Changing Dynamic of the Show

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I really don't even know how to respond to this thread. It just makes me feel very sad and close to tears. I'm hoping nonsense like this doesn't ruin the DIS for the rest of us. I don't know where I'd be without you guys.
Don, as you and I both know as Techie Toy nuts, How else is Pete going to get new Toys to impress us? I am waiting for him to have the first commercially available transporter (Star Trek) so that he can cut his travel costs down. No more "Red Eye" flights for Walter!:rotfl::rotfl:

We are now

Ohhh....I'd sign up for a test run ;)

Also, this reminds me of when people complained about how they were giving away the last podcast cruise. Those people ruined it for everyone else.
Ohhh....I'd sign up for a test run ;)

Also, this reminds me of when people complained about how they were giving away the last podcast cruise. Those people ruined it for everyone else.

That's true! Why can't people be happy for other people!

Let's all get along...
I really don't even know how to respond to this thread. It just makes me feel very sad and close to tears. I'm hoping nonsense like this doesn't ruin the DIS for the rest of us. I don't know where I'd be without you guys.

Eh, don't take it so personally. It's just people sharing opinions
It never ceases to amaze me what the onset of a full moon will bring out of people. Sad.

Chin up Pete and crew! :grouphug:
it's funny how Pete himself says that he loves Disney but he will be the first to point out when he doesn't like something or doesn't agree. When Oscar (who i'm sure loves disney and is obviously a fan of the podcast) posts something he's noticed about the podcast, he gets attacked. it seems like most people on here are like the disney fans pete makes fun of - Disney can do no wrong.
i love the podcast. i listen every week. i don't think Oscar worded his opinion in the nicest way, but i do agree that there is more mention of Dreams Unlimited, etc now than for example last year. it all began with the Mousefest Meet. you can see for yourself if you listen to the podcast where Pete says, "I don't usually do this, but since the sponsors really stepped up with paying for the meet, i'm going to plug them more." i'm not saying it's good or bad. i'm just saying that it happens. that's all. i don't need anyone to write and say that i'm a bad person for noticing this.

A point well made.

However, I think we hit on the underlying issue Rex is having with the DIS and the podcast lately. It is my opinion that he feels like he should be on the show and have a job with the DIS/podcast and this is what's leading to his negative comments.

Rex, back when you said we 'jumped the shark' a while ago, that was the week we announced Teresa was joining the show. This week we announce that Leah is our newest team member and you have another negative/snarky comment about the direction of the show.

As a matter of fact I recall our first meeting at Bob's memorial service at the Gaylord Palms where you told Kevin and I that you were disappointed that Pete wasn't there. I thought it was because you really wanted to meet him but you went on to say you thought for sure Pete would hire you on the spot to replace Bob.

I think the 'slippery slope' here is when hidden agendas are used to conceal true intentions.

I am proud that the podcast has always been an open and honest discussion about everything in our lives. From personal opinions on Disney, to our personal lives, to our business relationships - we've always shared everything with our listeners.

You are taking a third hand comment not only out of context but changing the meaning to serve your purpose. Yeah there was interest, it was an idea planted by others and the topic would have made for good discussion. There were some that PMed me, and emailed you on that topic. I recall Kevin bringing up that some fans had brought up my contribution. I recall being invited to do a review with you and Kevin not long after Bob's wake. Did the topic of my "replacing" Bob ever come up? That was an hour+ meal, with conversation spanning many topics... But my joining the show or Dreams, etc. was never one of them. After getting a peek under the Kimono, I had no interest.

Yeah, after everything with that night of looking for Pete... it would have been nice to meet and chat. But Pete wasn't there, indeed John... wasn't Pete having a "reaction to some medication?"

There were a couple shows that came out in that time period that were extended interviews that were promoting one product. Regardless of not having any financial interest in the products being promoted... I spoke up to say, is this a good direction? Is this what people wanna hear? The show returned to the previous format.

I didn't even bring this topic up, the OP isn't a regular on the boards but a listener to the show that wanted to express concern. I agree with their points that "content" has moved a lot further into the show. I agree with comments on other parts of the disboards that some of the new policies are a double standard. Heck I made a joke that to get me to ride the doubleshot would take a very large donation to my foundation. Does anyone think I have a foundation? Pete took it as a personal attack that I was soliciting for donations. While GKTW is a great cause, I couldn't make a joke about donations to a foundation... there were several weeks where a large amount of time was dedicated to "soliciting donations". To paraphrase, "Common people, give more, shut me up".

I put myself out there, It cost a couple bucks to make the drive to win that cruise. Gas, Hotel, Park Admission. It was a fun adventure. I was lucky that I got to have some fun. While most of us work tedious jobs till we die, I got to be a part of something big and enjoy a moment in the spotlight. I can take the personal attacks, even if personal attacks are against the rules of the disboards. To reiterate my point... much like Disney, the Disboards, Dreams Unlimited and the Podcast are a for profit business. Giving stuff away is good publicity, excellent marketing. Taking the show on the tours and organized trips is selling tours at a time when travel is slow. It is good business.

Advertising and marketing are cost centers. Giving away product to promote is part of business. While they have incurred costs for these promotions, do you really think they are giving it all away with no expectation that it will attract more customers?

I re-read my post... change the object of criticism from the show to Disney and you have a "Pete Rant". In fact, let's try it...

It would seem that Disney has slipped into the form of a long commercial. Times being what they are, having a ready made audience that is easily marketed to with events related to Disney is an opportunity that is difficult to pass up.

You can be proud of the podcast; There is still content.
much like Disney, the Disboards, Dreams Unlimited and the Podcast are a for profit business. Giving stuff away is good publicity, excellent marketing. Taking the show on the tours and organized trips is selling tours at a time when travel is slow. It is good business.

Advertising and marketing are cost centers. Giving away product to promote is part of business. While they have incurred costs for these promotions, do you really think they are giving it all away with no expectation that it will attract more customers?

Very true. Doesn't make it "right", doesn't make it "wrong". It just is what it is.
This reminds me of the time my wife and I went to see Celtic Women perform. The lead singer had a cold and was lip syncing the second half of the show. When I commented on their forum about this, I got 300 posts telling me I was crazy, and the "Our Girls" would never do something like that, etc.

Concerning this thread, objectivity has been thrown out the door. Doctorhead is the only voice of reason in this thread. If someone can't make a comment about what they feel would improve the show (whether I agree with it or not), then the show will never improve. It's called FEEDBACK - something I think the podcast crew would WELCOME.

So everyone please disarm by putting down your pom poms.

I'm stepping off my soapbox now. I feel better! :love:
im with you, i was VERY jealous i could not go on the last cruise, but hearing about it on here and on the podcast made me SO excited, me and my girlfriend cant wait to sign up for the next one. Its SO far away, but that gives us extra time to save ! i cant wait to meet everyone !

I am in the same boat! no pun intended! I hope I get to go on the next cruise. and love hearing how much fun people had I would never wanna make someone else feel bad because they have money to do these things and I don't!! I Love you guys, the podcast and this forum thats why I'm here to share my love of disney, cake, and chocolate in any form it happens to come up!!:goodvibes
What I have to say is pretty simple. The DIS in all of it's many forms, has and continues to save me money and keep me entertained on a regular basis. If Dreams, Dis Unplugged, Pete and John, etc make a little money because they offer me a better deal than everyone else, and make me feel like a part of a like-minded community, then good for them! No doubt, they have a piece of the market that they present, sell, talk about, whatever you want to call it, better than anyone else. It's no different than a McDonalds Cheeseburger. I chose to drive up the street a little further, than go to somewhere closer, because I like the product more. Well it is a little different, in the case of the Dis, the guy at the window isn't a complete idiot. I actually enjoy talking to him, consider him a friend, and every once in a while, he gives me some extra french fries!!

Ok, rant-mode off for me now.
Ok...this is begging for me to reply.
Nicely said John.

Now I am honestly am boiling...:mad:

I am all for and understanding that Dreams plugs themselves at any time they can get. (Everything needs sponsors and they are not easy to get). JMO - Personally, I think they should plug more It is not that bad, it's not like commercials, not like they slip it in subliminal messages, it is open and upfront, Pete almost didn't go to Australia, his dream, because he believes in his morals.

John, Pete (and the whole team) go above and beyond their obligation to anyone and do it out of the generosity of their hearts. They don't receive a paycheck to do the show.

As one who enjoyed the TSM it was a top all the way, one of the best nights of my life and they did not need to do any of that. Why, they did it because they are nice guys. I would of paid to go, I didn't feel that they should shell out all that money for us.

Last time I looked when you are a fan of something you shell out HUGE dollars to go to an event like TSM.

I happily and proudly send anyone who asks me for Disney advise to Dreams Unlimited and am proud to do so!

To sum it up...I have seen under the kimono and all I saw was big hearts, generosity and kindness! It is a business and you have to make money to live...they don't have to give things away. The prizematron could be t-shirts only or $5 gift cards...

Thank you for all you do!
Just to add my two cents here, for whatever it's worth ...

I thoroughly enjoy the podcast even though some times it sounds like a commercial. I don't see anything wrong with that is being done with the podcast and I a sure it will be different a year from now as things always change.

Whether you play the "advertising" in the beginning of the show or at the end, I will still listen to every moment.

And let's admit it, everyone ... we've all watched those informercials and secretly enjoy them sometimes. I know you all have sham-wows in your closets!!! :rotfl2:
We are all just jealous of Pete's Australian trip. :thumbsup2

Seriously, I subscribe to about a dozen podcasts and even my NPR ones are full of plugs, etc. It is the nature of the business.

I've been surprised many times by the objectivity of the podcast crew. It's a refreshing difference than any other podcast out there.

That's why I listen. :goodvibes
To sum it up...I have seen under the kimono and all I saw was big hearts, generosity and kindness! It is a business and you have to make money to live...they don't have to give things away. The prizematron could be t-shirts only or $5 gift cards...

Thank you for all you do!

Okay, I'm jealous. Everyone has seen up their kimonos, and I haven't. Life is not fair sometimes.
Okay, I'm jealous. Everyone has seen up their kimonos, and I haven't. Life is not fair sometimes.

ok, I NEVER miss a show but I'm totally not getting the kimono reference :confused3 ... do pete, walter, john, and kevin lounge around in kimonos at home? I'm getting a great mental image of this right now... I wish I knew how to photoshop their faces on this picture:

As a long time lurker / listener, i must say it seems someone every few weeks MUST try and get Pete Riled up. The poor guy does a freaking OUTSTANDING job but someone ALWAYS has to come up with some post busting his b*&^$ to try and get a reaction out of him or other podcast crew. I hope somehow he doesn't even see this thread so it doesn't cause him anymore unneeded stress. I cant imagine trying to monitor these boards, keep a website top notch, run a LARGE travel business and plan all sorts of great trips for us. He has a pretty full plate, im sure he doesnt need this extra stress. Oh well, sometimes ya just cant win in this life... a..........little something on the.......a.........end of your nose......yea... right there.
ok, I NEVER miss a show but I'm totally not getting the kimono reference :confused3 ... do pete, walter, john, and kevin lounge around in kimonos at home? I'm getting a great mental image of this right now... I wish I knew how to photoshop their faces on this picture:


You didn't miss anything. Rex said above he's seen up the kimono and it's not all that. Kim replied and said it was.
I think the OP was intended as constructive criticsm. Now it is off track with agendas being suggested. I have no problem with the Dreams Unlimited being mentioned but admit I am envious of those who go. Luckily I come here and live vvicariously some times.

That said are parts of the new dynamics I love. I like Kathy's imput and enjoy following up with her blogs. I really enjoy get when Kathy and Theresa went to the Universal Burger King. It was like two long time friends. I hope they pair up more because this is how I envision my next trip with my best friend who hasn't been to Disney in 30 years. I think many enjoyed the adventures of Corey, Will and Walter in a similar fashion.
I like the addition of John and Kevin dining with listener families.
I am anticipating a cool future with Corey and Julie taking Ferris. These are all dynamics that keep me listening weekly and all of them post Bob.
I agree with the OP in that recently the housekeeping segments have become LONG... but I can see why Pete and crew need to so that in order to put on the extravagant, generous events that they do. I just fast forward through housekeeping now- works for me!

Actually, if you want to talk commercial, I seem to remember from some very early podcasts that Bob would do segments on rates at off-site hotels which were much more commercial than what we hear now.

Either way, it's fine by me!
I can take the personal attacks, even if personal attacks are against the rules of the disboards.
i dont have a dog in this fight, but, he is right about that. might be time to untether this thread from the lifeboat and let it drift quietly into the night.
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