Disboutiquers Part 23 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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MyMulti quote did not keep everything and is not doing what I want from my phone. I am so suprised how many of us live this close together. I work in Virtua Voorhees and sent kids to CHOP & DuPont all the time for specialized care.

Vester- I used the portrait peasant from CarlaC to make Joci's Rapunzel dress.
I know what you mean about the money. We arrived in Disney the night after the walk. It was quite funny walking and at night sleeping because everyone was complaining about how cold it was but it was great to us! We had a pink pancake breakfast and raised $1600. We are going to have it again this summer. Not sure what I am doing yet though.
That's a great fundraiser....I never would have thought of pink pancakes. LOL.

I think I'm going to have to find a team for next year. I'm not sure I can pull off any type of major fundraiser by myself. Well...I probably could...but I'm TERRIFIED of even thinking about it.
Unfortunately my work Doesn't allow any fundraising.

It would have been cold sleeping.... but it was too windy for the dining tent. Apparently that is what decides the sleeping arrangements. if the dining tent can't stand on it's own..they move indoors.

Guess they know that the food is most important. :rotfl:

I Love CHOP...they did great with my cousins son when he needed open heart surgery at 3 months old... any my DH's cousin with Leukemia. We've had experience with St. Chris' lately. But I believe we are officially done now :woohoo:
ETA: OK, I got it to work!!! It may have linked all along without me being aware of it. Sorry I'm soo stupid with computers -- but at least I can sew!

The kids have off school today for snow :cheer2: That saves me two hours of my day taking them to and from school -- I can use that time to finish Khelsey's Big Give :yay::yay::yay:

I'm so glad you were able to get it to work!!! :yay:

I had to make my brother a pirate shirt as he was coming in for a day at MK. It is almost a little family reunion. I didn't have enough of any fabric to make him a shirt so I frankenpatterned the construction and fabric.


I still need to do the buttonholes and buttons.
It looks great April!

Thank you TeresaJoy for your help!! I have a picture in my signature box!!

You are very welcome!

Hi All!

I'm in the very earliest stage of planning a summer trip for DD18 and myself as a last Mother/Daughter fling before she goes to college. Right now it's just a great big "what if". Guess what she wants if it actually comes together!

Prepare to be amazed!

Are you ready?





Matching/coordinating customs for both of us! :cool1:

She'd like bowling shirts with Mickey pockets, easy fit shorts with a Mickey seat pocket for her and a skirt for me (Mom doesn't do shorts).

Patchwork twirl skirts in Mickey colors with applique tank tops were another idea.

She's a movie buff, so I'm thinking of surprising her with tees or tanks appliqued with Minnie heads made out of movie film reels with denim shorts for her and a chambray skirt for me. The bow on Minnie will be made to look like a piece of film.

I might do one more set depending on how many days we wind up with. It will have to be a shorter trip on the cheap, but our hopes are high!

Thanks for listening to my absurd level of excitement over this!

Lori in East Podunk

PS: Does anybody else have that Disney Rule that says you have to have Disney PJ-s at WDW? :rolleyes1

DD also wants to go to the BBB together. She says she's finally old enough that she doesn't care if anybody else thinks it's silly. :lovestruc It's kind of spendy especially if we both do it, but I am a cast member (Disney Store) and I'd get a discount, so we'll see. This could be us in June: princess: princess:

I'm excited to pieces and I don't even know if we're really going yet! Daddy might feel really left out and that wouldn't do. I'm hopeful, though!

Lori in East Podunk
This is so neat!!! You two will have so much fun!

Welcome to smakl. But this is the size pictures we need. Some of us have old eyes, or just small computer screens or something...

Yes, this is MUCH better!!!!!
Beautiful dresses!

Hi Girls,
I wanted to share this tip with you that was in my Martha Pullen Newsletter (which you can subscribe to for free)

Tip of the Week

Use Couture Tip from Donna H for Gorgeously Full Skirts

There's a couture technique I learned years ago for when the gathered skirt is super-full, but you don’t want such a huge amount of fullness right at the waistline or the high bodice on a christening gown. Before gathering, take in a few darts in regularly spaced intervals around the upper edge; trim the darts (or you’ll still have the bulk); then do the gathering. Those darts will not show, because the gathers will hide them. The bulk right at the gathering line will be decreased and much more manageable, but the skirt will still be gorgeously full! Also, one very important thing (guess how I know this!), don’t get too ambitious with the darts or you’ll remove too much fullness – LOL.

OOH, that is a neat tip, thanks for sharing it!

ok, Big announcement coming up.....
The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.
The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.
I'm signed up and waiting to be approved...hope I make the cut.:worship:
The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.

I just signed up for the new boards.....will our Blanket project switch over too, or stay on the old board??
The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.

I just signed up too. I'm figuring out my embroidery machine and would love to participate! The only thing I worry about is sewing with a deadline because I work a lot of hours.
Great stuff posted lately!

Here are my latest projects. Easy-fits and a portrait peasant top for Alexa.


My first HeatherSue design! Alexa loves this shirt!


And one for Connor. Ignore his arm being up in the air, it was an idea I had for a card that didn't work too well.


I have a question about embroidering t-shirts. Do you rip out one of the side seams first? I ended up ruining one shirt because the hem got caught in the embroidery. It was hard to get it stretched over the hoop well enough.
Here is the Valentine's shirt I made on the weekend. The little girl loved it, and won't take it off so ended up sleeping in it the day I gave it to her. Gotta love that.

IMG_6850 by tricialee22, on Flickr

And a shirt that I made for Tyler a couple of weeks ago. He loves it, and it is always the first thing he takes out of his drawer after the laundry has been done.

IMG_6837 by tricialee22, on Flickr
Great valentines outfit. I love the shirt for Tyler. A worn out shirt is a great compliment to the creator!

This is my first post here and my first disney outfits for my niece (and soon to be second niece). I have two teen DS's and they wouldn't wear anything I made without a cash bonus so I don't get to sew much anymore.

Welcome and it seems you have already been warned of the one requirement for this board - BIG pictures. I love these dresses.

In the spirit of my New Year's Resolution, I have been keeping up with this thread! I cleaned out my craft area in our unfinished basement and did about 30 loads of laundry getting all of my fabric rewashed so it is ready for when the inspiration hits! I don't sew down here, just store my supplies and carry them upstairs to work. I like to sit at the kitchen table, making my mess right in the middle of everything! Here are some pictures.


Once I got all of that cleaned up, I found quite a few unfinished projects that I needed to tackle! I made a Tinkerbell Vida of a birthday gift and forgot to take a picture :confused:

I also made this baby quilt from autographed blocks I got at her baby shower that was in the stack:


I have also recently made some Big Give outfits and such for Taylor's Wish Trip, so once she gets the package, I will post those pictures

Today I am going to fix a couple of pairs of Easy Fit PJ pants, one has the elastic too big, one to small (Can you say Picky, picky girls:rolleyes1) and a Valentines day dress. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

Thanks for looking and being such an inspiration!
Your sewing storage area is really nice. I love how you can see all of your sewing items so easily. The quilt is a really great idea.

WOW!! For a minute there, I thought you lived at my house!! I thought I was the only one to have that lovely thermax silver insulation stuff :rotfl: Funny you mention re-oragnizing your fabric too, because I just did that yesterday! Our basement had a water issue from melting snow from last spring, so we had basement people come and "fix" the issue this week. So we lugged every single thing upstairs so the basement people could do their thing, then DH installed new shelving and yesterday we took everything back downstairs to organize...I feel sorta bad, my fabric stashes pretty much take up the new shelving. I think DH had plans to bring home some stuff from storage :rolleyes1


Everything on the first two sections is either fabric or sewing related.

I don't sew in my basement either, just store and carry up things when I need em. I sew in my dinning room, which is another area of the house I've completely monopolized. Crossing my fingers for a sewing room when we build our new house!!

I love your baby quilt with all the advice on it too, very clever idea!!
Ohhh, you are so organized. Having a nice big organized sewing storage area is a great idea.

Hi, we lived in New Orleans too! July 1994 for a month, Jim did some renovation work at English Turn...we stayed in an old B & B in Algers, sat on the levie for 4th of July! loved it, except for the heat and humidity!

yes, we moved around A LOT!!! from 1994 - 2005 we moved 38 times!!!
You guys must have had u-haul on speed dial.

Hi all,

Ok i know i don't post here very often...i'm mostly a lurker but i just had to share this with ya'll cause i know you will understand. Sooo we are heading to the world at the end of may and of course i've been lurking here and getting everything i need in order to make a ton of stuff for the kiddos to wear. Well last night i had a dream that we got to wdw and I had NO custom outfits :scared1: I was panicking running around trying to find a sewing machine and fabric so that i could sew everything all at once...the plan was to sew all night long then go to the parks the next day. I was sooooo happy when i woke up and realized that i still have 3 months to get it all done. :cheer2:
:lmao: So funny, I can't remember who it was but someone brought their sewing machine to Disney recently.

The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.
How exciting. Thanks for keeping everything going with the board. I'm hoping to be able to do the next give so I just registered.
Great stuff posted lately!

Here are my latest projects. Easy-fits and a portrait peasant top for Alexa.


My first HeatherSue design! Alexa loves this shirt!


And one for Connor. Ignore his arm being up in the air, it was an idea I had for a card that didn't work too well.


I have a question about embroidering t-shirts. Do you rip out one of the side seams first? I ended up ruining one shirt because the hem got caught in the embroidery. It was hard to get it stretched over the hoop well enough.

Love the outfits --I especially love Heather's design on Alexa's shirt -- it turned out beautiful!

Hmmm, lost a bunch of quotes :confused3

As far as time limits for the Big Gives if you are worried don't sign up if it's a shorter deadline or try to sign up for things that you can do with fabrics you already have on hand. Some people will also sign up to make outfits for the entire family, but you don't have to do that. And you can even tag team -- for example, for Mallory I made a patchwork skirt and asked if someone else would volunteer to make a coordinating shirt (though she hasn't received it yet and I am worried!). I've also thought about making things ahead of time, like tote bags that don't require fitting (of course I'm not that organized to actually do something like though!). There are so many gives posted that I aim to sign up for every other one posted, but lately I haven't even been able to do that. I'm overdoing myself on Khelsey's since I found out she lives very near me. But just do what you can what you can.

TRICIA Loved your outfits -- particularly your son's shirt. I have yet to make anything from the book. I have some corduroy that I want to make the Dorje pants with and can't even get around to attempting those! But now I want to make a shirt like that for my ds -- he would love something like that.

Also really like everyone sharing their storage solutions. I so wish we had a basement, but living only 4-5 miles from the ocean prohibits that. But you ladies inspired me to reorganize my fabric cabinet stash last night. It's no where near what I want it to be, but now I at least know what I have and grouped solids together, tink fabrics together, Minnie fabrics together, etc.
MyMulti quote did not keep everything and is not doing what I want from my phone. I am so surprised how many of us live this close together. I work in Virtua Voorhees and sent kids to CHOP & DuPont all the time for specialized care.

Vester- I used the portrait peasant from CarlaC to make Joci's Rapunzel dress.

My sister had all 3 or her babies at Voorhees and my Mom has worked at the Marlton Division for over 30 years. I have long admired your appliqué work and I knew you were a Jersey girl and thought boy, one day I'll have to drive over for a lesson. I never realized we were actually so close. If you ever decide to teach a class in sewing and appliqué let me know! :rotfl:
signed up for the new boards.

Ever notice when it rains it pours. DH was in an accident last week at work finally went back to work and I thought things would be easier Ds is sick.

I have Khelsey's give 80% done will be finishing it up as soon as DS naps or goes to bed.

Also have all the other gives ready to go and some started. I really get antsy when my schedule gets screwy.

think I will throw the shirts for Glo's give in the wash since that is heat press shirts.

ALso need to do DS valentines shirt today.:rotfl:
You guys must have had u-haul on speed dial.

:lmao: actually the first 2 years everything we owned packed into the back of our truck and car! we travelled VERY light, only the necessary stuff, we usually rented furnished places or rented furniture since we moved so often!
lived in 12 states:
signed up for the new boards.

Ever notice when it rains it pours. DH was in an accident last week at work finally went back to work and I thought things would be easier Ds is sick.

I have Khelsey's give 80% done will be finishing it up as soon as DS naps or goes to bed.

Also have all the other gives ready to go and some started. I really get antsy when my schedule gets screwy.

think I will throw the shirts for Glo's give in the wash since that is heat press shirts.

ALso need to do DS valentines shirt today.:rotfl:
Wow Girl, you are busy. I hope you get everything you want done and your DH gets feeling better. There is a nasty cold bug going around, I hope your DS gets well soon. Can't wait to see what you make for the gives.

The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.
I think I did it, I did get a confirm email but didn't see any gives up?
I just signed up for the new Big Give site. Hopefully after my surgery I will be able to jump back in - heaven knows I will probably be bored out of my mind recouping... :)
The BIG GIVE board is moving!!!

The old board will still be available for the Gives that are finishing up right now, but the new Gives will be posted on our new (and easier for us to use) board!

Please go to: http://disbiggive.proboards.com/ and sign up, so you are ready for the new Give!

I will be changing the http://www.DisBigGive.com URL to point to the new board soon, so if that is the URL you have in your signatures, you won't need to change it.

All signed up pending approval :thumbsup2
all your designs here look so wonderful, leaving me behind with a huge regret that i'm hopeless at sewing (and please don't tell me anyone can learn :-) i've known as a kid, i was absolutely hopeless at anything handicraft, and believe me, from someone who used to score really good at all other subjects, i did my utter best to also score well at handicrafts, and i NEVER did :-)

but now i was wondering, what do you all do after your little ones have outgrown those lovely clothes ? i'm guessing quite some of you must be giving them away with the big give, but have any of you considered selling them off second hand ?
from my side, i'd certainly be interested.....
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