~Dani and Bryan's Hopefully Fairy Tale Wedding on a Budget PJ and almost TR 12/5/10

This could be a quote for an ad for DFTW! LOL

but after all this, it better be magical darn it.

So sorry about your bridesmaid situation...I have been wanting all along to crack jokes at the fact that you are having a million of them....but I get that a close friend not being able to come is upsetting. My sister is trying to get pregnant and as selfish as it may seem my first thought was "Are you still coming to the wedding???" (didn't go over too well, I'll tell you).

Thanks for continuing to make me laugh....I love your style....

And as for transportation - if they are all staying on property Disney transportation is a great and reliable way to get around...stop worrying about everyone but yourself...it's just not cool.

And by the way, I have to tell you something...

You look hot and extraordinarily skinny today...and the ever present bags under your eyes that you speak of...totally GONE! Seriously - look in the mirror - not kidding it's all true! :rolleyes1
Hi All-

Daisygirl-thanks for telling me I looked skinny. I love hearing those words. Oh wait, I never hear those words, so thanks!

So a few things have happened since the other day. I always say Worrying works! 99% of the things I worry about never happen. Tis true lately. Sort of....

I booked one photographer for the e-pics. I never was going to do e pics but like I said, I am obsessed with it now, so I have booked it and paid in full for it. I also booked someone else for the wedding. Scandalous.

We got our rooms at the Saratoga Springs. Apparently I wrote Sarasota when I sent it out to my family and they all joked saying Wow, I am sure you got a great deal on a room in Sarasota which is not near Orlando. Too much on my mind. I found out my Uncle, Aunt, Cousin and her three kids, my brother, SIL, two nephews and one niece are all staying where we are. It makes me feel a little better knowing that my brother and his family are near us. My uncle got my parents a two bedroom place near Sea World. Um, ok. I wish they were closer. Maybe they are happy they are far from us and close to killer whales instead.

My mom called me the other day and asked me to call my Uncle because he needed to talk to me about where Bryan and I would be staying. I love my Uncle, but he is impossible to understand. He lives in Philly, has a very heavy accent (which I am used to as all my family is from Philly) but on top of that, he sounds like Sylvester Stallone with a really bad head cold. So I call, we chit chat about the wedding, how everything was booked, etc. etc. Then he asked me when we were going to Disney. I told him the 2nd-9th and he said, No, I mean this summer. Long story short, he said he needs to use his DVC points or lose them and wants to know if he can get us a room. UM, YES!! I asked him if he wanted money and he said, no, no, no. Yay! Yay! Yay! I guess that solves my worry about where to stay/rental car, etc. Bryan got our plane tickets yesterday so I am excited. I am NOT excited for the heat and humidity (I do not do well in heat. That sounded bad, but you know what I mean.)

Our e-pics will be taken an hour and a half before sunset so I hope it might be a little cooler then. I am worried that I made the wrong choice with splitting up the photographers, but I think I am also getting the best of both worlds.

I feel like I am in a good place with planning. I have an even number of bridesmaids now (I HATE odd numbers except 5's. I know-weird), I am sad Jan is not coming but happy she is pregnant, I have the bridesmaids dresses, my dress, a phone call with the florist, an estimated BEO, the room block switched to the BoardWalk since nothing is taking place at the GF except the welcome dinner, a place to stay, the photographers booked for the wedding and e pics, etc. Maybe I should stop obsessing for awhile, but what fun would that be? People often say they don't know what they did/talk about before they had kids. I am wondering what I did before I had a wedding to plan. I am going to miss this. Maybe I will just have to start doing what Mariah Carey does-they renew their vows every year. If I win the lotto, I might consider that!

Have a great day everyone!
Hi All-

I have been home with sick kiddos and now I am sick so my time has been limited. What an adjustment going from living alone to having to take care of sick kids (and healthy kids) Oh how I miss silence and sleep. Sleep is good. Sleep, I miss you. A lot.

Something cute did happen. Torrin, the 2 year old, was watching a Disney movie the other day (I believe it was the 146th time I have seen Underdog) and in the beginning they show the castle. He looked at it and said, "I am getting married there!" I asked, "Oh yeah? Who are you marrying?" He said, "Dani!" Then he looked at me again and said, "Are you just SO happy?" He is so cute sometimes.

So here is the latest. I am too achy to go back and look at what I already wrote, so please forgive me if I repeat.....Maxine told me Warren would be my floral consultant. I of course immediately went to Facebook and checked to see if he was on FB. He is and oh my he is so adorable. Now that I write that, I think I already said that. So adorable! I told Warren that I saw him on FB and I think he is flippin adorable. I also informed him I am not a stalker, I just like to know who I am talking to. He thanked me for the compliment.

He called me last Monday and we chatted about flowers. I really had no vision. I told them flowers die and I don't want to go nuts with them, although I love them. Elizabeth told me that they die but the pictures live forever. Oooh, good point and excellent sales technique if I do say so myself. I told them I am torn between gerber daisies and roses, so we decided (As of now) that my bouquet will be both of those flowers. I also want those cool white flowers that are stepha something....I want to say George Stephanopoulos but he is the Good Morning America host, not a flower. The bridesmaids bouquets will be all gerber daisies. This is where the hard part comes in....colors. I originally wanted red since the colors are going to be black, white and red so I might stick with that. Not sure. All flowers will be wrapped in black and white polka dot ribbons. I am all about the polka dots. Bryan will have a daisy and rose boutonniere (does that word really need to be that long?) and the groomsmen will have daisies. Fathers will have roses, mom, stepmom and his grandma will have roses as well. I think in white. My Dad will have red.

The alter arrangement will be transferred to our head table for the reception. I was going to pay a fortune to get petals from Disney for the aisle and tables but another former Disney bride (you know who you are and I would be lost without you!!!) has offered to get the petals for me and sprinkle them where they need to be. Wahoo! So nice of her :woohoo:

The tables at the reception will have a glass cylinder (HOW does Disney not have colored vases?! Seriously people, it is Disney! Can't you just whip up some colored vases? Warren suggested adding black marbles to the vases. I might do that. Here is what the tables will kind of look like:

Switch out the pink for red sashes and red napkins. I hope it looks good. Votive candles will also be on the table. I still want Mickey balloons but I dont think that will happen.

As for the rehearsal dinner (working backwards here) we are having the black linens (I thought only white were included but black are too!) Then we are having red gel things with black Mickey confetti in them and some lights apparently. Nothing too fancy.

I am trying to remember what else. I think that is about it for the floral aspect. I should get my estimate budget this week. I prepare to breathe into a bag this time around. I have a feeling it is going to be mucho dinero.

I think I already said I paid for the engagement pics. I am doing two different photographers for the e-pics and the wedding. Still uneasy about the prices but I want both. I never heard from some of the photographers I contacted so I did not put much thought into them. I am still obsessing over if I made the right choice. I need to send the check in soon so I need to make a decision. Bryan asked me to do him a favor. He said once I make a decision about something, to stop looking at other things. He has a point. I still look at wedding dresses when the dress has already been bought. I need to stop.

I am not sure what else I can do at this point. My dilemma as of right now is where to stay the night before the wedding. I told everyone Boardwalk. Now I am wondering if I should do Grand Floridian and then the wedding night move over to Boardwalk, but do I want to have to check out the morning of the wedding? Worry about my stuff? I don't know. Plus I dont have the room block there anymore so there would be no discount (unless I beg another bride to book under her room block as someone suggested!)

Another dilemma is I REALLY want to go to the Christmas party on December 3rd. We can't go on the 2nd since we fly in that day, the 5th is our wedding, and then the 9th is the day we leave. I would love for people to meet us there, but I have a feeling it is going to be crazy. Also, it is another expense people do not want to pay. This of course gets me thinking man, if I just had waited, I could have had everyone go after our wedding, but the timing does not work out at all. Not sure what to do. I thought about taking the pontoon boats out for my bridal party, but that eliminates a bunch of people. Bryan is convinced people will want to spend every waking moment with us. I really hope he is wrong. I want to do things on our time but I don't think that will happen. So confused.

That is about it for right now. Sorry this was not all that entertaining. I don't feel well. Argh pirate:

Have a wonderful day!
So I guess I have bits and pieces of your report but never the whole thing all together. Your plans sound great. Love the engagement story - and your ring is beautiful.

While reading your journal I have some comments - not sure if you have gotten some of your questions answered but incase you do not here it goes.

Our wedding was in November 2008 and I was worried about the twinkle lights being on the castle also. Normall for the wedding shoot they do not turn them on and I was afraid you would be able to see them. They were doing a test the morning of our shoot so they were actually on for our shoot. I think we are one of the few couples with the lights turned on. I have seen many photos of the castle from the wedding shoot with the lights turned off and you do not see them in the pictures.

Here is a picture of the castle with the lights turned on.


This was taken with our camera. I had brought it to the shoot - not knowing if we were allowed to use it and our photographer took a few.

Flowers - I think you mentioned somewhere about the floral wands and your girls being over 35 and not wanting the wands. Let me tell you, my girls were all over 45 and they all wanted and loved the flower wands. Here is a photo of them.


Love the black, white and red colors you are doing. I really loved my girls in their red dresses - but black is a great color also - and they can definately use them again and the red will really pop against the black.

Looking forward to reading more.

I happened to just stumble upon your pj, and love it! I had to sit here and read it.

I have to live vicariously through others at the moment, because I am too far out to do any major planning.

As many others have said the way you write is amazing! I love reading it. Your ring and engagement story are precious, they are magical.

If it were up to my fiance, he would be getting married in shorts, and a cut-off shirt, eating pizza at the reception, and there would be basketball instead of dancing! As much as I love him, none of those are going to happen, so he has given up and given in to "whatever." :rotfl: It really is a guy thing I think.

I also had to laugh because you are the only other person I have ever found that hates odd numbers. My fiance teases me all the time because I cannot stand odd numbers!! So when I read that sentence I just had to copy and paste it to him.

I can't wait to read more!!
Thanks again for the kind words :)

lpizzuro123- I hope the lights our on for our session but I am not sure they will be. Fingers crossed! I just dont want the lights to show up and not be on. I would have LOVED doing red dresses but Bryan was married before and their color was red. Not a fan of the black but oh well, I got a deal, and I love deals! I am going to stick with bouquets for the girls since I am using them as the centerpieces. The wands would not work for the centerpieces.

Butler_chic07- Thanks for that! I am glad you like my writing. I so wish I could write a book but what would I write about? :) Perhaps overcoming the fear of odd numbers?! It is nice to know someone else is out there who does not like them. But why does your screen name have a 7 in it? Do you not fear 7 like I don't fear 5? I heart cheese pizza. I would marry it if I could. I thought about seeing if I could order everyone the kids cheese pizza meal. I don't think that would go over too well. I can see it now...me saying, "Hello people! Thanks for flying down here to our wedding. We will be serving cheese pizza. Don't look sad, you also get a Mickey Mouse watermelon. Wahoo!" Somehow I don't think people would share my enthusiasm.

Have a great night :)
Butler_chic07- Thanks for that! I am glad you like my writing. I so wish I could write a book but what would I write about? :) Perhaps overcoming the fear of odd numbers?! It is nice to know someone else is out there who does not like them. But why does your screen name have a 7 in it? Do you not fear 7 like I don't fear 5? I heart cheese pizza. I would marry it if I could. I thought about seeing if I could order everyone the kids cheese pizza meal. I don't think that would go over too well. I can see it now...me saying, "Hello people! Thanks for flying down here to our wedding. We will be serving cheese pizza. Don't look sad, you also get a Mickey Mouse watermelon. Wahoo!" Somehow I don't think people would share my enthusiasm.

Have a great night :)

HAHAHA - Adrian and I discussed changing our mad hatter wedding cake to a "wedding pizza" the other day....we both almost sold ourselves on it...but I just can't do away with cake...
OK, a few more things....

My last post put us on Page 4 which makes me happy because I hate the number 3.

I forgot to say I am thinking about bringing my own unity candle. I am crafty so I could bling it up with my own Mickey heads (that sounds so gruesome). Although having one done by Disney would be one less thing to worry about, I am not loving the $65 price tag. Same with the memorial candle. $35 bucks! I mean I love the people who passed away, but I also know they would understand if I used a coupon and brought my own.

Speaking of memorials, I originally had planned on donating the money we would have spent on favors to the Susan G. Komen foundation in honor of Bryan's mom who passed away from breast cancer. I planned to make a card for everyone with her picture on it, and say what we did (why they do not have favors). Although we are still donating the money, Bryan's Dad said the cards with her picture would be too much of a painful reminder of her death. I see where he is coming from, so now we are just doing a floral arrangement of purple flowers since her favorite color was purple. Then I will make a sign about her in a frame or something. I would also like to honor my grandparents, uncle, aunt, etc. who passed away but I don't know if it should just be about his mom. Maybe the memorial candle will be for everyone and the arrangement will just call attention to her.

OK, I think that is it for now :)
Bryan and I have long debated whether or not we would have another kid. Not another one as I never gave birth to one, but he already has two and agreed to one more. Well, before we got engaged he changed his mind and I told him I could not be with him anymore. Well, that changed his mind and he went back and said ok, one more but it has to be a girl. Newsflash-I can't control that. What is my point of this story? We have five bedrooms but only 2 are on the floor with our bedroom. This poses a problem when/if we have a kid. Where do we put it? Which brings us to the topic of us wanting to move to have the bedrooms on the same floor. I also would appreciate getting out of the house him and his ex wife lived in :rolleyes1 We chatted about it and on Tuesday I came home and there was a for sale sign in the front yard. OK, I guess we are serious about moving. My thoughts have gone from wedding to house hunting, staging, and cleaning. BUT I did have a wedding dream the other night that kind of haunted me....

I ordered my dress in February and I am having a hard time remembering what it looks like. I dreamed that I went to the store, tried it on and hated it. It was ivory on top with lots of lace and white on the bottom. I was horrified and said I wanted to return it. They said no refunds and then I had a temper tantrum in the store. I don't ever have temper tantrums-so not my style so why did I have one in my dream? The dress was fugly and I had to take it home. So I was miserable with the dress but I could not afford another one so I decided to just wear it. Suddenly it was the wedding and I wore the fugly dress. Someone spilled red wine on it and I lost it. I asked how was it going to be cleaned before the castle portrait session? At that time, Bryan woke me up to say goodbye before he left for work. He always wakes me up at the most crucial part of the dream. As in knowing if the dress would be dry cleaned or not. The other night I was dreaming I was back in high school trying out for the pom/dance squad (a VERY common dream that stresses me out as I have gained well over 80lbs since high school and there is no way my dimply thighs would fit in my old uniform). So there I was, going through rounds and rounds of auditions actually doing really well. The competition was fierce but I was confident. Then they said, And the winners are.....and guess who woke me up. Sigh. What does that have to do with the wedding? Absolutely nothing. I just am random and thought I would share.

Now really....back to the wedding. Warren got me my estimated floral budget today and it was close to what I thought it would be. Still outrageous as they will die (but the pictures last forever as smart salesperson Jen told me!) There are things that can be cut out I am sure. I did not pass out, nor did my parents which is a plus, but I am still such a visual person who would enjoy knowing what all this money will get me. They have listed a floral wand for my niece (flower girl) which apparently I was feeling at the time of our phone call. Now I wonder should I do petals? She is painfully shy, so I don't really see her putting petals on the aisle. It is also listed as silk so should I do my own to save some money? I do not know.

I was surprised that the chair covers were listed at $10.50, not $8.50 like I thought. It says they are satin which makes me wonder if they are an upgrade? Satin is kind of a bad idea because I feel like it is kind of an odd choice and I worry people will slide right off of them. Although that would make for a fabulous story.

It has listed that the red napkins will be tied with polka dot ribbon. I am all about the polka dots but with the polka dot overlay I think it will look like someone threw up polka dots so I asked if the napkin can just be folded.

I got the rehearsal dinner estimate and about passed out at that one. Bryan's dad is paying for it which I am so grateful for, but it made us WAY over budget. I asked for the gel cylinders on each table which is a whopping $320. Is it worth it? Also, I did not think about the chairs being green with the linens black so I think that will switch to white linens and white napkins with white chairs. Will people even care? Probably not. Warren suggested red napkins tied with the polka dot ribbon, and although I LOVE the idea, I can't afford to pay for 80 red napkins for a BBQ. Only I know what they will be missing. I am a bit nervous about the rehearsal dinner as we have not even included the AV for the Wishes soundtrack. I am going to have to foot the remainder of the bill and we are looking at $1,500. Eek!

I still struggle with where to get ready. I do not like small spaces and with 8,484 bridesmaids I am not sure how we would all fit in one small room. Also, I have not heard back from my hotel girl if they would move my stuff for me between hotels. I need to ask Maxine if there is a room we can all get ready in.

I am also so leery to sign the photography contract. I just can't stop looking at other people's pictures. I get picture envy and worry I am making the wrong decision. I also wonder if I should have someone take pics at the rehearsal dinner. Normally I would not, but with the fireworks, I want to enjoy them, not be there with my tripod. I love, love, love the photographer we picked for the e-pics but I am not in love with their wedding pics, so I chose someone else for the wedding. Issue is, as I have said so many times, the price difference is phenomenal. People tell me the disc and the copyright is all we need, maybe so but I am not sure. I normally listen to my gut, right now it is saying feed me, but beyond that, it is seriously torn. That is why I rarely read anyones PJ as I get wedding envy and makes me question everything.

Last night we went to dinner with one of Bryan's groomsmen and another guest. They asked us if they should rent a car, and I broke out into my hives (another photography worry as my almost positive choice for the photographer does not really photoshop and I get hives all over). They really wanted to know if they should rent a car. I told them as of now we have a shuttle, but I might need to cut it. Also, the shuttle is not going back to the hotels so they need to find a way back. Also, if he is a groomsmen, it does not matter for him, only for his kids and wife. So confused.

Yet another transportation issue: I mentioned classic car to Bryan and he said that would make him SO happy. I think it will look better in pictures but it is another added expense. I have given up on the idea of riding in the giant pumpkin (aka coach) and now I am fixated on the car. Do we do it? Do we not? I heard we can go through that other company but is it too good to be true? What about the limos and my ginormous bridal party? I do not know what to do. Any thoughts? I am really hoping the planning session will clear things up for us.

Also, does anyone know if we bring our own unity candle (purchased with a coupon of course) will they give us the candle holders to use?

I am also struggling with our choice of reverend. We have Rev Jack Day and I loved him on the phone. But I emailed him and got nothing. I am so not a phone talker so I have avoided calling him. He sent us our info, which I need to send back in but we have had no communication since February. Is that weird?! Also, I did not realize he was so short. Bryan and I are 5'10 which is not huge but will it look weird or will it be cute? My Gramps was short and adorable, so will he remind me of my late Grandpa (why do they say "late". They are not late to something. I never understood this.)

Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated.

Have a great weekend!


The Grand Floridian only has green chairs. Bummer. Not sure what to do about that....

The satin was an upgrade so that will be switched to cotton. No one will be falling off of the chairs. Ok, maybe they will if they drink too much.

No ribbon on the napkins will bring the cost down by $2. Wahoo!
Oh man I love your craziness...I just almost peed my pants reading about your dreams - both of them....holy s*it you are a funny lady...wow

So I am VERY late for stuff right now (leaving for a trip 5 minutes ago...but got caught up in this rather long post of yours) so all I can comment on is Reverend Jack...Amy (my planner) told me in advance that she loves him to death (what a friggin weird expression), and that he is her favorite...but he is not very tech savvy (in fact he often sends me emails in ALL CAPS - so I always picture him screaming at me). But he is fantastic from what I hear....I am likely just biased cause he's the one I'm using - but he is just so nice and so adorable.

Anyways - keep making me laugh...I love it!
Kelly- I am glad I can make someone laugh! Thanks for reading. At least Rev Jack writes you back (that rhymes!) Have you been in a lot of contact with him? I am nervous. He is adorable. Short but adorable. I thought Awwww when I saw him on his website saying You too can have this or something like that. I was all misty eyed and Bryan said, "Man he is a good salesman. That is a sales line." Well, it works. I also like Rev Kevin something. So handsome but I think I will stick with Rev Jack.

Well, I had another dream last night. It is very hard to explain but it was one of those that is so vivid in my mind but if I were to repeat it, it would make no sense. Anyway, I was at a hotel at Disney and then I went outside and saw the coach waiting for another bride. I was awe struck at first because I really want the coach, but a pumpkin is not worth the cost for a trip around the block I have decided (talking myself into this here....) So in my dream the bride got in, and there were the horses, and the glass pumpkin-esque looking thing, but in that was a golf cart that she had to ride on. No idea what that means but I was SO happy I did not pay for the coach. Random as usual.

If anyone besides Kelly reads this, have a great weekend (you too Kelly!)
Kelly- I am glad I can make someone laugh! Thanks for reading. At least Rev Jack writes you back (that rhymes!) Have you been in a lot of contact with him? I am nervous. He is adorable. Short but adorable. I thought Awwww when I saw him on his website saying You too can have this or something like that. I was all misty eyed and Bryan said, "Man he is a good salesman. That is a sales line." Well, it works. I also like Rev Kevin something. So handsome but I think I will stick with Rev Jack.

Well, I had another dream last night. It is very hard to explain but it was one of those that is so vivid in my mind but if I were to repeat it, it would make no sense. Anyway, I was at a hotel at Disney and then I went outside and saw the coach waiting for another bride. I was awe struck at first because I really want the coach, but a pumpkin is not worth the cost for a trip around the block I have decided (talking myself into this here....) So in my dream the bride got in, and there were the horses, and the glass pumpkin-esque looking thing, but in that was a golf cart that she had to ride on. No idea what that means but I was SO happy I did not pay for the coach. Random as usual.

If anyone besides Kelly reads this, have a great weekend (you too Kelly!)

I can't speak for the rest but I'm still here. I assume that other people are reading but maybe they did what I did twice this weekend - (locked myself out of my account because of bad passwords - I'm travelling and usually just stay logged in due to the frequency of my visits so I have password issues when I'm away). So maybe everyone else in the DisWorld locked themselves out of their accounts too and just can't comment...

My sister and I have a history of bad Disney dreams....I have only had a couple of wedding related ones...mine are usually dreams about trying to get our whole family out the door and to the park for park opening, but when we get out of the room someone inevitably has to go back to the room for their park pass, then the next person has to go back for the washroom, and then.....it justgoes forever...until it's around 4 PM and we're heading to the park...and if it's a really long sleep then they normally hate all of the rides and just want to "mill about"...ugh

I know you really want the coach but IMHO it's really not the best "bang for your buck" if working within any sort of budget....it's one of those things that I would do if and only if someone very very rich was paying for my wedding, or I had an unlimited budget. I'm pretty clumsy too, so I'd be scared to fall out....it doesn't look like it'd be that easy to make a gracefull exit from!

Maybe you should rent a golf cart instead...maybe that's what the dream was really tring to tell you!!! :rotfl:
Hey! I'm new to your PJ and you crack me up! Seriously! I love your writing style.

We're also concerned about the height of our officiant. I'm 5'11, Jackson is 6'2, we need a tall person so he's even seen in the pictures. I haven't started looking for one (because I'm a slacker) but would it be bad to ask them how tall they are on the phone? Anyways. My coordinator suggested I start with Reverend Jack and go from there so I'm sure he's fantastic.

I have also given up on Cinderella's Coach and we are getting a classic car. I can't really justify spending that much money just for the pictures.

I'm sure Disney will let you "rent" candle holders. But they'll probably charge a fee for putting your candles in them (so many fees! :mad:)

Looking forward to more!

I just went to update our registry and there are 193 days until the wedding. It seems so far away but the days are flying so I am sure it will be here quick.

The other morning on the radio, one of the DJ's (show hosts, announcer, whatever is PC to call her) said she was in a wedding that weekend and it was a formal wedding. She said the groom's cousin wore a very formal floor length white gown and everyone was appalled that someone other than the bride wore white. This got me thinking again about how I maybe should have got a white dress. The white looked decent but because of my pasty ghost like skin, I went with ivory. I hope I made the right decision.

The other night I was watching the Bachelorette (hello my name is Dani and I am a TV junkie) and there was a guy on there that had a black and white polka dot tie on. I commented how cool it was and Bryan said, "We could wear polka dot ties. Black and purple ones." Um, where has he been? Our colors are black white and red. I informed him again of this and he had a deer in the headlights look. I know he wants to honor his mom with the purple, but purple dresses just did not work for us, so I am doing a purple floral arrangement on a memorial table for his mom. I wonder if that is not enough.

I have not had much time to think about the wedding as the house is up for sale. Having a house for sale is exhausting. It has to be clean 100% of the time, staged (which means I have to move the kids Superman chairs out of the rooms every day) and vacuum the never ending dog hair. The kids are out of school beginning June 5th and I think I might have a panic attack. Me alone with two very strong willed children somewhat frightens me. I hope I make it through.

I did manage to have another very vivid dream the other night. I was at the mall (which I hate) looking for wedding things. Not sure what, but I was there. All of a sudden I run into my ex boyfriend who was wearing his military uniform (which I had never seen) and was with a bunch of other military guys. I told them that outside of Nordstrom, Madonna would be performing, and only singing her songs from the 80's as well as wearing lace and neon. It was very random. I guess it is better than dreaming bad things about the wedding.

I am sort of feeling anti wedding right now. I hate to say that, and I hope that changes, and maybe it is because of the house things going on as well as the anxiety about the kids staying home, and one not being potty trained and having zero interest in it. I am not really thinking about it. When I see emails from Disney, I am indifferent. What happened to my excitement? Am I detaching myself in preparation for the impending post wedding funk? (Call me Dr. Phil) I am just feeling off and I don't get it.

I did hear back from Disney floral and the candle holder is $25 to rent. Seriously? Can't anything be included? I am now wondering if they will charge me to "rent" the cake servers. I wish I could get a credit for the organist at the wedding pavilion as I would rather have music with words.

Forgive me for being cranky. I am not sure what my deal is. I hope everyone is great!

Hi Dani! Just joining in! popcorn::

Just read through your PJ, and your plans sound lovely so far. I love your engagement story and how you two met. Very cute! :goodvibes Don't worry yourself about the wedding funk. It happens to all of us I think. When the date is closer, you'll get more excited for sure. Just hang in there! ;)
Hey Dani,

I am a fellow TV junkie. I'm kind of in the opposit situation wedding wise, I want to plan stuff and get emails from people but I kind of don't have enything left :sad1:

I continue to be a frequent reader of yours whom you crack up on a regular basis so keep writing many of us are reading sometimes we just don't get around to posting (I do most of my reading at work and on my iTouch both of which make it hard to comment when I want to)

The other night I was watching the Bachelorette (hello my name is Dani and I am a TV junkie) and there was a guy on there that had a black and white polka dot tie on. I commented how cool it was and Bryan said, "We could wear polka dot ties. Black and purple ones." Um, where has he been? Our colors are black white and red. I informed him again of this and he had a deer in the headlights look. I know he wants to honor his mom with the purple, but purple dresses just did not work for us, so I am doing a purple floral arrangement on a memorial table for his mom. I wonder if that is not enough.

I don't think you're doing to little to honour DF's I think the flowers will be lovely and touching.

The other morning on the radio, one of the DJ's (show hosts, announcer, whatever is PC to call her) said she was in a wedding that weekend and it was a formal wedding. She said the groom's cousin wore a very formal floor length white gown and everyone was appalled that someone other than the bride wore white. This got me thinking again about how I maybe should have got a white dress. The white looked decent but because of my pasty ghost like skin, I went with ivory. I hope I made the right decision.

I also bought an ivory dress as I looked terrible in the white dress I tried on, in all honesty at least 90% of people probable will never know it's not white depending on the colour of ivory you have.

I have not had much time to think about the wedding as the house is up for sale. Having a house for sale is exhausting. It has to be clean 100% of the time, staged (which means I have to move the kids Superman chairs out of the rooms every day) and vacuum the never ending dog hair. The kids are out of school beginning June 5th and I think I might have a panic attack. Me alone with two very strong willed children somewhat frightens me. I hope I make it through.

Having a house up for sale is ridiculously stressful trying to keep it clean, my DF and I decided to hold off on selling ours until after the wedding because between work, school, work and wedding there jsut wasn't enough time for 24/7 house cleaning too.
Hi All-

I had a very vivid dream last night that I was looking at houses and I went to some creepy location in Denver with creepy people in it. Somehow I wound up doing a lot of work on this house with the random creepy people and at the end Tom Selleck gave me roses with diamond earrings in them. I really think it was because I was looking at pictures of bouquets with the stepha somethings in them and instead of Mickey crystals, there were diamond earrings from Tom Selleck. As I admired them, Bryan suddenly appears and punches Tom Selleck because he is jealous. Um, I have no idea why I dreamt of Tom Selleck, nor would Bryan have any reason to be jealous as I am not attracted to him. Now if it were Dane Cook, Ryan Reynolds or Michael Buble, there would be cause for punching. Why do I share these things? Well, that dream KIND of in a very, very, very small way was about the wedding....roses and diamonds. I am reaching....I know.

I am on the hunt for the perfect engagement picture dress. I want something blue or pink and I thought I found it via Lands End. The hard thing about my shape is it is very hard to find something that works. I have hips and barely a chest so it stinks, especially when ordering clothes online. So I find two dresses that I love, and think will work as they are not fitted through the hips-they are empire waist (I HATE when people say umpire or um-peer) Anyway, I ordered two dresses and three swimsuits. One of the swimsuit bottoms was fabu but Bryan said it looks like a 50 year old would wear it (it was a skirt but I liked it). The dresses were HUGE so I sent it all back. I ordered the dresses in a smaller size, and they came last night. Still so huge. I have never been a size Small in a dress, and apparently their clothes must run big. Huge in fact. I am so bummed because they are sold out of the smaller sizes I need and Bryan loved the blue dress. So did I. Sadness. If you want to feel skinny, order clothes from Land's End.

I am in a major funk today. I am sorry if I sound like I should be laying on a therapists couch lately. I am just not myself and I do not like it. Even Bryan pointed it out that I seem so hostile lately. I think I am overwhelmed with being insta mom and all sorts of other things. Also, I realized another HUGE thing that is bugging me is I barely talk to any of my bridesmaids anymore. Ever since I asked them, our relationships have somewhat ceased. I know everyone is busy but it is weird to go months without talking to them. There are a few I am still very close to as I am related to them, but other than that, people have seem to have disappeared and it makes me so sad. I have met girls on this board that are closer to me than some of my bridesmaids now, and I have never met the people I talk to. I am really struggling with this and don't know what to do. Everyone has very busy lives but it makes me so sad how friendships change. I just fear I will look back at the wedding pictures and think Oh, yeah, those people. I wonder how they are doing. It would make me SO sad if that happens.

Like I said before, not much thinking about the wedding going on. I am in a panic over keeping the house clean, and being insta mom next week. It would be great if the little one was potty trained but so far....no interest at all. I just want to enjoy this time of being engaged, planning a wedding, but instead I have turned into this cranky person who is envious of the more traditional brides who did not do everything backwards. Like I have two almost step kids now who are awesome and I love them, but part of me wishes we could have had those kids together, and not have them be from someone else. I love them as if they are my own, but it is just different. I will probably delete this paragraph after I think about what I just wrote, but I think that is a huge part of why I am in a funk. He did this all before. He got to have a wedding, and the joy of seeing his first kids be born but with someone else. It makes me sad that this is a second time around for him and a first for me.

Alright, I am going to stop there before I vent too much. There are just some days where I am a bit of a Crankster McCranky and today is one of them.

I hope all is great with everyone else!
Hi All-

I had a very vivid dream last night that I was looking at houses and I went to some creepy location in Denver with creepy people in it. Somehow I wound up doing a lot of work on this house with the random creepy people and at the end Tom Selleck gave me roses with diamond earrings in them. I really think it was because I was looking at pictures of bouquets with the stepha somethings in them and instead of Mickey crystals, there were diamond earrings from Tom Selleck. As I admired them, Bryan suddenly appears and punches Tom Selleck because he is jealous. Um, I have no idea why I dreamt of Tom Selleck, nor would Bryan have any reason to be jealous as I am not attracted to him. Now if it were Dane Cook, Ryan Reynolds or Michael Buble, there would be cause for punching. Why do I share these things? Well, that dream KIND of in a very, very, very small way was about the wedding....roses and diamonds. I am reaching....I know.

I am on the hunt for the perfect engagement picture dress. I want something blue or pink and I thought I found it via Lands End. The hard thing about my shape is it is very hard to find something that works. I have hips and barely a chest so it stinks, especially when ordering clothes online. So I find two dresses that I love, and think will work as they are not fitted through the hips-they are empire waist (I HATE when people say umpire or um-peer) Anyway, I ordered two dresses and three swimsuits. One of the swimsuit bottoms was fabu but Bryan said it looks like a 50 year old would wear it (it was a skirt but I liked it). The dresses were HUGE so I sent it all back. I ordered the dresses in a smaller size, and they came last night. Still so huge. I have never been a size Small in a dress, and apparently their clothes must run big. Huge in fact. I am so bummed because they are sold out of the smaller sizes I need and Bryan loved the blue dress. So did I. Sadness. If you want to feel skinny, order clothes from Land's End.

I am in a major funk today. I am sorry if I sound like I should be laying on a therapists couch lately. I am just not myself and I do not like it. Even Bryan pointed it out that I seem so hostile lately. I think I am overwhelmed with being insta mom and all sorts of other things. Also, I realized another HUGE thing that is bugging me is I barely talk to any of my bridesmaids anymore. Ever since I asked them, our relationships have somewhat ceased. I know everyone is busy but it is weird to go months without talking to them. There are a few I am still very close to as I am related to them, but other than that, people have seem to have disappeared and it makes me so sad. I have met girls on this board that are closer to me than some of my bridesmaids now, and I have never met the people I talk to. I am really struggling with this and don't know what to do. Everyone has very busy lives but it makes me so sad how friendships change. I just fear I will look back at the wedding pictures and think Oh, yeah, those people. I wonder how they are doing. It would make me SO sad if that happens.

Like I said before, not much thinking about the wedding going on. I am in a panic over keeping the house clean, and being insta mom next week. It would be great if the little one was potty trained but so far....no interest at all. I just want to enjoy this time of being engaged, planning a wedding, but instead I have turned into this cranky person who is envious of the more traditional brides who did not do everything backwards. Like I have two almost step kids now who are awesome and I love them, but part of me wishes we could have had those kids together, and not have them be from someone else. I love them as if they are my own, but it is just different. I will probably delete this paragraph after I think about what I just wrote, but I think that is a huge part of why I am in a funk. He did this all before. He got to have a wedding, and the joy of seeing his first kids be born but with someone else. It makes me sad that this is a second time around for me and a first for me.

Alright, I am going to stop there before I vent too much. There are just some days where I am a bit of a Crankster McCranky and today is one of them.

I hope all is great with everyone else!

OK so we were friends - now I have to fight you over crush on Dane Cook...I'll meet you in the parking lot at 6 PM (Atlantic Standard Time). He's mine. Do not mess with this fact. Ask Adrian - he'll tell you...I have a free pass on Dane Cook, he has a free pass on Jennifer Aniston. True story.

On a more serious note, I also struggle with some of the points you mentioned...we just spent the weekend with my step-son to be (who lives full time with his mom, 3 hours away from us, so we only see him once a month). His mom is not a big fan of mine, and therefore neither is he sometimes....he's only 4, but this weekend was just a tough one for me. All he wanted to do was ignore me, blow me up with pretend bombs, shoot me with his pretend gun, etc etc...unless I was cooking him breakfast - he loves my cooking. It's hard for me to bond with him because I know that although I love him to death, I'm not his mom.

I almost think it's easier to get over the whole "2nd wedding" thing (for me anyways) - because this wedding will be MUCH diferent than his first I'm sure (please please tell me Bryan did not get married for the first time as Disney???).

It's still hard to know you don't get to have all the firsts - I feel that way too - but it's important to know that this time it will be RIGHT, and that's HUGE!

Sorry you are in a funk - if I was anywhere near you I would come over with some kind of delicious concoction like "Amazing Amaretto Chocolate Fudge Cheesecake" and we could eat it and comisserate over our troubles (and our subsequent weight gain)...alas Nova Scotia is like a land far far away...so no dice.

Oh by the way this sounds crazy but boys like games....I heard that the best way to get a boy to pee in the toilet is float a couple of cheerios in the toilet and let him try to shoot them...like obscene target practice. No joke - it worked for a couple of people I know. Just a suggestion - I am not a real mom so I really don't know. Honestly Landon just woke up one day and decided he didn't want to wear diapers anymore....no joke.

I just read this over...I think we have violated your planning journal with randomness....lol
Well, I have been reading along and have even posted comments but I just have to say, I LOVE the Cheerios story :lmao:.


I tend to be random, so I will not flood it with randomness as much as I have before. Although I did have a dream last night that my Dad had a creepy black mustache last night for the wedding and I screamed. Why am I dreaming about men with mustaches (Tom Selleck and now my Dad)? Kelly-I will email you about Dane Cook and the other things so not everyone has to read our randomness. :) Oh, and we tried Cheerios, and making the water blue so it turns green when he goes potty and nothing works in case anyone wants to know.

So Hobby Lobby, a tiny bit of heaven on earth, is having their 50% off wedding event so I went there and bought yet another headpiece. By the time I am done buying the cheap ones, I will have probably spent as much as the pricey ones. They have veils there but I don't have my dress to see if they match, nor am I not sure if I want a HL veil although 7 bucks is quite appealing. After learning that the unity candles are $65 bucks through Disney and a $25 rental fee for the candle holder, I bit the bullet and bought the candles and the candle holder. I got all of them for $14 bucks. I love a bargain. I thought about jazzing the candles up with Mickey things I have but then I wondered if I should just keep them as is. They are pearlized so they look nice. Does everything need to be Mickey or should I just leave it as is? The candle holder reminds me of fallopian tubes. I hate saying that but I will never use them again and I hope it will be covered by flowers. The other fancy one was 30 bucks. I don't think so. I almost bought a flower basket (only 7 bucks!) but I am not sure if my niece will be able to put the petals on the ground. She is so shy. Here is a picture of her and my future step son. They are buddies. He calls her his girlfriend and kisses her all the time. We just found out they will be in the same preschool class. The poor teacher....


I am not sure if we should do the wand or the petals. We will see. Did I mention they sent me a picture of the ribbon that the bouquets will have? I had smaller polka dots in mind. What do you think? I guess it kind of matches the polka dot overlays for the table...


Last night Bryan said he was so excited to go down to Florida in July. I was surprised by this as I did not think he cared much. He loves warm weather so I think that is part of his excitement, not the planning session!

That's about it for the wedding plans as of now. More to come I am sure!

Have a great day!


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