Disboutiquers Part 24 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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QUESTION hi Everyone -Im thinking of taking a try at the wrap top dress. How does the sizing run on that. I had the kids mom measure them, and I know their usual sizes (4/5 and 10) but they measure chest wise at a 2/3 and 7/8? I was thinking of doing a 4/5 and a 8/10....thoughts??? Thanks!!

We were supposed to watch the kids all weekend, but Elizabeth was sick puking yesterday so their mom stayed home. No one else has puked and its been 24 hours since Elizabeth did, so they are going to come over here for dinner and an indoor easter egg hunt!!!! Im going to wrap the outfits I made them and hide them too!!

We just decided to try netflix for free for the month. Does anyone else do this and, if you do, do you cancel your other cable movie channels?:wizard:

Sounds like fun...indoor egg hunts were always a hit with my older kids...

As for Netflix, we love it, just wish they had more Disney movies on the instant download. The kids watch it all the time through the Wii. We don't have one of the movie services on our cable, so I can't help you with that... For me, the best part is I don't have to worry about returning the movie. If I want a new DVD I have to return the old one, but it usually only takes 2 days and I have a new movie.

Of course, the new movies are not always on there for several weeks. So if you want to see the movie as soon as it comes out on dvd, you are out of luck.

Anyone ever order from rockbottomt-shirts.com? I was looking at a baby onesie on there. They don't tell you the name brand though. I am assuming it is the same as jiffy, but was just wondering.
Here is where I sew, and sorry the pics are huge but Photobucket is behaving as if I have dial-up and I don't want to spend over an hour resizing a few pics.

This is the room as entering through the door. On the right are shelves with baskets that are used for laundry -- one for ds, one for dd, one for me and one for kitchen. Another basket is sewing repairs/mending and the box is socks waiting for their mates. Then comes my sewing table (shown closed in this photo). At the back wall is a counter. I keep my serger on that along with my big cutting mat. Usually it has stuff all over it but I just cleaned it to begin a new project. Under the counter is a set ofplastic drawers that house craft supplies, stabilizer and applique supplies and scrap fabrics. To the right of that I have ringbinders and folders with patterns and beading things on top of that. To the left is kitty potty central.

This is the view to the left -- washer and dryer and ironing board. Shelf with boxes of fabric on top and I use the hanging space for laundry/ironing. I keep my ironing board set up at all times b/c I use it every day. The door in the pic goes to a walk in attic in which I keep a lot of craft supplies in rubber made bins.

This is my sewing desk open (I am minimally overweight so I can leave it open at all times and still walk through between the pull section and washer):

Another view of my table/desk -- the back also opens to a huge cutting table, but NOT in my cramped quarters!:

To the sides of the window I have fabric totes with sewing goodies:

On my washer I have magnetic bins and something dd wrote to me:

A cabinet of fabric (I have fabric in bins on top of the cabinets as well):

Mainly supplies and fat quarters and unwashed fabric:

And that is the hole I sew in! Not pretty, but I manage. And I did sweep the floor for the photos.
I love all the outfits that have been posted. And EVERY AG outfit is amazing.

Does anyone here have the Juno Janome serger 3434D ? Its on sale at Hancock's starting next Wed for $179. Has pretty good reviews online, just hoping maybe someone here might have some input. Is this a good starter serger? User friendly? :confused3

I had a Janome serger, and the motor burnt up in a year. It was covered under warranty and they said it would be cheaper to buy a new one then fix that one. They sent me a lovely letter, basically just saying sorry. I think it was close to $500 when I bought it. Got the old one out, and I think the Janome must have had a problem from the beginning. I didn't realize how loud it was until I was using the White again. BUT, I have 2 Janome sewing machines and love them both.


What can be done with panel fabric? Our Hancock's has Wall-E panels on sale for $1 yard. I bought two yards at one store but another has way more. Would they work for pillow cases for BG's? Any other ideas? Are they too big for the pillows for the GKTW project (I think those are smaller than regular pillows but not really sure as I haven't made any yet). I just feel compelled to buy more of the fabric at that price, but if it has limited uses I hate to hoard something that I won't use much. I bought Tink panels at Walmart on clearance ($3 panel) but figured I could make totes for the ladies with those. Tink is also more popular than Wall-E. I could see myself using those for Vida's as well, but doubt I'd ever have the need to make a Wall-E Vida.

I guess it depends on the size of the panel. Some have sued them as appliques. Pillowcase tops. The tote is a good idea. I'd think you'd have measure for the GKTW pillow case.
Have any of you purchased and attempted to do the ruched appliques on your machines....you know the ones I am talking about, right?....like the ruched fabric for the top of a cupcake or the tutu on a ballerina?

Just thinking about doing some ballerina designs for my girls to wear to each other's recitals.
Sorry, I have another question: when you guys do appliques with satin, does it fray around the edges or pull away? Will it hold up?:confused3 Is their a trick to using satin? I know I have seen some of you use it for the princesses dress or minnie's dress on your appliques. I tried using it once for a tooth fairy applique and it pulled away and frayed all around the satin stitching. Do I need a heavier satin or something?
Have any of you purchased and attempted to do the ruched appliques on your machines....you know the ones I am talking about, right?....like the ruched fabric for the top of a cupcake or the tutu on a ballerina?

Just thinking about doing some ballerina designs for my girls to wear to each other's recitals.

Those looks so cute. I would love to know how they turn out!
Ugh! I lost all of my quotes. Thanks for all of the advice about the fitted type shirts from jiffy shirts. I think I will go look for one at Target instead. Is the rabbit skins brand okay for little kids tshirts and onesies? I have a mom that wants a light yellow in a 2T, 4T, and 0-3 months and that is where I could find the same color for all of them unless you all can recommend somewhere else?

0-3 is going to be near impossible to find....I know Old Navy has yellow tops in the bigger sizes maybe you can ask her to go with a different color.
Here is the tank top I did yesterday for DD10.


This is a picture of the mermaid outfit I made last night for my little niece. Thanks for the great ideas everybody gave me!


Because I am thrifty, I couldn't just throw away the lower part of the tank top that I used in the mermaid costume. I combined it with some leftover fabric from one of the Big Gives and made a yoga waist skirt. when I get a chance I am going to make up a Minnie shirt to go with the skirt.

Lastly, it was rainy here today (and it looks like it will be rainy for much of spring break boo!) so we worked on the wide band elastic skirts. DD10 is modeling hers. DD11 wouldn't leaver her computer game long enough to model the one that she made.

What can be done with panel fabric? Our Hancock's has Wall-E panels on sale for $1 yard. I bought two yards at one store but another has way more. Would they work for pillow cases for BG's? Any other ideas? Are they too big for the pillows for the GKTW project (I think those are smaller than regular pillows but not really sure as I haven't made any yet). I just feel compelled to buy more of the fabric at that price, but if it has limited uses I hate to hoard something that I won't use much. I bought Tink panels at Walmart on clearance ($3 panel) but figured I could make totes for the ladies with those. Tink is also more popular than Wall-E. I could see myself using those for Vida's as well, but doubt I'd ever have the need to make a Wall-E Vida.

I think you may be able to use the panels for bowling shirts depending on how big they are perhaps...Or maybe there are characters that can be out out to embellish jeans?

I haven't posted for awhile, but I finally finished Disney outfits for our trip to DW in a few weeks and thought I'd share. :)


I got the idea for this outfit from someone on here (it was a skirt and t-shirt), but my DD insisted on only dresses.



My DD will be going to BBB one day, so I made her a comfy Cinderella dress. The fabric has glitter in it!!




I bought the shirt at Walmart last year, and found matching Tinker Bell fabric to make the skirt.


For 1900 Park Fare (DD went as Drizella last year and wanted to be Anastasia this time!)




CUTE CUTE CUTE!! Looks like you're all set!

TMTQ... It amazes me that I can fall behind in one day... :lovestruc Everything is adorable - as always! :)

Well, I've been sewing like crazy the last few days, trying to finish up a few outfits that I had half finished - I am finally working on my last princess. I hate to say it, but I am a little tired of them, and I'll be really happy to move on to Toy Story. :banana:

Anyways - here's Belle. This outfit did not turn out, at all, like I'd wanted it to. I planned to do a scallopini, but I just couldn't get the scallops even - appearantly, I can't do perfect curves - and it really bothered me. So, I went with this skirt instead - it's not my favorite. The lumiere embroidery helps - I did two variations - one with Chip as well (personally, I like the Chip on better). The top turned out cute - the ruffle was really hard to get situated and sewn, I had to rip it out a few times. :confused3


Close-up of Lumiere:

And on the other outfit I did - Chip:

And then I did Ariel. I am actually happy with this one. I chose not to do any embroidery work on this one at all, just because there is so much going on, I think it would just detract from the outfit itself. Over all, I think it came together really nicely - again, it wasn't the skirt I'd originally intended for Ariel - I don't even remember which one I was going to do - but I drew the pattern for this one on my own and I really like how it turned out. It was quite labor intensive - but I like it just the same. :)


I finished Jasmine's skirt last night. It's a smidgin tighter and shorter than I wanted it, but I think I am going to leave it that way. I hope to post pictures by the end of the day. :wizard:


I love both Belle skirts, but Chip is my favorite! :lovestruc The Ariel outfit is adorable too, I love that skirt design!!

Both outfits are just AMAZING!!!!!!!! Love them!!!!

They sound adorable - lots of ideas already mentioned - I did a round neck top a few times with pillow panels and they came out nice,,,


I love the Tink outfit!! And the kiddos in their outfits are adorable as well :lovestruc
Here is the tank top I did yesterday for DD10.


This is a picture of the mermaid outfit I made last night for my little niece. Thanks for the great ideas everybody gave me!


Because I am thrifty, I couldn't just throw away the lower part of the tank top that I used in the mermaid costume. I combined it with some leftover fabric from one of the Big Gives and made a yoga waist skirt. when I get a chance I am going to make up a Minnie shirt to go with the skirt.

Lastly, it was rainy here today (and it looks like it will be rainy for much of spring break boo!) so we worked on the wide band elastic skirts. DD10 is modeling hers. DD11 wouldn't leaver her computer game long enough to model the one that she made.


ADORABLE!!! I so need to get lessons!!! You all put me to shame! :worship::worship:
Here is the tank top I did yesterday for DD10.


This is a picture of the mermaid outfit I made last night for my little niece. Thanks for the great ideas everybody gave me!


Because I am thrifty, I couldn't just throw away the lower part of the tank top that I used in the mermaid costume. I combined it with some leftover fabric from one of the Big Gives and made a yoga waist skirt. when I get a chance I am going to make up a Minnie shirt to go with the skirt.

Lastly, it was rainy here today (and it looks like it will be rainy for much of spring break boo!) so we worked on the wide band elastic skirts. DD10 is modeling hers. DD11 wouldn't leaver her computer game long enough to model the one that she made.

These are all great.

ANDREA I love your sewing area.
And I started making this countdown banner for our upcoming trip! I have several more links to stitch, but I'm loving how it's coming out!



I love that countdown banner. I saw you mentioned it is in the hoop, was this something you purchased or designed yourself.

A belle twirl scallopini set. It was my first time using this pattern and I just loved it!


A pirate outfit for little brother.


I really love that skirt and the little boys pirate outfit is adorable


And for the kiddos.... A smaller version.....


That is really nice and I bet they are really going to love it.

OT: Please pray for the victims for storms in my state -- Arkansas. We had very minor damage - a tree came down in our back yard and hit our neighbor's house. Minor damage to our fence and their gutter pipe. We can clean it up in a day or two be back to normal.

And happier news -- another doll dress for a birthday party.


:hug: So sad:hug: But I do love the AG dress

I haven't posted for awhile, but I finally finished Disney outfits for our trip to DW in a few weeks and thought I'd share. :)


I got the idea for this outfit from someone on here (it was a skirt and t-shirt), but my DD insisted on only dresses.



My DD will be going to BBB one day, so I made her a comfy Cinderella dress. The fabric has glitter in it!!


Love everything. I bet you can't wait to see them in action:goodvibes


Close-up of Lumiere:

And on the other outfit I did - Chip:


Those came out great. I think you are too hard on yourself:goodvibes

You have been busy! I can't wait to see what you do with all of those shirts.
:lmao: Me too! I have purchased so many of heather's designs I can't seem to decide which ones I want on some of them.

WOW. You and your sewing machine must be very close!
:rotfl: It actually took more time to cut and iron the hem than it did to sew.

Very clever.:thumbsup2
Thanks so much for all the help for my questions!! I appreciate it!

Now I have a few more QUESTIONS

All of you near Charlotte/Monroe area...where is the best place to get fabrics? Are there any walmarts with fabric near Monroe?

What about near the IKEA in Charlotte?

Can you guess where I am traveling to next weekend? :rotfl:

TMTQ but everything is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that countdown banner. I saw you mentioned it is in the hoop, was this something you purchased or designed yourself.

It's something I've designed. I loved stitching it out - it just made me smile with each and every link!
Thanks so much for all the help for my questions!! I appreciate it!

Now I have a few more QUESTIONS

All of you near Charlotte/Monroe area...where is the best place to get fabrics? Are there any walmarts with fabric near Monroe?

What about near the IKEA in Charlotte?

Can you guess where I am traveling to next weekend? :rotfl:

TMTQ but everything is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know there's a Hobby Lobby near both Ikea and there's one in Matthews off 51 & 74 ... There's also a Hancock Fabric just up 74 in Matthews ... not sure about the Walmarts near there, but I know there are others that live on that side of town that can maybe answer :-)
Here is the tank top I did yesterday for DD10.


This is a picture of the mermaid outfit I made last night for my little niece. Thanks for the great ideas everybody gave me!


Because I am thrifty, I couldn't just throw away the lower part of the tank top that I used in the mermaid costume. I combined it with some leftover fabric from one of the Big Gives and made a yoga waist skirt. when I get a chance I am going to make up a Minnie shirt to go with the skirt.

Lastly, it was rainy here today (and it looks like it will be rainy for much of spring break boo!) so we worked on the wide band elastic skirts. DD10 is modeling hers. DD11 wouldn't leaver her computer game long enough to model the one that she made.

What a great variety of clothing you've made. Nice job.

I have the same fabric you used in the peace symbol and used it for a pillowcase for GKTW. :thumbsup2
What a great variety of clothing you've made. Nice job.

I have the same fabric you used in the peace symbol and used it for a pillowcase for GKTW. :thumbsup2

I tried reading through the directions posted on the BG board but they don't make much sense to me. I am hoping to sew some this week with my girls while they are on spring break.
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