Disboutiquers Part 20 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I purchased several fonts via internet. I really like them but can't for the life of me figure out how you line them up to make a word on the embroidery machine. Do you just have to do a letter at a time and re-adjust each time and hope it comes out close to wear it is suppose to be? I did that for 2 words last night and it took me forever (and messed up several times). Am I just being crazy or is there a way to tell the machine which letters you want together? Gosh...I don't even think I am making sense. I hope someone understands...

For example, I want to write "I love you" and I have all the letters in the machine but it only lets me pick one letter at a time. Any advise?:confused:

I agree with Nini and Wendy. My understanding is that each letter is considered a different design so can only be loaded one at a time onto the embroidery machine. You'll need some kind of software that will allow you to combine these into one design so they'll stitch all together. I think there are some simple programs that aren't too expensive to do things like that.

BTW - You might post on sewforum.com to ask if someone could do the letter combining for you for free. I haven't done that myself but I've seen a lot of posts with people asking for something like that, especially with names.
One of Taylor's friends had a wear your favorite super hero birthday party this weekend, so I finally found a use for some of the couple pink incredibles fabrics I had, and made her this dress:








Oh and I've been meaning to share pictures of my new work space, so here are a few pictures, it feels nice to have a place for everything, now I just need to decorate a little more since I plan to spend lots and lots of time in there.

I used the comic book board idea that several had mentioned on here for my fabric, I love being able to see what I have now instead of digging through boxes and bags



I even used the comic book boards to wrap my ribbons and store them in the cubbies too, and I love being able to see them without digging or them unrolling everywhere, here are a few of the boards I wrapped, I just clipped them in the back of the board with paperclips and binder clips.




I stored random supplies in small plastic baskets that I can store under the table or on extra cubbies

And my favorite thing in the new room is the over the door shoe holder full of fabric scraps, it makes things so much easier when I am making appliques, I have scraps sorted by color so I can quickly find what I need and don't end up cutting off yardage just to get a piece I need.

And I have 1 last thing to share..... as I've mentioned before I have searched and searched and searched for more of the fabric I used to make Taylor this dress with 8 princesses on it last year....

I've been wanting to make Tay a dress with all 9 (it now bugs me pocahauntas is missing, and she is outgrowing it) plus I've had several requests to remake the dress. Well I gave up on finding the fabric, and have spent wayyyyy too many hours looking for a suitable replacement with no luck. So I finally decided to design my own fabric for it, and I love what I came up with.... even more so than the original fabric. It is being printed now and I should have the sample yard in another week or so.
Here is the design I came up with and spent the past few days tweaking to get what I wanted, I am already working on a couple more designs for other fabrics I want, but I want to see how this one prints and turns out first. Anyhow this is what is looks like on my computer, I'm super excited to see it on fabric! This image will be on the fabric as 8 in by 8 in, and the pattern repeats.
Will Sew Era combine the letters? Thats a free program....I havent played with it yet though...might be worth a try Nini!!
I've been wanting to make Tay a dress with all 9 (it now bugs me pocahauntas is missing, and she is outgrowing it) plus I've had several requests to remake the dress. Well I gave up on finding the fabric, and have spent wayyyyy too many hours looking for a suitable replacement with no luck. So I finally decided to design my own fabric for it, and I love what I came up with.... even more so than the original fabric. It is being printed now and I should have the sample yard in another week or so.
Here is the design I came up with and spent the past few days tweaking to get what I wanted, I am already working on a couple more designs for other fabrics I want, but I want to see how this one prints and turns out first. Anyhow this is what is looks like on my computer, I'm super excited to see it on fabric! This image will be on the fabric as 8 in by 8 in, and the pattern repeats.

I had no idea you could do that - wow how do you go about getting it printed?
I'm not sure...but I think you have to have editing software....


Anita - Im no expert, but I think you need a program that will put the letters together for you and then you load the words into your machine? at least thats how it works on mine, but I have an ol Brother 270D.

I agree with Nini and Wendy. My understanding is that each letter is considered a different design so can only be loaded one at a time onto the embroidery machine. You'll need some kind of software that will allow you to combine these into one design so they'll stitch all together. I think there are some simple programs that aren't too expensive to do things like that.

BTW - You might post on sewforum.com to ask if someone could do the letter combining for you for free. I haven't done that myself but I've seen a lot of posts with people asking for something like that, especially with names.

Thanks for the info ladies! I am going to see about getting the software. In the meantime, someone nicely said they would do a couple for me. Thank you!

One of Taylor's friends had a wear your favorite super hero birthday party this weekend, so I finally found a use for some of the couple pink incredibles fabrics I had, and made her this dress:


Oh and I've been meaning to share pictures of my new work space, so here are a few pictures, it feels nice to have a place for everything, now I just need to decorate a little more since I plan to spend lots and lots of time in there.

I used the comic book board idea that several had mentioned on here for my fabric, I love being able to see what I have now instead of digging through boxes and bags



Here is the design I came up with and spent the past few days tweaking to get what I wanted, I am already working on a couple more designs for other fabrics I want, but I want to see how this one prints and turns out first. Anyhow this is what is looks like on my computer, I'm super excited to see it on fabric! This image will be on the fabric as 8 in by 8 in, and the pattern repeats.

The Incredibles Dress is "incredible"....LOL Love your sewing room. Look at all of that space. Wow!
And I really like your fabric design. I didn't know you can do that either. Where do you go to get something like that printed?
FYI - I am posting a lot of pictures but it took me about 60+ hours to do these so I have to have my 10 seconds of fame...LOL.
My boss gave me this quilt that has been used and abused for many years by generations of kiddos in his family. He wanted me to do "something" with it.
So (with his permission) cut it up and made 3 baby quilts for him to give to his 3 grown children.
This is the original quilt...you can see the huge tear on the right middle but you can't really see all the tiny tears all over it. It was a chore just to find good sections to salvage.

The only difference in the 3 are the pieces of original quilt (the middle 4 sections/blocks) and a couple of the borders. I used vintage 1940-50 replicated fabric.
Quilt #1


Quilt #2


Quilt #3

A close up of the side border (called piano keys) and the fabrics I used

and last but not least (I promise)...a picture of the label I made for each one.
I am not thrilled with the line up of the letters but the kids called the original quilt "Old Pink" so I had to incorporate it someway.

These aren't the best pictures. I waited until too late to take them but I have to deliver the quilts tomorrow and I wanted to show these to you.

He is such a beutiful little boy.

I am so loving all of the Audrey skirts! It is the neatest thing to see your daughters name repeated over and over again!!!

It's cool, isn't it!!!! I like thinking of you guys when I'm sewing!

My mom sewed through her fingernail bed when I was 4 or 5 years old, it wasn't really as bad as it sounds but I remember it was very bloody and I think that probably has something to do with why I'm so afraid of machine sewing.

Hi! I agree with everyone, start with CarlaC on YCMT! And, don't sew your finger, that hurts!!

Alicia, the headtone is beautiful! Katie was over my shoulder yesterday as I skimmed and asked about the stone and I reminded her about you and how she helped me make the box. She wanted me to give you and Isabelle a hug and tell you that she loves it also. She said it looks like Levi is holding your belly in the picture with the back of the stone and that maybe he is hugging Gabriel. Yep, I cried...out of the mouth of babes...

She is so right! It does look like that!

Too tired to thumbnail the pictures.
But! I loved them!!! The outfits all look great!

Wow you gals are busy ! Went to my Uncle's funeral , then found out that my friend has lung cancer . Sewing is bringing me peace !
Oh no, I'm so sorry.

Here's my "Audrey Skirt" that I made for DGD4. I LOVE how it turned out. When I tried it on her to take pictures she posed herself? It is a size 1/2 with a 9" length. It fit her perfect, she's so short, poor girl.
Gotta love those butt ruffles!!
LOVE the poses!!!! Your grand daughter is adorable!!! The skirt is pretty cute too! Don't you just love this pattern!!!

1.)HOW EXCITING!!!!!!! Have a great time!! Keep your eye out for my sister! She leaves on Friday, but I think she's only doing 1 park day.

2.)You should ask next time! I've met a couple of Disboutiquers just by going up and asking! Teresa is totally fearless about it, but I can be a little more shy to approach people. I like to ask "Where did you get that cute outfit?" If they say they made it, then I'll ask if they're on the Disboards.

1.)Yes, we are only doing one day at the the Disney parks. Not sure what day yet.

2.)So weird, isn't it? So uncharacteristic of me! Although, I'm getting braver in my old age!

I've been thinking about trying to have a version of this pattern that covers junior and/or women's sizes. My main issue is getting standard length measurements. I was trying to find some knee length skirts where the finished length was listed but didn't have any luck so far. I know I just need one length as a starting point since all the sizes can be the same length. I think maybe 23-24" would be right, though, after looking at some skirt patterns. Once I have that, I'll have to decide how to handle the bigger difference in waist to hip sizes for women so the side seams don't hang 'wonky'. I think darts would be the simplest method for the front. The back probably wouldn't need to be changed if I kept it elasticized. (Do your girls wear skirts with elastic in the back like that?)

Thanks for the tip about the presser feet. I was browsing a little today for some that will work on my machine. Now I just need to wait until I have money. LOL I had to order a new foot for my serger because the screw thing that is used to adjust for a rolled edge is broken and I'm tired of my 'make do' fix.

OOOH! I would LOOOVE it if you did that!!! I have skirts with elastic in the back. So, I don't see that as a problem.

I purchased several fonts via internet. I really like them but can't for the life of me figure out how you line them up to make a word on the embroidery machine. Do you just have to do a letter at a time and re-adjust each time and hope it comes out close to wear it is suppose to be? I did that for 2 words last night and it took me forever (and messed up several times). Am I just being crazy or is there a way to tell the machine which letters you want together? Gosh...I don't even think I am making sense. I hope someone understands...

For example, I want to write "I love you" and I have all the letters in the machine but it only lets me pick one letter at a time. Any advise?:confused:

Download Stitch Era Univerersal, it's free and it does this and it will digitize almost any font you have on your computer. There is a link in the bookmarks, or you can Google it.

One of Taylor's friends had a wear your favorite super hero birthday party this weekend, so I finally found a use for some of the couple pink incredibles fabrics I had, and made her this dress:


WHERE did you get this cool fabric!!! The dress is wonderful!!!
Your sewing room looks great. I can only dream of such a nice space.
I can't wait to see your finished fabric!!! That is so neat!
Here is the design I came up with and spent the past few days tweaking to get what I wanted, I am already working on a couple more designs for other fabrics I want, but I want to see how this one prints and turns out first. Anyhow this is what is looks like on my computer, I'm super excited to see it on fabric! This image will be on the fabric as 8 in by 8 in, and the pattern repeats.

Are you using Spoonflower to print the fabric? I've been wanting to try that since I first heard about it back when they were doing their beta testing. I just haven't thought of a print yet. I think that fabric will be really cute and can't wait to hear how the fabric looks once you get it.

OOOH! I would LOOOVE it if you did that!!! I have skirts with elastic in the back. So, I don't see that as a problem.

Well, I'm going to go forward with the sizes I have but I've already started charting the measurements so the girls' sizes will go from 3M/6M to 14/16. After that, I want to do a version for women, possibly up to a 3X. I'm starting with a length of 24" to see how that works out.
I will be suspiciously away from my computer until sometime tomorrow. I will be taking some dreaded tests at the hospital today. I have been dreading it since December and tried to convince my doctor they weren't needed...

Please don't move without me, but if you do I'll hunt you down and find you when I get back! LOL

I just downloaded the Stitch Era....hopefully I will remember to go in and try and figure out a bit of it in a day or so.

Sweet dreams......zzzzzzzz

Quick post - I FINALLY added the Emma Swing Top variation tutorial to my blog (link is in my sig)! For those who aren't familiar with this top, it's from YCMT and very cute but several ladies have been concerned about the open back of the original. I came up with a modification that has a back that's all one piece and elasticized for easy fitting. I made this dress with the pattern and the modifications shown in my tutorial.



Sorry this took so long! I'm going to try to do better although I won't jinx myself by saying how often I'll add new tutorials. ;)

I recognize this dress! The pattern alteration is quite wearable!! We loved it!
Quick post - I FINALLY added the Emma Swing Top variation tutorial to my blog (link is in my sig)! For those who aren't familiar with this top, it's from YCMT and very cute but several ladies have been concerned about the open back of the original. I came up with a modification that has a back that's all one piece and elasticized for easy fitting. I made this dress with the pattern and the modifications shown in my tutorial.



Sorry this took so long! I'm going to try to do better although I won't jinx myself by saying how often I'll add new tutorials. ;)
OOOH!!! That is adorable. I neer bought the pattern, because I wasn't sure about the open back, but with the tutorials peopel have posted, maybe I'll give it a try. It is so cute. Add me as another person who can't wait for the audrey skirt.

One of Taylor's friends had a wear your favorite super hero birthday party this weekend, so I finally found a use for some of the couple pink incredibles fabrics I had, and made her this dress:





Oh and I've been meaning to share pictures of my new work space, so here are a few pictures, it feels nice to have a place for everything, now I just need to decorate a little more since I plan to spend lots and lots of time in there.

I used the comic book board idea that several had mentioned on here for my fabric, I love being able to see what I have now instead of digging through boxes and bags



I even used the comic book boards to wrap my ribbons and store them in the cubbies too, and I love being able to see them without digging or them unrolling everywhere, here are a few of the boards I wrapped, I just clipped them in the back of the board with paperclips and binder clips.




I stored random supplies in small plastic baskets that I can store under the table or on extra cubbies

And my favorite thing in the new room is the over the door shoe holder full of fabric scraps, it makes things so much easier when I am making appliques, I have scraps sorted by color so I can quickly find what I need and don't end up cutting off yardage just to get a piece I need.

And I have 1 last thing to share..... as I've mentioned before I have searched and searched and searched for more of the fabric I used to make Taylor this dress with 8 princesses on it last year....

I've been wanting to make Tay a dress with all 9 (it now bugs me pocahauntas is missing, and she is outgrowing it) plus I've had several requests to remake the dress. Well I gave up on finding the fabric, and have spent wayyyyy too many hours looking for a suitable replacement with no luck. So I finally decided to design my own fabric for it, and I love what I came up with.... even more so than the original fabric. It is being printed now and I should have the sample yard in another week or so.
Here is the design I came up with and spent the past few days tweaking to get what I wanted, I am already working on a couple more designs for other fabrics I want, but I want to see how this one prints and turns out first. Anyhow this is what is looks like on my computer, I'm super excited to see it on fabric! This image will be on the fabric as 8 in by 8 in, and the pattern repeats.
Wow to everything. The dress, the room, the fabric storage and designing your own fabric. I can't wait to see what you make with it.

FYI - I am posting a lot of pictures but it took me about 60+ hours to do these so I have to have my 10 seconds of fame...LOL.
My boss gave me this quilt that has been used and abused for many years by generations of kiddos in his family. He wanted me to do "something" with it.
So (with his permission) cut it up and made 3 baby quilts for him to give to his 3 grown children.
This is the original quilt...you can see the huge tear on the right middle but you can't really see all the tiny tears all over it. It was a chore just to find good sections to salvage.

The only difference in the 3 are the pieces of original quilt (the middle 4 sections/blocks) and a couple of the borders. I used vintage 1940-50 replicated fabric.
Quilt #1


Quilt #2


Quilt #3

A close up of the side border (called piano keys) and the fabrics I used

and last but not least (I promise)...a picture of the label I made for each one.
I am not thrilled with the line up of the letters but the kids called the original quilt "Old Pink" so I had to incorporate it someway.

These aren't the best pictures. I waited until too late to take them but I have to deliver the quilts tomorrow and I wanted to show these to you.
Reading the tag almost made me cry. You did a fantastic job. I know they are going to be overjoyed to receive them.

I'd like to thank everyone who showed the narrow hem foot, I want to go shopping.

and NaeNae, your granddaughter is absolutely gorgeous! I loved her poses and the skirt.
Are you using Spoonflower to print the fabric? I've been wanting to try that since I first heard about it back when they were doing their beta testing. I just haven't thought of a print yet. I think that fabric will be really cute and can't wait to hear how the fabric looks once you get it.

Well, I'm going to go forward with the sizes I have but I've already started charting the measurements so the girls' sizes will go from 3M/6M to 14/16. After that, I want to do a version for women, possibly up to a 3X. I'm starting with a length of 24" to see how that works out.

14/16 will be great too! That will keep the pattern usable for Arminda for awhile! :thumbsup2

I will be suspiciously away from my computer until sometime tomorrow. I will be taking some dreaded tests at the hospital today. I have been dreading it since December and tried to convince my doctor they weren't needed...

Please don't move without me, but if you do I'll hunt you down and find you when I get back! LOL

I just downloaded the Stitch Era....hopefully I will remember to go in and try and figure out a bit of it in a day or so.

Sweet dreams......zzzzzzzz


I was going to say "have fun" but I'm doubting that will happen! SEU isn't very user friendly, but the font digitizing isn't hard to use.

FYI - I am posting a lot of pictures but it took me about 60+ hours to do these so I have to have my 10 seconds of fame...LOL.
My boss gave me this quilt that has been used and abused for many years by generations of kiddos in his family. He wanted me to do "something" with it.
So (with his permission) cut it up and made 3 baby quilts for him to give to his 3 grown children.
This is the original quilt...you can see the huge tear on the right middle but you can't really see all the tiny tears all over it. It was a chore just to find good sections to salvage.

These aren't the best pictures. I waited until too late to take them but I have to deliver the quilts tomorrow and I wanted to show these to you.

That is so beatufiful! You did such a nice job on that. I can't imagine how much work that was! I love the tag you put on it, especially since it looks like it was written by hand.
The Vida is so cu]te! I love how you did Minnie on one side and Mickey on the other! You and your housekeeper have quite a deal worked out! How cool! I love the table covers. This last one is especially fabulous!

You are so sweet to type all of that out! That's what I love about this thread! :grouphug:

Thanks. I am quite enjoying the deal we have. I am still putting aside the money that I would have paid her, and also money from a couple of other little jobs I have done. I am jealous of most people on this thread and want to get an embroidery machine. There is a Brother dealer about 1 hour away, so I am looking at the PE-750D.

Oh, and I typed it all out cause I feel like I never really give anything on this thread, just take, take, take.... Like take all the compliments if I make something nice, take advantage of Teresa's bookmarks and other links people provide, take pleasure in looking at all the lovely stuff etc. So, if I can help, I make sure I do.

Love the Vida!!! And very nice table runners. I like that idea of trade. hehe

Thanks. I gave her the Hexagon one today and she loves it.

OH....I really think I get it. (at least in my head, I get it). Yes, I do quilt. I am going to try this. It looks easy enough (haha...). I am sure I will have a different view when I sit down to do it:confused:. Love them though...they are very pretty.

Glad you understood. If you need help again if you decide to make one, just let me know.

:Very cute!


You did a great job. :worship: I love that they cared enough to have someone do this for them.

One of Taylor's friends had a wear your favorite super hero birthday party this weekend, so I finally found a use for some of the couple pink incredibles fabrics I had, and made her this dress:


Love the pink Incredibles dress. That fabric is awesome.

You sewing space looks great. I love to see fabric all lined up neatly like that. My sewing room only looks like that for about 1/2 hour right after I clean it.

Quick post - I FINALLY added the Emma Swing Top variation tutorial to my blog (link is in my sig)! For those who aren't familiar with this top, it's from YCMT and very cute but several ladies have been concerned about the open back of the original. I came up with a modification that has a back that's all one piece and elasticized for easy fitting. I made this dress with the pattern and the modifications shown in my tutorial.



Sorry this took so long! I'm going to try to do better although I won't jinx myself by saying how often I'll add new tutorials. ;)

Thanks Lisa. Nice to see you on your blog again.
One of Taylor's friends had a wear your favorite super hero birthday party this weekend, so I finally found a use for some of the couple pink incredibles fabrics I had, and made her this dress:


Oh and I've been meaning to share pictures of my new work space, so here are a few pictures, it feels nice to have a place for everything, now I just need to decorate a little more since I plan to spend lots and lots of time in there.

I used the comic book board idea that several had mentioned on here for my fabric, I love being able to see what I have now instead of digging through boxes and bags


I even used the comic book boards to wrap my ribbons and store them in the cubbies too, and I love being able to see them without digging or them unrolling everywhere, here are a few of the boards I wrapped, I just clipped them in the back of the board with paperclips and binder clips.




I stored random supplies in small plastic baskets that I can store under the table or on extra cubbies

And my favorite thing in the new room is the over the door shoe holder full of fabric scraps, it makes things so much easier when I am making appliques, I have scraps sorted by color so I can quickly find what I need and don't end up cutting off yardage just to get a piece I need.

And I have 1 last thing to share..... as I've mentioned before I have searched and searched and searched for more of the fabric I used to make Taylor this dress with 8 princesses on it last year....

I've been wanting to make Tay a dress with all 9 (it now bugs me pocahauntas is missing, and she is outgrowing it) plus I've had several requests to remake the dress. Well I gave up on finding the fabric, and have spent wayyyyy too many hours looking for a suitable replacement with no luck. So I finally decided to design my own fabric for it, and I love what I came up with.... even more so than the original fabric. It is being printed now and I should have the sample yard in another week or so.
Here is the design I came up with and spent the past few days tweaking to get what I wanted, I am already working on a couple more designs for other fabrics I want, but I want to see how this one prints and turns out first. Anyhow this is what is looks like on my computer, I'm super excited to see it on fabric! This image will be on the fabric as 8 in by 8 in, and the pattern repeats.
Wow! So many good things to comment on!!! Love the Incredibles dress and the carousel pic is adorable! I am so jealous of you organized space!!! And LOVE the ribbons! The fabric is going to be so cute! I wish I was going to have another little girl to sew for!!!!
FYI - I am posting a lot of pictures but it took me about 60+ hours to do these so I have to have my 10 seconds of fame...LOL.
My boss gave me this quilt that has been used and abused for many years by generations of kiddos in his family. He wanted me to do "something" with it.
So (with his permission) cut it up and made 3 baby quilts for him to give to his 3 grown children.
This is the original quilt...you can see the huge tear on the right middle but you can't really see all the tiny tears all over it. It was a chore just to find good sections to salvage.

The only difference in the 3 are the pieces of original quilt (the middle 4 sections/blocks) and a couple of the borders. I used vintage 1940-50 replicated fabric.
A close up of the side border (called piano keys) and the fabrics I used

and last but not least (I promise)...a picture of the label I made for each one.
I am not thrilled with the line up of the letters but the kids called the original quilt "Old Pink" so I had to incorporate it someway.

These aren't the best pictures. I waited until too late to take them but I have to deliver the quilts tomorrow and I wanted to show these to you.
That is so precious! I love the tag!
He is such a beutiful little boy.

Thanks Teresa!!:lovestruc
I even used the comic book boards to wrap my ribbons and store them in the cubbies too, and I love being able to see them without digging or them unrolling everywhere, here are a few of the boards I wrapped, I just clipped them in the back of the board with paperclips and binder clips.


First of all, I love the pink incredibles dress! I am so glad my dd didn't see this picture while I was broswing...lol
Second, where do you get your grossgrain with mickey heads? Dd has been given a few bows with that ribbon but I have never seen it anywhere?

I absolutely love Sunbonnets! These turned out so great. I have a quilt similar to this one that my great grandma made for me that really needs to be restored. I am not nearly brave enough though. It is so fragile that sometimes if you are sleeping with the blanket and just go to tug the blanket up higher it will tear. It is so special because she lived on a farm and didn't have much money so the whole thing is done by hand and when she ran out of some of the colors of fabric she cut up some of her old clothes to use as pieces...so I have some patches of her polyester pants on my quilt and I could still imagine her wearing those pants...lol.

I can't believe we leave tomorrow :scared1: I actually have 3 completed dresses and one simply sweet that only lacks a skirt. I also need to figure out the flower thingy on the tiana dress. I am so much further ahead of the game this time...lol. I am not thinking I am going to get pics up until after we get back though. I will be on the lookout for the other disboutiquers there this weekend though.
I will be suspiciously away from my computer until sometime tomorrow. I will be taking some dreaded tests at the hospital today. I have been dreading it since December and tried to convince my doctor they weren't needed...

Please don't move without me, but if you do I'll hunt you down and find you when I get back! LOL

I just downloaded the Stitch Era....hopefully I will remember to go in and try and figure out a bit of it in a day or so.

Sweet dreams......zzzzzzzz

Nini - Hope everything is okay.

Thanks. I am quite enjoying the deal we have. I am still putting aside the money that I would have paid her, and also money from a couple of other little jobs I have done. I am jealous of most people on this thread and want to get an embroidery machine. There is a Brother dealer about 1 hour away, so I am looking at the PE-750D.

Oh, and I typed it all out cause I feel like I never really give anything on this thread, just take, take, take.... Like take all the compliments if I make something nice, take advantage of Teresa's bookmarks and other links people provide, take pleasure in looking at all the lovely stuff etc. So, if I can help, I make sure I do.

Thanks. I gave her the Hexagon one today and she loves it.

Glad you understood. If you need help again if you decide to make one, just let me know.

Tricia - thanks for the offer to help. The instructions were great. I am going to do this in the near future. I have so many projects and orders piling up...I'm not sure when I will get to them. I am glad she loved the hexagon one. It really is beautiful.

BTW - the PE750D is the one I just got. So far, I really love it. It works beautifully. You will like it too.

Reading the tag almost made me cry. You did a fantastic job. I know they are going to be overjoyed to receive them.

Thank you. It was really hard to decide what to put on it. My boss really didn't know anything about when it was made or who exactly made it but he knew who had it for the past 3 generations. It made it hard to know what to put because it belonged to someone else and not me. I love putting thoughts and phrases to the person I am making them for when they are a gift from me.
The cool thing is that when I gave them to him this morning (and he loved them btw)....he told me he just found out Monday that his oldest was expecting their first baby (and this will be his first grandchild) sooooo perfect timing. He said they will give it to them next weekend as a "congratulations" present. I have worked for him for 27 years so I have seen all of his kids grow up. It made it really special to do it for him (and his kids).

You did a great job. :worship: I love that they cared enough to have someone do this for them.

You sewing space looks great. I love to see fabric all lined up neatly like that. My sewing room only looks like that for about 1/2 hour right after I clean it.

Thank you.

Speaking of sewing rooms. I posted my much needed cleaned up and organized room a few pages back. When my husband came home from his trip and saw it, he said "well, lets see if it stays this way!" WOW...that was just a challange. Ha! So far 2 weeks and it is still straight....ha! :laughing:

Teresa - lost your quote somehow. Thanks for the compliments on the quilt and the label. The "OLD PINK" was done on the embroidery machine. The rest IS handwritten.
Oh and I've been meaning to share pictures of my new work space, so here are a few pictures, it feels nice to have a place for everything, now I just need to decorate a little more since I plan to spend lots and lots of time in there.

I used the comic book board idea that several had mentioned on here for my fabric, I love being able to see what I have now instead of digging through boxes and bags



I even used the comic book boards to wrap my ribbons and store them in the cubbies too, and I love being able to see them without digging or them unrolling everywhere, here are a few of the boards I wrapped, I just clipped them in the back of the board with paperclips and binder clips.




I stored random supplies in small plastic baskets that I can store under the table or on extra cubbies

And my favorite thing in the new room is the over the door shoe holder full of fabric scraps, it makes things so much easier when I am making appliques, I have scraps sorted by color so I can quickly find what I need and don't end up cutting off yardage just to get a piece I need.


WOW! I'm in awe of your organization. I love the shoe holder idea, all my scrap are in ziploc bags. Now that I can applique, I can't get myself to throw and kinda scraps away. You just never know when you can use it!

Question, the Stitch Era program, where can you get it for FREE, from the site it directs you to dealers who will give it to you free with minum purchases from their stores.....

I'm having the same issue with lining up the letters, I purchase the disney fonts and a few others, never thinking that this was how it worked. Ugg and of course all my kids names are 8-9 letters long!!!! Can you say.....frustrating!!!
I had no idea you could do that - wow how do you go about getting it printed?

Spoonflower.com, I just designed it in photoshop and then upload it to them and order.

The Incredibles Dress is "incredible"....LOL Love your sewing room. Look at all of that space. Wow!
And I really like your fabric design. I didn't know you can do that either. Where do you go to get something like that printed?

Aww thanks, yeah I am loving all the space and not having to work on the dining room table anymore!

There are several that allow you to do it, but I used Spoonflower.com.... I like that you can order just a fat quarter or order multiple yards, most of the others have min order requirements. It is a little pricey (their fabric is $18 a yard, but you get a 10% designer discount if you order your own design so it is $16.20 a yard, still expensive for fabric, but a nice option when you can't find anything like what is in your head). You can also print pictures on fabric, so I'm thinking about doing a yard with some various pictures of Taylor at Disney World and making her a "photo memory" dress, she is all the time wanting to take our disney photo albums to school but I'm afraid she might mess them up showing her friends, so I thought it would be cute to make her a dress with pictures on it.

FYI - I am posting a lot of pictures but it took me about 60+ hours to do these so I have to have my 10 seconds of fame...LOL.
My boss gave me this quilt that has been used and abused for many years by generations of kiddos in his family. He wanted me to do "something" with it.
So (with his permission) cut it up and made 3 baby quilts for him to give to his 3 grown children.
This is the original quilt...you can see the huge tear on the right middle but you can't really see all the tiny tears all over it. It was a chore just to find good sections to salvage.

The only difference in the 3 are the pieces of original quilt (the middle 4 sections/blocks) and a couple of the borders. I used vintage 1940-50 replicated fabric.
Quilt #1


Quilt #2


Quilt #3

A close up of the side border (called piano keys) and the fabrics I used

and last but not least (I promise)...a picture of the label I made for each one.
I am not thrilled with the line up of the letters but the kids called the original quilt "Old Pink" so I had to incorporate it someway.

These aren't the best pictures. I waited until too late to take them but I have to deliver the quilts tomorrow and I wanted to show these to you.
Wow that is awesome! Such a great idea and you did a wonderful job! I love the tags!
WHERE did you get this cool fabric!!! The dress is wonderful!!!
Your sewing room looks great. I can only dream of such a nice space.
I can't wait to see your finished fabric!!! That is so neat!

Thank you! Both of them were imports I bought on ebay, I bought the one on the bodice last year and the pink blocked one earlier this year. I can look up the seller when I get home if you want it.
Are you using Spoonflower to print the fabric? I've been wanting to try that since I first heard about it back when they were doing their beta testing. I just haven't thought of a print yet. I think that fabric will be really cute and can't wait to hear how the fabric looks once you get it.

Yeah I remember us talking about it last year and thinking it was such a great idea, but didn't have any idea in particular or anything I really wanted bad enough to pay $16-$18 a yard to have made, but the fabric in my original princess dress was $12 a yard already, and I figured it was worth the lack of headache from searching to design this one. I will let you all know how it prints (or take pictures), but I'm excited to see it! Spoonflower is actually only about 15 minutes from my house, so I may have to look into seeing if it is somewhere I can go, it would be even better if I can pick up fabric instead of paying shipping!
Wow to everything. The dress, the room, the fabric storage and designing your own fabric. I can't wait to see what you make with it.


Wow! So many good things to comment on!!! Love the Incredibles dress and the carousel pic is adorable! I am so jealous of you organized space!!! And LOVE the ribbons! The fabric is going to be so cute! I wish I was going to have another little girl to sew for!!!!

Thanks! I thought having all the storage and stuff would be great and keep everything nice and tidy.... turns out it doesn't stay organized on it's own, I still end up spreading out in the floor half the time and forgetting to put everything back lol, but at least it was organized for a min, now just to get myself to keep it that way lol

First of all, I love the pink incredibles dress! I am so glad my dd didn't see this picture while I was broswing...lol
Second, where do you get your grossgrain with mickey heads? Dd has been given a few bows with that ribbon but I have never seen it anywhere?

Thank you! Most of it I got from a yahoo ribbon group I am part of (Rockin Ribbons), I used to buy it off a couple different sellers on ebay, but it was usually about $1.25 a yard on ebay, in the yahoo group it is like $.30-$.50 a yard, but I have to buy 10 yards of each. A lot of the designs the group owners also sell on their website in like 5 yard increments at retail price (but still better than ebay prices). The website is RockinRibbons.com.



I purchased several fonts via internet. I really like them but can't for the life of me figure out how you line them up to make a word on the embroidery machine. Do you just have to do a letter at a time and re-adjust each time and hope it comes out close to wear it is suppose to be? I did that for 2 words last night and it took me forever (and messed up several times). Am I just being crazy or is there a way to tell the machine which letters you want together? Gosh...I don't even think I am making sense. I hope someone understands...

For example, I want to write "I love you" and I have all the letters in the machine but it only lets me pick one letter at a time. Any advise?:confused:

I'm not sure which embroidery machine you have, but on mine I know there is an option to have a grid for the embroidery preview screen. I select each letter one at a time, then I line them up on the grid. I know most Brother machines have this function, but again I'm not sure which you're using. Usually the display options are buttons at the bottom of the screen. Hope that helps:)

One of Taylor's friends had a wear your favorite super hero birthday party this weekend, so I finally found a use for some of the couple pink incredibles fabrics I had, and made her this dress:


Oh and I've been meaning to share pictures of my new work space, so here are a few pictures, it feels nice to have a place for everything, now I just need to decorate a little more since I plan to spend lots and lots of time in there.

I used the comic book board idea that several had mentioned on here for my fabric, I love being able to see what I have now instead of digging through boxes and bags



And my favorite thing in the new room is the over the door shoe holder full of fabric scraps, it makes things so much easier when I am making appliques, I have scraps sorted by color so I can quickly find what I need and don't end up cutting off yardage just to get a piece I need.

And I have 1 last thing to share..... as I've mentioned before I have searched and searched and searched for more of the fabric I used to make Taylor this dress with 8 princesses on it last year....

I've been wanting to make Tay a dress with all 9 (it now bugs me pocahauntas is missing, and she is outgrowing it) plus I've had several requests to remake the dress. Well I gave up on finding the fabric, and have spent wayyyyy too many hours looking for a suitable replacement with no luck. So I finally decided to design my own fabric for it, and I love what I came up with.... even more so than the original fabric. It is being printed now and I should have the sample yard in another week or so.
Here is the design I came up with and spent the past few days tweaking to get what I wanted, I am already working on a couple more designs for other fabrics I want, but I want to see how this one prints and turns out first. Anyhow this is what is looks like on my computer, I'm super excited to see it on fabric! This image will be on the fabric as 8 in by 8 in, and the pattern repeats.

What a cute little girl and I LOVE the Incredibles dress! :lovestruc Your sewing room looks HUGE!! I'm having major room envy. I love the white cubbies, I'll have to have those when I have my own sewing room in our new home. :thumbsup2 I love your fabric design too, please make sure you post pictures of the fabric once you get it. I've never thought about designing my own fabric before, I thought it was probably out of my price range since they did it on Project Runway ;)

FYI - I am posting a lot of pictures but it took me about 60+ hours to do these so I have to have my 10 seconds of fame...LOL.
My boss gave me this quilt that has been used and abused for many years by generations of kiddos in his family. He wanted me to do "something" with it.
So (with his permission) cut it up and made 3 baby quilts for him to give to his 3 grown children.
This is the original quilt...you can see the huge tear on the right middle but you can't really see all the tiny tears all over it. It was a chore just to find good sections to salvage.

The only difference in the 3 are the pieces of original quilt (the middle 4 sections/blocks) and a couple of the borders. I used vintage 1940-50 replicated fabric.
Quilt #1


Quilt #2


Quilt #3

A close up of the side border (called piano keys) and the fabrics I used

and last but not least (I promise)...a picture of the label I made for each one.
I am not thrilled with the line up of the letters but the kids called the original quilt "Old Pink" so I had to incorporate it someway.

These aren't the best pictures. I waited until too late to take them but I have to deliver the quilts tomorrow and I wanted to show these to you.

Awesome job on the baby quilts!! I've almost taken a few jobs like these, but I'm always too nervous that I'll ruin something that cannot be replaced. I love how you were able to make baby quilts though, so each daughter could have a special peice of "Old Pink". Very cool!


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