Disboutiquers Part 20 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I had to share our recent pictures :) I haven't uploaded my pictures yet but here are some from our photopass. I took the semi lazy route and got someone off etsy to make all our shirts and the girls BBB princess outfits. :) I even went much simpler on the skirts than I planned since I put it off for too long :lmao:.













My children were walking past the computer and stopped when they saw the picture of Levi on the carousel and they fussed at how adorable and happy he looked. A friend of mine's toddler son passed away several years ago and they had a dove release and it was beautiful. I loved it so much that we had one at my mother's funeral six months ago. I will say that we had the trinity release and one of my sisters was very jittery at the funeral and was nervous when the dove didn't fly out the second it was released, even though I told her ahead of time to give it a few seconds. Once it did fly out, she screamed and almost fainted. It was not how I envisioned it at all. I'm not sure how you are doing the release but just wanted to make sure that you were aware that they don't always fly out the moment the baskets were opened. Again, the headstone is gorgeous and very touching. God bless.
Well - Girls are in bed - they still don't know about the trip tomorrow - I am getting ready to finish packing. still have a few things sewing wise to finish also. Just wanted to wish everyone a good week where ever you are...for those that are going - I'll see you in Disney in about 16 hrs!!!!!!!

WOW!!! I don't know how you could keep the secret. Maybe I'll see you there! Just my DS(9) & I on this trip. He'll be in last year's applique T's and bowling shirts.
Well - Girls are in bed - they still don't know about the trip tomorrow - I am getting ready to finish packing. still have a few things sewing wise to finish also. Just wanted to wish everyone a good week where ever you are...for those that are going - I'll see you in Disney in about 16 hrs!!!!!!!

Have a great trip! All those hours of sewing will be worth it when they find out where they are going! Have fun! Can't wait to see pictures.
Wow you gals are busy ! Went to my Uncle's funeral , then found out that my friend has lung cancer . Sewing is bringing me peace !

Everything you all have made is BEAUTIFUL !

Alicia -I don't even know what to say. Very touching poem and I'm so sorry for your loss. But you are correct that you will hold him again , I'm sure he will the first one to greet you with open arms and his big beautiful smile.

Morning Friends,
We are having a wonderful time in Disney. All the parks have been done, all the fireworks have been seen. Yesterday we went to Vero beach for the day and it was a perfect day to really slow down and relax. Unfortunately, we relaxed too long and all got sunburnt.

Today we are going to just walk through MK and take in all the little things, no hurry, no rushing. Then we have Boma's tonight and movie on the beach.

Tomorrow is our last full day. I don't know what we will be doing yet? But we have LaNuba at 9 pm.

The crowds were nothing at all until Fri/Sat when the grad nites happened. There was a noticeable difference in crowds and age groups. When MK opened and had EMH Sunday nite the park was wall to wall people since it has been closed 2 nites for the grads. But Sunday it all went back to light crowds again and even with the crowds we are just happy to be here.

The weather in a word. HOT It has been 90 for the past 5 days. We spend a lot of time in the pool at beach club and are grateful for the cool water in the afternoons.

Finally completed an outfit for DGD for December trip.. for Chef Mickey's. Now let's just hope I get a reservation! And I see that the yellow fabric bled a little into the white when I hand washed it last night and I didn't notice it until after I dried it. Ugh, let's hope I can get the stain out, but if not I'm sure it will get stained anyway when she wears it. LOL!

I love this. I would love to CASE it, but I'm making my dd re-wear the outfit I made for Chef Mickey's last year. We didn't even get to go last year because I couldn't get reservations!

Here are the few things that I have made recently:

Tink dress with Easy Fit pants for my 2 year old niece (thanks for the tip and directions to add the elastic under the arm holes)

A Diego baseball outfit for my 3 1/2 year old nephew

A hawaiian shirt that I made for my husband to wear to the Jimmy Buffet concert last week. I used a Simplicity pattern and have to say that I was more then a little frustrated. There is no way I could have done this pattern without having first done CarlaC's bowling shirt.


A close up the applique. This was the first thing that I have done that was more complicated then a Minnie Head but it wasn't too bad (of course I could not have done it without HeatherSue's tutorial and all the great inspiration from this board)
Wow, those are all gorgeous.

Cute outfit and I love her face in this picture!
Thank you.

I made a couple of shirts for my neice (17) who leaves for her Make A Wish trip this Friday. They'll be arriving to Disney just as I am leaving.

I made Make A Wish shirts for her, her DB and DSis.

I had an extra shirt, so I made her favorite character, Stitch.

The little hands are DD hiding. :confused3 Thank you to those who pointed me in the right direction for finding the transfers. :goodvibes
These turned out great:cool1:

Well apparently there's a heat wave in Orlando--it was in the 90s today & HOT at Animal Kingdom. Here's a picture of us on our girls trip. I made me a shirt using Heather's Mickey swirl. I used a variegated black/white thread to kinda' give it a zebra look (at least that's what I was going for):
I love that you match your girls:hippie: I think the mickey swirl looks great.

Here are a few things I've made but haven't posted.
I made this dress for DGD4 to wear for her Easter program at preschool. When she was getting dressed that morning, she pulled on it so hard that she ripped the skirt from the bodice and didn't get to wear it. I repaired it and she loves it.

DGD4 had a Princess & the Frog birthday party. I made her a special outfit for her party. She didn't want to stop playing for me to take her picture.
The designs on her pants are HeatherSue's.

I didn't make this but I thought it turn out soooooooo cute that I wanted to show it.
DGD4 loves alligators so we had to show case her favorite character of the movie.
That looks like so much fun. Tiana is my favorite character!

Very cute. Glad she loves it.
Thank you:)

Hello everyone! My name is Rebecca, and I'm new to the DISBoards, but not new to WDW or loving all things Disney! I have 2 children, Brendan (12) and Ella (4), and though we are trying for another one, it's not looking good, lol. I'll be 39 in September and my husband Greg will be 48 in July and we are feeling like old farts who can't keep up with the ones we've got! :rotfl:

I have spent hours now pouring through this thread and I'm still not even a third of the way through! All your creativity and designs are fabulous and I love the sisterhood I can feel that you all have established here as well!

I am a great sewer in my mind. Which means, I can't sew a lick, but I long to be able to. I am very crafty, I love paint and paper projects, and can easily see how things are made, and I'm always looking at stuff and saying 'they want HOW much? Oh man if I only could sew.' For some reason, machine sewing is so intimidating to me. I can cut out basic pattern pieces and sew SIMPLE things by hand, but have a brand new (well, now it's 5 years old) Brother machine that has never been out of the box because I don't even know how to thread it. I made curtains for my son's room out of bedsheets that matched his comforter and I used iron-on tape, lol.

We are going to WDW in December 2010 and I have made a goal that I want to be able to sew some outfits for Ella to take on our trip. I don't really have or know anyone who can teach me one on one, and the local JoAnns seems only to be offering classes to people who already know how to work their machine or the Viking/Singer/Husquavarna classes where you have to buy the machine to take the class.

I did buy the Simplicity Simply the Best Sewing Book years back, but I don't think it was basic enough for me, lol.

Are there books/videos, etc that you all would recommend for a true novice like me? I can mend things and sew simple hems by hand and years back I used to do a bit of embroidery, but I just would LOVE to be able to make these stinkin' cute boutique kind of clothes, to be able to embellish jeans, etc. I think it truly is a psychological hurdle. My mom sewed through her fingernail bed when I was 4 or 5 years old, it wasn't really as bad as it sounds but I remember it was very bloody and I think that probably has something to do with why I'm so afraid of machine sewing.

Help :)
I'm terrified of sewing my finger. I figure it's bound to happen eventually. I've learned so much from everyone here. I can't wait to see what you make.

How fun!! We are going in Sept too. Sept. 16-20! We also have a reservation for Chef Mickey's. It's really fun to eat there and they have good food too!! Have fun!
Cool! Last year I had just started posting on here before our trip. I was too shy to ask if anyone was from disboards. We saw some kids in some really cute outfits, but I was afraid the mom would think I was crazy if I asked her if she posted here. We'll be at Chef Mickey's on the 13th so we will miss you, hopefully we will see you in a park!

Hey Guys!

Drive-by to say I got my new Ottobre today. There are some fabulous patterns in it. Even a cool pair of cargo shorts/pants for big & little boys.
I bought an Ottobre woman magazine a few months ago. I just took the pattern pieces out last night. I'm skeered. It looks overwhelming. I'm just gonna try to go slow and take one step at a time. I hope I can figure out which lines to copy for the pattern pieces.

I had to share our recent pictures :) I haven't uploaded my pictures yet but here are some from our photopass. I took the semi lazy route and got someone off etsy to make all our shirts and the girls BBB princess outfits. :) I even went much simpler on the skirts than I planned since I put it off for too long :lmao:.


I love all of the pictures. The outfits are great and get me really excited for our upcoming trip.
Here's my "Audrey Skirt" that I made for DGD4. I LOVE how it turned out. :lovestruc When I tried it on her to take pictures she posed herself? :lmao: It is a size 1/2 with a 9" length. It fit her perfect, she's so short, poor girl.



Gotta love those butt ruffles!!
Here's my "Audrey Skirt" that I made for DGD4. I LOVE how it turned out. :lovestruc When I tried it on her to take pictures she posed herself? :lmao: It is a size 1/2 with a 9" length. It fit her perfect, she's so short, poor girl.

That is really cute. Love the self posing, and the butt ruffles look so tiny and dainty.
Morning Friends,
We are having a wonderful time in Disney. All the parks have been done, all the fireworks have been seen. Yesterday we went to Vero beach for the day and it was a perfect day to really slow down and relax. Unfortunately, we relaxed too long and all got sunburnt.

Today we are going to just walk through MK and take in all the little things, no hurry, no rushing. Then we have Boma's tonight and movie on the beach.

Tomorrow is our last full day. I don't know what we will be doing yet? But we have LaNuba at 9 pm.

The crowds were nothing at all until Fri/Sat when the grad nites happened. There was a noticeable difference in crowds and age groups. When MK opened and had EMH Sunday nite the park was wall to wall people since it has been closed 2 nites for the grads. But Sunday it all went back to light crowds again and even with the crowds we are just happy to be here.

The weather in a word. HOT It has been 90 for the past 5 days. We spend a lot of time in the pool at beach club and are grateful for the cool water in the afternoons.


Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! Sorry you got sunburnt though! Enjoy your last days there! Good thing you've had the pool - I'm further south in Miami and I know it has been HOT! Can't wait to hear more about your trip and see pictures when you get back! Have a safe journey home!
Lisa- WHEN will the skirt pattern be on YCMT? I don't have a serger, and I think I need to invest in a rolled hem foot to get at least a similar affect rather than hemming all the ruffles. I cant wait- Megan is at the age where skirts would be great! Hurry please ;)

Can you tell me more info about a rolled hem foot? I don't have a serger either.
No.. each machine has an embroidery field. It will not embroider past that. You could probably get a mega hoop which is a split hoop. It would embroider the top half then you'd have to move the hoop so it could embroider the bottom half. You have to split the designs before you put them on the machine and it can be difficult... it won't work for applique designs, but would work great for filled designs or if you are wanting to do lettering that big it would be pretty easy to split the letters. YOu'd pretty much NEED embroidery software to do this.
I guess I will be sticking with what I have! Thanks for the info though.:)

The settings on my camera were a little screwy for some of these.


Love it! Cute! I can't wait to get my hands on this pattern but I sure wish I had a serger.

This is so cute! I love the black and white top underneath.
Well - Girls are in bed - they still don't know about the trip tomorrow - I am getting ready to finish packing. still have a few things sewing wise to finish also. Just wanted to wish everyone a good week where ever you are...for those that are going - I'll see you in Disney in about 16 hrs!!!!!!!

Have fun! I can't wait to hear what their reaction is! We surprised my DD's last year and it was a blast. It took awhile for it to sink in though. They got more and more excited as the morning progressed when they realized that they really were going to Disney that same day!

These are all very cute. The pirate minnie shirts are great! But I really like the photos of all your kids loving their stuffed animals! Precious!

Anyone getting anything fun for mother's day?:confused3
Her version of what happened was she was holding the pin in her mouth as they were pining a pattern together. Doctor said it as a good thing she swallowed a pin the the balled end as that was the part being lead through frist.
:scared1: How scary!!!

I like the "Believe" logo from the whale show. For fun, we LOVE the shamu punch-buggies (VW beetles) that are outside the entrance.

Now, a few words from a huge fan - Our favorite place to eat is Shipwreck Rapids. (Also the only place I know of where the strawberries come in Shamu bowls that are great souveniers.) Our LEAST fave is Mango Joe's. The pizza place is s-l-o-w. We NEVER MISS Wild Arctic (love those belugas!)(there are viewing areas both above and below the waterline) or Forbidden Reef (where one of the rays has been known to do a Shamu impersonation). Tell your kids to meet you at the bottom of the slide in the Bay of Play and let them go (SW keeps employees up in the structure directing traffic and behaviour). Churros are yummy. They cheat on Shipwreck Rapids - you will get wet, you may get soaked. (I no longer have any pride and we are poncho people on it and Atlantis; I've driven home soaked to the skin before.) In one of the aquariums you can see sharks swimming in their eggs - way cool! It looks like you'll miss Cirque de la Mer - I love that show!

I am making myself a shirt that says "Believe" with some redwork embroidery on it. That's the plan anyway! It would be cute to put that on the kid's outfits, too.

Thank you for the tips on Sea World! If you have any more, I'd love to hear them! You can PM them to me, if you'd like! It's hard to find any helpful info on Sea World San Diego!

That's cute. Isn't Disney having a movie come out? Oceans I think. You could try to tie the 2 together.
I'll have to look that up! Maybe they have some sort of catch phrase that would work.

Heather - what about the new campaign on the Disney Channel with Demi and the Jonas brother - is it Make A Wave? I also really like Believe from the Shamu show....
I'll look that up! I haven't seen the Make a Wave campaign!

Its been awhile since i have sewn anything. Since the Taylor Swift outfit, I don't recall posting it here or not. hmm I know I did on facebook, anyway let me know if I didn't I will get some of my thrift store upcycle creation for Peach's dress like a famous person day at school.

Im still not feeling totally back to normal, can't breathe well and still coughing, but well enough to stay down stairs instead of being up in bed all day. Hoooray! Three weeks and counting. Another dr. appt tomorrow.

I went to the thrift store today to find something to reconstruct for Peach to wear, and found two great pieces. One is a tank top, and I am going to turn it into a skirt the other is a shirt, I will turn into a matching tank top for the skirt. It even has lace trim on the bottom of the shirt. Love when that happens, they match and already have all the trimming on it. haha

Love seeing everyones newest creations, makes me want to get back into my sewing groove! Peach is excited for that too.
I'm not sure if you posted it here or just on facebook. Go ahead and post it, no one will mind a repeat! I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. :hug:

Well - Girls are in bed - they still don't know about the trip tomorrow - I am getting ready to finish packing. still have a few things sewing wise to finish also. Just wanted to wish everyone a good week where ever you are...for those that are going - I'll see you in Disney in about 16 hrs!!!!!!!
HOW EXCITING!!!!!!! Have a great time!! Keep your eye out for my sister! She leaves on Friday, but I think she's only doing 1 park day.

I had to share our recent pictures. I haven't uploaded my pictures yet but here are some from our photopass. I took the semi lazy route and got someone off etsy to make all our shirts and the girls BBB princess outfits. I even went much simpler on the skirts than I planned since I put it off for too long .

You have such a beautiful family! You're all so cute! I love the outfits! Everything looks great!! Did you have a good time?

Wow you gals are busy ! Went to my Uncle's funeral , then found out that my friend has lung cancer . Sewing is bringing me peace !
I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle and your friend. :hug:

Morning Friends,
We are having a wonderful time in Disney. All the parks have been done, all the fireworks have been seen. Yesterday we went to Vero beach for the day and it was a perfect day to really slow down and relax. Unfortunately, we relaxed too long and all got sunburnt.

Today we are going to just walk through MK and take in all the little things, no hurry, no rushing. Then we have Boma's tonight and movie on the beach.

Tomorrow is our last full day. I don't know what we will be doing yet? But we have LaNuba at 9 pm.

The crowds were nothing at all until Fri/Sat when the grad nites happened. There was a noticeable difference in crowds and age groups. When MK opened and had EMH Sunday nite the park was wall to wall people since it has been closed 2 nites for the grads. But Sunday it all went back to light crowds again and even with the crowds we are just happy to be here.

The weather in a word. HOT It has been 90 for the past 5 days. We spend a lot of time in the pool at beach club and are grateful for the cool water in the afternoons.

I love live updates from the World!!! I'm glad you're having a nice time!!

Cool! Last year I had just started posting on here before our trip. I was too shy to ask if anyone was from disboards. We saw some kids in some really cute outfits, but I was afraid the mom would think I was crazy if I asked her if she posted here. We'll be at Chef Mickey's on the 13th so we will miss you, hopefully we will see you in a park!
You should ask next time! I've met a couple of Disboutiquers just by going up and asking! Teresa is totally fearless about it, but I can be a little more shy to approach people. I like to ask "Where did you get that cute outfit?" If they say they made it, then I'll ask if they're on the Disboards.

Here's my "Audrey Skirt" that I made for DGD4. I LOVE how it turned out. When I tried it on her to take pictures she posed herself? It is a size 1/2 with a 9" length. It fit her perfect, she's so short, poor girl.
Gotta love those butt ruffles!!

Oh my gosh, how cute is she!! I just love that butt ruffle pose! :rotfl: The skirt is adorable!!
Got a couple of things to share today.

I made a Vida for my little cousin. She wanted a dress with Minnie on the front and Mickey on the back.



Also, as part of my sewing for cleaning trades I have going on with my cleaning lady, :thumbsup2 I am making her matching table runners for her dining room and open concept living room.

Here are the first:

After I took this pic, I added little dangly things at the ends, as this is to fit on a small 15" table with the dark triangles hanging over the edges.

And the second:

One more to go (the big one, for her dining room table)
Thank you so much everyone (Adi, too, somehow I lost your qoute). It is so wonderful to have it set. I set up a dove release for the service and I got MH balloons. I think we are almost ready.
Alicia, I know I have told you this many times before, but I simply adore this picture of Levi. He looks so beautiful and happy!! I believe Levi is watching over all of you with that same great big smile of his!!! Alicia, I wish I could be there on May 11th with you. Your my best friend and I love ya to pieces!!!!

I need some ideas. I'm making my kids some outfits for when we go to Sea World (in San Diego). I have a bunch of sea life appliques I want to put on them, but I wanted to put some sort of wording on the top, too. Does anyone have any ideas for what I should put on them?
How about,"This isn't Disney"??? LOL....JUST KIDDING!!

I have a 14yr old who swallowed a pin in Foods & Fashions class about a month ago..... 4hours in emerg to be sent to the childrens hospital so the specalist can remove it from her wind pipe.... Waiting for them to get her admitted to a bed she gagged it up and reswallowed it then they did xrays every 4 hours to watch it move through her insides....

All is good now :) kids are so much work :love:
OH my GOODNESS, this would have freaked me out. Thank God your baby (their always our babies, right) is okay!!! How scary!!:scared1:

Will absolutely try to do this for Levi!:dumbo:

I do love Dumbo.:laughing:
Awww how sweet!!!

Hey Guys!

Drive-by to say I got my new Ottobre today. There are some fabulous patterns in it. Even a cool pair of cargo shorts/pants for big & little boys.
I wanna see, I wanna see...LOL!!

I had to share our recent pictures :) I haven't uploaded my pictures yet but here are some from our photopass. I took the semi lazy route and got someone off etsy to make all our shirts and the girls BBB princess outfits. :) I even went much simpler on the skirts than I planned since I put it off for too long :lmao:.





WOW....your little ones looked adorable!! I love all their outfits. So cute!!

Here's my "Audrey Skirt" that I made for DGD4. I LOVE how it turned out. :lovestruc When I tried it on her to take pictures she posed herself? :lmao: It is a size 1/2 with a 9" length. It fit her perfect, she's so short, poor girl.



Gotta love those butt ruffles!!

Aww, she is such a little cutie too. Love the skirt with all those cute ruffles!!!!
I had to share our recent pictures :) I haven't uploaded my pictures yet but here are some from our photopass. I took the semi lazy route and got someone off etsy to make all our shirts and the girls BBB princess outfits. :) I even went much simpler on the skirts than I planned since I put it off for too long :lmao:.




Wow....what cute little girls! Your whole family looks great and I love all of the customs.

Here's my "Audrey Skirt" that I made for DGD4. I LOVE how it turned out. :lovestruc When I tried it on her to take pictures she posed herself? :lmao: It is a size 1/2 with a 9" length. It fit her perfect, she's so short, poor girl.


OMG...how cute is she!? I love the "posed" picture.

Got a couple of things to share today.

I made a Vida for my little cousin. She wanted a dress with Minnie on the front and Mickey on the back.


Also, as part of my sewing for cleaning trades I have going on with my cleaning lady, :thumbsup2 I am making her matching table runners for her dining room and open concept living room.

Here are the first:

After I took this pic, I added little dangly things at the ends, as this is to fit on a small 15" table with the dark triangles hanging over the edges.
And the second:

One more to go (the big one, for her dining room table)

I love the Mickey/Minnie vida. I bet she loves it. The table linens are really pretty. Did you have a pattern for the bigger one? I would love to do that.
Can you tell me more info about a rolled hem foot? I don't have a serger either.
Yes, I sure can, I just went a purchased a few of them.
There are different sizes available and it might not be called a rolled hem.

For example you may see 2mm,3,, or 5mm
There is one available for different fabrics, or based on how large of a hem you want.
here is a photo of a shell rolled hem foot- for sheer fabrics

and here is a 2mm Narrow Hem Foot- for cottons, etc

You will start by pressing about 1/2 to 1" of your hem, you may wish to tack it down just a little, then start your foot on the pressed part, then allow the fabric to feed in and the foot with turn it and stitch in one step.

visit your machine's manufacture's site to see what feet are available or visit your dealer for a demo (I know Janome has them because I have used them on my Kenmore) and I would think all brands would have a least 1 foot available.

Hannah had her Birth to Three evaluation this morning, she qualified for the program. Now, if only insurance would pay for it.
I don't have a serger, and I think I need to invest in a rolled hem foot to get at least a similar affect rather than hemming all the ruffles. I cant wait- Megan is at the age where skirts would be great! Hurry please ;)

Can you tell me more info about a rolled hem foot? I don't have a serger either.

Yes, I sure can, I just went a purchased a few of them.
There are different sizes available and it might not be called a rolled hem.

For example you may see 2mm,3,, or 5mm
There is one available for different fabrics, or based on how large of a hem you want.
here is a photo of a shell rolled hem foot- for sheer fabrics

and here is a 2mm Narrow Hem Foot- for cottons, etc

You will start by pressing about 1/2 to 1" of your hem, you may wish to tack it down just a little, then start your foot on the pressed part, then allow the fabric to feed in and the foot with turn it and stitch in one step.

visit your machine's manufacture's site to see what feet are available or visit your dealer for a demo (I know Janome has them because I have used them on my Kenmore) and I would think all brands would have a least 1 foot available.

Oh, I really need to check into some different feet for my machine. I especially want to get the narrow hem foot. I did do one Audrey skirt with a traditional hem and think it came out really cute. Here's a close-up of the ruffles.


I have a couple testers to hear from but I have the instructions just about ready otherwise.
I love the Mickey/Minnie vida. I bet she loves it. The table linens are really pretty. Did you have a pattern for the bigger one? I would love to do that.

No pattern, but you quilt, don't you?

What I did was cut some WOF strips, sewed them together and then cut 60 degree triangles.

The design took a bit of planning and you have to work from the middle out if you want the right side up and upside down triangles to be the same.

So mine went

Dark 3.5"
Small Flowere 1.5"
Beige 2.5"
large flower 1.5"
Dark 1.5" This is the middle, must be the same above and below.
large Flower 1.5"
Beige 2.5"
Small Flower 1.5"
Dark 3.5"

............ /\................/\ .............../\
------/ ----- \ ---- / ---- \ ---- / ---- \----Middle line
....... /..........\....../..........\....../..........\

OK, not exactly 60 degree cuts, but at least maybe you can see what I mean, this way there is little waste, as you can use all of the triangles.

Oh, and WOF only gave me 4 triangles cause they are so big. the finished product is about 29.5" tip to tip, and 25" across from flat to flat.

Clear as mud I am sure. You can PM me if you need more help.
Hannah had her Birth to Three evaluation this morning, she qualified for the program. Now, if only insurance would pay for it.

Doesn't your early intervention program go through the county/state? Gianna had EI services from 15mos to age 3 then received services from the school district from 3-5yrs. She received speech, OT and PT services multiple times per week and it was all paid for through the county's early intervention program, not our private insurance. We didn't even have to give them our insurance information!

I'm glad that Hannah will be getting the services she needs, you will be amazed at the progress she will make. Gianna loved her therapy sessions, lots of playtime and attention. People now can't even believe that she is the same child!


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