Disboutiquers Part 23 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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We made both regular & pink pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and potatoes. Had fruit salad and hot & cold drinks. We charged $10 fir adults & $5 for kids 10 and under. We had just about everything donated. Cost us $12. We had a silent auction too.

Thank you for the compliments on my appliques. They are mostly stuff I digitized myself. I am not good at the hand appliqué stuff like so many others.

That's a great fundraiser....I never would have thought of pink pancakes. LOL.

I think I'm going to have to find a team for next year. I'm not sure I can pull off any type of major fundraiser by myself. Well...I probably could...but I'm TERRIFIED of even thinking about it.
Unfortunately my work Doesn't allow any fundraising.

It would have been cold sleeping.... but it was too windy for the dining tent. Apparently that is what decides the sleeping arrangements. if the dining tent can't stand on it's own..they move indoors.

Guess they know that the food is most important. :rotfl:

I Love CHOP...they did great with my cousins son when he needed open heart surgery at 3 months old... any my DH's cousin with Leukemia. We've had experience with St. Chris' lately. But I believe we are officially done now :woohoo:

My sister had all 3 or her babies at Voorhees and my Mom has worked at the Marlton Division for over 30 years. I have long admired your appliqué work and I knew you were a Jersey girl and thought boy, one day I'll have to drive over for a lesson. I never realized we were actually so close. If you ever decide to teach a class in sewing and appliqué let me know! :rotfl:
That is so funny...well not funny...but I had the same dream! Dreamed that we got there and none of the customs were in the camper?! :lmao:

Hi all,

Ok i know i don't post here very often...i'm mostly a lurker but i just had to share this with ya'll cause i know you will understand. Sooo we are heading to the world at the end of may and of course i've been lurking here and getting everything i need in order to make a ton of stuff for the kiddos to wear. Well last night i had a dream that we got to wdw and I had NO custom outfits :scared1: I was panicking running around trying to find a sewing machine and fabric so that i could sew everything all at once...the plan was to sew all night long then go to the parks the next day. I was sooooo happy when i woke up and realized that i still have 3 months to get it all done. :cheer2:
Love the outfits --I especially love Heather's design on Alexa's shirt -- it turned out beautiful!

As far as time limits for the Big Gives if you are worried don't sign up if it's a shorter deadline or try to sign up for things that you can do with fabrics you already have on hand. Some people will also sign up to make outfits for the entire family, but you don't have to do that. And you can even tag team -- for example, for Mallory I made a patchwork skirt and asked if someone else would volunteer to make a coordinating shirt (though she hasn't received it yet and I am worried!). I've also thought about making things ahead of time, like tote bags that don't require fitting (of course I'm not that organized to actually do something like though!). There are so many gives posted that I aim to sign up for every other one posted, but lately I haven't even been able to do that. I'm overdoing myself on Khelsey's since I found out she lives very near me. But just do what you can what you can.


Adorable! I meant to make Valentines outfits...

Thanks for the compliments! I love all the Valentine's stuff everyone else has posted lately! Such a fun holiday to sew for.
Here is my take on a wrap dress/Top but for an adult. I frankenpatterned again and put things together and just did my best. This is attempt #2 and most likely the one I will wear. It is a bit big and flounce but for a day it will be ok.


That turned out great! So do you live on the Wyoming border of Yellowstone or the Montana? We live in Wyoming but the opposite end of the state, just seven miles from the Nebraska border. I agree with you, the scenery around Yellowstone is just breathtaking. We may try to get there again this summer as my two youngest have never been.
I just signed up too. I'm figuring out my embroidery machine and would love to participate! The only thing I worry about is sewing with a deadline because I work a lot of hours.

I'm so happy you joined!!! We usually have about a months notice for a Give, so hopefully you will be able to work them in somewhere. Or, you can premake some items like Eye Spy Bags (which we could still use for Korrissa's Give and maybe Glo's)

Great stuff posted lately!

Here are my latest projects. Easy-fits and a portrait peasant top for Alexa.
My first HeatherSue design! Alexa loves this shirt!

And one for Connor. Ignore his arm being up in the air, it was an idea I had for a card that didn't work too well.


I have a question about embroidering t-shirts. Do you rip out one of the side seams first? I ended up ruining one shirt because the hem got caught in the embroidery. It was hard to get it stretched over the hoop well enough.
Very cute stuff!!! Isn't Heathersue the best! :thumbsup2
I have never ripped the side out of a t-shirt. I just watch really closely to make sure nothing moves where it shouldn't. Someone posted a tutorial for hooping a onesie not too long ago, that might help you do the shirts. I think I put it in the bookmarks, but I'm not sure. Hopefully someone will repost it.

How exciting. Thanks for keeping everything going with the board. I'm hoping to be able to do the next give so I just registered.

Thank you so much. Your words have really made my night. I've been really busy trying to get everything moved over to the new board the last few days. I have pretty much neglected everything else I should be doing. Sometimes it seems like the behind the scenes work goes unnoticed, so thanks for thanks! :hug:

Very excited!!!:banana::banana::banana:See...three bananas!!! :lmao: Seriously though, I do love being part of the Gives, it's fun being a part of these families greatest moments, even from afar.

Yay!!! I'm really excited about the new board, it looks a lot more user friendly (at least for the admistrators) than the excoboards.

Isn't it a wonderful feeling to be able to do something for these families who go through so much? :lovestruc

I think I did it, I did get a confirm email but didn't see any gives up?

I just moved Korrissa and Glo's Gives over to the new board today. We could still use some things for Glo's brothers, Mom and Aunt if anyone wants to go check it out.

And the backs (the poses just crack me up, whatever, they were happy:flower3:)


Sorry, wanted to make sure ya'll saw this part;)
Now the girls have been complaining for a while now that I don't make enough clothes for their AG dolls. Does anyone have a doll sized Vida pattern? Where did you get it? If you did it yourself, how so I can try to copy:)

And then one more. I have supplies to make the outside of I spy bags. What kind of things do you put inside? Where do you get them?

I think that is it. The sun is finally shining here, so it looks pretty as I sit and sew

Your girls are just too adorable!!!! The dresses are so pretty too!!
I know some people have made the Vida in doll sized, Leslie did for sure. I don't know how she did it though!

I just find little things around the house for the I Spy Bags. Polly pocket shoes, tiny toys, dice, coins, game pieces to games that are mostly lost, any little thing really.
WARNING: Here are a bunch of pictures.

Here is a taggie blanket I made for my son.
I don't think I've shared a picture of my baby yet, so here he is. He's already 3 months old! He's laying on a beautiful afghan that my mom made for him.

Here are the stockings I made the kids for Christmas. They are 29 inches tall.

The Care Bear pillows I made the kids for Christmas.

And, finally, the quilt I made my parents for Christmas. It's huge. It was a King size.

Your daughter is so cute!! I love the skirt.
And, your baby!!!! OH look at that smile!!! It just warms my heart!! He is beautiful.

Here is my take on a wrap dress/Top but for an adult. I frankenpatterned again and put things together and just did my best. This is attempt #2 and most likely the one I will wear. It is a bit big and flounce but for a day it will be ok.

The top is really cute April!!! And, can I just say I love it that you are not cutting your head out of your pictures anymore!! I know you haven't done that in years, but I'm just happy that you don't anymore, I just like seeing what everyone looks like!
Thanks to everyone for the compliments! dd is having a ball trying on her dresses. I think I really need to alter patterns to fit her after looking at the pictures. Everything is so wide on her tiny frame. I made a Sleeping Beauty dress using CarlaC's simply sweet. I made a 2T width bodice with the length of 4T and skirt size 3T. It worked out pretty well.


The dress looks beautiful. But, could you please post a bigger picture? That one is really hard to see.
Here's a picture of my oldest with a shirt that I made him. It's not stitched on yet, I need to get more stabilizer first, so it's just ironed on.
He looks like he loves the shirt!!! Good job!!

Very pretty, that fabric is gorgeous!

Hi all,

Ok i know i don't post here very often...i'm mostly a lurker but i just had to share this with ya'll cause i know you will understand. Sooo we are heading to the world at the end of may and of course i've been lurking here and getting everything i need in order to make a ton of stuff for the kiddos to wear. Well last night i had a dream that we got to wdw and I had NO custom outfits I was panicking running around trying to find a sewing machine and fabric so that i could sew everything all at once...the plan was to sew all night long then go to the parks the next day. I was sooooo happy when i woke up and realized that i still have 3 months to get it all done.

I thought I was the only one who had dreams like that! I usually go into panic mode for our vacation about a month out and start having dreams similar to yours! Aren't you glad when you wake up and realize you were dreaming!
Last minute as usual, I'm working on my girls outfits for our trip and with two weeks to go I'm about half done but one is giving me trouble. I scored a last minute ADR for CRT lunch and decided on a Belle Simply Sweet for my younger DD, but older DD wants Snow White. I know I've seen a Snow White, I think Portrait Peasant?, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it now that I'm looking for inspiration!

Does anyone have any tips, pics, or ideas for where an amatuer would start looking to modify a YCMT pattern into a lovely Snow White?


This is my preteen version of the peasant. You could do this easily. The white collar maybe too hard for a novice tho'. Navy top, yellow bottom. Looking at SW sleeves, you could do the red, with blue ribbons. Kirsta told the yellow buttons and the red bow, were not correct. But I think people knew what I was going for. The collar, I used the pattern for the sleeve and the back, made it about 6 inches long and just attatched it to the dress, put the front on and folded it over.
Great stuff posted lately!

Here are my latest projects. Easy-fits and a portrait peasant top for Alexa.


My first HeatherSue design! Alexa loves this shirt!


And one for Connor. Ignore his arm being up in the air, it was an idea I had for a card that didn't work too well.


I have a question about embroidering t-shirts. Do you rip out one of the side seams first? I ended up ruining one shirt because the hem got caught in the embroidery. It was hard to get it stretched over the hoop well enough.
I love Alexa's outfit - so cute. Conner's shirt is so sweet. When I embroidery a t-shirt I just stretch the shirt over the hoop and WATCH it closely. I've never been ambitious enough to take out the side seems. I think I'm too scared to try and put them back together.

So here are my streamlined Valentine's Day Vidas. No ruffles or frills, which seem almost anti-Valentine's, but I wanted to get them finished. My oldest will wear hers to school tomorrow, but the kindergardener will have a Teddy PJ party and wear jammies to school. She is going to wear her dress to a Girl Scout "Sweet Tea Party" tomorrow night.


Sorry, wanted to make sure ya'll saw this part;)
Now the girls have been complaining for a while now that I don't make enough clothes for their AG dolls. Does anyone have a doll sized Vida pattern? Where did you get it? If you did it yourself, how so I can try to copy:)

And then one more. I have supplies to make the outside of I spy bags. What kind of things do you put inside? Where do you get them?

I think that is it. The sun is finally shining here, so it looks pretty as I sit and sew
Your Vida's came out great. You can tell the girls are enjoying them. I've never made an eye spy bag but I've heard of people putting those little buttons that are different themes in there. They sell packs of them at JoAnn's and you can usually find flowers, cars, trees, holiday themes, etc.

WARNING: Here are a bunch of pictures.

Here is a taggie blanket I made for my son.

Here is the Valentine's Day skirt I made my daughter. Some of the hearts have Mickey and Minnie in them. I made it a little bigger/longer, hoping it still fits her when we go on our trip in September.

I don't think I've shared a picture of my baby yet, so here he is. He's already 3 months old! He's laying on a beautiful afghan that my mom made for him.

Here are the stockings I made the kids for Christmas. They are 29 inches tall.

The Care Bear pillows I made the kids for Christmas.

And, finally, the quilt I made my parents for Christmas. It's huge. It was a King size.
The Valentine's skirt is so cute. You were busy at Christmas, especially with a baby. Those stockings are HUGE and I love the Care Bear pillows. We were just reading a Care Bears Valentines book last night. That quilt you made is beautiful and very big. Your DS is adorable - what a cute smile.

Here is my take on a wrap dress/Top but for an adult. I frankenpatterned again and put things together and just did my best. This is attempt #2 and most likely the one I will wear. It is a bit big and flounce but for a day it will be ok.

This is so pretty - the shirt and the view.

Thanks to everyone for the compliments! dd is having a ball trying on her dresses. I think I really need to alter patterns to fit her after looking at the pictures. Everything is so wide on her tiny frame. I made a Sleeping Beauty dress using CarlaC's simply sweet. I made a 2T width bodice with the length of 4T and skirt size 3T. It worked out pretty well.

She looks so cute but we NEED bigger pictures!

Here's a picture of my oldest with a shirt that I made him. It's not stitched on yet, I need to get more stabilizer first, so it's just ironed on.
Great shirt. Your DS looks very pleased with it.

When I cleaned out my craft room, I found a ton of UFO's. I got 2 pair of easy fit jammies fixed, one dress that was for my youngest that needed a hem (I didn't get a picture of that one) and one Cathy dress that just needed the neckline put in. Here are the pictures:

Now I need to go make one for Bianca.
I love the fabric on this dress. It came out so pretty. I'm impressed that you are getting all of your UFO's completed.

In between working on a give today. I made this shirt for DS to wear tomorrow. I used the PE-770 for the 3rd time. I need to get better about lining up kids shirts on it but it is fine for him to wear tomorrow

That is a cute applique. The shirt came out cute.
That turned out great! So do you live on the Wyoming border of Yellowstone or the Montana? We live in Wyoming but the opposite end of the state, just seven miles from the Nebraska border. I agree with you, the scenery around Yellowstone is just breathtaking. We may try to get there again this summer as my two youngest have never been.

My multi quote thing failed so thank you everyone on the wrap top compliments and about our view. We see it everyday and it becomes "normal". You reminded again how blessed I am to live here.

We are on the Idaho/Wyoming border about 65 miles S of Jackson. You are really very far away. If you ever get this way, please come visit our ranch. Do you ranch? Have livestock?

Teresa, DH took the picture and left my head on but thanks.:goodvibes
Ok, I want this thread to jump before we go to WDW so we are 18 pages away and have one week four days. Lets get chatty. :laughing:
Ok, I want this thread to jump before we go to WDW so we are 18 pages away and have one week four days. Lets get chatty. :laughing:

Okay I am jealous I want to go to Disney soon but we aren't going until late August. I love that my daughter competitively dances but I get aggravated when the school doesn't check about vacations first.

We are missing our spring trip because of a dance competition. Making a to do list while I am at work.
Ok, I want this thread to jump before we go to WDW so we are 18 pages away and have one week four days. Lets get chatty. :laughing:

OK, I'll play!

I didn't grab any pictures, but April, I love your wrap top. I need to make myself one someday. I like the style for myself because it hides my pooch.

I love your view as well. For some reason I always thought you lived in Utah.

I'm also loving all the Valentine's outfits being posted -- especially like the Vida's with "LOVE" on them. I still have a pic on my camera that I took last week. I made dd a couple of things this year and she couldn't even wear one shirt twice due to a snow day and then being out sick the next day :( That's OK, it's just pink and red hearts on white and not overly Valentinesy (that is a word, right?) so she can wear it this spring. I think it's too small to last until next year.

Well, best get back to gathering now
My multi quote thing failed so thank you everyone on the wrap top compliments and about our view. We see it everyday and it becomes "normal". You reminded again how blessed I am to live here.

We are on the Idaho/Wyoming border about 65 miles S of Jackson. You are really very far away. If you ever get this way, please come visit our ranch. Do you ranch? Have livestock?

Teresa, DH took the picture and left my head on but thanks.:goodvibes

I would love to do that! We are quite a ways from the Yellowstone area. It is so beautiful there that I could move to that area in a heartbeat. We don't ranch but my husband grew up on a ranch and my daughter's fiancee is from a big ranching family. His mother still runs cattle but she has a manager that does the day to day stuff. Justin (daugher's fiancee) would love to take it over some day.
I'm so happy you joined!!! We usually have about a months notice for a Give, so hopefully you will be able to work them in somewhere. Or, you can premake some items like Eye Spy Bags (which we could still use for Korrissa's Give and maybe Glo's)

My work schedule is so crazy this week I really doubt I could have anything done for theses Gives but hopefully for the next one. I have never done an Eye Spy bag but I'm guessing there's a link in the bookmarks.
Hi Everyone!!!!

Well, Kade's trip is coming soon!!! I know many of you have been following along on their PTR! http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2625020

Kade is a sweet little toddler who just turned 3!!! He has severe low muscle tone due to a mitochondrail disorder and has a hard time moving his body. Kade's wonderful grandparents are coming along to help care for Kade and enjoy both of their grandsons!!!! We do need some special items for Kade - and if anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!!!!


PS - we are now on the new site for the Big Give!!! http://disbiggive.proboards.com/index.cgi

Thanks so much everyone - I know you will LOVE this little guy!!!!:wizard:
My work schedule is so crazy this week I really doubt I could have anything done for theses Gives but hopefully for the next one. I have never done an Eye Spy bag but I'm guessing there's a link in the bookmarks.

Yes, there are quite a few tutorials in the bookmarks. Don't worry about not signing up for a Give right away! There will be plenty more!
Hey ladies and Tom! I am really hoping to get some help with Glo's Give. It is really filling extremely slowly. Glo is pretty good for outfits and pixie dust, but her big brothers and Mom and Aunt are really lacking. I would especially love a few more things for the brothers. They seem like such wonderful boys, I want them to know that we are thinking of them too.

Could someone do some iron ons, or appliques t-shirts? I konw with Corey (my son) he likes the appliques on his t-shirt on the bottom corner of the front. But, anyway you would like to do it would be wonderful. I just would really like to get a few more things for these wonderful kids!

And, if you are really feeling like spreading the love, I would LOVE if someone could make some outfits for Korrissa's Give for their trip to Sea World (and Discovery Cove) and Busch Gardens. These are two big parts of their trip, and they really don't have any customs for either one. The older girls want a girlie cut t. I know some people were concerned where to buy these. I can usually always get them at Walmart or Kmart.

I've moved both of these Gives to the new board, so please post there.


Please don't make me beg!
So adorable! My girls just saw this picture and yelled out, "We want that outfit!"

thanks. I made it based on this tute. http://theadventuresofroryandjess.blogspot.com/2011/01/blowing-kisses-skirt-tutorial.html And then got carried away and made a shirt too.

The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.

OH, 'shiny new board'. I'm signed up and ready to go, but can't get involved again for a few weeks as life is really busy.

Great stuff posted lately!

Here are my latest projects. Easy-fits and a portrait peasant top for Alexa.


My first HeatherSue design! Alexa loves this shirt!


And one for Connor. Ignore his arm being up in the air, it was an idea I had for a card that didn't work too well.


I have a question about embroidering t-shirts. Do you rip out one of the side seams first? I ended up ruining one shirt because the hem got caught in the embroidery. It was hard to get it stretched over the hoop well enough.

Great Valentine's stuff.

Great valentines outfit. I love the shirt for Tyler. A worn out shirt is a great compliment to the creator!

Thank you.

TRICIA Loved your outfits -- particularly your son's shirt. I have yet to make anything from the book. I have some corduroy that I want to make the Dorje pants with and can't even get around to attempting those! But now I want to make a shirt like that for my ds -- he would love something like that.

The Dortje pants are great in cordoroy (I've made 2 pair in cord). You should make them, you will love them.


And the backs (the poses just crack me up, whatever, they were happy:flower3:)


Great Vida's and since I am not a big ruffle lover, I like them even better.

WARNING: Here are a bunch of pictures.

Here is a taggie blanket I made for my son.

Here is the Valentine's Day skirt I made my daughter. Some of the hearts have Mickey and Minnie in them. I made it a little bigger/longer, hoping it still fits her when we go on our trip in September.


I don't think I've shared a picture of my baby yet, so here he is. He's already 3 months old! He's laying on a beautiful afghan that my mom made for him.

Cute Valentine outfit. Beautiful baby.

Here is my take on a wrap dress/Top but for an adult. I frankenpatterned again and put things together and just did my best. This is attempt #2 and most likely the one I will wear. It is a bit big and flounce but for a day it will be ok.


Good job April.

Thanks to everyone for the compliments! dd is having a ball trying on her dresses. I think I really need to alter patterns to fit her after looking at the pictures. Everything is so wide on her tiny frame. I made a Sleeping Beauty dress using CarlaC's simply sweet. I made a 2T width bodice with the length of 4T and skirt size 3T. It worked out pretty well.



Thank you! The girls do seem to like them. They didn't like the part where I made them come back and try on some more stuff. I thought they would since it means they get more, but what do I know?:confused3

When I cleaned out my craft room, I found a ton of UFO's. I got 2 pair of easy fit jammies fixed, one dress that was for my youngest that needed a hem (I didn't get a picture of that one) and one Cathy dress that just needed the neckline put in. Here are the pictures:

Detail on the ruffle:

Now I need to go make one for Bianca.

Great job finishing up the UFO's, I love it when I get to them.

In between working on a give today. I made this shirt for DS to wear tomorrow. I used the PE-770 for the 3rd time. I need to get better about lining up kids shirts on it but it is fine for him to wear tomorrow


Too cute. I love Pooh.

This is my preteen version of the peasant. You could do this easily. The white collar maybe too hard for a novice tho'. Navy top, yellow bottom. Looking at SW sleeves, you could do the red, with blue ribbons. Kirsta told the yellow buttons and the red bow, were not correct. But I think people knew what I was going for. The collar, I used the pattern for the sleeve and the back, made it about 6 inches long and just attatched it to the dress, put the front on and folded it over.

I love it. I'll have to show that to DD and see what she thinks. She's 9 and not really into princesses any more, but once I started sewing for DD2 she decided she didn't want to be left out of the fun!
Hi Everyone!!!!

Well, Kade's trip is coming soon!!! I know many of you have been following along on their PTR! http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2625020

Kade is a sweet little toddler who just turned 3!!! He has severe low muscle tone due to a mitochondrail disorder and has a hard time moving his body. Kade's wonderful grandparents are coming along to help care for Kade and enjoy both of their grandsons!!!! We do need some special items for Kade - and if anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!!!!


PS - we are now on the new site for the Big Give!!! http://disbiggive.proboards.com/index.cgi

Thanks so much everyone - I know you will LOVE this little guy!!!!:wizard:

Kade is such a little cutie!!! just finished signing up for my pixie dust!!
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