Strangest Interactions With Other Guests?

A service dog is any dog that is trained to help their owner work through the day. I have personally known a Chi. cross used to warm the neck of an older woman who had a disease where her muscles would get quite tight (some disease that caused great pain) and the living body heat helped more than a heating pad. Small dogs are also sometimes used as a "calming" agent or seizure detection. "Service animals" really cover more than people see. Hope that helps.

Now, my strange story. So, I had two on the same trip. Once, we were in the standby line for Toy Story Mania. We got all the way to the giant Potato Head and I had been talking and snapping pictures the whole time because, well, it's generally what I do. The father, I presume, of the family in front of us finally turned to me, first time he had even noticed us the entire time and held out his very expensive looking camara and said nothing but "picture" before leaving me with the camara, English obviously not being his first language. He left me to figure out how to work the camara, I got it, snapped the picture, smiled to say it looked good and he came back, took the camara and said "gracias" and didn't look to us for the rest of the line...

The second, I suppose, was more me than her. We had a family of four and grabbed breakfast at the bakery in main street. As my daddy paid I went to find us a seat. I found an empty table with only three chairs so set my backpack down (always keeping an eye on it) and went over to another table with a mother and her daughter sitting there and asked if I could use their extra chair. Again, English wasn't this woman's first language. So, after a little language battle I thought she said no (assuming her husband was paying or something) so smiled and said thanks anyway when she yelled back, like yelled across the seating area, and then pushed the chair towards me. I felt very foolish, gave a sheepish smile and said thanks many times again before taking the chair.
I have one where I think I was the strange encounter. :rotfl:

We were on Kilaminjaro Safari in the front seat. Just behind us was a woman from somewhere in the British Isles from her accent.

That day, there happened to be an inordinate number of vultures hanging around. I made a silly comment to my daughter on the first sighting, purposely exaggerating a Southern accent (I'm from Louisiana, so it's allowed ;) ), saying "Hey, Honey, look at all them buzzards!"

Well, from right behind me came an exasperated British accent in a sort of undertone, like she was commenting to herself, "They are VULTURES, not buzzards. Hmph"

DD and I were :lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: Well, I just couldn't help myself. Every time we'd see some vultures, I'd point & holler out "Look it! Buzzards!" And the lady behind me would say "VULTURES." I, of course, pretended I didn't hear a thing.

Well, by the end of the ride this poor woman was so exasperated with me she left muttering, "They're called VULTURES, not buzzards, you ignorant yank." :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

This is hilarious! :rotfl2:
haha that's hilarious!

Mine is not so funny, but you reminded me:

We were waiting for Fantasmic, seated next to an older couple. It was still very early, and they turned to us and asked if we would mind holding the seats for them.
Fast forward to 5/10 minutes before the show... it is crowded, and we finally decide that we probably can't hold the seats anymore (had turned away dozens of people). A mother and her young (3-4 year old) son sit down... and just as the show is about to start, the mom asks if we mind watching her son while she goes for a snack!! :scared1: We said that we were not comfortable with that, but she just said "thanks" and left. She never came back- even after the show. We stayed in the section as the theater cleared out- so she could have easily spotted us with the crowd gone. We finally were asked to leave by a CM, so we explained the story. That CM fetched a few other CMs, and they radio'd a manager, so I felt ok leaving him in able and multiple hands. I don't know the end of the story, but its definitely wierd!

WOW! That is just crazy! Poor kid! :confused:

I was solo eating lunch at Starring Rolls in DHS. I was sitting at one of the four top tables. It was the middle of the lunch rush and every other table was taken. So when I saw a family of three come by, I offered to share my table with them. They declined and then proceeded to eat their meal standing up. What, do I have cooties or something? :confused3

LOL :confused3

During our first visit to AK and therefore our first ride on EE, dh and dd were in in a seat together and I was seated with a "stray" little girl (about 7). The minute I said hello to her, she started yapping away at me like talking might go out of style tomorrow. She told me she'd been on EE "at least 20 times!" -- always by herself because, "My parents don't like rides." She asked me if I was scared. I told her that roller coasters aren't really my thing, so I was a little nervous. She then told me that, "In my opinion, if you know what's going to happen, it won't be that scary. So I'll tell you everything as it's happening." Which she did. When we got to the Yeti, she reached out and took my hand and told me, quite seriously, "Don't worry. It's fake." When we got done, I thanked her for her "assistance" and told her that I'd enjoyed her company. She told me, "I had a great time with you too! I wish my mom would go on rides with me." I told her that if she saw us around the parks, to feel free to come up to us and she could be our "fourth" rider on any ride. What a charming girl and I felt so bad for her that she rides all of the rides by herself.

Another time we were in TOT and a boy of about 10 latched himself onto my dh. Would not stop talking to him, kept trying to take his hand... Very uncomfortable. My dh kept asking him where his parents were. Same story as the little girl -- parents don't ride, so they send the kid on alone. We finally got a hold of a CM and told him we were afraid that the kid would latch himself onto someone dangerous. Don't know what happened, but my dh still talks about it.

What is wrong with some parents? I bet they wouldn't leave their wallets alone like they do their own children.

I too wonder what is wrong with people! It is very uncomfortable when a child is like that and you don't know them or where there parents are. These parents really should be more careful before their innocent children are victimized. :mad:
I can't believe people let such young children go on rides alone! I assume that means they were in line by themselves as well? I mean, I think if I were a parent I wouldn't let my child ride alone until they were 12 and even then I'd probably wait in line with them and then rush to the exit. I'd be super paranoid the whole time!
I am reminded of the time we rode TT for maybe the second time with my nonverbal autistic DS. He was maybe ten and still a bit new to the thrill ride thing. Being a family of four we were seated two and two with single riders filling in the empty seats. DS was in the middle between me and a single rider. I turned for a moment as the ride began and when I turned back my son had latched onto the arm of the very nice older gentleman who had been seated with us! Fortunately he was a good sport, especially when I explained DS's autism and inexperience with thrill rides. This is a time we were the wierdos, I guess, which quite frankly we are very used to!
It was our first trip to Disney. It was me, my sister, a friend of ours and my nephew who was almost 7. We were standing in line for the Safari ride in MK. I had an empty water bottle in my hand and my nephew was hitting it, just passing time while we were waiting in line. Well the bottle was between my two fingers and he hit it too hard... and it flew out of my hand and hit this woman right in her head. I felt awful... so I turned around to apologize and she just had this look of annoyance on her face. Try as I might, instead of apologizing... I laughed in her face. My poor sister then had to apologize for me and my nephew. We still talk about this every time we are standing in that line waiting for that ride!!
Was on the Safari in AK on a rather chilly December day and the mom in the family behind me kept swearing the the Nile Crocs were autoanimatronic. Told her they were real and she just would not believe that they were the real thing.
We picked up an extra child at WDW too. It was our first EMH at MK and it was about midnight when we rode SM. A girl who looked to be about 10 shared our train and followed us as we exited the ride. She was talking to our two kids as we headed towards the back side of the park. We didn't really think anything of it and assumed her family must be just right behind us. We finally realized something wasn't quite right and stopped and asked her about her parents. She told us that they were somewhere in the park and let her roam and she would meet them later. We were a bit shocked, but kept an eye on her. We went over to BTMRR and rode numerous times. We finally decided we'd had enough and were going to head over to PoC. The girl didn't want to go that way so she said bye and took off back towards the castle.

I still can't quite believe that I was so in "vacation mode" that I did not immediately find a CM and explain what happened. I can only hope she made it back to her family. I assume she did since we never heard of any missing children that week. YIKES!!! I couldn't believe what they did and I am ashamed that I didn't do something more.
What is wrong with some parents? I bet they wouldn't leave their wallets alone like they do their own children.

I can't believe people let such young children go on rides alone! I assume that means they were in line by themselves as well? I mean, I think if I were a parent I wouldn't let my child ride alone until they were 12 and even then I'd probably wait in line with them and then rush to the exit. I'd be super paranoid the whole time!

We were on the Disney cruise and I walked past the Mickey pool (the foot deep pool) and saw a little girl maybe three, dripping wet, standing in the wind shivering and sobbing hysterically looking so confused. I'm not sure why everyone around her was just ignoring her :confused3 so I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped her up. Now the search to find her parents, you'd think a three year old at the pool would have parents right? uh no...I found a cast member and reported her as a child with clearly lost parents. I waited with the poor thing for maybe an hour, until a female kids club cast member came up (until then all the cast members were male and she was just not having that, she was so freaked out you didn't have the heart to just leave her). I spoke to the cast members involved after the fact and they said it took another 1/2 hour to 45 min to locate parents after I left...SHE WAS JUST LEFT AT THE POOL! What's wrong with these people? They were paging their room, paging the ship, she had the kids club band on her wrist so they had all of her identifying information from the start. The scary thing is, with as long as it took to find her parents, imagine how long she was happy playing at the pool before she realized mom and dad were gone.
The year was 2000 it was our first family trip to WDW DD was 8 DS was 5. We were at a character breakfast at the Restaurantosaurus. Donalds Safari Breakfast, different venue. Anyways a Portly man came in wearing jeans, white t-shirt, black boots, suspenders sits down and starts eating by himself at the buffet. He had a white beard, spectacles, etc. Long story short, he looked just like santa. I npointed this man out to the kids and they were going crazy. They had with them autograpgh books for the characters, so on our way out we stopped by and the kids asked him for his autograph. He tells us he is taking a short vacation and has to get back to the north pole soon. He then signs their books "Santa" and we went on our way. Never found out but I knew he did not work for Disney. It was strange but cute and the kids loved it at an age where they were still believers. Great experience, I kinow i have pictures somewhere, and we still have the autograph books too.

That is GREAT! We saw a Santa look alike at our Target... the kids just happened to be all fresh and when they saw him the kind of froze, my middle son says I don't believ it is HIM> we head out the door and I kid you not there is this white cadillac type car with a custom plate that says SANTA-1!!!
This may be not be exactly what you're asking for, but during our October 2009 trip, I have a particular memory, particularly as a single mother. On the bus from AK to return to our resort, I couldn't help but notice a man on the bus, because he was attractive in a classy, nice-guy kind of way. Just as the bus was preparing to leave, two guys got on the bus who were painters who had been working that day at AK. They were covered in paint. One of them had to stand on the bus next to the man I had noticed. The painter spoke to him, and the attractive man started a conversation with him, asking about his experiences and the places he had been as a painter, and continued drawing him out throughout the entire bus ride. I sort of fell in love with that man, because he showed such a genuine interest in a guy who was working in a basic, labor position, when he could have just looked out the window and ignored him. I greatly admire someone who exhibits that kind of humanity!:love:
That is GREAT! We saw a Santa look alike at our Target... the kids just happened to be all fresh and when they saw him the kind of froze, my middle son says I don't believ it is HIM> we head out the door and I kid you not there is this white cadillac type car with a custom plate that says SANTA-1!!!

Are you from the Philadelphia/Wilmington area? I know the Santa at the Concord Mall. Has a cadilac with a Santa license plate. He also leagaly changed his name to Santa and he lives on a reindeer farm.
All of these stories are hilarious. :lmao: I have so many stories I dont know where to start.

I was in AK with my husband and 8yo daughter. We were ready to have lunch and decided to eat at Flame Tree BBQ. My husband went to find a table with my daughter. I went to the very long line. While reading the menu the line in front of me move a little (maybe half a feet) when suddenly I hear the men behind me tell his wife in Spanish "OMG! This b***h dont know if she is coming or going". Well I was surprise but I reacted super fast. I turned around and told him in a very clear Spanish "This b***h know 5 different language, know that she is going not coming and will ask you to call me by my first name, thanks". The man's wife was pale and the man's face was priceless. The move to another line. I was laughing. When I took the food to my husband I notice the man and his family was sitting at the table next to us. As soon as he saw me they moved far away. For me it was very funny.
Try as I might, instead of apologizing... I laughed in her face. My poor sister then had to apologize for me and my nephew!!

This had me laughing so hard no noise was coming out!
It was our first trip to Disney. It was me, my sister, a friend of ours and my nephew who was almost 7. We were standing in line for the Safari ride in MK. I had an empty water bottle in my hand and my nephew was hitting it, just passing time while we were waiting in line. Well the bottle was between my two fingers and he hit it too hard... and it flew out of my hand and hit this woman right in her head. I felt awful... so I turned around to apologize and she just had this look of annoyance on her face. Try as I might, instead of apologizing... I laughed in her face. My poor sister then had to apologize for me and my nephew. We still talk about this every time we are standing in that line waiting for that ride!!

Was on the Safari in AK on a rather chilly December day and the mom in the family behind me kept swearing the the Nile Crocs were autoanimatronic. Told her they were real and she just would not believe that they were the real thing.

I totally thought you were gonna say i was on the Safari and some jerk hit me with a water bottle and then laughed :lmao:
While reading the menu the line in front of me move a little (maybe half a feet) when suddenly I hear the men behind me tell his wife in Spanish "OMG! This b***h dont know if she is coming or going". Well I was surprise but I reacted super fast. I turned around and told him in a very clear Spanish "This b***h know 5 different language, know that she is going not coming and will ask you to call me by my first name, thanks". The man's wife was pale and the man's face was priceless. The move to another line. I was laughing. When I took the food to my husband I notice the man and his family was sitting at the table next to us. As soon as he saw me they moved far away. For me it was very funny.

Love it! :rotfl2:
I thought I had picked up a new 3 year old in line for Snow White... we were just standing there waiting and the mom in front of us was holding her little girl (it was kind of late at night).

The sleepy little girl turned her little head and saw me and her little face just lit up... she started talking so fast I couldn't understand what she was saying...

The mom and dad started laughing and told me that I looked just like the little girl's Aunt. That little sweetheart talked to me through the whole line and the whole ride. It was hilarious.
oh my... wonder if it was the same mother I had! LOL
haha that's hilarious!

Mine is not so funny, but you reminded me:

We were waiting for Fantasmic, seated next to an older couple. It was still very early, and they turned to us and asked if we would mind holding the seats for them.
Fast forward to 5/10 minutes before the show... it is crowded, and we finally decide that we probably can't hold the seats anymore (had turned away dozens of people). A mother and her young (3-4 year old) son sit down... and just as the show is about to start, the mom asks if we mind watching her son while she goes for a snack!! :scared1: We said that we were not comfortable with that, but she just said "thanks" and left. She never came back- even after the show. We stayed in the section as the theater cleared out- so she could have easily spotted us with the crowd gone. We finally were asked to leave by a CM, so we explained the story. That CM fetched a few other CMs, and they radio'd a manager, so I felt ok leaving him in able and multiple hands. I don't know the end of the story, but its definitely wierd!
I have one where I think I was the strange encounter. :rotfl:

We were on Kilaminjaro Safari in the front seat. Just behind us was a woman from somewhere in the British Isles from her accent.

That day, there happened to be an inordinate number of vultures hanging around. I made a silly comment to my daughter on the first sighting, purposely exaggerating a Southern accent (I'm from Louisiana, so it's allowed ;) ), saying "Hey, Honey, look at all them buzzards!"

Well, from right behind me came an exasperated British accent in a sort of undertone, like she was commenting to herself, "They are VULTURES, not buzzards. Hmph"

DD and I were :lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: Well, I just couldn't help myself. Every time we'd see some vultures, I'd point & holler out "Look it! Buzzards!" And the lady behind me would say "VULTURES." I, of course, pretended I didn't hear a thing.

Well, by the end of the ride this poor woman was so exasperated with me she left muttering, "They're called VULTURES, not buzzards, you ignorant yank." :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I apologise for my fellow country womans rudeness. And her lack of a sense of humour. We are not all like that.

Claire :)
It was our first trip to Disney. It was me, my sister, a friend of ours and my nephew who was almost 7. We were standing in line for the Safari ride in MK. I had an empty water bottle in my hand and my nephew was hitting it, just passing time while we were waiting in line. Well the bottle was between my two fingers and he hit it too hard... and it flew out of my hand and hit this woman right in her head. I felt awful... so I turned around to apologize and she just had this look of annoyance on her face. Try as I might, instead of apologizing... I laughed in her face. My poor sister then had to apologize for me and my nephew. We still talk about this every time we are standing in that line waiting for that ride!!

My story is very similar. My boyfriend and I were in line for TSM. I feel like the wait time said something around 30-45 mins. Well, it'd been at least 60 when we were finally approaching the 3-D glasses in line (I'm guessing the ride broke down or something, I've never seen that line move as slow as it did that day). So the two of us, bored to tears, had a wadded up piece of paper that we were throwing/playing with between the two of us. He threw it at me, and instead of catching it, I decided (in the moment) that it'd be a good idea to use my hand like a bat, and hit it. And Hit it I did. Across the room and into a man's head. Oops. I apologized and they just laughed at us and said something along the lines of "hey, we're all just trying to stay entertained". Thank goodness he wasn't mad! Everyone in line around us got a good laugh out of it.


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