Disboutiquers Part 24 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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Part 2 of my comments on the beautiful outfits posted in the last few days (silly 25 pic rule).

Here is the tank top I did yesterday for DD10.

This is a picture of the mermaid outfit I made last night for my little niece. Thanks for the great ideas everybody gave me!


Because I am thrifty, I couldn't just throw away the lower part of the tank top that I used in the mermaid costume. I combined it with some leftover fabric from one of the Big Gives and made a yoga waist skirt. when I get a chance I am going to make up a Minnie shirt to go with the skirt.

Great job on all the outfits! I like your idea of using the lower part of the tank top for the skirt.

So ladies, I am hopping onto your thread. I havent posted on it before and wanted to share something I made for my youngest DD. She is 4 and loves Handy Manny and is soooo excited to meet him in September at H&V.

We had a Handy Manny b-day party when she was three, the cake lady was a tad confused when I gave her a girls name to write on the cake.

Anyway, there are ZERO girly outfits out there for girl Manny fans, so I had to take matters into my own hands and get creative.

I chopped off a pair of jeans and turned them into ruffly capris in primary Manny colors and then using my Cricut, MTC software, paint and freezer paper I made her t-shirt. That was tedious but worth the effort.

She will be the first to tell you that the nose is a little off, but that reminded her of Flynn Rider's nose problems in Tangled, so it worked out okay

Thanks so letting me share.


Great job on the outfit. I could not draw/paint so I admire people who can!

So, we had fun with our indoor easter egg hunt!!! lol


Looks like everyone had a great time!

I am very happy to introduce my seventh and final princess, Jasmine.



She is just as beautiful as the other princesses!

ellenbenny posted directions which I used to make mine! I just made another set so I took photos as well, so maybe if you look at her directions and mine, they'll reinforce each other and make sense.

Thanks for taking the time to share your directions. Seeing it done in multiple ways always helps.

Wow have you guys been busy....Are we trying to hit the 250 mark by the weekends end? I havent been on for a couple of days and I cant keep up with all the postings!
Love the Disney clothing, Hanny Manny, cute chick and everything that has been posted
Sewing room AMAZING...would love to have a dedicated space...even part of a space instead of our dining room which is in our living room
Jasmine doll outfit...insanely cute!!

This is all I have accomplished this week :) First time ever making pleats.

Great job on the dress!

We're getting down to the wire for our trip in May but as I started packing I started adding more things the baby "needed". So here is my CASE of the Jessie Toy Story dress. The boy has a buzz shirt to wear and the older 2 just won't match.

Lots of great stuff posted but since I'm usually browsing while nursing it gets too hard to quote everyone.


Cute dress and model!

Oh I have a question:

How different is the measurement for a 24" doll vs. an 18" doll (other than height)? One of my co-workers asked me if I can make a dress for a doll she found when she was cleaning out her mother's pocessions. This doll is in good shape so she would like to donate the doll to the Christmas toy drive; however, she wanted to give this doll a new dress prior to donating it. I am thinking about a Portrait Peasant for this doll, but the directions are only for an 18" doll. I have never been a doll kind of person so I have no idea what the size difference may be (I can upsize the pattern if I knew what I am working with). Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!
I love how I'm so on the ball that I've missed almost an entire thread!! :upsidedow:rotfl:

I've got loads of catching up to do. :eek:
Where have you been!!!!!! Okay- is that a new ticker?????????

Life has been busy!! Guess it's the buzz of spring. New job, school stuff, etc. Finally settling into a routine, though. Can't wait to poke around this thread.

YES!! I've got to peruse this thread to get some ideas for the fall trip!
I wasn't speaking about time -- I made a couple of AG outifts and I agree, it's a bit hard to manuever the small armholes and the like. I was talking about fabric -- you don't need as much fabric to make a doll's outfit as you would a dress for a 6 year old. So even if you only buy a couple of yards of fabric you can probably get a few outfits out of it. Certainly would save on storage space!

Sorry if I misunderstood your post. :lovestruc That is true... I do use a bit less fabric. :rotfl2: I can usually squeeze an couple of outfits out of a yard (but I still need to buy all the seperate yards for coordinating prints). So, out of curiosity - about how much fabric do you use for a size 6 dress? I am making my girls a skirt for the wedding we are going to - and I spent a small fortune on fabric - I couldn't believe it. :worship:

Oh I have a question:

How different is the measurement for a 24" doll vs. an 18" doll (other than height)? One of my co-workers asked me if I can make a dress for a doll she found when she was cleaning out her mother's pocessions. This doll is in good shape so she would like to donate the doll to the Christmas toy drive; however, she wanted to give this doll a new dress prior to donating it. I am thinking about a Portrait Peasant for this doll, but the directions are only for an 18" doll. I have never been a doll kind of person so I have no idea what the size difference may be (I can upsize the pattern if I knew what I am working with). Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!

I guess it will probably depend on the shape of the doll's body. Do you have an AG doll you can compare it to? The problem with AGs is that they are very narrow in the body and quite wide in the shoulders - they are really not proportionate. Hopefully it's just a matter of upsizing the pattern. I've never sewn for anything bigger than an AG - doll wise anyways. :lovestruc I would opt for a loose fitting dress, if you can.

Sorry if I misunderstood your post. :lovestruc That is true... I do use a bit less fabric. :rotfl2: I can usually squeeze an couple of outfits out of a yard (but I still need to buy all the seperate yards for coordinating prints). So, out of curiosity - about how much fabric do you use for a size 6 dress? I am making my girls a skirt for the wedding we are going to - and I spent a small fortune on fabric - I couldn't believe it. :worship:


It's hard to say how much fabric because I never look at the pattern requirements since I'm always tweeking the patterns anyway. For a twirl dress with a ruffle at least 2.5 yards, maybe more like three yards. And my dd likes twirl. She's not as big into ruffles, but the twirlier the better so I still have lots of gathering to do and usually ruffle the bottom. I had one ruffle strip that was twelve feet long once so a ruffle can take close to a yard of material!

Also you have to pay attention to directionality of patterns. For my dd's Chinese dress the fabric was directional. It said it required 2.5 yards but I bought 2 yards and it worked perfect. That was a directional print.

Teacher Appreciation Day is May 3. Time to get cracking on gifts for your children's teacher's. I am a big advocate of taking care of our children's teachers. They work very hard and oftern spend more waking time with your child that you do. Take care of the person that takes care of them. Even if you just do something small like buy a flower for their garden and give a card of cute poem, DO IT!!!! My kids share a teacher so I have it easy this year. But ds also has a tutor, so she gets a gift too. I am making totoe bags, luggage tags, bookmarks, keyrings (hopefully if I remember to order the hardware!), and likely a bracelet for each. I may also try covering clipboards or doing notebook packets.

And I am NOT a teacher ~ I have been very lucky to always have great teachers for my children though and like to remember all that they do for my kids.
It's hard to say how much fabric because I never look at the pattern requirements since I'm always tweeking the patterns anyway. For a twirl dress with a ruffle at least 2.5 yards, maybe more like three yards. And my dd likes twirl. She's not as big into ruffles, but the twirlier the better so I still have lots of gathering to do and usually ruffle the bottom. I had one ruffle strip that was twelve feet long once so a ruffle can take close to a yard of material!

Also you have to pay attention to directionality of patterns. For my dd's Chinese dress the fabric was directional. It said it required 2.5 yards but I bought 2 yards and it worked perfect. That was a directional print.

Teacher Appreciation Day is May 3. Time to get cracking on gifts for your children's teacher's. I am a big advocate of taking care of our children's teachers. They work very hard and oftern spend more waking time with your child that you do. Take care of the person that takes care of them. Even if you just do something small like buy a flower for their garden and give a card of cute poem, DO IT!!!! My kids share a teacher so I have it easy this year. But ds also has a tutor, so she gets a gift too. I am making totoe bags, luggage tags, bookmarks, keyrings (hopefully if I remember to order the hardware!), and likely a bracelet for each. I may also try covering clipboards or doing notebook packets.

And I am NOT a teacher ~ I have been very lucky to always have great teachers for my children though and like to remember all that they do for my kids.

I had planned on making something that takes the embroidery machine...but since Bubba is going to the 'doctor' today for about 3 weeks, I have to come up with alternative plans. I am getting the Notebook slipcover from YCNT and doing something with this.

(I know...I know...I could probably figure this out without the pattern, but it is only $6.00 and I figure it would save me the time of trying to figure out the measurements...of course her directions are not a sgood as Carla C's...but not too hard to figure out!~)

Thanks for the reminder I need to figure something out. Maybe I will make greeting card sets and us the cricut and scrap supplies.
Jessica and mphalens - thanks for the leads on the Imagination Movers outfit. I got the fabric the other day at JoAnn's with my 50% off coupon so I need to get started.

Tricia - the Pooh Insa skirt came out really nice. The tank and piglet t-shirt are really cute. Such nice details. The Thomas set came out really nice and I love your Cars Bowling shirt with that cool checkered fabric.

I just want you all to know you have inspired me. This was my 2nd ever sewing piece. It's not Disney but I am making a Mickey/Minnie inspired one for MK and a top for Epcot as well. I don't have an embroidering machine so nothing like that yet

Just wanted to say Thank you for your INSPIRATION!!!:worship:
wow, this came out really nice.

I made this skirt for dd for Valentine's Day ~ but it's mainly kitties with some hearts so she wears it all the time. I took photos when I made it but she had on a shirt that was way too big and it made the skirt look awful. It looks much better with this shirt:
That skirt is adorable, the fabrics look really nice together. The dog quilt is great, I wish I had something so nice and cozy for my bed.

I finally finished 22 pairs of shorts.... 11 each for DS3 & DS5. Now I can move onto things for DD. I will post pics after I have appliqued the shirts to go with the shorts.

But I have found a new obsession besided buying fabric... I keep buying plain Tshirts for DD,DS5,DS3 when I find them at the store. I could probably clothes all the kids in my neighborhood now I have so many shirts. But I just think of all the possibilities I can do with those tees.
Just 22 pairs of shorts! ;) Can't wait to see all your t-shirts.

I am so glad you all enjoyed everything! I can only imagine what all those packages at check in looked like. NaeNae helped me out tremendously with my shirts - she did all the wording for me since I cannot understand Stitch Era. Her word files gave the shirts that extra touch and I really appreciate her help!
Sorry, I couldn't read the wording on the t-shirts with the castle. What did it say?

Ok, let's see - I've sewn some things in the last few days.

a tank for A's summer wardrobe (waiting for fabric to come in to complete this outfit)


And I started making this countdown banner for our upcoming trip! I have several more links to stitch, but I'm loving how it's coming out!

That tank top is really cute and the countdown banner is amazing. I didn't realize that you had a shop so I'm glad I read your signature. I see that you have that design listed now.

The bibs were a big hit.

I also volunteered to make some easy fits for him since he is such an odd size for his waist and legnth. She is going to get me a pair of pants that fit.

My dad came up to me at the party and told me what a nice thing I did making the bibs and how nice the look. it was so sweet.

I am going to crash since I have a lot of projects for this weekend and Miss C has a dance show on Sunday. It is also a fundraiser.

Have a great night.
:lovestruc What a nice story. You are always so generous. I'm sure having the right sized bibs and pants is such a great help.

Here are a couple of things I did a while back for a Big Give. It took a while for the family to receive them because they live in Canada.

A belle twirl scallopini set. It was my first time using this pattern and I just loved it!


A pirate outfit for little brother.

This Belle set is gorgeous. I love the pirate set too.

OT: Please pray for the victims for storms in my state -- Arkansas. We had very minor damage - a tree came down in our back yard and hit our neighbor's house. Minor damage to our fence and their gutter pipe. We can clean it up in a day or two be back to normal.

But 3 children were killed last night in our state due to trees falling on their houses. They found a mom holding her 7 year old son in her arms dead from a tree this afternoon - he called her in his room due to being scared so she went to comfort him. Her 18 month old daughter was fine. So so heartbreaking! That happened about just 6 miles from our home. An 18 month old and her dad who she was sleeping with both died and a 6 year died in his home. This just breaks my heart. It puts our lost tree, broken fence and damaged gutter in perspective.

And happier news -- another doll dress for a birthday party.

All these storms are causing such destruction, it is so heartbreaking to see these families that have lost loved ones.
The doll dress just says "spring to me"

I haven't posted for awhile, but I finally finished Disney outfits for our trip to DW in a few weeks and thought I'd share. :)

wow, you have been busy. Everything came out really great. I love the black, white and red dress. Question: where did you get the red fabric with the larger white dots? The only fabric I have ever seen has smaller white dots on it.

DMGeurts - The latest additions to your Princess Collection came out beautiful. The embroidery you do is amazing. Ariel's skirt is really cute, I love your interpretation of Ariel. The Jasmine set is really nice. I still don't know how you create such masterpieces on such a small canvas.

Andrea - I love you sewing space. It is not quite what I was picturing when you said you sewed in your laundry room. Your space is bigger then what I expected and you have everything so well organized. I love those little fabric baskets you have the walls. (and the floors look really clean!)

Sorry, I have another question: when you guys do appliques with satin, does it fray around the edges or pull away? Will it hold up? Is their a trick to using satin? I know I have seen some of you use it for the princesses dress or minnie's dress on your appliques. I tried using it once for a tooth fairy applique and it pulled away and frayed all around the satin stitching. Do I need a heavier satin or something?
I only appliqued with Satin one time and I backed the fabric with some light weight interfacing in hopes that it would not fray. After a few washes it has held up pretty well. I think I also used a sharp needle when I did the applique.

Here is the tank top I did yesterday for DD10.

This is a picture of the mermaid outfit I made last night for my little niece. Thanks for the great ideas everybody gave me!


Because I am thrifty, I couldn't just throw away the lower part of the tank top that I used in the mermaid costume. I combined it with some leftover fabric from one of the Big Gives and made a yoga waist skirt. when I get a chance I am going to make up a Minnie shirt to go with the skirt.

Lastly, it was rainy here today (and it looks like it will be rainy for much of spring break boo!) so we worked on the wide band elastic skirts. DD10 is modeling hers. DD11 wouldn't leaver her computer game long enough to model the one that she made.
I'm glad you were able to get that tank top away from your daughter so we could see a picture. I can see why she snatched it right up, it came out great. The mermaid costume is amazing, the tail is so pretty. The skirts you made are really nice too.

So ladies, I am hopping onto your thread. I havent posted on it before and wanted to share something I made for my youngest DD. She is 4 and loves Handy Manny and is soooo excited to meet him in September at H&V.

Thanks so letting me share.

Your Handy Manny creation is fabulous. I can't imagine how long it took you to create this. Your DD is really cute, I can tell she loves it too.

So, we had fun with our indoor easter egg hunt!!! lol
It looks like everyone had a great time. Please don't tell me those are the same kids as the ones in the picture you posted a few pages back with Minnie's sewing machine!

DS wore a shark shirt and said to me he really wished he had a fish shirt to wear. I guess that's another future project for me!
Sounds like your son will be keeping you busy.

ellenbenny posted directions which I used to make mine! I just made another set so I took photos as well, so maybe if you look at her directions and mine, they'll reinforce each other and make sense.
Thanks for posting the additional directions.

This is all I have accomplished this week :) First time ever making pleats.
You did an amazing job. I love the fabric and the pleats look really nice.

We're getting down to the wire for our trip in May but as I started packing I started adding more things the baby "needed". So here is my CASE of the Jessie Toy Story dress. The boy has a buzz shirt to wear and the older 2 just won't match.

Lots of great stuff posted but since I'm usually browsing while nursing it gets too hard to quote everyone.

This dress is really cute and so are your girls.

I had such a good day at Walmart and their fabric department that Chase had to call us and make sure it was us making the purchase! I thought it was a bit odd because I tend to charge that much but guess it has been a while since it was *that* much. Stupid walmarts without fabric departments! And YIKES to the price!!! $5.47 for just regular fabric!!!!

But I am happy they seem to have restocked. It was not fun tryin to find what I needed in their squished little area but all was well. And thanks to the electronics guy doing a GREAT job cutting my fabric!
I'm not sure what made me smile more - the fact that Chase had to call you or a visual of the guy from the electronics department cutting your fabric.

I love how I'm so on the ball that I've missed almost an entire thread!!
I've got loads of catching up to do.
No worries, I just need to watch your post for a few minutes so I can see all your great pictures scroll by.

Teacher Appreciation Day is May 3. Time to get cracking on gifts for your children's teacher's. I am a big advocate of taking care of our children's teachers. They work very hard and oftern spend more waking time with your child that you do. Take care of the person that takes care of them. Even if you just do something small like buy a flower for their garden and give a card of cute poem, DO IT!!!! My kids share a teacher so I have it easy this year. But ds also has a tutor, so she gets a gift too. I am making totoe bags, luggage tags, bookmarks, keyrings (hopefully if I remember to order the hardware!), and likely a bracelet for each. I may also try covering clipboards or doing notebook packets.

And I am NOT a teacher ~ I have been very lucky to always have great teachers for my children though and like to remember all that they do for my kids.
Thanks for the reminder - I can't believe it is almost May.
There have been so many wonderful things posted this weekend! I've enjoyed looking at all your creations. I don't have enough posts to quote yet, but there are too many great things to quote anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone makes this week!
Hi girls - I've been lurking not really sewing lately. Trying to do curtains for our camper we bought. The ones that were in there were kinda of yucky color and very faded.

I do have one question, my DD5 has a bitty baby, I know many of you make clothes for the AG bigger doll, do you know of any sites that have clothes for the bitty baby?
Not exactly sure what spatial relations are, but I was and still am a total math geek. (Which is probably why I don't know what it means, that would be English, LOL!)

Well, SATs were a long time ago, but weren't there boxes stacked up and then the question was which picture showed a grid of the boxes on a flat piece of paper? I dunno, not important.

I never really read Ellen's directions b/c I don't yet have time to make these, but I read through yours and you did a brilliant job. I completely understand everything. Do you care if I copy and paste this over to the Big Give board so it is in the pillow case thread over there (if that's OK with Teresa)?

That's fine. Ellen's directions are there, but I think it's helpful to see it two ways.

Thanks for taking the time to share your directions. Seeing it done in multiple ways always helps.

You're welcome. Someone posted on the BG board that they use 24,000 a year so I guess they need to continually restock.


Thanks for posting the additional directions.

Hope they help someone. :)
WyomingMomgets first dibs! -( this is the only way I can put pictures up.)otherwise first come first trade!

For those looking - I have some HP fabric. Here is a pic of the fabric I have the most of. It is sparkle fabric I have about 3 yrds I can part with.


Here is another print -I have about 1.5 - 2 yrds I can part with. It does not say HP on it but has Polyjuice Potion ingredients on it and says Polyjuice Potion.

Okey dokey the time has come!! This kiddo is our very own Tonya (tonyababyrn)'s son Trace - he had a cancerous tumor last year, and is now cancer free so they are celebrating!!!! Trace is a sweet heart who LOVES star wars and animals the best!!! He has 2 big sisters too!! This give is Tshirts (mainly for Trace) and some bags and pixie dust stuff since he is a big kiddo. Please come on over!!! Ship date is 5/20/11!!!!
Here is the star of our show!!

Thanks so much Everyone!!!

I love everything, but the bowling shirt is absolutely fabulous!! I hope you don't mind if I CASE this idea for my boys...I've been sitting on that Lightening McQueen fabric forever wondering what I'm going to do with it! LOVE IT WITH THE CHECKER FABRIC!! :lovestruc

Of course you can CASE, I would be honored.

Everything looks great. I always love the look of the Insa skirt, and keep telling myself I should make one some day. I have the pattern from the book.

It is a great looking skirt and falls so nicely when on.

Everything is awesome! I must really put the Insa skirt on my immediate to do list. I love the looks of the ones you made. Those tissue paper patterns just kill me though. I dread tracing mine.

Thanks, and Yes, the tracing is my least favourite part.

The outfits are great great minds think alike i just made my dgs a lighting mqueen shirt using the same fabric a few weeks ago just havent posted pictures yet he wont wear it till our trip in may

Thank you
No surprise, the Lightning McQueen and the checkered flag were a pretty obvious combination to me.

These came out great.


Love it all but especially the cars bowling shirt! That is just great!

Thank you.

All of them look great. I like the idea of changing the Insa into a skort. Your work is always so inspiring!

Thank you. It is quite and honor to hear that on this board.

Tricia - the Pooh Insa skirt came out really nice. The tank and piglet t-shirt are really cute. Such nice details. The Thomas set came out really nice and I love your Cars Bowling shirt with that cool checkered fabric.

Thank you.
Okey dokey the time has come!! This kiddo is our very own Tonya (tonyababyrn)'s son Trace - he had a cancerous tumor last year, and is now cancer free so they are celebrating!!!! Trace is a sweet heart who LOVES star wars and animals the best!!! He has 2 big sisters too!! This give is Tshirts (mainly for Trace) and some bags and pixie dust stuff since he is a big kiddo. Please come on over!!! Ship date is 5/20/11!!!!
Here is the star of our show!!

Thanks so much Everyone!!!


went, saw and posted!!! what a sweet family!
Here is the tank top I did yesterday for DD10.


This is a picture of the mermaid outfit I made last night for my little niece. Thanks for the great ideas everybody gave me!


Because I am thrifty, I couldn't just throw away the lower part of the tank top that I used in the mermaid costume. I combined it with some leftover fabric from one of the Big Gives and made a yoga waist skirt. when I get a chance I am going to make up a Minnie shirt to go with the skirt.

Lastly, it was rainy here today (and it looks like it will be rainy for much of spring break boo!) so we worked on the wide band elastic skirts. DD10 is modeling hers. DD11 wouldn't leaver her computer game long enough to model the one that she made.

Awesome, love the tank for your DD.

Here is where I sew, and sorry the pics are huge but Photobucket is behaving as if I have dial-up and I don't want to spend over an hour resizing a few pics.

This is the room as entering through the door. On the right are shelves with baskets that are used for laundry -- one for ds, one for dd, one for me and one for kitchen. Another basket is sewing repairs/mending and the box is socks waiting for their mates. Then comes my sewing table (shown closed in this photo). At the back wall is a counter. I keep my serger on that along with my big cutting mat. Usually it has stuff all over it but I just cleaned it to begin a new project. Under the counter is a set ofplastic drawers that house craft supplies, stabilizer and applique supplies and scrap fabrics. To the right of that I have ringbinders and folders with patterns and beading things on top of that. To the left is kitty potty central.

Very good use of space, and very handy to get laundry done too.


And for the kiddos.... A smaller version.....


Looks great.

And happier news -- another doll dress for a birthday party.


Prayers for those affected.

cute little doll dress.

I haven't posted for awhile, but I finally finished Disney outfits for our trip to DW in a few weeks and thought I'd share. :)


I got the idea for this outfit from someone on here (it was a skirt and t-shirt), but my DD insisted on only dresses.

Everything looks great, what an awesome bunch of outfits.


Close-up of Lumiere:

And on the other outfit I did - Chip:

And then I did Ariel. I am actually happy with this one. I chose not to do any embroidery work on this one at all, just because there is so much going on, I think it would just detract from the outfit itself. Over all, I think it came together really nicely - again, it wasn't the skirt I'd originally intended for Ariel - I don't even remember which one I was going to do - but I drew the pattern for this one on my own and I really like how it turned out. It was quite labor intensive - but I like it just the same. :)


I finished Jasmine's skirt last night. It's a smidgin tighter and shorter than I wanted it, but I think I am going to leave it that way. I hope to post pictures by the end of the day. :wizard:


both cute, but I really like the skirt on the Ariel.

Here are a couple of things I did a while back for a Big Give. It took a while for the family to receive them because they live in Canada.

A belle twirl scallopini set. It was my first time using this pattern and I just loved it!


A pirate outfit for little brother.


Love that pirate outfit.

Really cute.

So, we had fun with our indoor easter egg hunt!!! lol


Looks like a lot of fun.

I am very happy to introduce my seventh and final princess, Jasmine.



Pretty, love the bubble skirt.

Wow have you guys been busy....Are we trying to hit the 250 mark by the weekends end? :) I havent been on for a couple of days and I cant keep up with all the postings!
Love the Disney clothing, Hanny Manny, cute chick and everything that has been posted
Sewing room AMAZING...would love to have a dedicated space...even part of a space instead of our dining room which is in our living room
Jasmine doll outfit...insanely cute!!

This is all I have accomplished this week :) First time ever making pleats.

Good job, it looks great.

wanted to make something cute for a friend but her fav character is DONALD...I CAN"T FIND DONALD!!!! ARRGGGHHHH HAs anyone seen any fabric with him???
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