Plunging elevators, runaway trains, speeding cars...BRING IT ON!2011!

AWWWW, that's a sweet picture of Anthony. I agree with you, some days you see a little kid, and others...well, it's tough. I do that ALL the time with Tyler. Glad ya'll had fun, and he had a good birthday party. Enjoy your camping trip, we wanna hear all about it when you get back!!

Did anyone noticed Manny's wedding band and how good it looks on his finger?? Yep, Pam has such a nice family. Anthony's party looked wonderful! Great job! They do grow fast, don't they. Victoria starts Junior High on September 1st. It's unbelievable. I know all about the texting thing!! We bought Victoria a new phone yesterday as she lost her old one and she's been on it constantly since!!! Ugh! So, Janine and I were chatting on Facebook last night and we think it would be fun if we all plan a girl's trip to WDW in 2012!! No kids, no husbands, just Mamas!!! We could call it Mamapalooza 2012!!! Sounds good, doesn't it?? Works out perfectly for my schedule. :cool1: Oh speaking of Facebook, do you have one??? You can pm me if you do and tell me how to find you.
Love that Anthony napped after going shopping with you-- teenage boys!! Need more sleep than babies!
I love your s'more pit-- to me, it's not summer yet until I've made and eaten s'mores! Love them.
I know what you mean about time flying-- sometimes I can't believe I'm working, DBF and I live together. Sometimes I feel like I should still be in high school-- or even college. You're right-- that's why family vacations are so important. You'll always have those memories. Hopefully Anthony realizes this and decides to go!!
By now, you guys are already gone on your camping trip. I sure hope ya'll are having a good time.

It certainly looks like Anthony party was a blast! I know what you mean about your kids growing up too fast. It seems like yesterday when they were just little kids.
AWWWW, that's a sweet picture of Anthony. I agree with you, some days you see a little kid, and others...well, it's tough. I do that ALL the time with Tyler. Glad ya'll had fun, and he had a good birthday party. Enjoy your camping trip, we wanna hear all about it when you get back!!

Thanks, he does look sweet under that mop on top of his head.

Did anyone noticed Manny's wedding band and how good it looks on his finger?? Yep, Pam has such a nice family. Anthony's party looked wonderful! Great job! They do grow fast, don't they. Victoria starts Junior High on September 1st. It's unbelievable. I know all about the texting thing!! We bought Victoria a new phone yesterday as she lost her old one and she's been on it constantly since!!! Ugh! So, Janine and I were chatting on Facebook last night and we think it would be fun if we all plan a girl's trip to WDW in 2012!! No kids, no husbands, just Mamas!!! We could call it Mamapalooza 2012!!! Sounds good, doesn't it?? Works out perfectly for my schedule. :cool1: Oh speaking of Facebook, do you have one??? You can pm me if you do and tell me how to find you.

Awww! I still look at Manny's wedding band sometimes and I can't believe we finally got married. And he's not one to wear any kind of jewelry, except for his 1 gold chain, so it looks so different.
I used to have a facebook and had everyone from work on it. We had some problems on there with some employees posting things so I decided I wanted no part in knowing anything that was going on with it. I had an obsession with farmville for a while then it died out and I wasn't on much. Maybe one day i'll put it back on, if I do i'll find you all for sure!

Love that Anthony napped after going shopping with you-- teenage boys!! Need more sleep than babies!
I love your s'more pit-- to me, it's not summer yet until I've made and eaten s'mores! Love them.
I know what you mean about time flying-- sometimes I can't believe I'm working, DBF and I live together. Sometimes I feel like I should still be in high school-- or even college. You're right-- that's why family vacations are so important. You'll always have those memories. Hopefully Anthony realizes this and decides to go!!

Yes I thought the nap was very funny too. I felt like I should still be in high school until I was like 26. It's crazy!

By now, you guys are already gone on your camping trip. I sure hope ya'll are having a good time.

It certainly looks like Anthony party was a blast! I know what you mean about your kids growing up too fast. It seems like yesterday when they were just little kids.

Thanks, we did have fun!
We got home last night and I did see all of those free dining dates announced. That's crazy :cool1:

I'll try to get back on to post pics this week or next. I am in "depressed mode" right now and would much rather be camping. I have a class to teach at work next week and have to start working on that, so i'll be kind of busy.

We had a wonderful time. My kid's LOVE that campground so much! I do as well. Anthony had an awesome time with all of his friends. The boys he met 2 years ago are seasonal up there so they were all so happy to see each other. I had a trailer full of 14 year olds all week. They were all so funny together. The weather was so awesome, we got no rain. The first 4 days were HOT, and the rest were perfect at 80-85.

Anthony and his friends all gave hugs when it was time to leave and I had that feeling in my gut and throat. I cried when we got to the truck to leave. The kids want to go up there all the time and I so want to buy a trailer and put it up there all year. It's such a wonderful campground. Everyone is so nice and friendly.

Well yesterday around 4p Lizzie was on the "jumping pillow" (pictures of that will be up soon) and she went to jump off and jumped way to far. She landed on her back. She tried to get up and just rolled over. I jumped up and she was pure white. She wasn't breathing. Oh my god, I was never so scared. She did stand up but I didn't want to pick her up because I didn't know if anything was hurt, broken, or whatever else. I got my phone out and started to call 911. My brother was with me and said "hold on, she may be ok" she was starting to breath a little better and it took a few seconds for her to turn the right color. We made sure she could walk and she could. Yesterday she was in pain. She couldn't bend over and was walking around stiff. I was going to take her to see her Dr this morning but she is much better. She is moving around normally. Thank god. That was SO scary. Just as scary as the time she choked on a plum and couldn't breath. That damn kid :headache:

We are planning to go back to the campground in October for Halloween Weekend! They have a lot of awesome things going on. A haunted house, hayrides, costume contests, pumpkin carving/decorating contest, trick or treating.

So a wonderful week, but it ended stressfully and scary. But luckily all is well!
Wow....glad to hear Lizzie is ok. I can just imagine how you felt. Lord knows I would panic!!! My mother always tells me it's a good thing I only had one! :lmao:

I can't wait to see your camping pics! Peter has a little (and I mean VERY little) camper, but we never used it. I don't know....we have the pool and have been so busy with Victoria's friends coming over and wedding stuff. I don't see where we would fit camping in. Besides, I like a nice hotel room!!! Call me a princess if you must, but a nice air-conditioned room works best for me.....especially not having to walk to the bathrooms or using the "hole" in the camper. :rotfl2:
Aww, I definitely know those post-vacation blues. It's so tough after having such a wonderful time to come back to the "real world." That's great that Anthony has made such good friendships there-- I'm sure you'll go there year after year.
Yes-- I can't believe Free Dining was already announced!! :scared1: Having to book by December is a bit daunting-- usually we book our plane tickets first, to find the cheapest option, THEN our hotel/tickets. Right now we're looking at August 23-30th. If the flights on these dates are too much, we'll change it. However, I really just want to have SOMETHING booked at Disney. I don't want rooms to sell out :scared1:. We'll probably book in about two weeks, when we get back from vacation.
Glad to hear Lizzie is okay. I would have been SO scared-- good thing you and your brother kept your cool!
Good gracious! Poor Lizzy! I've had the breath knocked out of me before and it hurts soooo bad. Thank goodness she is feeling better.

You made me tear up talking about Anthony and his friends. It reminds me that my son is growing up way to fast.

I was going to ask if you had seen the new promos Disney came out with. I was able to book our vacation at the CBR and save about $1,300! I was so excited. Hopefully, you can take advantage of one of the offers.
Wow....glad to hear Lizzie is ok. I can just imagine how you felt. Lord knows I would panic!!! My mother always tells me it's a good thing I only had one! :lmao:

I can't wait to see your camping pics! Peter has a little (and I mean VERY little) camper, but we never used it. I don't know....we have the pool and have been so busy with Victoria's friends coming over and wedding stuff. I don't see where we would fit camping in. Besides, I like a nice hotel room!!! Call me a princess if you must, but a nice air-conditioned room works best for me.....especially not having to walk to the bathrooms or using the "hole" in the camper. :rotfl2:

Yeah, I panic when stuff like that happens, as i'm sure all moms do.
Anyway, the camper we rent: It's 40 feet long and HAS AC, or we wouldn't go. Lol. This campground is more of a resort. No one has to dig a hole to go to the bathroom :rotfl: We've been going to this campground since I was 12, which is why we know so many people up there and love it. I don't think I would ever go camp anywhere else. I don't think i'm in love with camping itself. Its got to be camping at our campground.

Aww, I definitely know those post-vacation blues. It's so tough after having such a wonderful time to come back to the "real world." That's great that Anthony has made such good friendships there-- I'm sure you'll go there year after year.
Yes-- I can't believe Free Dining was already announced!! :scared1: Having to book by December is a bit daunting-- usually we book our plane tickets first, to find the cheapest option, THEN our hotel/tickets. Right now we're looking at August 23-30th. If the flights on these dates are too much, we'll change it. However, I really just want to have SOMETHING booked at Disney. I don't want rooms to sell out :scared1:. We'll probably book in about two weeks, when we get back from vacation.
Glad to hear Lizzie is okay. I would have been SO scared-- good thing you and your brother kept your cool!

Well, i won't be booking before christmas, so i hope it gets extended.

Good gracious! Poor Lizzy! I've had the breath knocked out of me before and it hurts soooo bad. Thank goodness she is feeling better.

You made me tear up talking about Anthony and his friends. It reminds me that my son is growing up way to fast.

I was going to ask if you had seen the new promos Disney came out with. I was able to book our vacation at the CBR and save about $1,300! I was so excited. Hopefully, you can take advantage of one of the offers.

That's the first time that's ever happened to any of my kids, I was SCARED! And what panicked me most was "Where on earth is the closest rescue coming from" We're kind of in the boonies out there. So glad everything was fine, that was horrible.
I still tear up thinking about him and his friends saying good bye until next year. They'll text each other but they will not see eachother til next summer. We are quite a few states away.
I know I haven't been on in a month. BUT...... I've been on the Christmas shopping thread and have started all my christmas shopping. I'm having fun with that right now. Which is good because all of my girls are in school all day now. I can only do so much cleaning..... and my house is clean! :rolleyes1

Well, I promised camping pictures, so i'll start: I have tons and plan to post alot over a few days, they're not all uploaded to photobucket yet.

We had a stressful day sunday morning 8/8. I woke up at 8:30am. My right eye felt very weird. So i went over to the mirror and :scared1: It was swollen and beat red. I was freaked out. I woke up Manny and he was like, go see a doctor. Normally I would have waited, but I knew if I waited any longer I'd be in a walk in clinic all day. So luckily I did go then because when I was leaving there the waiting room was packed. I didn't know if it was pink eye or something else. And didn't want to have to find and ER down there. Well, the dr. attacked my eye, he swore there was something in it. He didn't think it was anything but gave me a cream to put on it. Well a few hours later it was fine. Who the heck knew. So i spent 25 on a co pay and 12 on the medicine for the fun of it.
Anyway, we got a late start packing, I got home and the kids were worried about me. All was well, I was about to run to the store for ice to put the lunch meat and milk in the cooler, what.......what........ my truck wouldn't start. We killed the battery by all the doors being left open all day. So we got it started and were finally on our way.


We had to take both of our cars/trucks. We all stopped for Dunkin Donuts, me and the kids had Vanilla Bean Coolatas. MMMMMMMM! Right? Wrong? I guess I should not have sucked that thing down without having eaten anything all day. I realized then that I didn't eat today, i was so stressed i guess i forgot to feed myself. (Don't worry, the kids ate :goodvibes) We were about a half hour away and my stomach HURT! We had to get off some unknown exit. Because that sign said food and lodging. Well WHERE WAS EVERYTHING. It took us 15 minutes to finally find a pizza joint. By that time I was SPEEDING! Ok, all was well we're on our way now. Now, we're stuck in severe traffic and OH NO, MY STOMACH AGAIN! I call Manny who's a few cars in front of me and I tell him to pull into the carvel I see right ahead. Only we are not moving. I'm now about to cry. Well we made it there and decided we should grab something to eat, there was a sandwich shop in there too, and just wait a few minutes.
After all of that, I thought, I hope this isn't a preview of a crappy week. I called my mom when we were on our way again to tell her of my day. She was just getting out of work. She said bad things happen in 3s, you're done, you'll be fine. And, luckily we were. We got there and we were in heaven.

We had dinner out on our picnic bench after a nice relaxing swim. It was about 90 this day.

And then went to find seats early for bingo.



That night was also the Magic Show!


The magic show is so awesome. The kids absolutely LOVE it!

Then back to our campsite for a nice fire.

The kids only lasted about 15 minutes and we were all exhausted, it was quite a day. Emily and Anthony had bunk beds and Lizzie and Sam slept on the pull out couch, and me and Manny had the "master bedroom"

Here's the girls watching tv
And something is happening in 2011 that is going to "mess" with my Disney planning. We have some very special visitors coming (cannot post who yet on here)..... Although at this point we are not sure when, but definitely in 2011. They really want to go to Disney World too, and we all really want to go together, so I believe we're going to be planning around their arrival. It's going to be one heck of a trip if we all get to go together. It's going to be AWESOME! We will have more kids along for the ride too :banana: My girls will LOVE it! I know all of these deals are out right now to book by 12/31 but I really don't think plans will be set by then. I can't book until I know what's going on and now Christmas is coming and all of my girls want AG dolls:scared1:. I'm not going to worry about it. So right now i'm just trying to stay excited about it without stressing that I can't make definite plans right now. It will all work out, I know it. If I had to take a guess on when though, It looks like it will be over the summer. Bummer.... It's hot and crowded ,but we'll have to make it work. I don't think it will be september, which is what I was hoping for.
I'm so happy to see you posting again! Your camping trip looks like fun! I'm playing the waiting game as well, but I'm determined to book by the December deadline. If I have to change it around later (IF there's openings) then I will, but I want to make sure we get something booked, I'm too worried they will book up!
Oh yeah, I see how Karen is.....she just had to beat me in posting to Pam's report!!! I'll remember this, Karen!!! :lmao:

Pam, your trip looks like a lot of fun. God, that camper is HUGE!!! No wonder you don't mind camping in that thing!! Has school started for everyone yet? I imagine it has. How did everyone do on their first day?
Sorry to hear that your camping trip day started off all crappy....first your eye and then your hurting stomach. At least the day ended well. The camper looks humongus!

I can't wait to hear all about the "special visitor". You know you can't leave us hanging for very long.
Ack!! Eye/stomach troubles are no fun! Sorry about that! Your trip sounds wonderful though-- I'm sure the annoyances of the morning were so forgotten.
Your camper looks huge-- must be nice to have so much space!
Aww, going to Disney with lots of people is fun!! Even if you have to go in the summer, you can still have a great time. I'm angry too that booking is so early, but we're just going to go for it and just pay the deposit. We can always change things around.
Yes the camper is huge. And that pic only shows the front of it. There is still the kitchen area, bathroom and a back bedroom with bunkbeds.

So, i'll post some more: These were from our 2nd day







This playground was right across from our trailer.




This was a hypnotist show we watched this night. Oh my word, it was SO funny!
Hey there Pam!
happy to hear that your eye and stomach did not stop you guys from having a great camping trip...looks like the girls and you guys had a great time!
can't wait to hear all about your new plans for Disney 2011; sounds like something FUN is going to happen!
:wave2: Connie


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