Reservations? We don't need no stinking reservations, we do it TODD'S way! COMPLETE

I'm caught up now. Great reviews and pictures!

Now, when do the drinking reviews start?

Todd does seem to be the keeper of the mystical Disney Dining podium key that unlocks any seat, anywhere. :laughing:

Nevertheless, I don't think I could have headed off to Disney sans any ADRs!! (I would have definitely made a few in secret and kept them in my back pocket in case of emergency starvation! :laughing:)
This comment from Todd does not surprise me at all. And I can just see him saying it with a straight face too. Mark will love it when I show this to him tonight. :lmao::lmao:

And that is exactly how he said it...just deadpanned it! Oh, we went out for crab legs tonight! Soooo good!

Enjoying reading this and looking forward to finding out how it all works out. Can't imagine going to WDW with no ADR's!

I could not imagine it either but I lived it and survived :lmao:

Yay! I'm in! I have been waiting for this since you left! :cool1:

Sorry to make you wait! We are still on vacation for a few more days and I havent been updating as fast as I would like ha ha! More coming up soon!

I am SO in!!! Your dining reviews crack me up!!!! :rotfl:

LOL! The two of us are a real pair....of what I dont know, but we are a real pair!

Wow at getting into Nine Dragons without an ADR - was this a recurring theme throughout the trip? If so am sure DH would love to go without a plan again! :lmao:

Apart from the shrimp toast all the food looks and sounds delish!

You shall have to wait and see :rotfl2: I was so surprised at how much we both enjoyed ND!

I knew this would happen! I have made sooooo many changes to my ADRs and thought I was finally set. Nine Dragons is one that has been on and off my list. I thought it was officially off but now I am rethinking.

Ugh, you're killin' me, Nicki! :upsidedow :rotfl:

And your reviews have only just started! :rolleyes: sorry ;) I have to redo some of my Oct plans because of this trip!

Hey Nicki!!

Glad you guys had a great trip and I can't wait to hear about the rest of your "reservation-less" dining experiences.

I am SOOOOO happy that we finally got to meet! You and Todd are wonderful people and so easy to talk to! I'm looking forward to seeing you again too! Are you guys planning to go for F&W in Oct?

Hi babe! I am following yours as well! Yes we are going to be in WDW Oct 20-30, do our dates overlap again?
LOVING the reviews so far - our first trip was without reservations (because we were WDW newbies and had no idea we needed them ;) ) by the end of our trip I would have kidnapped Mickey and held him to ransom for a plate of veggies.

Thank you! I forgot the days when we used to go ressie-less...those were the days when we opened and closed the park and collapsed at the end of the night!

I nearly fell over backwards laughing when I read WHERE Todd wanted to eat! :lmao:

But your review puts Nine Dragons back on the map! Thank god I have not started serious planning yet. ;)

You did? What about me? I stopped dead in my tracks when he said Nine Dragons!!! It was very very good though, so glad we got it!

LOVE the review so far! I am so in - but may get a little behind over the holiday weekend!
Your reviews are great!
BTW - we had an awesome experience at Nine dragons with DD (when she was 2.5) in 2009. Food was very tasty, service awesome and the servers went out of their way with DD - getting her kids chopsticks and her own rice bowl etc....

Glad to have you here! I may fall behind in writing them but I will do my best to finish! The waitress at ND was so nice, she was great with the tea refills too!

I found myself wandering over to KatMark's PTR and found out you were on a trip, but that couldn't be because Nikki always does a LIVE report!!! Then to find out no ADRs LOL!! I couldn't wait for you to get home and get started!!! And what a great start!!

Loving your reviews, can't wait to see how the entire trip panned out!

I have to get my butt over to Kathy's PTR, I have not posted in a week but I do know whats going on with her, I got the inside scoop :lmao: So happy you found me!

I'm glad you enjoyed your meal at Nine Dragons! I was worried when I saw where you ate, since I know what a horrible meal you had there last time, but I'm glad it was so much better this time. :goodvibes The one time I've been there I had that honey-sesame chicken too, and thought it was good, but I can get the same thing at home for much cheaper, so I've never bothered to go back, especially with all the other wonderful Epcot options, but maybe I'll get around to it someday.

You have great luck at meeting other DISers! Aside from you, I've only met one other.

The honey chicken was out of this world, so light and crisp and tender and just enough sweetness...yum! I have met so many awesome Diser's (you are one of them ;)) and I cannot wait to meet more!

And that shrimp toast does just look greasy and no good. :sick: At least the rest of your meal was much better.

It tasted as nasty as it looks!

i'm 4 pages late :headache: can you believe they actually made me do work the past 2 days?? i am soooooooooooooo glad you liked nine dragons. we really liked it there and i know it was one you didn't. next time get the egg rolls for your appy!! dave is newly obsessed with EOS... i think it's a guy/sandwich thing--i wanted cookes of dublin, but it was pouring and i compromised. how do they always get their way?? i could take it or leave it.

well i'm here! i work till 8:30, then grocery, then i'm starting my report tonight as promised!!

I have been waiting for yours too! Work comes first though, that is why I am trying to finish before I go back on Tues..I can only imagine what is waiting for me at the office :scared1:

I tried to get Todd to order the egg rolls but he was set on soup...which was great too! And honey, men always get their way and it is worse once you marry them :lmao: Just kidding!

I'm in! A little late but I love your reviews, can't wait to read more.

We always skip 9 Dragons and I remain a little unconvinced, but it's nice to know if we ever ended up there that there were a few things you enjoyed.

Welcome! In all the years we have been to WDW we have dined at ND twice, the first time was horrible but this time was delicious!

For some reason I see caramel in your future :)

Ah, we shall see! (Great, now I am channeling Yoda!)

Ok Mark is just lucky no ADR and no wait :rotfl:

I have never been to Nine Dragons, it is one we skip since I drag DH to our local Chinese place about every week :laughing:
If I were to say chinese during a Disney trip he would freak :rotfl2:

His reasoning for wanting Chinese? The place that is next to his work closed and he used to eat there all the time so he was hungry for it....uh pal? We eat Chinese every weekend so what are you talking about?? :rotfl:

Love Love Loving your review so far

Thank thank thank you! I love having you here!

My DH's dream would be a trip with no ADR's, but I'm pretty sure that will never happen as long as he is married to me! :rolleyes1 I'll see how it all plays out for you first. Who knows...maybe you will change my mind. ;)

I said that out, you may have a trip like mine one day....and trust me, HE WILL NEVER LET YOU LIVE IT DOWN!

How did I miss this? :confused3

Must go back to read now.


Hi Kathy! :yay: How are you? Happy you found me!

Here I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That honey chicken looks sooooo good!!! So does the wonton soup!! Can you tell I'm hungry??? Can't wait to read more, no ADR's sounds like challenge but something tells me Todd worked endless magic throughout this trip. He has a nasty habit of doing that now doesn't he??? :rotfl::rotfl2:

There you are! Todd does have a nasty habit of being right...luckily it only applies to Disney :rotfl:
Todd does seem to be the keeper of the mystical Disney Dining podium key that unlocks any seat, anywhere. :laughing:

Nevertheless, I don't think I could have headed off to Disney sans any ADRs!! (I would have definitely made a few in secret and kept them in my back pocket in case of emergency starvation! :laughing:)

You have no idea...he is making me into a nutcase..oh wait, I kinda already was! Trust me, I was shaking in my boots the entire time...not really, for the most part I was fine, until it came time for dinner :laughing:
After we said goodbye to Megan my sister was calling, and calling and calling so I had to check in with her. Turns out there was a huge fire by her house and they had to evacuate her area until they had it under control.

Once I finished up with her I realized that I was without a mate...where the heck did he go to now?

Oh is that him? Way over there by the bakery to France? Yup thats him, waving to me with one hand and rubbing his belly with the other. Guess its dessert time?

Out of all the wonderful things at the bakery what do you think he chose? The same thing he always gets, the eclair, EVEN though he doesnt care for it because it is chocolate filling instead of the custard, yet he still gets it. I dont like it because I cannot stand pastry like that, the shell part, but being a wonderful guy he always offers me a bite...while it is still in his mouth close to disappearing....but he wants the credit for the offering up of the I gotta give it to him ;)


I didnt get anything, I was so full from my dinner and floating from so many ice teas there was just no way I could fit anything in there. Poor DH was so sad, he looks forward to getting 2 things so he can share, or rather polish off what I dont want :thumbsup2
















We left Epcot and went back to the resort to walk around and explore. What a nice walk from POFQ to POR! It was under 10 minutes, walking along the water and the two of us just talking...well, me trying to pry info out of him and him just telling me not to worry about it. They had a few carriage rides going and the boats were running pretty frequent and mostly they were empty

DH had already checked out the POFQ food court and discovered his taco salads are no longer there so he wanted to check with POR..well they didnt have them either. But they did have something he wanted, as if he needed more sugar, but I was now ready for a bite of something sweet so we had the Cookie Bar...I dont know the correct name of it, maybe Magic Bar?

Anyways, it is super dense and packed with butterscotch chips, chocolate chips, coconut, pecans, graham crackers and it is very butter and brown sugar-y. Too sweet for more than a nibble a piece and then we wrapped it up to take back to the room...where it stayed until it was as hard as a brick. Honestly, waaaayyy too much sugar....should come with a warning label!


Since we walked over we decided to take the boat back. Didnt look like a long line but we didnt know it wrapped around the back, you cannot see that far behind the building. Luckily they were calling for people that just wanted to go to POFQ and not DTD...seems that is were everyone wanted to go was to DTD.

So that concludes our first day and night at WDW...what do you think is up next? Here is a hint...breakfast!!!

I can't believe you ended up in France and NOT in Germany at the Caramel shop. When Mark had the eclair two years ago, it did NOT have chocolate filling, but the custard filling. :confused3 The chocolate cake in that case is calling my name.

I know where you went for breakfast. :goodvibes
Our first full day, Friday! Yay! We were up early, since we have no plans I have no idea what to do for breakfast. No worries, someone knows what he wants for breakfast.

Me: Do you want to go to the food court?

Todd: Nah, I feel like Tonga Toast.

Me: Are you insane? We do not have reservations, we will never get in. If you wanted Tonga Toast you should have let me know and I would have made a reservations...(more babbling...more theatrics)

Todd: First of all how would I know that I wanted Tonga Toast today? And B they have it at Capt Cooks remember? So if we cant get in lets just eat at the CS...jeez, you call yourself a Dis-Queen??

Me: I dont like you anymore :rolleyes:

We drove to the Poly because it was much faster, all the time I am grumbling about what a waste this is and blah blah get the gist. All the time he is just playing with the radio chanting "Tonga Tonga Tonga"....I think he knows which buttons to press by now and he does such a good job at it!

Parking lot is empty and we self parked and walked into the Poly. The lobby wasnt busy at all, it was around 9am-ish and the upstairs was very lively, mostly for Ohana.

We walk up to the podium for Kona, all the while I am a huge disbeliever so I am headed towards the stairs that take you to Capt Cooks......and Todd smiles at the girl, asks if there is a table for 2, sorry no we do not have reservations, sorry no we do not have a dining plan. Oh you can seat us right away? Hey Nic, they can seat us right away, does that work for you?

That little son of a gun.....well thats not what I was thinking but I cleaned it up for you :rotfl:

We just walked, no wait, I skulked and he swaggered, right into breakfast at Kona Cafe. Well I just dont know what to I say:

Oh stuff your Kona in a sack mister and just get me a pressed pot before I have to find a place to hide the body

Truth be told, I knew we were going to get in as soon as I saw the place, it was pretty much empty...but I wasnt going to tell him that :laughing:

We shared a pressed pot and it was fantastic. I almost caved and bought a bag for $40 but I restrained myself. Anyone ever buy this and it is as good as what they serve you? I might treat myself in Oct.


The Titan of Tonga Toast loved his breakfast, real bacon too, not that flimsy plastic like stuff you get at buffets and CS places. I do not like the TT as it is very sweet and too sugary for me but he ate it all and was very happy


I had the Kahuna Platter with bacon (gave to Todd), ham (gave to Todd), sausage (very good!), skip the french toast and added an extra pancake...I asked for the butter pineapple stuff on the side but they forgot. I also asked for the same batter as the large order of pancakes but they said no. When you get the Kahuna platter they are plain pancakes and not the ones with the nuts mixed in the batter. Still very good but the regular order of Macadamia Nut Pineapple Pancakes are much better. The eggs are to die for and the potatoes are nothing to get excited about.


We shared a fruit cup but the fruit wasnt that good...very hard and not ripe.


With a TS breakfast under his belt and a walk in at that we strolled out of the Poly and then I had to be a brat and ask, Whats next? I swear if I was a puppy I would be a yapping poodle....

The weather was a big factor, it was freakin hot! Where was the nice weather we had the day before? It was 95 and blistering now! Our idea was to go back to the resort for some pool time and then head over to DTD to see POTC 4. So excited! Lets go play in the pool!...wait what about lunch?

Wow, Todd really is a golden child, isn't he?:eek:

I've never been to Nine Dragons but the sound of the Jasmine tea just might be enough to tempt me! I'd have been floating out of there too. I have to say, that shrimp toast looked nasty! Like little worms or something. Ick! Your entrees looked delish though!

Of all of the pastries at Boulangerie, I cannot stand the eclair! I've never been a fan. Something about the pasty shell and custard together just don't taste yummy to me.

What?!?! You don't like the magic bars? Oh, you must have got a bad one then because honey, it's like a gift that fell from heaven!:cloud9: They're soooo good but only in small doses as it's very rich.

I cannot believe Todd just sauntered in to Kona all confident like! Man, you should start renting him out to people on Disney trips so they can get walk ups to restaurants! I agree with you sister, I cannot abide the taste of Tonga Toast. It's sickenly sweet not to mention the strawberry syrup on the side. I almost always go with the macadamia pancakes.:thumbsup2

I'm still in shock that this hare-brained idea has worked! No ADR's and you're eating at decent places? Madness! I cannot fathom going to Disney without a single ADR. Nope, I can't.

Can't wait to read more.:thumbsup2
Great reviews so fara. I can't wait to read where you ate without any ADRs. Last trip we tried without any ADRS we wound up making them for the rest of the trip.
Mark has already decided he is having the Big Kahuna when we go to Kona; I'm going with the cheese and ham omelet. Thank goodness for REAL bacon (it really is gross at the CS's and the buffets).

Lunch? You just finished breakfast, so says Romeo after just reading.
new fan here and i'm in!!!
we, too, are doing an ADR-less trip in november... w/three kids... dh's idea... wish us luck!
What could be better than a day chilling out by the pool and hot tub? NOTHING, well unless you add drinks! You have to love a very quiet pool with a wonderful pool bar that opens at 11:30am! It was sooo hot, we were just sizzling and we needed something cold, frozen and boozey!

Todd has a love affair with coconut, especially pina coladas and he has them made with coconut rum...sweet yes but he is addicted. He is not really a beer dude, drinks wine with dinner but he likes a sweet girly-man drink :rotfl:


I tried the banana cabana and I just loved it! Made with mango rum, coconut rum, creme de banana, OJ and pineapple juice with a grenadine floater...well I was in heaven!


My genius hubby decided to open a tab for our pool afternoon and we each had 2 apiece...a bit heavy on the rum and we were wondering why we felt so silly...we needed something to sop up the booze but the problem was neither of us were hungry, I mean at all!

Deciding a bite would be in our best interests we went to the POFQ CS and I told him the words he wants to hear this entire trip, "I dont care you decide", I wanted to get some ice tea for us and grab a seat...which wasnt a problem since the entire food court was empty around 1pm.

I was really getting into this, make no decisions, trip. At home in our real world life I have to decide everything and he gets away with just shrugging his shoulders and saying "whatever". Now it is my time, or what I like to call it, Pay Back Time.

He met up with me with a plate that looked like this.


I swear there really is a cheeseburger under all those pickles! Maybe we were really hungry, maybe it was the sun or maybe the cocktails but this was a delish cheeseburger, no matter that it was on a wheat bun, it was great! Todd ate all the pickles, the fries were hot and fresh and the burger was just tasty. We shared this and it was just enough. Pretty cheap too considering we can use our TIW card at the POFQ CS.

Now it was time to clean ourselves up and go to DTD!

I can't believe you ended up in France and NOT in Germany at the Caramel shop. When Mark had the eclair two years ago, it did NOT have chocolate filling, but the custard filling. :confused3 The chocolate cake in that case is calling my name.

I know where you went for breakfast. :goodvibes

Eh, it was all about where we were located I guess...and you know Todd, he can eat anywhere :lmao: I dont think he has ever had the eclair when it was just a plain custard, Mark was lucky!

Wow, Todd really is a golden child, isn't he?:eek:

YIKES! Dont let him hear you call him that! He is impossible to live with now as it is :lmao:

I've never been to Nine Dragons but the sound of the Jasmine tea just might be enough to tempt me! I'd have been floating out of there too. I have to say, that shrimp toast looked nasty! Like little worms or something. Ick! Your entrees looked delish though!

That tea was excellent, reason enough to go back! Yeah the shrimp toast isnt supposed to look that nasty, my aunt makes it and it is really good!

Of all of the pastries at Boulangerie, I cannot stand the eclair! I've never been a fan. Something about the pasty shell and custard together just don't taste yummy to me.

I am with you on this one!

What?!?! You don't like the magic bars? Oh, you must have got a bad one then because honey, it's like a gift that fell from heaven!:cloud9: They're soooo good but only in small doses as it's very rich.

It was good but too sweet...I think my taste buds are changing the older I get because when I was a kid I would have scarfed it down, now I wish I could tone it down LOL

I cannot believe Todd just sauntered in to Kona all confident like! Man, you should start renting him out to people on Disney trips so they can get walk ups to restaurants! I agree with you sister, I cannot abide the taste of Tonga Toast. It's sickenly sweet not to mention the strawberry syrup on the side. I almost always go with the macadamia pancakes.:thumbsup2

We are so alike!

I'm still in shock that this hare-brained idea has worked! No ADR's and you're eating at decent places? Madness! I cannot fathom going to Disney without a single ADR. Nope, I can't.

Can't wait to read more.:thumbsup2

Trust me, I never thought this was going to turn out the way it did....stay tuned for more!

Great reviews so fara. I can't wait to read where you ate without any ADRs. Last trip we tried without any ADRS we wound up making them for the rest of the trip.

Thanks! I was prepared to make reservations while there, I kept checking my IPhone and the places looked wide open but he would not let me book one!

Mark has already decided he is having the Big Kahuna when we go to Kona; I'm going with the cheese and ham omelet. Thank goodness for REAL bacon (it really is gross at the CS's and the buffets).

Lunch? You just finished breakfast, so says Romeo after just reading.

The Big Kahuna really is the best choice :thumbsup2 Tell Romeo he is a smart man!

new fan here and i'm in!!!
we, too, are doing an ADR-less trip in november... w/three kids... dh's idea... wish us luck!

Welcome! I wish you lots of luck! If you are going around Thanksgiving week you will def want to book reservations because it is packed! We have been the week before the holiday the last 2 years and it wasnt bad at all, we did a few walk ins without a problem.
Now on to DTD for a movie...this was a great idea, we really needed to get out of the heat, it was so hot and not one cloud in the sky...just miserable weather.

We decided to drive to DTD since it was early and we knew we could get a parking spot..we did, right in front of AMC Theaters. Shocked to see the long long lines to get in the movies, we were an hour early and I am glad we were because the POTC 4 in 3D was sold out fast! Seems alot of people had the same idea!

Grabbed a bag of popcorn and had some fun at the Coke stations..we tried a vanilla root beer (didnt taste anything different), a raspberry diet coke (nasty!), a peach sprite (too sweet) and a grape sprite (good!)

The movie was packed, luckily we had prime seats, there wasnt a vacant seat left! It was a good movie but not as good as the previous three. Still had lots of laughs and action though.

After the movie let out it was around 5:30ish and we walked over to Fultons, Todd's favorite place in all of WDW. Suprise Suprise, they sat us immediately, I didnt think there would be a problem since it was pretty much empty in there. We were upstairs and had the most irritating waiter ever...we had him back in Nov 10 as well and he drove us insane. Kept repeating my name and Todd's name over and over and over and he was so loud and hovered constantly!

Since I was driving Todd was the only one to have a cocktail, a Strawberry Fizz mage with wild strawberry liquor, mango rum, Sprite and fresh muddled strawberries. He loved this, tasted so clean and sweet....but he stopped at one.


The bread was hard, cold and dry...we left it alone.


The crab dip was basically salty onion dip....that was left alone as well. Sad because I usually love this


We each had the balsamic salad, I have no clue what they do to this dressing but it is out of this thick and creamy! We both loved our salads and ate every bite



I was still very hot and not wanting to eat a big meal or a fried meal I skipped my beloved lobster tail for an order or baby back ribs. I asked our server if they were good and he said oh yes, they are amazing. Well he was wrong! BIG mistake on my part. These were so dry, so tough and just horrible...way too spicy as well. I could not pull them apart, I could not cut them, all I could do was just leave them. The fries were served ice cold so I left them as well. The cole slaw was loaded with red bell peppers (seriously, who does that??) so that went untouched. The waiter noticed my untouched plate and he removed the price from the bill.



Todd went for, what else, the king crab claws. Normally he gets 5-8 of them and they are huge, as big as his hand. Take a look at this plate and tell me if that is $60 worth of crab


I think not. We were a bit shocked...while he enjoyed them he felt a bit ripped off. I felt bad for him because he wanted more of them, they usually fill him up but not this time. Another thing that bothered me was how rushed we were, in and out of there in less than 30 minutes...I kid you not. No wonder why the food was served cold to tepid.

As we were leaving the place had a line out the door and down the walkway...we decided to cancel our reservation for Oct and add something else in its place...maybe go back to WPCafe?

I hate to hear that Fulton's was so bad! I love that place. Oh, well....since we will have both kids with us the next trip, we'll be skipping it, I think.

Loving your writing style!
I need to hear more about this Coke station at the movies! Is it just buy a soda and as many free refills as you want? Glad to hear Pirates was good, though I didn't really care for the third one, as that was just a little too confusing for me with all the deals the different characters were making with each other.

Kona looks wonderful as always! I really need to try and make a return trip there for breakfast next trip. At least there or Kouzzina, which are the best non-buffet breakfasts IMO.

I was shocked at your review of Fulton's, and I know that's usually one of your favorites. At least you didn't have to pay for your ribs, but $60 for Todd's crab claws is insane. And I remember the bread and dip there being extremely good too, so it must've just been a really off night. And how unlucky that you got the same server as before, I really liked the server I had there, can't remember what his name was though.
:scared1: Fulton's? :scared1:
Thanks so much for your review - I forgot to fit Fulton's into my schedule and was juggling things around to get it in ........... no longer, thanks Friend!

We did walk ups to Kona a few times, and were offered a half hour wait walk up in February, which we did not take! Went somewhere else ;)
But I am glad you liked your brekkie! We have never tried the pressed pot coffee, I just cannot talk Tom into it - I don't drink coffee (apart from the one we made in Italy).
And once the US allows heavier packages again, I need to send you some REAL coffee - nice strong stuff from Austria! :hug:

I had to LOL over your description of the Magic Cookie Bar! :rotfl2: I love those things, but they last me a week! I wrap them in foil and break off a small corner every now and then. I think it is my "economy" cookie as it lasts me so long!

Can't wait for more! I loved waking up this morning and see that there were two pages of reading material! :thumbsup2

Oh, and I posted my Italy trip and am about to post some news about my summer trip, so don't forget to hop over when you can! :hug:
Todd went for, what else, the king crab claws. Normally he gets 5-8 of them and they are huge, as big as his hand. Take a look at this plate and tell me if that is $60 worth of crab



As we were leaving the place had a line out the door and down the walkway...we decided to cancel our reservation for Oct and add something else in its place...maybe go back to WPCafe?

For heaven's sake, take that man to the Cape May buffet dinner and REALLY let him eat his fill of crab legs! All steaming hot, plus you can keep drawing hot butter from the urn to dip them in. NOTHING gets cold.


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