces me, and it's a nice even amount. I have been using cash, and $40 is just 2 $20 bills from the ATM. Nice and easy. :thumbsup2

I do use a credit card at the gas station though. That is the real reason why it's split into two categories when I post here! I like the cash subtotal to match what I have left in my wallet. The credit card numbers throw it off! :lmao:


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